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  • 亲子英语016 scene15 用餐时 It's yummy. 这很好吃。 Dad,I don't like it. 爸,我不喜欢这个。 Don't be so picky.It's good for your body. 不可以挑食,这个对你的身体很好。 I'm thirsty.I want some water. 我口渴想要喝水。 Mmm~The
  • 亲子英语017 scene16 外出用餐 Let's eat out. 我们去外面吃吧! Honey,do you want to eat out? 亲爱的,要不要出去吃? Hurray! I want to. 好棒喔!我要我要。 What do you want to eat? 想吃什么? How about Korean barbecue? 韩国烤肉如何呢
  • 亲子英语018 scene17 零食点心 Do you want some dessert?你想吃些甜点吗? Peter,wash your hands first,and then have some dessert.彼得,先去洗手,然后去吃点甜点。 Mom,can I have some ice cream?妈,我可以吃冰淇淋吗? Not today,Honey
  • 亲子英语019 ACT4 做功课 scene18 今天的功课 You have to memorize it. 你要把这个背下来。 Open the book and turn to page 10. 把书打开翻到第十页。 It is difficult. 这很难。 No,honey,it's easy if you know the way. 不,亲爱的,如果
  • 亲子英语020 scene19 数学作业 I cannot solve this math problem. 我解不开这道数学习题。 Dad,can you help me? 爸,你可以帮我吗? Oh,honey,you made a mistake. 喔,亲爱的,你做错了。 I don't know how to do it. 我不知道要怎么做。
  • 亲子英语021 scene20 英文作业 How do you say it in English? 这个用英文要怎么说? Dad, how do you say this word? 这个词要怎么念? Sword,say it sword.Sword, 这个词念sword。 What does this word mean? 这个词是什么意思呢? Look it up in
  • 亲子英语022 scene21 考试成绩 How was your midterm exam? 你期中考试考得如何? How was your test? 考试考得如何? It was bad. 很糟。 Oh,honey,you should study harder. 喔,亲爱的,你应该要更用功一点。 But I already tried my best. 但
  • 亲子英语023 scene22 美术作业 What do you want to draw? 你想画什么? Jenny,what's your favorite color? 珍妮,你最喜欢什么颜色呢? I like red. 我喜欢红色。 Now,we're going to draw an apple in your sketch book.What do we use? 现在,我们要
  • 亲子英语024 ACT5 健康与安全 scene23 健康状况 I feel sick. 我好像病了。 Mom,I don't feel well. 妈,我觉得不舒服。 Are you sick? 你生病了吗? I feel dizzy. 我头晕。 Let me take your temperature. 我帮你量体温。 Mom,I don't wan
  • 亲子英语025 scene24 室内安全 I'll put the band-aid on. 我帮你贴创可贴。 Mom,my nose is bleeding. 妈,我的鼻子在流血。 What happened,Peter?Did you have a fight? 彼得,你怎么了?你打架了吗? No,mom.I didn't. 妈,我才没有。 Di
  • 亲子英语026 scene25 室外安全 Take care. 小心。 Watch out,Jenny!Be careful of the cars. 小心!珍妮。小心车子。 I'm fine,dad. 我没事啦,爸。 Did you get hit? 你被撞到了吗? No,dad.Can I go there to play ball? 没有。爸,我能去那玩
  • 亲子英语027 ACT6 天气与灾害 scene26 天气 It's a fine day today. 今天是个好天气。 How's the weather today? 今天天气如何? It's cloudy. 天阴阴的。 Is it going to rain today? 今天会下雨吗? I doubt it. 我想不会。 But I heard it mi
  • 亲子英语028 scene27 台风天 The typhoon is coming. 台风要来了。 Dad, why are you taping the windows? 爸,你为什么在窗户上贴胶带? Honey,a typhoon is coming. 亲爱的,有台风要来了。 Really? Wow,I don't have to go to school tomorrow.真
  • 亲子英语029 scene28 停电 The power went out. 停电了。 Dad,I'm scared. 爸,我好害怕喔。 Take it easy,honey.It's just raining cats and dogs. 亲爱的,放轻松。外面只是下着倾盆大雨。 But, dad,it's stormy outside. 可是,爸,外面
  • 亲子英语030 scene29 地震 It's an earthquake. 地震了。 Mom,did you feel the earthquake this afternoon? 妈,你今天下午有感觉到地震吗? Oh,that scared me. 喔,那地震吓到我了。 The breaking news just reported some houses were destroyed b