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VOA英语教学:美语训练班 092

时间:2013-08-08 03:52来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   A: 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

  B: 我是Mike! 杨琳,赶快来告诉大家今天都要学什么?
  A: 没问题! 今天我们要一起来聊聊换工作需要考虑些什么,看看怎么表达如释重负,还要告诉你怎么说毫不示弱!!
  B: Making a career change is always a hard decision. There’s so much to think about, how much you can improve, is there room for promotion… the company’s culture plays a big part as well.
  A: Yeah, the mere thought of writing a resume and updating a cover letter gives me a headache. I just feel lucky to have a job that I enjoy!
  B: I second that!
  A: 好了,咱们言归正传,赶快先来进入第一个单元,Learn a word!
  Learn A Word 1662 caregiver
  今天我们要学的词是 caregiver, caregiver is spelled c-a-r-e-g-i-v-e-r, caregiver.  Caregiver 看护,照料别人的人。统计数字显示,An estimated 42 million people, about  30% of the US adult population, are caregivers for family members. 美国大约有4200万人有家人需要照料,大约相当于美国成年人口的30%。皮尤研究中心的一项调查发现,Family caregivers are much more likely to go online in search of health information than other groups. 家里有人需要照顾的人群,比其他人上网查找健康信息的比例要高出很多。Caregivers' top Internet searches include dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and long-term care for the elderly or disabled.  需要照顾别人的人上网搜索最多的包括痴呆,早老性痴呆,以及如何长期照料老年人和残疾人。好的,今天我们学习的词是 caregiver, caregiver, caregiver...
  A: Caregiver 这个词也可以表示替人照顾小孩的人。
  B: Yep, in my family I’ve always been the free caregiver! I help my sister look after her 2-year-old daughter all the time. Not that I mind, my niece is the cutest little girl in the world!
  A: 呦!看不出来你还挺有爱心的嘛!不过就你这动手能力,别把人家小孩摔了…
  B: What? I’m not bragging, ask around! I’m a baby-sitting expert.
  A: 哈哈,不信, 换成我,我一定不放心。
  B: Hey!  At least I give as good as I get.
  A: 好, 你刚好提到了一个很特别的说法,give as good as one get, 咱们一起来听听今天的words and idioms, 学学这个习惯用语的用法!
  Words and Idioms 810 Give As Good As One Gets
  美国习惯用语第八百一十讲。我是杨晨。我是 Douglas Johnson。
  M: Give as good as one gets. Give-as-good-as-one-gets. Give as good as one gets.
  Give as good as one gets 这个习惯用语的意思是毫不示弱地加以反击。你现在明白了吧,我那个朋友绝对不会受人欺负,因此才能在娱乐圈子里闯荡出一番天地。She gives as good as she gets.
  M: "Polls show that most Americans believe Senator Hillary Clinton is tough enough to be President of the United States. That's because she has handled herself well against continuous political attacks by her opponents and is seen as a strong negotiator. She always GIVES AS GOOD AS SHE GETS."
  话虽如此,但是美国要加入女性元首的行列,恐怕时机尚未成熟。大家恐怕还记得,早在上个世纪八十年代,英国就出现了女首相撒切尔夫人,在男性占据统治地位的政界,她毫不示弱。She used to give as good as she got. 也因此获得了铁娘子的称号。让我们再听一遍上面那段话。
  M: "Polls show that most Americans believe Senator Hillary Clinton is tough enough to be President of the United States. That's because she has handled herself well against continuous political attacks by her opponents and is seen as a strong negotiator. She always GIVES AS GOOD AS SHE GETS."
  M: "In our first season, a lot of sports columnists doubted that our volleyball team would be any match against our fierce competitors. But we showed them that we were ready to take on any challenge. Game after game, we proved that we could fight back. We GAVE AS GOOD AS WE GOT.  And now we're the league champions."
  我可知道被人小看的滋味。上大学的时候,我加入了刚成立的辩论队。大家都觉得我们的对手经验丰富,因此我们不堪一击。不过,虽然我们缺少经验,但是并不必缺少决心和毅力。没过多久,我们就开始反击了。We were giving as good as we were getting. 最后,我们竟然获得了第二名。让我们再听一下上面的例句。
  M: "In our first season, a lot of sports columnists doubted that our volleyball team would be any match against our fierce competitors. But we showed them that we were ready to take on any challenge. Game after game, we proved that we could fight back. We GAVE AS GOOD AS WE GOT.  And now we're the league champions."
  Give as good as one gets 这个习惯用语的准确用法的历史并不久远,只有几十年。如今,大家既然已经知道 Give as good as one gets 的意思了,就可以尝试着把它用在日常对话中。没准什么时候你会遇到个英语不错的人,如果他故意向你炫耀的话,你也可以不甘示弱地露上一手。You can give as good as you get.
  M: Until next time.
  M: This has been Words and Idioms.
  A: I’m going home in 3 days! There’s going to be tons of delicious food and lots of family time.  I cannot wait.  归心似箭啊。
  B: I envy you so much! Do you have any plans for your vacation?
  A: 哈哈,not exactly. Probably treat myself to all the 北京烤鸭,鱼香肉丝,松鼠鱼,等等等等…哦,还有你最爱的串儿!
  B: grrrr, I am so jealous of your life right now…you know my love for 串儿 is unconditional!
  A: 没关系,我帮你把你那份也吃了!哈哈…好了好了,你提到了一个词儿,unconditional, 咱们来学学这个词儿怎么用!
  Learn A Word 1663 unconditional
  今天我们要学的词是 unconditional, unconditional is spelled u-n-c-o-n-d-i-t-i-o-n-a-l, unconditional. Unconditional 无条件的。The U.S. Senate passed a resolution calling for Cuba's immediate and unconditional release of Alan Gross, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison. 美国国会参议院通过决议,要求古巴政府立即无条件释放被判入狱15年的艾伦.格罗斯。1970年,佛罗里达州一个16岁的女孩因为药物反应进入昏迷状态,一直没有醒来。42年间,她的家人一直陪伴在她身边,直到她上星期去世。This is undoubtedly a true testimony of unconditional love. 这无疑是无条件爱的真实体现。好的,今天我们学习的词是 unconditional, unconditional, unconditional...
  A: Unconditional love! 无条件的爱!又让我想起了我爸妈,they have always given me unconditional love. No matter what I do or wherever I am, I know they will support me.
  B: Yeah. We are both lucky we are from healthy, loving families.
  Speaking of which, have you finish shopping for your trip?
  A: 哎呀,亲戚太多了!我买都买不过来!不过呢,幸好我妈妈决定不回她老家了,so I’m off the hook for now!
  B: Good for you! Do you want to consider using the rest of your budget to get a gift for me?
  A: Ha,no gift, but how about hot chocolate on me today!
  B: I’ll take what I can get! Also, off the hook is a great idiom, let's listen to another words and idioms and check it out!
  Words and Idioms 811 Off the Hook
  美国习惯用语第811讲。我是杨晨。我是 Douglas Johnson。
  很多人擅长在大庭广众之下讲话,比如说婚礼或是生日宴会等场合。我可不行,还没说话,脸先红了。不久前,我的一个小师妹结婚,让我发表贺词,害得我好几天没睡好觉。后来她终于同意,让我帮忙安排婚礼,不用讲话了,真让我如释重负。在英语里,我们说这叫 off the hook.
  M: Off the hook. Off is spelled o-f-f. Off. Hook is spelled h-o-o-k. Hook. Off the hook.
  Hook 是钩子的意思。off the hook 脱钩,其实就是脱身,或是摆脱责任的意思。
  这回你明白了吧,不用在小师妹的婚礼上讲话让我如释重负就可以说,I am off the hook. Off the hook 这个习惯用语也可以用在非常严肃的场合下。在下面这个例子中,一名警察告诉刑警队长说,一名涉案嫌疑人已经不再是调查对象了,让我们听听他是怎么说的。
  M: "We have confirmed that the man was two thousand miles away in Los Angeles at the time of the murder, sir. So as far as we're concerned, he is OFF THE HOOK, and no further investigation is required."
  不过有时候,警察也会故意放虎归山,为的是让犯罪嫌疑人自以为脱身了,off the hook。往往是在这种时候,犯罪嫌疑人非常容易露出马脚,让警察找到线索。好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。
  M: "We have confirmed that the man was two thousand miles away in Los Angeles at the time of the murder, sir. So as far as we're concerned, he is OFF THE HOOK, and no further investigation is required."
  我先生星期六本来要加班,所以没办法跟我们一起去爬山。谁知星期五的时候,客户突然打电话通知他,要将星期六的电话会议改为下星期。My husband is off the hook. 我先生因此脱身了。
  不难想象,off the hook 这个习惯用语是从钓鱼来的,最早的时候是指一条本来已经咬钩的鱼又脱了钩,重获自由,后来到十九世纪中叶,才引伸为摆脱困境和摆脱责任。
  M: I agree with the mayor that many of our problems can be blamed on the policies of the federal government, but I also think that the mayor has to take some of the blame himself. There's no way he should be let OFF THE HOOK so easily.
  这让我想起了英语里的一种说法,叫 success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan。意思是“事成都来居功,事败无人关怀。”看来确实是这个道理。好的,让我们再听一下上面的例句。
  M: I agree with the mayor that many of our problems can be blamed on the policies of the federal government, but I also think that the mayor has to take some of the blame himself. There's no way he should be let OFF THE HOOK so easily.
  我姐姐的小孩现在上高中,家里告诉他,周末出去玩一定要在晚上十点以前回家,但是他经常过点。他父亲上星期郑重警告他,If you are caught coming in late again, you won't get off the hook so easily anymore. 如果我们再发现你晚回来,绝不会轻易放过你!
  我帮同事 Jenny 的女儿介绍了一份工作,她今天要在家请我吃饭。Of course, I won't let her off the hook. 因为 Jenny 做得一手正宗川菜。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束。
  M: Until next time.
  M: This has been Words and Idioms.
  A: So Mike, are you ready to take over my workload when I’m on vacation? I need to warn you, there’s a lot to get done…
  B: Guess what? I’m off the hook! It turns out we will have an intern and she’ll be handling most of your workload!
  A: 哎呦!你怎么这么幸运呢!不过现在办公室里实习生真多呀!
  B: Yeah. In today’s economy, a good job is hard to find. Lots of people take on internships hoping they will turn into full-time jobs later.
  A: 找工作真不容易!想起以前我上学找工作的时候就焦头烂额的!
  在今天的Business Etiquette里,Lisa跟同事Emily就谈起了找工作的话题,咱们一起来听听吧!
  礼节美语 Looking for a Change I
  Emily: Hey Lisa...want to grab lunch with me?
  Lisa: Sure, Emily. We haven't done that in a while.
  E: Yeah...actually, we haven't hung out at all recently. You seem sort of under the weather. Is there something going on?
  L: Well, keep this under your hat, but I think I'm going to quit after New Year.
  Emily问Lisa要不要一起吃饭,她在这里用的动词是 grab, g-r-a-b, grab, grab lunch 是一种口语里常用的说法,意思是随便买点午饭吃,也可以说 to grab something to eat. 听上去,Lisa跟Emily很久没一起吃饭聊天了,we haven't hung out at all recently. to hang out 意思是跟朋友待在一起,Emily还说Lisa看上去sort of under the weather似乎有点不舒服,问她怎么回事。Lisa告诉Emily, 自己新年过后可能要辞职,但要Emily暂时保密,keep this under your hat. To keep something under one's hat 意思是保守秘密,不要告诉别人。Emily听到这个消息感到很突然。
  E: Quit this company? Oh...wow.
  L: I know I should be pretty happy here, but I'm not finding the kind of job satisfaction I need. I'm a good graphic designer...
  E: One of the best in the company.
  L: That's kind of you to say. But...the stuff we do here hasn't really challenged me very much at all.
  E: Oh, I get it. Simply put: you're bored, huh?
  L: That's one way of putting it. For me, a job needs to stimulate my brain, otherwise it becomes a daily drudgery.
  Lisa是公司里最好的图像设计师之一, 目前这份工作对她没有挑战性,simply put 简单地说,她觉得现在的工作很无聊。put, p-u-t, put 在这里意思是说出来,表达出来,上面两人的对话里还有 that's one way of putting it. 也是同样用法,意思是“可以这么说”。Lisa说,她需要一份能让她兴奋起来的工作,否则的话,工作就变成了a daily drudgery, drudgery is spelled d-r-u-d-g-e-r-y, drudgery, drudgery 意思是无聊乏味的工作。
  L: Another thing is that I don't feel there is a decent chance of promotion. I've been here for three years and I'm doing the exact same thing at the exact same salary.
  E: That's true...salaries have been frozen for a while and I hear next year it's the same story.
  L: I'm finding that I spend a lot of time at work just sitting at my cubicle daydreaming or wasting time. I can's sleep on Sunday nights because I know I have to go back to work the next day.
  E: Wow...it sounds like you're suffering from serious job dissatisfaction. I guess you really do need a change.
  Lisa还说,想辞职的另外一个原因是觉得没有升职的机会,There isn't a decent chance of promotion. Emily 表示赞成,因为工资已经有一段时间没涨了,而且她听说,next year it's the same story. 明年也是一样。Lisa说,有时候上班就是在自己的小隔间 cubicle 里发愣,浪费时间,星期天晚上一想到第二天早上还要去上班,就睡不着觉。看来,Lisa真是得换份工作了。
  A: Lisa最近有些under the weather, 看起来不舒服,不高兴,原来是因为她厌倦了现在的工作,觉得工作是a daily drudgery, 无聊乏味,而且there’s no decent chance of promotion,没有升职的空间。
  B: Yeah, no one wants a boring job. I think a company’s culture is extremely important. You want to be in a company where the management team is open to new ideas and changes.
  A: Exactly. You want to go to places like google or facebook!  I hear their employee satisfaction is very high, partly because they don’t have to follow corporate bureaucratic procedures.
  B: Yep. But again, good jobs are hard to find! Let's continue and see what advice Emily has for Lisa!
  礼节美语 Looking for a Change II
  Lisa: The other problem is that I think the company is really set in its ways.
  Emily: What do you mean?
  L: In other words, I think management is resistant to change. I've given great proposals to my section chief and I've even sent emails with ideas on how to streamline operations to the big boss, but the reaction is always the same.
  E: What do they say when you offer suggestions?
  L: Usually something like: "We'll take a look and get back to you." But that's the last I'll ever hear from them.
  Lisa 还觉得公司运作墨守成规,set in one's ways 是指生活方式或做事方法一成不变,类似的说法还有 stuck in a rut, rut is spelled r-u-t, rut 是指车轱辘留下的印儿,to stuck in a rut 陷在车轱辘印里,也是墨守成规,一成不变的意思。Lisa 说自己向部门经理和公司老板提出过很多好建议,但都没有得到重视。得到的回答一般都是:We'll take a look and get back to you. 我们看一下再答复你,然后就再也没有任何消息了。
  E: So, do you have any job prospects lined up?
  L: I've been sending out resumes and I've gotten a couple of bites.
  E: I see....so you've pretty much made up your mind to quit then?
  L: I think so. I'll miss seeing you everyday.
  E: I'll miss you, too. Can I make a suggestion?
  L: Sure!
  E: Don't burn any bridges when you make your move.
  L: What do you mean?
  Emily问她工作找得怎么样了,Do you have any job prospects lined up? Lisa说自己发了一些简历,已经有一些公司对她表示有兴趣了,I've gotten a couple of bite. bite, b-i-t-e, bite 在这里是上钩的意思,意思是她的简历已经引起了一些公司的兴趣。看起来Lisa去意已定,Emily好心地建议Lisa, Don't burn any bridges. 辞职的时候不要把事做绝,最后给自己留条后路。Emily进一步解释说:
  E: I mean, don't tell the boss you hate your job or him. Simply inform them that you plan to resign from your position and do your best to train your replacement. That way, this company can remain a back-up option for you.
  L: You make a good point. I'll try to be as professional about this as possible. Thanks Emily! Talking to you makes me feel much better.
  E: Sure! Now let's eat!
  Emily劝Lisa不要burn any bridges 断了自己的后路,不用告诉老板对公司有多不满意,而且还要 do your best to train your replacement 尽力把交接工作做好,这里所说的replacement 指的是接替Lisa工作的那个人。Emily说,这样的话,现在的公司还能是Lisa的候补选项 back-up option. Lisa觉得Emily这番话很有道理,并保证自己在处理这件事的时候,I'll try to be as professional as possible. 这里的professional是专业的,as professional as possible意思是尽可能按照职场的惯例去做。
  A: Wow, I feel so lucky to work on such a creative, open-minded, and smart team!
  B: For once and only once, we agree on something!
  A: 哈哈!好了同学们,这次节目时间就到这里了。
  B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!
  A: See you next time!
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