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听播客学英语 171 如何活到100

时间:2013-08-05 07:19来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   Recently, Mr Buster Martin had a birthday. He went to work as normal, and his colleagues at work organised a party for him. There was a birthday cake, and candles, and everyone sang “Happy Birthday to you”. It was a special occasion. Buster Martin was 100 years old. He is the oldest person still in employment in Britain. He works for a company in south London. He cleans their vans for them for 20 hours each week. In fact, he started working for the company only three years ago, when he was 97. He applied1 for the job because he was getting bored at home. If you dont keep moving, he says, your joints2 seize up and you end up in a wheelchair.

  Buster Martin has had a remarkable3 life. He was born in France, but was brought up in an orphanage4 in Cornwall in south-west England. Then he came to London to work in the markets. For thirty-five years he served in the armed forces – the army and the navy – mainly as a physical education instructor5. He says that he has never had a day off work through illness. His wife died many years ago, but he has 17 children, and has lost count of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He thinks there are about 70 of them. They come to see me when they want money, he jokes.
  Recently he was attacked by muggers as he was leaving a pub. They knocked him to the ground, but he got up again and kicked one of them hard in …well, somewhere where it really hurts. His attackers ran away. Buster had scratches and bruises6 from the attack and was taken to hospital. He walked out of the hospital next day and went to work. So how does Buster Martin manage it? How does he stay so fit and active? He says that he does press-ups every morning and drinks several pints7 of beer every evening. I am not sure about the press-ups but the beer sounds like a good idea.


1 applied Tz2zXA     
  • She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.她打算学习应用语言学课程。
  • This cream is best applied to the face at night.这种乳霜最好晚上擦脸用。
2 joints d97dcffd67eca7255ca514e4084b746e     
接头( joint的名词复数 ); 关节; 公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所) (非正式); 一块烤肉 (英式英语)
  • Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on gas mains. 各种各样的伸缩接头被安装在煤气的总管道上了。
  • Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on steam pipes. 各种各样的伸缩接头被安装在蒸气管道上了。
3 remarkable 8Vbx6     
  • She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。
  • These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines.这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响。
4 orphanage jJwxf     
  • They dispensed new clothes to the children in the orphanage.他们把新衣服发给孤儿院的小孩们。
  • They gave the proceeds of the sale to the orphanage.他们把销售的收入给了这家孤儿院。
5 instructor D6GxY     
  • The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.大学突然把他从讲师提升为正教授。
  • The skiing instructor was a tall,sunburnt man.滑雪教练是一个高高个子晒得黑黑的男子。
6 bruises bruises     
n.瘀伤,伤痕,擦伤( bruise的名词复数 )
  • He was covered with bruises after falling off his bicycle. 他从自行车上摔了下来,摔得浑身伤痕。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The pear had bruises of dark spots. 这个梨子有碰伤的黑斑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 pints b9e5a292456657f1f11f1dc350ea8581     
n.品脱( pint的名词复数 );一品脱啤酒
  • I drew off three pints of beer from the barrel. 我从酒桶里抽出三品脱啤酒。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Two pints today, please. 今天请来两品脱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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