Jack1 heard pounding noises. He imagined Boka andKama were building a ship.
He opened his eyes. Only he and Annie were still inthe hut. A piece of cloth covered the doorway2. Jacksat up and shook Annie.
"Wake up!" he said.
She opened her eyes.
"I think they're building a ship outside," said Jack.
"Come on, let's go."Annie jumped up.
"Don't forget your lei," she said.
They put on their flower wreaths. Jack lifted thecloth over the doorway, and they stepped out into thewarm sunlight.
Boka, Kama, and their parents smiled at Jack andAnnie. They were all working. But no one wasbuilding a ship.
Boka was pounding a wide strip of bark with awooden club. Kama was using a stone to poundsomething that looked like a fat sweet potato. Theirparents were weaving grass mats.
"What are you making?" Jack asked.
"I'm making tapa," said Boka. "First I beat the barkof the mulberry tree into thin sheets. Then my fatherpastes the sheets together to make cloth for us.""This is the root of a taro3 plant," said Kama. Shepointed at the squashed white vegetable. "When youadd fruit to it, you get poi.""Great," said Jack. "By the way, do you ever buildships?""Ships?" asked boka. "What for?" Jack shrugged4. "Tosail away?" he said.
"Why would we do that?" asked Kama.
"Good question," said Jack, smiling.
"Can I help?" Annie asked Kama.
"Sure," said Kama. While she showed Annie how topound the taro root, Jack slipped back into the hut. Hepulled out his notebook and quickly added to hisHawaii list:
tapa- bark pounded into clothtaro root-pounded for poi ship?
Jack heard Kama ask her parents if they could playnow.
"We've finished our chores," said Kama. "May wetake Jack and Annie to the ocean?""For wave riding," said Boka.
Jack held his breath. He half hoped their parentswould say no.
"Yes, go have a good time with your friends," saidtheir father.
"Come on, Jack!" Annie called.
Jack put his notebook away. He pulled on his packand joined the others outside.
"We'll be back in a little while," said Kama. "Don'tforget to eat breakfast!" said her mother.
"We won't," said Kama.
Where will we get breakfast? wondered Jack.
He and Annie followed Kama and Boka Theypassed villagers hard at work. Some carried firewoodor water. Others were cutting grass or stripping barkfrom trees. Everyone smiled and waved.
"Hungry?" Kama asked Jack and Annie. "Sure," theysaid.
Kama and Boka went into the grove5 of palms nearthe huts. They climbed up two slanting6 tree trunks,Using their hands and feet to push themselves up. Atthe top, they shook the palm leaves.
"Watch out!" Kama shouted.
Jack and Annie jumped back as big, round coconutsfell to the ground.
Kama and Boka slid down the trees. They eachpicked up a coconut7. Then they found rocks andbegan to whack9 the hard shells. They whacked10 andwhacked until their coconuts8 cracked into halves.
Kama shared hers with Annie. Boka shared hiswith Jack.
Jack drank the fresh, sweet milk inside the coconut.
"Mmm!" he said.
"Interesting?" asked Boka.
"No. Mmm means good!" said Jack.
Everyone laughed.
Then Kama picked bananas off a banana tree andgave them to Jack and Annie. Jack peeled his and tooka bite. It was the best banana he'd ever eaten.
When breakfast was over, they all headed into theflowery meadow. The sky was the bluest blue Jackhad ever seen. The grass was the greenest green. Theflowers and birds sparkled like jewels.
Hawaii is like a garden paradise, Jack thought.
He wanted to look up Hawaiian birds and flowersin the research book. As the others kept walking, hestopped and pulled out the book.
"Jack! Come look!" Annie shouted. She wasstanding at the edge of a cliff with Boka and Kama.
Jack put away the book and hurried to join theothers. He looked down at a beach fifty feet below.
There were no people. Only seashells and seaweedlay on the glistening11 white sand. Big, foamy12 wavescrashed against the shore.
"Wow!" said Annie.
Uh-oh, thought Jack.

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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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n.门口,(喻)入门;门路,途径 | |
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n.芋,芋头 | |
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vt.耸肩(shrug的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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n.林子,小树林,园林 | |
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倾斜的,歪斜的 | |
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n.椰子 | |
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n.椰子( coconut的名词复数 );椰肉,椰果 | |
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v.敲击,重打,瓜分;n.重击,重打,尝试,一份 | |
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a.精疲力尽的 | |
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adj.闪耀的,反光的v.湿物闪耀,闪亮( glisten的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.全是泡沫的,泡沫的,起泡沫的 | |
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