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  • 美国小学英语教材3:第76课 玩具谷的幸运男孩(4) To pass the time away, Franz helped his grandfather part of the day and then whittled just for fun. 为了打发这段时间,弗朗茨一天中会抽出部分时间给祖父帮忙,其它的时间便会削木头玩。 How The Gift Brought Luck To
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第77课 玩具谷的幸运男孩(5) The little boy was so busy that he did not have time to be lonesome, 他非常忙,他没有时间感到孤独, and he quite forgot how sad he had been because he could not go to the city. 他已经彻底忘记了自己因为无法进城而无比悲
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第78课 玩具谷的幸运男孩(6) For a minute Franz was not sure that he wanted to sell his animals. 一时间弗朗茨也不确定自己想不想卖掉他所刻的动物了。 He had worked very hard making them, and he loved every one. 毕竟这些动物是他花了好多功夫雕刻
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第79课 神奇的园丁(1) The Wonderful Gardener 神奇的园丁 Sometimes the things that people really do are far more interesting than the magic things told about in fairy stories. 有时候人们真正做的事情要比童话故事更有趣。 Find out what the man in thi
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第80课 神奇的园丁(2) The boy was not happy until someone told him that the flower was not hurt, and that the little bird would die if it could not get food from flowers. 直到有人告诉他花朵没有受伤,而小鸟如果不从花朵中找吃的就会饿死,他才高
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第81课 假日(1) The Holiday 假日 Do you know that some people are very busy while the rest of us are asleep? 你知道有些人在我们休息的时候还在忙碌吗? As you read this story, think of what would happen if everyone took a holiday at the same time
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第82课 假日(2) It was time for the bread to go into the oven. 该把面包放到烤箱里了。 There it would bake in the fire that burned so early in the morning. 烤箱里的火一大早就会把面包烤出来。 Three! struck the clock in the town hall. 三点钟
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第83课 假日(3) Six! struck the clock in the town hall. 六点钟,市政大厅的钟声响起。 Jack's mother came downstairs and raised the shades to let in the morning light. 杰克的妈妈走下楼拉开窗帘,好让清晨的阳光照进来。 Then she put
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第84课 假日(4) Good-morning, Tom. You are out early. 早上好,汤姆,你出来得可真早。 And here are all the things I needthe butter, and the sugar, and the fruit, and the eggs! 我要的东西都来了:黄油、糖、水果和鸡蛋。 Now I shall be
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第85课 送奶工人 The Milkman 送奶工人 Early in the morning, when the dawn is on the roofs. 清晨时分,当晨曦到达屋顶时。 You hear his wheels come rolling, you hear his horse's hoofs; 你会听到轰轰的车轮声,你会听到马蹄声; You hear
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第86课 情人节贺卡之旅(1) The Valentine's Journey 情人节贺卡之旅 Did you ever send a valentine to someone? 你送过情人节贺卡吗? As you read about the valentine in this story, find out all the places it went on its journey. 当你读到这则故事里的情人节
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第87课 情人节贺卡之旅(2) Now of course the mail box couldn't move from its corner. 当然邮箱自己不能从它所在的角落移动。 I have to stay right where I am, it thought. 我还要待在原地,它想。 But I'll tell the postman about the valentine when he come
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第88课 情人节贺卡之旅(3) Oh me, oh my, what shall I do? thought the valentine. 哦,天哪,我该怎么办?情人节贺卡想。 I may never get to the little girl at all, or if I do get to her, it may be way past Valentine's Day. 或许我根本就到不了小姑娘的手
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第89课 情人节贺卡之旅(4) Then he placed the letters in a machine that marked on them the date and the name of the city in which they were. 接着工作人员把信放在一个机器里,机器在它们上面印上了日期和它们所在的城市。 The machine also made so
  • 美国小学英语教材3:第90课 情人节贺卡之旅(5) When the mailman reached a post-box by the side of a country road, a little girl was playing in the yard. 邮递员来到乡村路边的一个邮箱,一个小姑娘正在院子里玩耍。 Did you bring my letter? she asked eagerly, as she came run