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听播客学英语 244 你们这样做是故意的...

时间:2013-10-18 03:43来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   Kevin has bought a new jumper. It has brown, orange and beige stripes. Kevin likes his jumper very much. Joanne hates it. “The colours are awful and it makes you look fat,” she says.

  A few days later Joanne puts some washing in the washing machine. Kevin’s new jumper goes in the washing machine too. When it comes out, it has shrunk. Kevin is furious. “It says on the label ‘Hand Wash Only’. So why did you put it in the washing machine? You didn’t like the jumper. You did it on purpose.”
  “Don’t be stupid,” says Joanne. “I am sorry that your jumper has shrunk. I got the clothes mixed up and put your jumper into the washing machine by accident.”
  On purpose. By accident. What do these expressions mean?
  Kevin says:
  Joanne deliberately1 put my jumper into the washing machine.
  She meant to make it shrink.
  She intended to make it shrink.
  She did it on purpose.
  Joanne says:
  I accidentally put Kevin’s jumper into the washing machine.
  I did not intend to make it shrink.
  I did not mean to upset Kevin.
  It happened by accident.
  When Joanne saw how upset Kevin was, she went out and bought him a new jumper, just the same as the old one. And a month later, Kevin put the jumper in the washing machine, and it shrank. By accident, of course.
  Here’s Big George Jackson with a song especially for Kevin – it’s called “I’m sorry”.
  Note: the jumper shrinks, it shrank, it has shrunk. Shrink is one of a small group of irregular verbs where the vowel2 changes from “i” in the present tense, to “a” in the past tense and “u” in the past participle. “Sing, sang, sung” is another one. Do you know any others?


1 deliberately Gulzvq     
  • The girl gave the show away deliberately.女孩故意泄露秘密。
  • They deliberately shifted off the argument.他们故意回避这个论点。
2 vowel eHTyS     
  • A long vowel is a long sound as in the word"shoe ".长元音即如“shoe” 一词中的长音。
  • The vowel in words like 'my' and 'thigh' is not very difficult.单词my和thigh中的元音并不难发。
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