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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>每日一句口语>


  • 每日一句口语 451 今天的每日一句是: When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is duty, life is slavery . (Maxim Gorky) 工作是一种乐趣时,生活是一种享受!工作是一种义务时,生活则是一种苦役。 Notes: 1.pleasure n.愉快
  • 每日一句口语 452 今天的每日一句是: For the innocent, the past may hold a reward. But for the treacherous, its only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve 对于无辜的人,过去承载着美好的记忆。 但对于那些背信弃
  • 每日一句口语 453 今天的每日一句是: Whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize, and then we need to move on. 只要犯了错,就应该道歉,然后释怀,继续生活。 绝望的主妇 Notes: 1. mistake n.错误,过失,误解;差错,口误,
  • 每日一句口语 454 今天的每日一句是: Tough times are like physical exercise. You may not like it while you are doing it, but tomorrow you'll be stronger because of it. 艰难的日子就如同体育运动。 你或许并不喜欢经受这样艰苦的磨练,
  • 每日一句口语 455 今天的每日一句是: The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.--Saint Augustine 世界是一本书,而那些不旅行的人只读了其中一页。--圣-奥古斯丁(古罗马基督教思想家) Notes: 1.travel n.旅行
  • 每日一句口语 456 今天的每日一句是: Nothing is so much fun as business. I do not expect to do anything but work as long as I can stand up. 没有任何事比经营企业还有趣。只要我能撑下去,除了工作,我不想做其他的事。(小威廉来
  • 每日一句口语 457 今天的每日一句是: Life is like a piano:white keys are happy moments and black keys are sad moments. But remember both keys are played together to give sweet music. 生活就像一架钢琴:白键是快乐,黑键是悲伤。 但是,要
  • 每日一句口语 458 今天的每日一句是: If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That's how dreams are achieved. 如果你想要什么,那就勇敢地去追求, 不要管别人是怎么想的,因为这就是实现梦
  • 每日一句口语 459 今天的每日一句是: Sometimes life tires us out; not because it is so harsh, but rather because we let ourselves be too influenced by our surroundings as well as the emotions of others. 有时候,我们活得很累,并非生活过于刻薄,
  • 每日一句口语 460 今天的每日一句是: Life is a roller coaster. You can scream every time you hit a bump, or you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride 生活就像过山车。你可以在每次颠簸的时候尖叫,你也可以高举双手享受整个过程
  • 每日一句口语 461 今天的每日一句是: There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved. It is God's finger on man's shoulder.--Charles Morgan 没有什么惊喜比被爱的惊喜更让人着迷。那种感觉恍若上帝的指尖轻抚人们的
  • 每日一句口语 462 今天的每日一句是: Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, thats creativity.--Charles Mingus 化简为繁是平庸,化繁为最简才是创意。--查尔斯-明格斯(美国作曲家)
  • 每日一句口语 463 今天的每日一句是: The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so youd better try to make yourself as interesting as possible. 一生中大部分时间你都是在和自己打交道,所以你要尽量让自己
  • 每日一句口语 464 今天的每日一句是: The secret of success is having the courage to begin in the first place. 成功的秘诀在于勇于迈出第一步。 Notes: 1.secret n. 秘密,机密;秘诀;奥秘 adj. 秘密的,机密的;神秘的;隐秘的
  • 每日一句口语 465 今天的每日一句是: The fact is that the world is out of everyone's expectation. But some learn to forget, others insist. 事实上,这个世界不符合所有人的梦想。只是有人可以学会遗忘,有人却坚持。 Notes: 1.expec