Did you hear about this study that found people that were cool and popular at 13 have problems succeeding later in life? 你有没有听说过这个研究,它的结果显示在13岁左右很酷很受欢迎的人,在之后的人生中通常较难获得成功
I'm doing okay, and I was very popular at 13. In school? 我现在就还行啊,我13岁时也很受欢迎,在学校吗
Oh, no. At home. The servants would sing to me, laugh at my jokes... 不是,在家,佣人们会给我唱歌,会捧场我的笑话
I wish I knew their names. 真希望我知道他们的名字
Does the study say what happens to the unpopular kids? 研究有说不受欢迎的孩子之后会如何吗
You tell me you woke up in bed with one. 你说呢,你每天起床时身旁就有一个
Listen to this.I just received an email from Wil Wheaton. 你们听我说,我刚收到威尔·惠顿的电邮
Leonard Nimoy's son is working on a documentary that he started with his father before he passed away. 伦纳德·尼莫伊的儿子在拍一部纪录片,在他爸爸过世前就开始拍摄了
It's about Mr. Spock and his impact on our culture. 主题是史波克先生及他对我们文化的影响
Why is he writing to you? 那他为啥要写信给你
Well, they're looking for fans to interview, and Wil thought I'd be good for it. 他们想找尼莫伊先生的粉丝做访问,威尔觉得我挺适合
Oh. Hey, high five.Absolutely not. 击个掌,打死都不要
Yeah, Penny, you spent some time in front of the camera. Any words of advice? 佩妮,你曾有过出镜的经验,有何建议吗
Yes. Don't take your shirt off just because the director said so. 有,别因为导演叫你脱,你就真的脱光
This is a documentary about Mr. Spock. 这是关于史巴克先生的纪录片
I'm sure if there's nudity, it will be tasteful. 就算真有裸露镜头,也一定很有品味
Hey. You got a minute? 有空吗
Pause the game, Howard. "Howard"? 暂停游戏,霍华德,叫"霍华德"
Uhoh. Make room, Visigoths. 'Sup? 惨了,先别碍事,西哥特人,怎么了
We need to talk about redecorating this place. Oh, no, not this again. 我们得来谈谈重新装修这房子的事,不是吧,又来
Look, I get that you grew up here and you're attached to things looking a certain way, but...I want this to feel like my house, too. 我理解你从小在这里长大,你对屋里的一切有着特殊的感情,可...我也想把这里当自己家
Oh, honey, of course it's your house. Why else would you be cleaning it all the time? 亲爱的,这里当然是你自己家啦,不然你整天打扫它干嘛
All right. Let's start over. I'm redecorating. The furniture, the carpeting, the walls. I'm changing everything that depresses me when I look at it. 好吧,我换个方式说,老娘要装修,家具,地毯,墙都要重弄,老娘要把看了会郁闷的东西全换掉
Try not to be one of those things. May I say something? 试着别让自己也变其中一员,我能说一件事吗
Is it about how I can't have new wallpaper 'cause your dad left when you were little and your mom died? Never mind. 是想说我不能换掉墙纸,因为你爹打小就离开你,你娘还过世了吗,没事儿了
Hello, Amy. It's Sheldon. Yeah, II know that we're broken up, but I'm leaving this message 艾米,是我谢尔顿,我知道我们已经分手了,但我给你留言
because I thought perhaps you'd like to watch me be interviewed for a documentary about Mr. Spock. Or as I like to call it, a Spockumentary. 是觉得你可能有兴趣看我在史波克先生的纪录片中接受访问或者我更爱称之为是"史"记
Yeah, I'm going to use that joke in the interview, so try to laugh like you're hearing it for the first time. 我会在纪录片里讲这个哏,你看时尽量像第一次听到那样笑出来哦
You know, hysterically3, hmm? And with a tinge4 of sadness that I'm no longer in your life. 你懂吧,笑到抽筋,但是又带有一点我已不在身边的悲伤
I'm the one who thought of "Spockumentary" And I'm laughing like I did the first time I heard it. 我才是想出"史"记这名字的人,而我正像第一次听到那样笑着呢
Hello. Hey, Sheldon. This is Adam Nimoy. Nice to meet you. Oh, it's nice to meet you. 你们好,你好,谢尔顿,这位是亚当·尼莫伊,幸会,我也很高兴见到你
I admire your father's work very much. It's not every day I get to meet someone whose life's journey began in my hero's scrotum. 我十分钦佩您父亲的作品,而能见到从自己偶像的阴囊中开始人生旅途的人,也很稀奇
I told you. This guy is gold. 我就跟你说这家伙绝对极品
Whatcha doing? Oh! 你在干嘛
Making myself a bologna sandwich like my mom used to make me after my dad left, but before she died. 给自己做我爹离家后,我妈去世前她会给我做的腊肠三明治
Okay, listen, I'm thinking that maybe we can compromise on the house. I'm listening. 好啦,我在想或许房子这件事我们可以有个折衷办法,我听着呢
Let's just redo one room and see how it goes. 我们可以先装修一个房间,看看效果如何
That is reasonable. But what room? 此言有理,但装修哪间房间呢
How 'bout1 this one? No way. No way, this is the room I associate the most with my mom. 比如这间,绝对不行,不行,这是我跟我妈互动最多的房间
Then how about the bathroom? I want to change my answer. 那浴室呢,其实我们互动最多是在浴室
Fine. Then the dining room. 好吧,那饭厅呢
I guess we didn't use it very often. Unless we had company. Which didn't happen much after my dad left and not at all after my mom... 我们的确是比较不常用那里,只有有伴时才用,不过在我爹离家后,那就不怎么用了,我妈去世后更是...
Great! I'm gonna go pick out paint samples. 很好,我去挑油漆样本
we're just gonna have a conversation. Pretend the camera's not here. 我们就自然对话,假装没有镜头在拍你就行了
All right. But this better not be some elaborate scheme to get me out of my shirt. 好,但这最好不是精心设计来要骗人家宽衣解带的骗局
How long have you known Adam? A few years. 你跟亚当认识多久了,几年了
And what are you getting him back for? 他是哪里得罪你了
Let's start with your name and occupation. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, theoretical physicist5, Caltech. And what is your earliest memory of the character Spock? 先从你的名字与职业说起吧,谢尔顿·库伯博士,加州理工理论物理学家,你对史波克这角色最早的记忆是什么呢
The first episode of StarTrek: The Original Series I ever saw was "The Galileo Seven." 《星际旅行:原初》系列中,我第一次看是第1季第16集
Uh, Spock had just landed on the planet Taurus II. Then my brother came in, sat on my head, and said, "Eat farts." 史巴克在金牛座2号星上降落,然后我哥走进来,坐在我头上,然后说"吃屁吧"
After that day, I was hooked. On Star Trek6, not my brother's sphincterbased cuisine7. 那次之后,我就着迷了,对《星际旅行》着迷,不是对我哥的"菊花餐点"着迷
What was it about Spock that appealed to you? 史波克是哪一点吸引到了你呢
I think the same thing that appeals to people everywhere, the dream of a cold, rational world entirely8 without human emotion. 我想所有被吸引的人,都是因为同个理由吧,梦想着一个冷酷理智的世界,完全没有任何人类情感
You know, on Vulcan, when your brother asks, "Why are you hitting yourself?" 在他家乡瓦肯星上,如果你的哥哥问你"你为什么要打自己"
The answer is, "I'm not. You're moving my arm." To which he says, "Fascinating." 那答案会是, "我没有啊,是你在控制我的手",然后他会回答"太有意思了"
And then you both watch educational television. 于是你们就一起看教育频道
Aw. When he says things like that, I just want to hug him and make everything better. 听到他说这类事情时,我就想过去抱抱他,哄哄他
My brother was mean to me, too. 我哥对我也很坏啊
Yeah, you probably had it coming. 你绝对是自己找揍
Do you have any Spock collectibles? 你有任何史波克的收藏品吗
I have many. My most treasured is an autographed napkin given to me by my very thoughtful friend Penny. That's her over there. 我有很多啊,但最珍贵的是尼莫伊先生亲笔签名的餐巾,来自我体贴的好友佩妮,她就在那边
Hi! Look at that. I'm in a movie, my shirt stayed on. 大家好,瞧瞧,不用脱衣服就能出镜了呢
Can we see the napkin? 我们能看看那块餐巾吗
Of course. Excuse me. This will just take a moment. 当然,失陪一下,拿出来得费点功夫
When did we get a wall safe? 墙式保险箱什么时候装的
When there was no more room in the floor safe. 在地板保险箱装满之后啊
When did we get a floor safe? 地板保险箱又什么时候装的
When we got the security camera. 装了监控摄像机之后啊
There's a security camera? 还有监控摄像机吗
Aquaman, protecting your home since 2012. 潜水侠,自2012年以来一直保护你家
Oh, my God. We've done things on that couch. 老天,我们在沙发上"做"过好些事情
Yeah. You don't have to tell me. 是啊,你不说我也知道
So, your fatherinlaw is in there right now? 你的岳父现在在这呢
Yes. So back me up. The house is good the way it is. Oh, okay. Got it. 是的,你要帮我说话,就说这房子维持原样就好,好的,哦了
Hey. What's going on? 在忙什么呢
Hey. Hey, Raj. Dad and I were just talking about taking down this wall. 你好,拉杰,我和爸爸在讨论把这面墙拆掉
You sure? It's a... pretty great wall. What's so great about it? I'm sorry. I did what I could. 你确定吗,这可是...一面好墙啊,好在哪里,很抱歉,我尽力了
Seriously? You brought Raj over to take your side? 不是吧,你把拉杰带过来帮你站队吗
Your dad's on your side. He's not on my side. He's doing all the work for free. 你爸跟你是一队,他才没有站队,他是过来免费帮忙的
That is so generous of you. I'd like to switch sides. 你真是太慷慨无私了,我想换一队站
Look, uh... I don't even think you can take this wall down 'cause it's loadbearing. 听着,我觉得你们不能把这面墙拆掉,因为它是承重墙
Well, it's easy to find out. Just go into the crawlspace under the house and check. 想知道很容易,只要爬到房子和地基中间的夹层,一试便知
When is your visa up? 你的签证什么时候到期
Not only is it signed to me but this is where he wiped his mouth. So we are currently in the presence of Leonard Nimoy's DNA10. 这上面不仅有署名给我的签名,而且这里,还是他擦过嘴的地方,现在在大家面前的是伦纳德·尼莫伊的DNA
Um, doesn't Adam count as Leonard Nimoy's DNA? 亚当不算是伦纳德·尼莫伊的DNA吗
No offense11, but this is pure 100% Nimoy. Because of your mother, you're only 50%. 无意冒犯,但这可是100%纯尼莫伊,而因为你妈,你只有50%的种
Which isn't bad, but anything that you wipe your mouth on gets thrown away. 这也不是坏事,但你用来擦嘴的任何东西只会被扔掉
Okay, enough about the napkin. What else you hiding in there? 好了,不说餐巾了,你里面都藏了什么宝贝
Wouldn't you like to know? 是不是超想知道啊
I would. All right then. See? Just my valuables. My passport, uh, my Will... 是啊,那行,就是一些我的重要物品,我的护照,我的威尔(遗嘱)
You have a will? Yeah,my 1/18 scale Wil Wheaton action figure. 你还立好遗嘱啦,是啊,1:18真人比例的威尔·惠顿手办
I also have the other kind of will, and in it I will my Wil back to Wil. 里面也有另一种遗嘱(威尔),里面写着把我的小威尔赠送给威尔
Will Wil want it? Wil won't. 威尔会想要吗,威尔不想要
What's that ring box? 戒指盒里面的是什么
Oh. That is an engagement ring that I was going to give my girlfriend Amy. 那是一枚订婚戒指,我本来打算送给我女朋友艾米的
What?! You bought her a ring? 什么,你给她买了戒指啊
No, no, no. This has been in my family for generations. 不,这是我祖上一代代传下来的
Except for a short time when Comanches cut off my greatgreatgreatgrandmother's finger and stole it. 除了中间有一小段时间,印第安人,把我曾曾曾祖母的手指切下来,把戒指偷走
Sheldon, that's awful. 谢尔顿,这太惨了
No. The Texas Rangers12 tracked them down to their village and slaughtered13 every last one of them, so...it was a happy ending. Well, for my ninefingered Nana. 不,德州游骑兵追到他们的村子里,把整个村子给屠了,一个活口都没留,所以这是个皆大欢喜的结局,至少我的九指祖母欢喜了
Okay, back to the ring. Does Amy even know about this? 说回戒指,艾米知道这事吗
Oh, man, I'm sorry that must have been devastating15 for you. 真遗憾,你一定觉得天都塌了吧
No, not at all. No, I'm fine. You know, Amy had reservations about our relationship, so all worked out for the best. 完全没有,我没事,艾米对我们的感情持保留态度,所以这就是最好的结果
I know. It just... I said I'm fine! 我知道,可... 都说了我没事
We've gotten a little offtopic. Allow me to make things entertaining again in this little Spockumentary. That was Leonard's joke. 我们有点跑题了,就让我来说个笑话给这部"史"记增加点娱乐性,那是莱纳德想的笑话

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n.侵袭,发作;一次(阵,回);拳击等比赛 | |
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n.笑柄;烟蒂;枪托;臀部;v.用头撞或顶 | |
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ad. 歇斯底里地 | |
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vt.(较淡)着色于,染色;使带有…气息;n.淡淡色彩,些微的气息 | |
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n.物理学家,研究物理学的人 | |
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vi.作长途艰辛的旅行;n.长途艰苦的旅行 | |
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n.烹调,烹饪法 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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n.逻辑(学);逻辑性 | |
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(缩)deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸 | |
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n.犯规,违法行为;冒犯,得罪 | |
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护林者( ranger的名词复数 ); 突击队员 | |
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v.屠杀,杀戮,屠宰( slaughter的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.开瓶,提出(题目) | |
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adj.毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的 | |
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