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VOA英语教学:美语训练班 038

时间:2012-02-13 08:14来源:互联网 提供网友:Jessicalv   字体: [ ]

  A: 欢迎来到American English Mosaic, 我是杨琳!
  B:我是Kat, 杨林,快说说今天教什么!
  A: 今天咱们要去爬山,要请专业人士教教咱们在商业场合的站姿和手势,要聊聊新手开车得小心点儿什么,还要告诉大家怎么说"剧透"和"一模一样"。
  B: "剧透",是说衣服非常透, 对么?
  A: 呵呵,不是这个意思。你待会儿就明白了。咱们现在还是先来学个词儿!
  Learn A Word top-selling
  今天我们要学的词是 top-selling. Top is spelled t-o-p, top; and selling, s-e-l-l-i-n-g, selling; top-selling. Top-selling, 意思是最畅销的,热卖的。苹果公司最畅销的智能手机iPhone 4s将在中国出售。Apple's top-selling smart phone, the iPhone 4S, will soon be available in China. 马自达3成为澳洲市场最畅销的车型。Mazda3 compact became the top-selling car model in the Australian market. 哈里.波特系列的终结版是英国2011年最畅销的DVD。The final movie in the Harry Potter series was the top-selling DVD in Britain in 2011. 好的,今天我们学习的词是top-selling, top-selling, top-selling.
  A: Top-selling items - 最热卖的商品。这种产品常常供不应求,而且会给商家赚很多钱。
  B: Exactly. For example, iPhone has become the cash cow for Apple.
  A: Cash cow? 是摇钱树么?
  B:对啊!Did you see people lining up outside the Apple store in Beijing to get the latest iPhone?
  A: Tell me about it! 卖得火的商品都会引发别的商家来模仿。就跟电视节目一样,一部穿越剧火了,就接二连三出了好多情节类似的。
  B:Hopefully they're not just carbon copies of the original one. 那样多没意思啊!
  A: Carbon copy? 我们在今天的美国习惯用语中就要教这个词!
  Words and Idioms
  各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 951讲。我是杨琳。
  M:我是 Douglas Johnson.
  女:去年我跟我妹妹一块去旅游的时候,住的旅馆很特别。我妹妹非常喜欢我们住的房间,还说回家后要把自己的房间也装饰成那样。我本想今年去帮她拍点照片,让她好照着重新装饰屋子。没想到上个星期我去她家的时候,她的房间跟旅馆的房间看起来... 真的不只是相似,而是,一模一样了! 这让我想到了一个习惯用语,那就是:
  M: Carbon copy. Carbon is spelled c-a-r-b-o-n, and copy, c-o-p-y. Carbon-copy.
  Carbon 本身是复写纸的意思,那大家都猜到了吧,carbon copy,就是形容非常相似,一模一样。我刚进我妹妹的房间时特别吃惊,因为Her room is a carbon copy of the hotel room we stayed in last year. 她的房间跟去年我们住的旅馆房间一模一样。
  下面例子中的这个男生在见到一个人后大吃一惊,到底发生了什么事呢? 我们来听听看:
  M: "My new girlfriend said she wanted me to meet someone. I was shocked when I answered the door. Standing there was a woman who looked exactly like my girlfriend. She talked just like her, too. In fact, she was a CARBON COPY. That's when I realized I was dating a twin."
  [这段话是说:我的新女友说她想让我见见一个人。结果开门的时候我大吃一惊。站在我面前的人跟我女友长的一模一样,讲话的样子也跟我女友一样。我这时候才意识到,原来她们是双胞胎! ]
  女:想起来,我原来也曾经有过一个双胞胎男朋友!我还总分不清他跟他哥哥呢。 He is a carbon copy of his twin brother. 他们兄弟俩看起来一模一样。形容这种长得一模一样的人,英语里还有个特别的词,叫 DOPPELGANGER. DOPPELGANGER is spelled d-o-p-p-e-l-g-a-n-g-e-r; doppelganger. 如果你找到了跟你长得一模一样的人,你就找到了你的DOPPELGANGER! 好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:
  M: "My new girlfriend said she wanted me to meet someone. I was shocked when I answered the door. Standing there was a woman who looked exactly like my girlfriend. She talked just like her, too. In fact, she was a CARBON COPY. That's when I realized I was dating a twin."
  女: 碰到跟自己长得很像的人也许很有趣,不过啊,有时候你可能希望独一无二,特别是涉及创造力的时候。下面例子里的市长大人大发脾气。为什么呢? 我们来听听看:
  M: "The architect claimed his designs for the city park were original. But on closer inspection, it became clear that wasn't true. All the features, including the gardens, pond, bridge and playing fields, were no different from those in a park in Boston. The mayor was furious. He trusted the architect to offer something unique, not a CARBON COPY. "
  女: 本来想要一座别致的公园,结果却在城市里建了一座仿制品,换了我是市长,我一定也会大发雷霆。我记得我刚工作的时候也发生过类似的事情。我们的竞争对手不知道怎么得到了我们的创意,开启了一个完全雷同的项目! Our business competitor launched a carbon copy of our project. I bet they've got our ideas somewhere. 我们的竞争对手推出了一个跟我们一模一样的项目,他们肯定是从哪里得到了我们的创意。好了,我们再来听听刚才那段话:
  M: "The architect claimed his designs for the city park were original. But on closer inspection, it became clear that wasn't true. All the features, including the gardens, pond, bridge and playing fields, were no different from those in a park in Boston. The mayor was furious. He trusted the architect to offer something unique, not a CARBON COPY. "
  女:各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是CARBON COPY,意思是非常相似,一模一样。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。
  A: Kat, you're right. Carbon copy art works can't measure up to the original ones because they're not unique or innovative. 比如主题雷同的电视剧或电影,第一部让人觉得新鲜有趣,后面的就乏味了!
  B:That's right. But even movies full of original ideas and surprises can fail to attract viewers.
  A: 你说拍摄手法新颖,惊奇不断的电影也会让观众打不起兴趣?这是为什么呢?
  B: If you've known the movie's ending before even watching it! For example, if some impatient friend of yours gives you a detailed description of the whole movie before you could watch it yourself.
  A: 我明白了!你是说有人特热心,在你还没看电影之前先把整个故事给你详细讲一遍!咳!这真是瞎帮忙。这就是咱们在节目开始时说到的“剧透”!正好,咱们来听听这个词用美语怎么说!
  JESSICA: 吴琼, I sent you a movie review article yesterday. Have you read it?
  WQ: 你是说那篇电影的影评,我可不能看!
  JESSICA: Why not? !
  WQ: 因为电影我还没看啊!影评上来就警告读者说:本文有剧透!也就是说,看了文章就知道电影结局了!JESSICA, 这令人扫兴的ǒ剧透ō用美语怎么说呢?
  JESSICA: It's called a spoiler. Spoiler is spelled s-p-o-i-l-e-r. A spoiler will reveal the ending of the movie to you when you'd rather find it out by yourself.
  WQ: I see!Spoilers can really ruin the fun of watching a movie!
  JESSICA: True. That's why people write a warning at the beginning of a review, which says "the following review contains spoilers."
  WQ: 对!影评应该先警告大家有剧透内容,省得扫观众的兴! 不过话说回来,有些片子编得很滥,只要看了开头,不用剧透,傻瓜都能猜出结局!
  JESSICA: I agree. Those movies are no fun to begin with. You only need to avoid spoilers when there are plot twists.
  WQ: Plot twist? P-l-o-t, plot是故事情节, t-w-i-s-t, twist,是扭曲,所以plot twist 我猜就是出乎意料的情节,电影里的形势大逆转,对不对?
  JESSICA: Yes! Plot twists are the development that viewers don't expect to happen. Good writers use plot twists to keep viewers interested.
  WQ: 我就特别喜欢结局出人意料的片子,特别是电视剧,一集结尾留下个悬念,吊胃口!
  JESSICA: In English, we call that a cliffhanger. It's usually a dilemma or a dangerous situation. So you want to watch the next episode to see how the characters deal with it.
  WQ: 哦!原来,在结尾时留下的悬念就是cliffhanger! C-l-i-f-f-h-a-n-g-e-r, cliffhanger. 诶呀,我要走了,My favorite show is about to start, and last episode ended on a cliffhanger!
  JESSICA: Okay, but before you go, tell me what you've learned today!
  WQ: 第一,剧透是a spoiler; 出乎意料的故事情节是 a plot twist;电影或电视结尾时的悬念是 a cliffhanger.
  B: Well, speaking of cliffhanger...
  A: 还记得我们上次在GoEnglish节目里说到Phil向朋友借车,要去Las Vegas 玩儿,朋友还说,Phil要是赌博赢了钱,必须分一半给他。
  B:Also, The car Phil borrowed was brand new and the owner was worried about Phil damaging his car in Vegas....
  B: Let's listen to GoEnglish again and see if you guessed right.
  GoEnglish: Driving: Advanced
  Professor: In the last episode, Phil borrowed his friend's car to take a weekend trip to Las Vegas. Now he has come back home and is telling his friend Becky about the trip.
  Phil: Wow Becky, you wouldn't believe how much fun I had on my trip to Las Vegas last weekend.
  Becky: Really? I've never been to Las Vegas. How was it?
  Phil: It was totally awesome. I spent the whole weekend partying and going to shows, and the best part is that I didn't even have to pay for it.
  Becky: You didn't have to pay for it? How is that?
  Phil: I won so much money gambling that it covered the cost of the trip. I'm telling you, there's no feeling like stepping on the gas and going out on a road trip.
  Phil真是好运气! 他在拉斯维加斯赢了好多钱,这次出去玩等于一分钱没掏! 不过,Professor Bowman, 他说stepping on the gas是什么意思呢?
  P: Winnie, "stepping on the gas" is like pushing down the accelerator pedal, which is also called the "gas pedal."
  哦,stepping on the gas 就是ǒ脚踩油门,给车加速ō的意思。Phil说,那种一脚油门下去,让车奔驰的感觉特别棒。
  P: Exactly. Sometimes when Americans want someone to hurry up, they can tell that person to ǒstep on it,ō which is a reference to stepping on the gas to go faster.
  哦,催别人快点儿,就可以说ǒstep on itō。
  Becky: You know, I've always wanted to go on a road trip like that, but the problem is that I don't have a driver's license.
  Phil: You don't have a driver's license? I thought everyone has a driver's license.
  Becky: Well not me. I grew up in New York City and have always taken public transportation, so I never needed to know how to drive. Plus, cars create lots of carbon emissions.
  Phil: That's true, but it's not so bad if you get a car with good gas mileage.
  Becky: I guess you're right. And if you wanted to be really environmentally friendly, you could even get a hybrid.
  原来,Becky在纽约长大,一直坐公车和地铁,所以不会开车。Professor Bowman, carbon emissions 是什么?
  Professor: Winnie, carbon is short for carbon dioxide, which is one of the greenhouse gases. So carbon emissions are the amount of carbon dioxide cars emit.
  哦,carbon emissions就是二氧化碳排放量。Phil说,为了环保,人们应该买 good gas mileage--"燃油使用效率高ō的车,Becky则建议用 hybrid, 油电混合动力车。
  Becky: But I still don't know ... isn't driving kind of dangerous?
  Phil: There are things you can do to stay safe. For example, you should always practice defensive driving, and leave lots of space between your car and the other cars.
  Becky: Yeah, I really hate aggressive drivers. And when people get road rage, they become a real hazard on the road.
  Phil: Exactly. It's best not to drive when you're angry. That can be really dangerous.
  Professor: Winnie, do you know what "defensive driving" and "aggressive drivers" mean?
  "defensive driving" 就是为保护自身安全的防御型驾驶技巧,为的就是躲开那些 ǒaggressive drivers"--横冲直撞的马路杀手。不过,"road rage"又是什么意思呢?
  Professor: "Road rage" means when you're driving, something happens and makes you really mad, and so you start driving erratically. For example, some people get road rage when they get cut off.
  我明白了,road rage 就是ǒ路怒症ō。比如说,有人看到别的车插到自己前面,就会暴怒。要我说,情绪如此不稳定的人,压根就不应该开车。
  Becky: I have been thinking about getting a license lately, but I need someone to teach me.
  Phil: Well, I'd be happy to teach you how to drive. I'm a really safe driver.
  Becky: Wow, that sounds great! When can we start?
  Phil: Well ... actually there is just one problem.
  Becky: What's that?
  Phil: I don't have a car. Do you have one that I could borrow?
  Professor: Well, probably he's lived on borrowed cars for all these years!
  A: 啊? 怎么就让他顺利过关了,还赢了好多钱!
  B:That was a bit of an anti-climax.
  A: Anti-climax? 你是说铺垫得挺好,结果却让人失望,对么?
  B:Yeah. Who wants an uneventful Vegas story? Right?
  A: 得!热闹是没看成!咱们继续听节目吧。
  B:好吧,let's listen to business etiquette.
  礼节美语---Body Language II
  公司主管Andy 请专门研究肢体语言的咨询顾问Monica给公司销售员上课。Andy说,站姿和握手都很重要。握手要紧握,同时注视对方的眼睛。Sara提问说:
  S: As a woman I find that I sometimes don't get a good reaction from my handshakes. What am I doing wrong?
  M: A woman naturally has a weaker grip than a man. I suggest you go ahead and use a little bit more force. That way, you'll be noticed and taken more seriously.
  A: And of course as a salesperson smiling is very important.
  M: Oh yes, but it's not just a smile....your entire face needs to light up, and you should remember to flash your teeth when you smile every now and then as it shows sincerity.
  Sara说她跟客户握手好像从来都得不到什么强烈的反映,Monica建议她下次握手稍微用点劲,因为女性天生 has a weaker grip 握手的力量比较弱,握手有力才会让别人重视你,把你当真。除了站姿和握手外,面带微笑也很重要,而且 your entire face needs to light up 整个面目表情看起来都要很高兴,时不时还要露出牙齿微笑 flash your teeth,这样会显得更真诚。
  J: What should I do with my hands when I'm talking to someone? My natural instinct is to make gestures.
  M: Gestures are fine....just don't overdo it. One easy thing to remember is called "mirroring" and basically it means you "mirror" or imitate the actions of the other person.
  J: So if the other person is more animated you should be a bit livelier as well?
  M: Exactly. But, never raise your hands higher than your chin when you gesture as this can look threatening.
  S: Should I nod my head while I'm listening to another person speak?
  M: Absolutely. It makes people feel that you're listening, and that you agree. You can also slightly tilt your head to one side when listening as this indicates non-aggressive behavior.
  Monica说,跟别人交谈时可以做些手势,但 don't overdo it. 不要做过头。她还教给大家一种技巧,叫 "mirroring", 就是镜子 mirror 的后面加上 ing, 意思是跟对方学,如果对方说话眉飞色舞,你就也夸张一些;如果对方比较沉稳低调,你也要稍微稳重点,但要注意,never raise your hands higher than your chin. 做手势的时候,手千万不要高过下巴,因为这会让别人感觉威胁。听别人讲话还可以频频点头,让别人感觉你听得很认真。
  A: Different cultures have different ideas about personal space. If the person seems to be moving away from you when you speak, maybe you are too close and they feel like you're invading their space.
  M: That's true. You have to find what works for the individual based on their culture and your level of familiarity. Now I want you to experiment with the things I've taught you today and we will get back together and discuss how it's working out for you.
  S: Great!
  J: Thanks for stopping by, Monica.
  M: You're very welcome.
  Andy补充说,不同文化对 personal space 个人空间的定义也不一样,如果跟你讲话的人好象一直在往后移,那就表示,他们觉得你离得太近了,换句话说,You're invading their space. 这跟文化和彼此之间的熟悉程度都有关。培训结束前,Monica要大家回去把今天学到的东西付诸实践,下次见面时再继续讨论。
  A: KAT, 你发现了么,中国人笑的时候希望笑不露齿,这样比较斯文,可是,Americans like to flash their teeth when they smile!
  B: Well, according to Monica, doing so makes your smile look more sincere.
  A: 我倒觉得太夸张了,反而显得有点做作呢!
  B:Hmm, then think of it this way: We Americans usually spend tons of money on dental health, and we'd like to show off our beautiful teeth.
  A: 哈哈!是在展示自己的一口好牙?那,Do I need to compliment your teeth next time you give me the big smile?
  B: 那也不用了!哈哈!
  A:好了,咱们继续听节目吧,American Sports English!
  ASE Mountain Climbing
  Y: My gosh Patrick, Where are we?
  P: Yang Chen. I'm taking you mountain climbing.
  Y: 登山? This is scary!
  P: Don't worry, I'm an expert mountain climber. I am as steady on these steep slopes as a mountain goat.
  Y: 野山羊? 你倒是smell like a mountain goat.
  P: Stop complaining. We're about to reach the crux of the climb.
  Y: 什么是the crux of the climb?
  P: Actually, the crux C-R-U-X of something is the most difficult or important part.
  Y: Oh, crux 就是中文里的关键,最困难的部分。
  P: Exactly. Or I could say that I decided to quit my job for many reasons, but the crux of the problem was that I didn't make enough money.
  Y: Right ... well enough of all this chit chat. I'm going to start climbing up this steep section and ... [scream]
  P: Oh my gosh! Yang Chen fell off the side of the cliff! Yang Chen, are you OK?
  Y: Patrick, please pull me back up. Hurry!
  P: Wow, you're hanging off the side of the cliff! This is going to be a real cliffhanger. Do you know what that means?
  Y: Patrick, 现在不是教英语的时候。Help me!
  P: One second. A cliff hanger is when a chapter of a movie or book ends without a resolution.
  Y: Patrick! 我知道cliff hanger! 就是留下悬念的意思。我现在你怀疑你把我带到这深山老林是要害死我。
  P: Hmmm ... I don't know. Don't you think it might be good to have a cliffhanger ending?
  Y: No! Now pull me up!
  P: Nah, I like the cliffhanger ending.
  B: 哈哈! Another cliffhanger ending!What's with Xiaoyan and Patrick. They like to give one another a hard time.
  A: That's what's funny about the program. 不过话说回来,Do you like mountain climbing, Kat?
  B: Yes, I do! I can bring you to our climbing club's next get-together, if you want.
  A: 好!一言为定!呀,节目时间到了。这次的撰稿人还是小北,编辑依然是蔚然。同学们,我们老时间,下次见!
  B:See you next time!

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