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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>每日一句口语>


  • 每日一句口语 2005 When it has is lost, brave to give up. 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。 【知识点讲解】 give up 放弃; 投降; 把让给; 戒除 例句: They'll have to give up completely on certain of their studies. 他们将不得不彻
  • 每日一句口语 2006 There are so many things can make you happy.Don't focus too much on things that make you sad. 生活中值得高兴的事情太多,别把目光都盯在那些让你不愉快的事情上. 【知识点讲解】 focus on 致力于; 使聚焦于;
  • 每日一句口语 2007 Anything is possible if you have got enough nerve. 如果你有足够的勇气,那么一切皆有可能。 【知识点讲解】 nerven.神经; 勇气,胆量; [植] 叶脉; 中枢 例句: He had the nerve to ask me to prove who I was. 他竟
  • 每日一句口语 2008 Whatever I engage in, I must push inordinately. 无论我做什么,我必须极度努力。 【知识点讲解】 engage in 参加,从事,忙于; 业; 经营; 例句: You can engage in croquet on the south lawn. 你可以参加南边草坪
  • 每日一句口语 2009 A good gain takes long pain. 好 事 多 磨。 【知识点讲解】 gain vt.amp; vi. 获得; 赢得; 增加; (钟、表)走快 例句: White wines tend to gain depth of colour with age. 白葡萄酒年头愈久,颜色愈深。
  • 每日一句口语 2010 Life is like a watch ,you can return to the starting point,but they are not yesterday.人生就像钟表,可以回到起点,却也不是昨天~ 【知识点讲解】 return to 返回到; 重新恢复; 例句: Ford never desisted from tryi
  • 每日一句口语 2011 I can't give you the world,but I can give you my world. 我不能给你全世界,但是我的世界可以全部给你。 【知识点讲解】 world n.世界; 地球; 领域; 尘世 例句: More than anything, I'd like to drive around the w
  • 每日一句口语 2012 Be strong, believe in who you are. Be strong, believe in what you feel. 强大一些,要相信你自己。坚定一些,要相信自己的感觉。 【知识点讲解】 believe in 信赖; 信仰; 例句: I believe in seasoning food before p
  • 每日一句口语 2013 I stay up late every night and realize it's a bad idea every morning! 每天早上都觉得自己晚上真不该熬夜! 【知识点讲解】 stay up 熬夜 例句: She could always sweet-talk Pamela into letting her stay up late. 她总能哄得帕梅
  • 每日一句口语 2014 Don't let your pride leave you all alone. 别让你的骄傲使你孤独一人。 【知识点讲解】 pride n.自尊; 骄傲; 自满; (狮)群 例句: He wrote the word pride in huge letters on the blackboard. 他在黑板上写了一个大
  • 每日一句口语 2015 Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it. 命运就掌握在我们手里,只有勇敢的人才能体会。 【知识点讲解】 brave 勇敢的 例句: I couldn't decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane.
  • 每日一句口语 2016 Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it. 命运就掌握在我们手里,只有勇敢的人才能体会。 【知识点讲解】 brave 勇敢的 例句: I couldn't decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane.
  • 每日一句口语 2017 He, who is content with the least, is the richest, for content is the wealth of nature. 知足常乐者最富有,因为知足本身就是天然的财富。 【知识点讲解】 content n.内容; (书等的)目录; 满足; 容量 例句:
  • 每日一句口语 2018 You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.--Chaplin 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。卓别林 【知识点讲解】 believe in 信赖; 信仰; 例句: I believe in seasoning food before putting it on the tabl
  • 每日一句口语 2019 Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. 只有去尝试做一些你不熟悉的事情你才能有所成长。 【知识点讲解】 beyond prep.超过; 越过; 那一边; 在较远的一边 例句