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  • 商贸英语口语-寄送简历后

    SECRETARY: Can I help you? JUDY: Yes. I sent in my resume at the end of last week. I'm applying for the accounts assistant position. SECRETARY: May I have your name please? JUDY: My name is Judy Liao. That's spelled L I A O. SECRETARY: Alright... An...

  • 商贸英语口语-求职面试

    ALEX: I can see by your resume here that you studied business administration. MORGAN: That's right. ALEX: So I wonder why you want to work for a newspaper. MORGAN: I did reporting for the university newspaper at my school. And I've always been very...

  • 商贸英语口语-约见

    LAURA: Excuse me, can you tell me which is Bob Rice's office? ANDREA: Sure. It's the third office down this hall. Are you looking for Bob? LAURA: Yes. He told me to come by this morning. ANDREA: I'm sorry, but he's not in the office now. Do you have...

  • 商贸英语口语-调往海外

    ROB: Allen, I just heard the good news. ALLEN: What good news? ROB: They chose you to be project assistant over in Chicago. Congratulations. ALLEN: Yes, Mr. Tate told me before the meeting Tuesday. ROB: Great. I bet you're excited, aren't you? ALLEN...

  • 商贸英语口语-参加展销会

    SCOTT: This facility is great, don't you think? ANDREW: Yes, it is better than last year. They have done a very good job this time. SCOTT: I'm glad our booth is on the first floor. More people can see our display. ANDREW: If someone wants to find us...

  • 商贸英语口语-商谈交易

    SHERRY: I understand we will need seven air conditioning units on the two floors. That's what you think, yes? ARNOLD: Yes. You could use five or six units. But five or six wouldn't be very efficient. I recommend seven. SHERRY: And if we take the Dec...

  • 商贸英语口语-柜台服务

    SALESMAN: Can I help you? JOHN: Yes, I would like to buy a Walkman. Can you tell me about the models you have? SALESMAN: Well, we have a lot of models here. Did you want to listen to CD's or cassettes or the radio? JOHN: Mostly cassette tapes. SALES...

  • 商贸英语口语-签订合同

    JOHN: Have you had a chance to look over the contract? LORRIE: Yes. I've read it carefully. JOHN: And do you have any questions? LORRIE: No. But the contract stipulates that I will teach 22 hours a week. Will you have that many classes for me right...

  • 商贸英语口语-Getting to know your coworkers

    STEVE: Would you like some more of this punch? SUSAN: No, I don't think so. STEVE: Why not? SUSAN: I'm afraid of it. It's sweet, but I think it's pretty strong. STEVE: No, not at all. I've had five glasses already. SUSAN: Yes, I can tell. STEVE: Wha...

  • 商贸英语口语-准备汇报

    CHRISTINA: Liz, do you have a minute? LIZ: Yes, of course. What is it? CHRISTINA: I need you to help me set up for my presentation Thursday morning. LIZ: Okay, what should I do? CHRISTINA: Well, it isn't at this office. It's over at the Dayton Stree...

  • 商贸英语口语-向上级报告

    MR. SMITH: Well, Yuri, tell me about it. YURI: I'm sorry I can't bring better news, sir. The site is a disaster. MR. SMITH: That's what I was afraid of. YURI: It is not only the earthquake, sir. But the mudslides. Much of the north half of the site...

  • 商贸英语口语-部门会议

    SHARON: Well, you two. I have good news from Ms. Wells. CANDY: Are we opening the new shop? SHARON: Not just that, Candy. Ms. Wells wants me to tell you that we will be opening two new shops. CANDY: Two? ANDREW: So fast? SHARON: Yes, two. They've ju...

  • 商贸英语口语-互相沟通

    ANNIE: Karen, do you have a minute? I'd like to ask you about something. KAREN: Sure. What is it? ANNIE: I think you can give me some advice. You have worked here longer, and I just want to know what you think. KAREN: I'm glad to help you. But what...

  • 商贸英语口语-向老板建议

    MR. RAMIREZ: Come in, Arnold. Have a seat. ARNOLD: Good morning. MR. RAMIREZ: Would you like something to drink? ARNOLD: No, thank you. I just had two cups of coffee at my desk. MR. RAMIREZ: So, you're a serious coffee drinker. ARNOLD: Yes, it keeps...

  • 商贸英语口语-出口产品到美国

    JOHN: So it looks like we start selling in the U.S. next year. CAROL: Did Mr. Lin put you in charge of marketing? JOHN: He's still not sure whether he wants to put me in charge, or whether he wants to hire an American. But even if he hires an Americ...
