Anna staged out of the house tree window,Hi! She called.
Shl... said jack1. Cooling her back in .pullingDon’t let them see us up here. It ‘s too hard to explain the treehouse. Let’s go down.
Good point. Said AnneShe handed Merlin’s letter to jack and started down though therope ladder. Jack grabbed the shoulder back, he put the letterinside and added their research book and realms book along in thebackpack. Cross the chest and climbed downWhen they stepped into the ground. Jack twisted therope ladder bythe tree trunck, so they couldn’t be notice it,Ok! He said to AnneHi! Anne called again away leaving.
She and jack stepped down into the openThe camel riders had palm trees, and lead made them camel meal.
As they climbed off, jack andAnne reminded over to them. Theman wore long black robe, he had long white beard, stun2 stern darkeyes.
Who are you? He asked unsmiling. And where do you come from?
I am Anne and this is my brother jack, said AnneOur home is far away from the frog creek3 of Pennsylvania.
I have never heard of such a place. The man said. and how do youcome here and desert alone?
Ah... jack didn’t know what to say.
We are riding with our family, Anne said. we stopped rest here. Mybrother took a map nap on this tree, when we woke up, everyonewas gone. They like go to be a mistake. See, we have a really bigfamily. There many brothers and sisters,Anne! said jack. It seemed too much she talked.
The man looked unconcerned.
Why have they not come back for you? He saidgazing out of thedesert. I hope there’s now back and found us.
Are there a band from here? Asked AnneThere many bands pulling desert. Said the man.
Jack looked anxiously around the sandy plain.
That’s one must always have trouble with others. Said the man. ButI hope your family will return for you. Soon.
Excuse me. Anne said politely.
But who are you. How did you come here?
I am a merchant. The man said. my caravan4 was travelling from thewest you’ll be surprised by sudden sands of ..it seems tocomefrom no way. But like your brother wishes, we’ll rest and water ouranimals to sand to go down. In the cool of the night, we will travelon be night dawn.
The caravan leader to his man spoke5 to them. They just mountedand started taking saddles fromoff the camels.
Anne turned to jack,See.. a running moto. She whispered.
The sand storm was magic, it brought us here and with the banddied.
But I guess we can get them down to help us. Said jack.
But Merlin said we should be humble6 and let’s offerthe help then .
said Anne.
She walked over to the camels’ leader. Who’s feeling a campuscompass, get from the water, from the small spring.
Escuse me. Said Anne.
We wonder if we could help you.
The man gave her a quick smile.
Thank you. Yes. He saidIf you could gather dates she would be most appreciated. My menare very hungry.
He handed Anne two large baskets,No problem! Said Anne.
Look other dates?
nne carried the baskets to jack,Do you know what date is? She whispered.
I suppose to gather some.
I will look it up. Said jackWith his back from the camel riders, he pulled out his researchbook out the backpack, and looked up dates. He read:
Dates were known as the fruit of desert. They hang on brunches7 ofdate palms. People gather dates by shaking and chocking the trees.
Not only the dates the important food but the wood and leaves ofdate trees palms are used to make a lot ...
Ok! I got it. ! interrupted AnneShe pulled the baskets down,Let’s start shaking the trees!
Jack pulled the book away, looked around. It’s the first time heknew the brunches are browned fruit, growing hanging from thetrees. He grabbed hold the near tree trunk, Anne grabbed the treetrunk from the other side. Together, they shook the tree. Until datesbegan falling unto the groundIn the desert heat, jack and Anne were wet from the tree to tree,shaking each one to gathering8 the dates out from the ground.
By the time they had gathered the baskets filled with dates. Thetree blasting long shadow over the ..
Tightly and sweetly, jack and Anne carried their dates basket to thecamel riders’ leader, meanwhile he was pulling water from the deepspring hole.
Oh! Very good! He saidThank you, jack and Anne.
You’re welcome. Said Anne.
But could I ask what we cando next for you?
You should rest for the heave now. said the man. Would you set thehalf tea with us?
Sure! Said AnneBy the way. What’s your name?
My name is very long. The man said with a smile. You may call me:
mammon. Mammals god of fortuneOthercamels grazed. Mammon and his man set on the moon.
Spreading with grass. They shared dates and teas with jack andAnne the dark came food with soup. And chu..
The tea was strong and bitter. But good. And fire red glove settingsun.
Jack watched the grazing camels, he thought the hunter of theanimals was really funny. They had knobby nose, big funny furryfeet. And litter ears scratched, some camels smiled their ruby9 whenthey drank water, others grab down, home branches andsword ...without chewingDo the swords heard the camels snow? Jack asked mammon.
No. said the camel band leader. Their hooves are very tough, theirstomachs are very tough. They can eat anything pigs, bones, evena tons of saddle packs let them. Said a young camel reide. Rider.
Anneand jack laughedWhat’s in your saddle bags? Anne asked.
Our bags are filled with goods from greek and turkey, and Syria.
Said mommon. We have many things. Jewelries, beads10, andprecious things like salmon11, paper and vanilla12 (seasons likesesame, pepperand vanilla ) said mammon.
To Baghdad to sell.
We have to get to Baghdad too. Said Anne.
We have to meet with caliph.
The camel riders chuckled13 when they heard Anne was making herjoke. Only mammon did not laugh.
Your family was with the caliph? He said.
o. said Anne. just jack mean. He had to help him spread wisdomto the world.
Anne... warned jack.
The camel riders laughed loudly.
What’s so funny? Anne asked.
The gale14 did not mean with children.? Said a young man.
Yes! He is the most powerful and important person in the world.
Oh! Said Anne funning.
The news worried jack too.
Mammon looked at jack and Anne with curious expression.
Night will soon be on panes15. Send since your family not yetreturned, you had to rest with us. To their dad. ToBaghdad. Hesaid.
You have journey by camels as far. I trust you can ride camels restthe way.
Sure! We can! Said Anne. we love camels.
We do? Thought jack.
Good! We love our ship to desert too. Said mammon. We’ll set sailon them soon.
So that was the cheap of desert of scar? Anne whispered to jackCamels. Thought jackOh! Brother!

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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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vt.打昏,使昏迷,使震惊,使惊叹 | |
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n.小溪,小河,小湾 | |
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n.大蓬车;活动房屋 | |
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n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说 | |
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adj.谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的;v.降低,贬低 | |
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n.早午餐( brunch的名词复数 ) | |
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n.集会,聚会,聚集 | |
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n.红宝石,红宝石色 | |
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n.(空心)小珠子( bead的名词复数 );水珠;珠子项链 | |
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n.鲑,大马哈鱼,橙红色的 | |
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n.香子兰,香草 | |
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轻声地笑( chuckle的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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n.大风,强风,一阵闹声(尤指笑声等) | |
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窗玻璃( pane的名词复数 ) | |
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