[00:06.80]JIM: Just suppose that one did come. 假设有人会来。
[00:11.68]A great big Russian. 一个大块头的俄国兵。
[00:13.84]Big overcoat, great big boots with snow on them. 穿着硕大的外套,硕大的靴子,还沾着雪。
[00:15.44]Great furry1 hat, all covered in belts of ammo and grenades. 戴着硕大的皮帽,浑身绑着子弹匣和手榴弹。
[00:19.60]Bloomin' great Tommy gun pointing straight at us! 用硕大的汤米枪指着我们!
[00:21.48]What am I supposed to do? 那时我该怎么做才对呢?
[00:23.64]- (Growls) - You could offer him a cup of tea, I suppose. -(嗥叫声) -我想,你可以给他一杯茶。
[00:27.00]Argh! 啊哈!
[00:30.56]We mustn't be collaborators, Hilda. 我们可不能当通敌者,Hilda.
[00:32.88]They'd shave our heads. 他们会砍下我们的脑袋。
[00:35.04]Russians like tea. A cup of tea wouldn't hurt, surely? 俄国人喜欢喝茶。一杯茶说不定可以避免伤害呢?
[00:39.04]I suppose it's better than being mown down in a hail of bullets. 我想那会比排山倒海的子弹要好一些吧。
[00:42.12]Crumbs! They might round us up and take us off to the concentration camps. 天呀!他们会把我们包围起来,带去集中营。
[00:47.40]Why? We've not done anything. 为什么呢?我们什么都没做啊。
[00:49.92]We're not Jews, or anything. 再说我们也不是犹太人。
[00:53.52]- Your grandfather was a Jew. - He was not! -你的祖父是个犹太人。 -他不是!
[00:55.16]Well, only partly. 好吧,有犹太血统。
[00:59.40]They'd send us to Liberia. Down the salt mines. 俄国人会把我们送去利比里亚。去采盐。
[01:02.24]- Whatever for? - I don't know. -没有任何理由就这样? -我不确定。
[01:05.72]They always do. 他们经常这样干。
[01:06.28]Perhaps Russians eat a lot of salt. 也许俄国人需要很多食用盐。
[01:08.44]I expect they're quite nice, really. 我认为他们是好人,真的。
[01:13.24]I saw the Russians dancing on telly once. 我在电视上看过俄国人跳舞。
[01:15.28]All in boots. 穿着靴子。
[01:18.00]Oh, yes. I bet some of them are nice. 哦,是啊,我打赌他们中的部分人是善良的。
[01:18.84]They seemed nice. 他们看上去很善良。
[01:22.32]There were supposed to be some nice Germans last time. 上次战争时,也以为会有善良的德国人。
[01:31.72]I think we're running out of water again, dear. The rainwater's all gone. 我想我们又没有水了,亲爱的。雨水已经用完了。
[01:38.24]Oh, we've still got a pint2 of milk. 哦,我们还有一品脱牛奶。
[01:39.80]Better save that for teatime. 最好把它留到下午茶时间再喝吧。
[01:44.04]I can't bear tea without milk. 我不能忍受茶里不放牛奶。
[01:45.28]- Posh people have lemon in it. - I know! Horrible! -优雅的人们在茶里放柠檬。 -我知道!真可怕!
[01:49.76]Crumbs! 天呀!
[01:50.16]I wonder if it was an American missile falling a bit short. 我想知道美国的核导弹改良后是不是变短了一些。
[01:55.24]That happened in the war - blokes getting shelled by their own guns. 战争中发生过—打仗的家伙们被自己的枪弹击中。
[01:59.12](Chuckles) Be funny if it was an American missile that had landed on us. (大笑)如果是美国核导弹击中了我们,那可太搞笑了。
[02:04.40]Wouldn't it, dear? 难道不会吗,亲爱的?
[02:06.56]I can't see it's very funny, James. 我可不觉得有什么好笑的,James。
[02:07.16]No, well er... Funny peculiar3, I mean. 好吧,呃...是个冷笑话。
[02:11.60]Are they worse than the Russian ones? 他们比俄国人还坏吗?
[02:14.72]Oh, I shouldn't think so, love. I expect they're all much of a muchness. 哦,别这么想,亲爱的。我觉得这两者不分高下。
[02:18.80]They all work on the same principle. 他们都在同样的原则下做事。
[02:20.16]It's called er... megadeath, I think. 那个叫什么...一百万人死亡(计算核战争杀伤率的单位)。
[02:23.48]So many millions of people dead per bang. 数百万人死于一声巨响。
[02:27.12]Any ketchup4, dear? 要番茄酱吗,亲爱的?
[02:30.08]I expect the quantity is similar either way. 我希望每天的分量差不多。
[02:32.92]Are all the bangs about the same size, then? 所有的轰炸都是一样的规模吗?
[02:34.64]Oh, no! There's one megaton, 哦,不是!有的轰炸是百万吨级(核武器威力的计算单位),
[02:37.48]and 10 megaton, an' that. 有的是千万吨级。
[02:41.60]It's er... just a question of how big a bang you want to make 呃..取决于你想制造多大的爆炸
[02:46.40]and how many... people you want to kill. 和杀死多少人。
[02:51.68]More baked beans, dear? 再来点烤豆子,亲爱的?
[02:54.36]No, thanks. I'm a bit off food. 不用了,谢谢,我不太想吃。
[02:57.20]Then there's the er...overkill, see? 呃..看到了吗,核武器有着过度的杀伤威力。
[03:00.56]That's where they kill more people than they really need to. 使用核武器将使更多无辜的人遭殃。
[03:06.04]Say you want a bang big enough to kill one million people, 如果说你制造一场轰炸,只想夺走百万民众的生命,
[03:09.88]and you go and use a three-million-people bang. 一声巨响之后,你会杀死三百万人。
[03:13.72]It's terrifically wasteful5 of energy, in the present economic climate. 在目前的经济环境下,这是一种可怕的破坏性能量。
[03:17.56]I see, dear. 我懂了,亲爱的。
[03:18.76]Yes, there's one thing about the present economic situation. 嗯,目前的经济状况下还有一件事。
[03:23.56]- I mean... - Such a shame we can't wash up. -我是指.. -我们不能洗澡,真是太脏了。
[03:25.72]...in order to conserve6 world energy resources, ...为了保护世界的能源,
[03:29.28]the powers that be will only use the smallest possible bang. 掌权者只会用最少的核能源来轰炸。
[03:33.44](China smashes) - Oh, I can't bear it! (瓷器粉碎声)噢,我不能再忍受了!
[03:37.84]I expect that's why we're still here. 我想知道为什么我们仍然滞留在这儿。
[03:38.76]We're running out of crockery. 我们没有陶器了。
[03:41.40]We could say we owe our lives to the world economic procession. 对于世界经济进程来说,我们仅仅拥有自己的生命而已。
[03:48.64]Put the kettle on, will you, ducks? 打开你的水壶,亲爱的。
[03:53.84]There's no water, dear. 里面没水了,亲爱的。
[03:54.48]Oh, no, no. Of course. 哦,对,对,当然。
[03:58.28]Just... Just have to have milk, then. 那..喝牛奶吧。
[04:00.16]That pint's gone bad, dear. 牛奶坏了,亲爱的。
[04:04.08]The fridge has been off. 冰箱没有电。
[04:07.20]Oh, heck! Well er... 哦,真见鬼!好吧,那就..
[04:09.44]...a black coffee, then. 来杯黑咖啡吧。
[04:10.96]There's still no water, dear. 还是没水啊,亲爱的。
[04:16.52]Well, what... What are we going to drink, eh? Eh? 嗯,那..我们喝什么呢,呃?呃?
[04:18.16]What... What... What are we going to drink, for God's sake? 我们能喝什么呢,看在上帝的份儿上?
[04:24.04]Don't shout, dearest. 别吵了,亲爱的。
[04:25.96]I'm sorry, love. 对不起,亲爱的。
[04:28.12]I'm just... terribly thirsty. 我只是..太渴了。
[04:31.28]How about a nice sweet, dear? 来块糖怎么样,亲爱的?
[04:33.16]It's a blackcurrant fruit pastille. 一块黑醋栗味道的水果片儿。
[04:39.20]HILDA: (Gasps) There's only one left. (喘着气)只剩一块了。
[04:42.56]JIM: You have it. - No, you have it. 你吃吧。 -不,你吃。
[04:46.72]We'll er... We'll cut it in half. 那我们..我们平分。
[04:48.88]That's... That's fair. 嗯..可以。
[04:53.32](Hilda screams) (Hilda尖叫)
[04:56.16]- Help! - I'm coming! L-l-I'm coming! I'm coming! -救命! -我来了!我来了!我就来!

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adj.毛皮的;似毛皮的;毛皮制的 | |
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n.品脱 | |
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adj.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 | |
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n.蕃茄酱,蕃茄沙司 | |
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adj.(造成)浪费的,挥霍的 | |
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vt.保存,保护,节约,节省,守恒,不灭 | |
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