《英语口语教程》(Oral Workshop)问世于20世纪90年代初,是由北京外国语大学吴祯福教授主持编写,也是目前我国英语教学界具有相当的影响力的一套教材,至今已经累计销售数百万册。这套优秀的教材哺育了一届又一届的英语学习者,为我们国家的改革开放培养了大量的英语专业人才,成为国内主要高等学校英语专业的指定口语教材。实践证明,这是一套非常富有生命力的教材。
Lesson 5 Is He a Hero? Text A "Fire! Fire! " What terrible words to hear when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the night! It was a large, old, wooden house-the sort that burns beautifu...
Lesson4 Musical Half-Notes Text A A musician who played Pop Music in a CLub lived in boardinghouse in the centre of london. He always used to get back to his room very late at night and sometimes inth...
Lesson 3 Who Took the Money? Text A Mr Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday-ten pretty pound notes. So the day after her birthday, Mrs Smith went shopping. She queued for a bus, got on and...
Lesson 2 Au Pair Girl Text A Gretel comes from Austria. She is eighteen years old. She is going to stay with the Clark family for a year. Gretel has come to England because she wants to improve her En...
Lesson 1 Too Clever Text A A farmer who lived in a small village suffered from a severe pain in the chest. This never seemed to get any better. The farmer eventually decided that he would consult a do...