"I have come to see Arthur the king!" the Christmas Knightsaid. His deep voice echoed from inside his helmet. His redarmor gleamed in the firelight.
King Arthur stood up. He stared fiercely at the knight1, but hespoke in a calm, steady voice. "I am Arthur the king," he said.
"Who are you?"The knight did not answer Arthur's question. "So. You are thelegendary King Arthur of Camelot," he said in a mocking voice.
"And these must be the famous Knights2 of the Round Table.""Yes," said King Arthur, "and again, I ask: Who are you?"The Christmas Knight still did not answer Arthur's question.
"The spell of the Dark Wizard has robbed Camelot of its joy,"said the Christmas Knight. "Has it robbed you and your men ofyour courage as well?""You dare to question our courage?" King Arthur said in alow, angry voice.
"CAMELOT IS DYING!" the Christmas Knight boomed. "Whyhas no one journeyed to the Otherworld to recapture its joy?""I have sent my best knights on such a quest," said KingArthur. "They never returned.""THEN SEND MORE!" thundered the Christmas Knight.
"NO!" shouted King Arthur, pounding his fists on the table.
"Never again will I feed good men to the magic and monsters ofthe Otherworld!"Jack3 felt a chill of fear. What monsters?
"Then you choose your fate," said the Christmas Knight. "Ifyou will send no one else to the Otherworld, all that yourkingdom has gained through time--all beauty, music, wonder,and light, all that Camelot has ever been or could ever be--willbe lost and forgotten forever.""No!" shouted Annie.
"Shh, Annie!" said Jack.
The Christmas Knight turned to the knights at the table.
"WHO WILL GO?" he boomed.
"We will!" shouted Annie.
"We will?" said Jack.
"Yes! We'll go on the quest!" Annie yelled. She jumped up.
"No!" cried Morgan le Fay.
"Never!" said King Arthur.
"Annie!" said Jack. He leaped up from his chair and tried tograb her.
"YES!" thundered the Christmas Knight. He pointed4 his red-gloved hand at Annie and Jack. "The youngest of all--these two-they will go.""You are mocking us!" King Arthur shouted.
"THEY WILL GO!" boomed the knight. His words echoedthroughout the hall.
Oh, no, thought Jack.
"Yes!" said Annie. She pulled Jack toward the ChristmasKnight.
King Arthur turned to his men. "Stop them!"Several knights started to rush toward Jack and Annie. TheChristmas Knight raised his gloved hand high in the air.
In an instant, the room fell deathly quiet.
Everyone around the table was as still as a statue.
King Arthur looked like the statue of a furious king. QueenGuinevere looked like the statue of a worried queen. TheKnights of the Round Table looked like statues of fierce knights.
And Morgan le Fay looked like the statue of a caring friend.
Her mouth was open, as if she were calling out to Jack andAnnie. But no sound came from her lips--no sound at all.

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n.骑士,武士;爵士 | |
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骑士; (中古时代的)武士( knight的名词复数 ); 骑士; 爵士; (国际象棋中)马 | |
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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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