商务英语情景口语 You are fired!
PH: You what? What do you mean? Youve lost the DollarMart contract? Oh Brian, tell me youre joking! Thats our biggest contract! And youve lost it! Ok...ok...yes, I know youve had some personal problems recently...yes, sure...yes, I know our competito
商务英语情景口语 招聘录用
Hi Jess, can you put me through to Marcia in HR please? Hi Marcia. Its Philip here. Listen, Ive had to let Brian go. He lost us the DollarMart account. Yeah, but it had been going on for a while, he just wasnt pulling his weight anymore. Hed been war
商务英语情景口语 准备面试(1)
PH: So, how many applications did we get, Marcia? MB: Well...overall weve got over two hundred... PH: That many!? MB: Yes, but...most of which we can discard right away...people who dont have the right experience, qualifications that kind of thing...
商务英语情景口语 准备面试(2)
MB: Hi, Im Marcia Boardman, Im calling from WebWare. DW: Oh hi Marcia. Great to hear from you. MB: Youll already have been told youve been shortlisted for interview... ST: Oh...yes...great...hello? Can you hear me? MB: Yes...Is it ok if I call you no
商务英语情景口语 面试(1)
DW: Hi there. MB: Good morning Daniel! DW: Dan, please... MB: Im Marcia Boardman we spoke on the phone and this is Philip Hart, our CEO. PH: Hello! DW: Nice to meet you both. PH: So it says here on your CV that youre interested in rock climbing... DW
商务英语情景口语 面试(2)
MB: Hi Sarah! Im Marcia Boardman we spoke on the phone... ST: Oh yes, I remember I was having a bad day! MB: ...and this is Philip Hart, our CEO. PH: Hello! ST: Hello, its very nice to meet you both. PH: It says on your CV that you do voluntary work.
商务英语情景口语 面试(3)
DW: When I was asked to do a presentation on Where WebWare is going, and what I can do to help it get there, my first thought was simple: me! As youve already seen, Ive got a lot of skills, and the right kind of personality needed to do a job like th
商务英语情景口语 面试结果(1)
PH: So...what did you think? MB: Well... between Sarah Timms and Daniel Watson I think the choice is pretty obvious! PH: Yes so do I. Watson looked so good on paper... MB: He seemed very good when I first spoke to him too.. PH: First impressions ofte
商务英语情景口语 面试结果(2)
MB: ...ok...ok...thats great! Well be pleased to have you on the team! Looking forward to seeing you next week! Bye! PH: Was that Sarah? MB: Yes - shes going to accept the job, and wants to come in next week for a chat... PH: Great news. Now you just
商务英语情景口语 商讨合同细节
MB: Hi! Welcome to WebWare. ST: Thanks, nice to see you again MB: You too. So, you said you wanted to come in and have a chat before you started... ST: Yeah, I just wanted to have a look round, and ask a few more questions, if I can... MB: Sure, fire
商务英语情景口语 你获聘了!
PH: Sarah! Good to meet you again! And welcome on board(欢迎加入我们)! ST: Thanks Philip, Im very pleased to be here. PH: I hope you enjoyed your holiday where did you go? ST: I went to Thailand...it was lovely - great beaches and lovely food..
商务英语情景口语 early days
Luke: Thank you again, sir, and I hope youll stay with us again the next time youre in Brighton. Male guest: Thank you. Youve been very helpful. Luke: Yes, madam? Can I help you? Female guest: Good morning. My name is Campbell, Mrs Ruth Campbell. I h
商务英语情景口语 寄送履历表之后
SECRETARY: Can I help you? JUDY: Yes. I sent in my resume at the end of last week. I'm applying for the accounts assistant position. SECRETARY: May I have your name please? JUDY: My name is Judy Liao. That's spelled L I A O. SECRETARY: Alright... And
商务英语情景口语 求职面试
ALEX: I can see by your resume here that you studied business administration. MORGAN: That's right. ALEX: So I wonder why you want to work for a newspaper. MORGAN: I did reporting for the university newspaper at my school. And I've always been very i
商务英语情景口语 约见
LAURA: Excuse me, can you tell me which is Bob Rice's office? ANDREA: Sure. It's the third office down this hall. Are you looking for Bob? LAURA: Yes. He told me to come by this morning. ANDREA: I'm sorry, but he's not in the office now. Do you have