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   《英语口语轻松学》主要讲到了一些经典的口语句子,帮助英语学习爱好者在轻松愉快的氛围中,提高英语听说水平。学习英文口语,最不能缺少的就是坚持,就像一场马拉松,跑到最后的人都是人生的赢家。 在这里, 我们不仅一起学习英语口语, 我们互相督促,让更多人坚持下去。

  • 英语口语轻松学 第67期:打个平手吧 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery 1. We're even. The opponent won the first game and I won the second round. So were even. Its a tie/draw. 2.an even fight: an even chance of winning: Two and six are even numbers. odd numbers 3. even-tempered: an even te
  • 英语口语轻松学 第68-69期:5.30/31周末特别版 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery 口语马拉松 -5.30/31周末特别版
  • 英语口语轻松学 第70期:那些不公平的双重标准 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery double standard I don't like the double standards in my country. Politicians expect their salaries to be raised every couple of years and yet the federal government hasn't raised the minimum wage for poor people since 1
  • 英语口语轻松学 第71期:花更少钱 要更多利润 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery more bang for the buck。Bang The laundry detergent I bought costs the same as other brands, but it's much better at getting my clothes clean. With every wash I'm getting more bang for my buck. Next time I'll have to bu
  • 英语口语轻松学 第72期:挑灯夜战 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery 叶茼荞 burn the midnight oil The hardest part is the physics requirement. I can do the engineering sections and computer science and chemistry, but physics is almost impossible. Whenever you see me burning the midnig
  • 英语口语轻松学 第73期:时间就是一把杀猪刀啊 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery Time flies Is it midnight already? I can't believe it! That was the quickest four hours I've ever spent. It's so wonderful talking with you. I feel like I could keep going all night and I'd still want more. When I'm wit
  • 英语口语轻松学 第74-75期:男人比女人聪明么 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery apples and oranges Are men smarter than women? While you may find some studies that suggest so, others disagree. In my view, this is comparing apples and oranges as men are smarter in certain areas and women have their
  • 英语口语轻松学 第76-77期:两眼相对的意见一致 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery to see eye to eye Our business has been successful because Tom and I work so well together. Sure, we have some differences in personality, but on the important things, like which businesses to invest in and who to hire,
  • 英语口语轻松学 第78期:用脚占个座先 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery to get one's foot in the door I remember when I got my first intern job at a movie studio. I worked forty hour weeks doing odd jobs like answering the phone or picking up lunch and dry cleaning, and I hardly got paid! B
  • 英语口语轻松学 第79期:来自骨子里的感觉 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery To feel it in one's bones The proposal looks okay but I just feel something's not right with it. I can feel it in my bones. I think we need to take a deeper look at the proposal and make double sure it's as good as they
  • 英语口语轻松学 第80期:睡的像头猪 ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery sleep like a log Bob, last night after I got the promotion that I have been so worried about the last six weeks, I can tell you that I was able to sleep like a log, for the first time in more than a month. I don't think
  • 英语口语轻松学 第81期:to give you a heads-up ENGLISH MARATHON Host: Jeffery 叶茼荞 heads up I want to give you all a heads up that some big shots from New York will be here next Monday to see how we're doing. So let's make sure our desks are clean and that we show them what we're doing - we