Henry led Jack1 and Anne out of the sea lab, locking the door behindthem, then he led the way through the hall and down to other flat ofthe deep steps, in the faint light of the lower deck, Jack saw navyofficers and scientists sdreaming through the door to the head. HeAnne and Henry lied up behind them. And found them into the room.
Still wearing their balky life vests, Jack and Anne sat at the longbench at the front of the table. Many of them stared at them withcuriousity. The professor smiled and captain did not looked happy.
I thought my friends might be joining for lunch, sir. Henry said tocaptain. I promise they will well return to shore after the storm.
Very well. Said the captain. Immediately, after the storm.
Yes. Sir. Said Henry .
He turned to the other officer at the table. Gentlemen, may Iintroduce Jack and Anne fromAmerica? They are adventuretravelers ..
i.. murmured Jack and anne. The officers and scientists looked atthem politely. Sailors in wet uniforms exacted as waiters bringingfood, plates and cups at the table.
What we have for lunch? Anne whispered to Henry.
The usual. Henry said sighing. Salted meat, pickles2, dry biscuits.
This is not good. Thought Jack. He was right.
When they were served, they could hardly look at their food, muchless to eat it. He was thirsty though. So he reached for his cup andtook a long sip3 of water. Jack immediately spit back to his cup, itwas unbelievable sourer . he gagged and coughed, when helooked up, everyone was staring at him, including the captain.
Excuse me. Jack said weping his mouth, his face felt hot from theembarrassment.
You just caught for lemon juice lad. Said the professor , most of ustake it in small sips4.
Lemon juice? Asked Anne .why?
It prevents scurvy5. Said the professor. Everyday we all drink a cupof lemon juice, to previme scurvy. Otherwise we got grave andradden teeth.
Yark. Said AnneHenry smiled. You will get scurvy if you don’t eat enoughvegetables. He said. but it’s hard to keep vegetables in ship,Jack couldn’t think about drinking anything at that moment. All of itis specially6 for the pickles. Made him felt even craze here. Theyrolling in the ship up either.
The waves seems getting more and worse. He said to Henry.
They do indeed. Said Henry. He turned and looked at the smallround wondow.
Can see a safe, it seeks as a piece soupabout there.
Oh no. Jack grown to himself. Please don’t talk about the peacesoup. The ship lerched, cups and plates, flattered7 across the table,and crushed the floor. Anne grabbed8 Jack and ship rocked wildly.
Steady where she goes. Said the captain. It seems the storm is fullyaponished. Said the professor. The ship lurched again. More cupsand plates flad off the table. Jack and Anne almost slid off thechairs, without any sign, nervousless, the officers and scientistsstood up and hurried up out theroom. As if they knew just one thingto do in bad way together.
I will take you down the hole. Henry said to Jack and Anne. we willwait there until the waves calm down.
The ship peached violently, as they stood up from the table, holdingon the to backroom, their live vasts, Henry stared at Jack and Anne,out the world room. Jack nearly swept on the floor. He speared feetacross some socky biscuits and pickles, he tried no to think about it.
All in the dark hall, the wind hauled9 down the stair wall to the topdeck. Spring them all with ocean fown.
I must go to secure me lab. Henry shouted to Jack and Anne.
He pointed10 to the stairs, go down one more flat and I will join youwhen I can.
Welcome with you. Said Anne.
It’s better to be safe. Said Henry. Followed the others! Quick! Comesoon!
Henry unlocked11 the door to his lab, and disappeared inside.
Come on, let’s go down. Said Jack.
He grabbed Anne’s hand and crawled pulled her toward the fairwell,officers and sailors heading down ahead of them. Jastas Jack andAnne started down, the ship lurched again, Jack stomach lurchedwith it. He covered his mouth,I am definitely going to be sick. He thought. He really didn’t want towalk through the upstairs or from the captain with others.
You go down, beno right there. Jack shouted to Anne.
Why? Where are you going? Anne yelled12.
Just do down. Said Jack.
Then he wald around and charged up two fight steep steps to thetop deck. When Jack stepped on the deck, the rain was pumping.
The wind was howling. The waves look like dark mountains. Seefonud must blowing everywhere. Jack knew at once he had met amistake.
Better to be in berust, than drown. He thought.
Just as he turned back to the steps, Anne burst onto the deck,Jack! He cried. What are you doing? Jack forgot all aboutthroughing up.
I made a mistake. He shouted. We should not be up here. Go downI am coming with you. We have to go back down.
He pushed Anne toward the stair way. A giant wave crushed overthe side of the ship, Jack fell and slipped form the fun covered deck.
It was impossible to see anything, the wind was squirming, Jacktried to stand, but whirl13 was let fast, he couldn’t stand up and fromhis feet, Jack finally held himself up, but just as he did, the othergiant wave pull break over the side of the ship, the ship rolled again.
And Jack felt to his knees, another wave crushed overthedeck, Jack was squaped up by the phone mit water, and tossedover board. Into the cherlling sea.

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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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n.腌菜( pickle的名词复数 );处于困境;遇到麻烦;菜酱 | |
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v.小口地喝,抿,呷;n.一小口的量 | |
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n.小口喝,一小口的量( sip的名词复数 )v.小口喝,呷,抿( sip的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adj.下流的,卑鄙的,无礼的;n.坏血病 | |
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adv.特定地;特殊地;明确地 | |
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过份夸奖的; 高兴的,感到荣幸的 | |
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v.抢先,抢占( grab的过去式和过去分词 );(尤指匆忙地)取;攫取;(尤指自私、贪婪地)捞取 | |
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拖,拉( haul的过去式和过去分词 ); 运送; 传讯; 强迫(某人)去某处 | |
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adj.尖的,直截了当的 | |
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v.开锁( unlock的过去式和过去分词 );开启;揭开;开着,解开 | |
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v.叫喊,号叫,叫着说( yell的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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v.使...旋转,急转,回旋,迅速移动;n.回旋,旋转,繁忙,混乱,尝试 | |
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