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美国国家公共电台 NPR Periods! Why These 8th-Graders Aren't Afraid To Talk About Them

时间:2019-05-24 06:39来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]



Earlier this year, NPR invited students across the country to create a podcast about anything they wanted and to enter it in NPR's Student Podcast Challenge. Teachers helped them. We got 6,000 entries. This morning, we have one of our two winners. It's from a group of eighth-grade girls in the Bronx. From Bronx Prep Middle School, NPR's Elissa Nadworny has the story.

ELISSA NADWORNY, BYLINE1: It took the girls a few meetings to figure out what they wanted to talk about.

ASHLEY AMANKWAH: At first, we thought we were going to do immigration or talk about the LGBTQ.

CAROLINE ABREU: A few of us were on our periods at the time...

ASHLEY: Yeah, we were.


CAROLINE: And so we were talking about, like - you were like, oh, my God. This happened today.

KASSY ABAD: We were all just ranting2. And then we were like, why don't we just talk about that?

NADWORNY: Without realizing it, they had landed on a winning idea. They called their podcast "Sssh! Periods," the creation3 of seven 13- and 14-year-olds - middle-schoolers who come from different friend groups and different backgrounds. Their families are from places like Ghana, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. And together, on Thursdays after school, they researched, wrote, recorded and edited4 their podcast. Here's students Jasmin Acosta and Litzy Encarnacion.


JASMIN ACOSTA: Sixty-seven percent of female students polled5 at Bronx Prep Middle School said that they feel uncomfortable discussing their periods at school because it's not anybody's business.

LITZY ENCARNACION: We're still in middle school at this point, but the problem gets even larger when we take it out into the community, when it's grown women trying to support their families.

NADWORNY: The podcast gets into the stigma6 of talking about periods, the many code words we use for it and the stress of the pink tax - that's when products geared7 towards women are more expensive.


JASMIN: Low-income women struggle to meet basic necessities because they don't have the resources to take care of themselves and their bodies.

NADWORNY: The girls drew on their own experience with periods. Eighth-grade podcaster Ashley Amankwah explains.

ASHLEY: The boys, especially in our class - it's like they always make fun of periods. Even the teachers, they feel something wrong about periods.

NADWORNY: When they were making the podcast, the girls say some of their teachers would make a face or get squirmy when they learned about their topic. When they'd meet after school, they'd be constantly moving to different classrooms, trying to find quiet spaces where they could openly talk about trying to hide a tampon in their tight jean pockets or bleeding through their pants, all without making the staff feel uncomfortable. Their middle school, nestled among apartment buildings in the South Bronx, is not the most period-friendly place, they say. Thirteen-year-old Kathaleen Restitullo brings us to the girls bathroom...


NADWORNY: ...And reads from a flyer taped to a stall8 door.

KATHALEEN: OK. It says (reading) how to properly dispose feminine9 products.

The first one's - do make sure no one views or handles products. It's not even saying the word pad. It just says product. Just, like, don't let anyone see that you are on your period.

NADWORNY: Fourteen-year-old Raizel Febles doesn't want to hide her period anymore.

RAIZEL FEBLES: Like, oh, you're on your period, but you're not really supposed to mention it. You're supposed to keep it a secret. And you kind of are shamed for having it, which sucks because it's something so natural and so normal. And it happens to every woman.

NADWORNY: There's even a schoolwide code word so girls don't have to say pad or tampon. Instead, they have to call it marshmallow.

We heard something about something called, like, marshmallow.

CAROLINE: Oh, my God. Yes.


CAROLINE: I will speak of this. If we want a pad and we don't have it, we have to go to the main office and we have to ask for a marshmallow. It shouldn't be like, oh - (whispering) I need a marshmallow or I need a pad.

It should just be like, I need a pad. I'm on my period.

NADWORNY: Caroline Abreu and Raizel Febles say the podcast has been a sort of liberation10 - finally, a group of girls where it's not a big deal to leak out your pad, and it's celebrated11 when you ask to borrow a tampon. It took a bit, says Kassy Abad. At first, talking about periods really made her feel uncomfortable. But then she learned...

KASSY: What happens to me happens to all these girls, too. It made me feel more comfortable, made me be like, oh, wow. Caroline bled through. I bled through before. And it makes me feel more, like, safe.

NADWORNY: It's something amazing when you're like, wow, I'm really not alone in this. This is something that I maybe felt weird12 about, and now I don't have to. Like, what a relief.

CAROLINE: That's how - that's why we made this podcast because we wanted to make it a normal subject.

LITZY: Exactly. That...

NADWORNY: And these girls - they have some idea about how to change things in their school. Here's Litzy Encarnacion.

LITZY: First of all, when we have those yearly talks about hygiene13 and stuff, they always separate the girls and the boys. The girls talk about periods and vaginal hygiene. The boys talk about whatever they talk about. But we're never informed about the opposite sex. But I think that if they are informed about periods, it would be less awkward14.

CAROLINE: Exactly.

NADWORNY: They also think the girls bathroom should have free pads and tampons. Their middle school principal says he's open to their suggestions. And the girls say, really, anything to make middle school a tad bit easier.

What is it like to be 13?

CAROLINE: Insecurities, insecurities, insecurities. It's all I'm going to have to say. Like, it's at an all-time high, I think.

NADWORNY: Plus, Caroline says...

CAROLINE: Being a female 13-year-old is a whole 'nother thing because it's like, we're put on a stage. And sometimes it really breaks us down.

NADWORNY: Litzy says people don't ask 13-year-olds what they think.

LITZY: I'm not even going to lie, though. That was actually my first reaction when we started doing this. Like, no one's going to listen to us because we're still young. And they probably think that we don't know what we're talking about.

NADWORNY: And then a few weeks ago, their teacher, Shehtaz Huq, gathered them together in the hall for a big announcement. She recorded it on her phone.


SHEHTAZ HUQ: So ladies, here's the news. Listen. So there were 5,700 entries from middle and high school. And the results came in, and we won middle school.


NADWORNY: There was screaming and hugging and lots of tears.

JASMIN: She made me cry. Ms. Huq was just crying and I was like, Ms. Huq, don't make me cry. Like, you're going to get me cry.


RAIZEL: There was just so much in that moment when we found out we won. And we were sitting...

NADWORNY: And Litzy, who thought - eh, we're just 13, no one asks our opinion...

LITZY: I was like, whoa. So they actually do listen.


LITZY: I was like, wow. The best part that we won this is that we are people of color from the Bronx. I feel like that was just the best part of all of this...


LITZY: ...That now you have a bunch of people of color that are all female that are shining light to your city.

ASHLEY: And the fact that we're all very passionate15 about this topic and we're not just doing it just to win, but we want to do it to spread, like, you know, knowledge is really, like, good. And I'm so happy.


NADWORNY: As we wind down, the girls ask if they can end the interview with the word period. It's a thing now, they say. So let me get out of the way.



NADWORNY: Elissa Nadworny, NPR News, New York.


1 byline sSXyQ     
  • His byline was absent as well.他的署名也不见了。
  • We wish to thank the author of this article which carries no byline.我们要感谢这篇文章的那位没有署名的作者。
2 ranting f455c2eeccb0d93f31e63b89e6858159     
v.夸夸其谈( rant的现在分词 );大叫大嚷地以…说教;气愤地)大叫大嚷;不停地大声抱怨
  • Mrs. Sakagawa stopped her ranting. 坂川太太戛然中断悲声。 来自辞典例句
  • He was ranting about the murder of his dad. 他大叫她就是杀死他父亲的凶手。 来自电影对白
3 creation CzExH     
  • Language is the most important mental creation of man.语言是人类头脑最重要的产物。
  • The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.新游戏场的建立将有益于当地的儿童。
4 edited 683dc5278b1fbbd98a996cecc3ffd06a     
编辑( edit的过去式和过去分词 ); 剪辑(电影、录音磁带、无线电或电视节目、书等); 主编(报纸、杂志等)
  • I know that this draft text will need to be edited. 我知道这篇草稿需要校订。
  • All references to the scandal were edited out of the tape. 所有涉及这件丑闻的内容都从录音带中删去了。
5 polled bdeef24507da429714b9bae89cc1ef10     
剪去了树梢的; 剪了毛[发]的; 秃头的; 锯了角的
  • They polled the cattle. 他们把这头牛的角切短了。
  • They polled the President. 他们对总统进行民意测验。
6 stigma WG2z4     
  • Being an unmarried mother used to carry a social stigma.做未婚母亲在社会上曾是不光彩的事。
  • The stigma of losing weighed heavily on the team.失败的耻辱让整个队伍压力沉重。
7 geared 255ecacfffc81f5caaeac21a4cb8ff16     
  • The programme is geared to preparing students for the world of work. 本计划旨在为学生开始就业作准备。
  • The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign. 该党为即将来临的竞选活动做好了准备。 来自《简明英汉词典》
8 stall tUpzx     
  • She sells fruits at a market stall.她在市场的货摊上卖水果。
  • He has a stall that sells designer ripoffs.他开了个铺子卖仿冒设计师品牌衣服。
9 feminine Sgnzv     
  • He has a very feminine voice.他的声音非常像女人。
  • She was a very feminine person.她是个很有女性气质的人。
10 liberation 61SxI     
  • We should help those who are still struggling for liberation.我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。
  • Many people died during famines every year before liberation.解放前每年有许多人在饥荒中死亡。
11 celebrated iwLzpz     
  • He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。
  • The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。
12 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
13 hygiene Kchzr     
n.健康法,卫生学 (a.hygienic)
  • Their course of study includes elementary hygiene and medical theory.他们的课程包括基础卫生学和医疗知识。
  • He's going to give us a lecture on public hygiene.他要给我们作关于公共卫生方面的报告。
14 awkward eu6ze     
  • John is so shy and awkward that everyone notices him.约翰如此害羞狼狈,以至于大家都注意到了他。
  • I was the only man among the guests and felt rather awkward.作为客人中的唯一男性,我有些窘迫。
15 passionate rLDxd     
  • He is said to be the most passionate man.据说他是最有激情的人。
  • He is very passionate about the project.他对那个项目非常热心。
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