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 《每日说英文》由留美老师Regina担任主持人!Regina在台湾出生,长大。在14岁独自留学美国。其后8年都在美丽的波斯顿,就读于纽曼中学Newman High School和东北大学Northeastern University。快来听听Regiina老师是如何说英文的!

  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1235期:为什么不再热衷申办奥运会 But recent games are rife with overspending, waste, and controversy. 但最近的赛事不但超支、浪费,又充满了争议。 学习重点: 1.rife 充满;充斥 rife (adj.) 充满;充斥 2.overspend 超支,花钱过多 overspend (v.) 超
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1236期:目标性的广告 Targeted advertising uses sophisticated methods to let marketers drill down to specific audiences. 目标性的广告利用复杂的探勘法让营销商能够对特定客层进行深度研究。 学习重点: 1.target (广告、批评或产品)以
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1237期:新鲜的蔬菜 And if you work in the time it takes to ship, label, and get placed in the store, many of your cherished veggies are already on their way out when you buy them. 如果你再去加计它花费在运送、贴标签、一直到店里上架的时间,那么
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1238期:木星的卫星 Europa's neighbor, Ganymede, is also believed to have an ocean hidden under its thick icy shell. 天文学家们还认定,在欧罗巴卫星旁的盖尼米德卫星,深厚的冰层下,也藏着一片汪洋。 学习重点: 1.solar system 太阳
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1239期:狗狗的驯养 This idea also mimics the behavior of dogs since they were domesticated. 这个概念也和狗自被驯养后的行为举止互相对应。 学习重点: 1.mimic (为逗乐而) 模仿;学的样子 mimic (v.)(为逗乐而) 模仿;学的样子 2.
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1240期:鬼压床的感觉 The experience can be terrifying, and it often coincides with sleep hallucinations, where reports of an evil presence are common. 这种经验很恐怖,而且通常还同时会伴随着睡眠中的幻觉一起发生,就会让人容易有被鬼压床
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1241期:电影的产生 We have to go all the way back to the beginning because the creation of this cornerstone of modern entertainment was basically an accident. 我们必须从头开始讲起,因为这项现代娱乐的基础其实是无意间诞生的产物。 学习重
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1243期:买时髦的包包 You're looking to buy a fancy new purse or belt. So you go to a luxury store, walk in and this happens. 你正想买个时髦的新包包或腰带。于是你走进一间名品店,结果发生了这样的情况。 学习重点: 1.fancy 昂贵的;
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1244期:法国超市里的奶酪 And I was going to make a joke about how they have an entire aisle of cheese in the grocery store, but I realised back home we have an entire aisle for candy and ice cream. 我本来想取笑超市里有一整排商品都是奶酪,但我后来想到,
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1245期:流媒体播放器 As more and more streaming players get into the game, the question becomes, how much we're willing to stretch our wallets and attention spans to include new services. 随着越来越多的流媒体播放器加入战局,现在的问题变成,我们会
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1246期:中乐透头奖 With the largest lottery jackpots being in the hundreds of millions or even over a billion dollars, there's no doubt that winning would change your life. 乐透头奖高达好几亿、有时候还甚至超过十亿元,所以如果你中了乐透的话
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1247期:喝下的酒 With food inside of you, the booze will drip into your liver, digestive system, and kidneys, rather than hit them like a tidal wave. 肚子里有食物挡着,你所喝下的酒就会是慢慢地流进你的肝脏、消化系统和肾脏;而不会像
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1248期:直面死亡 Dr. Steven Taylor says that when we face death directly and accept it for what it is, we can surpass anxieties and live our lives to the fullest. Steven Taylor博士说,当我们直接面对死亡并接受它时,我们就可以战胜焦虑、活得
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1249期:性格并非一开始就注定 At the end of the day, it's important to remember that your personality and your destiny in life is not predetermined at birth! 在一天结束的时候,重要的是要记住你的个性和你的命运不是与生俱来的。 学习重点: 1.pers
  • 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1250期:吃尸体的虫子 Over 500 species of these grisly undertakers live worldwide, devouring dead flesh until nothing but bone remains. 全球各地这种可怕的食肉甲虫有超过五百种以上,它们会把尸体吃到只剩白骨。 吃尸体的虫子 学习重点: