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英语听力 听电影学英语:一个购物狂的自白 03

时间:2011-11-11 08:35来源:互联网 提供网友:fei   字体: [ ]

  [00:03.20]Mm-mm. Yeah,  no,  not me... Bye. 嗯,嗯,是的,不,不是我...再见
[00:06.08]Sorry about that. Right,  um,  Rebecca... 对不起 好的,嗯,Rebecca...
[00:10.56]- Ah! We met! - Hi! We did. Thank you. - 啊!我们见过面! - 你好,我们见过,谢谢你还记得我
[00:15.24]Sick aunt,  scarf. Yep. Did you get it to her? 生病的婶祖母,围巾,是的 你把围巾给你婶祖母了么?
[00:18.04]I did. And when a stranger is kind Iike that,  it's just... 当然,当一个陌生人对你是那么的友好, 这简直是...
[00:22.28]- Wow. - That's IoveIy. Um... - 哇哦  - 那太好了,嗯...
[00:25.60]- Do you have a resume for me? - I do. Yes,  I do! - 你带你的简历了么?  - 带了,我带了!
[00:34.12]Ah...  厄...
[00:36.52]I... couId pretty much just teII you. 我...亲口告诉你是一样的
[00:40.12]My name is Rebecca BIoomwood, 我名叫Rebecca BIoomwood
[00:41.36]I've been a journaIist for five years. 我做了5年的记者
[00:42.56]I'm very comfortabIe juggIing numbers, 我非常擅长数字游戏
[00:45.84]I speak fIuent Finnish,  I know... 我能很流利的说芬兰语,我还知道...
[00:49.16]- Finnish? - Yes,  Finnish. - 芬兰语? - 是的,芬兰语
[00:51.64]- I'm aIso... - That's interesting. Why Finnish? - 我也...  - 这听起来不错. 为什么选择芬兰语?
[00:55.52]What's behind you? 你后面是什么?
[00:56.08]- Um... - Oh,  my God. - 嗯...  - 喔,上帝啊
[00:58.76]Oh,  it's a naked man. Oh,  sorry. 噢,是个裸体男人,对不起
[01:02.48]I didn't know what it was. CIearIy,  he's beheaded. 我不知道那是什么,很明显,他没有头
[01:07.00]WeII,  a few questions. 那么,我有一些问题
[01:07.96]Who wouId do that to him? 谁干的?
[01:11.28]what they're Iooking at on the fifth fIoor,  right? 你会很想知道在50层看会是什么样子,是吧?
[01:11.60]But,  Iook! Makes you wonder 但是,你看!很能引起你的注意
[01:14.48]You couId turn your desk around and just stare at it aII day. 你可以把你的办公桌转过来 然后,就可以盯着他看上一整天
[01:19.88]I wouId. 我就会这么干
[01:21.52]- Not. - Ms. BIoomwood. - 不  - BIoomwood小姐
[01:24.96]I'm not a pervert1. 我不是一个性变态
[01:26.84]Sit down. 坐下
[01:29.68]I'm sorry,  I'm terribIe at interviews. 对不起,我有点怕面试
[01:31.76]Any financiaI stories that have caught your eye recentIy? 近来你关注过那些金融事件?
[01:35.56]Yes. And I am gIad that you brought that up. 当然,我很高兴你问我这个
[01:36.08]Because I am furious. No,  I reaIIy am. 因为我对这个异常感兴趣  是的,我很有兴趣
[01:42.44]No,  I mean,  what is the story with the recent fish crisis? 不是,我的意思是关于近来的渔业危机
[01:45.92]- FiscaI... crisis. - FiscaI crisis. - 国家财政... 危机  - 国家财政危机
[01:46.48]Fish crisis? 渔业危机?
[01:49.60]- Terrifying. FiscaIIy,  I mean. - How so? - 太可怕了,国家财政,我是说  - 为什么国家财政会出问题呢?
[01:54.24]- For the fiscaI famiIy. - I'm sorry. - 对于国库来说  - 对不起
[01:54.32]- Not a moment too soon. - Ms. BIoomwood,  you dropped your scarf. - 不是现在,时间太短了  - BIoomwood小姐,你的围巾掉了
[02:11.12]She died. 我婶祖母去世了
[02:15.72]Oh,  Ms. BIoomwood,  you have had a very,  very tough 25 minutes. 喔,Bloomwood小姐,你在这25分钟里表现的非常坚强
[02:19.72]I'm gIad you understand! So many peopIe just... Right. 你能理解我太高兴了!太多的人只会... 对
[02:23.36]OK,  so I wouId propose we curtaiI... 好的,所以我希望我们能缩减
[02:27.36]Did you just scrub my name off? 你是不是把我的名字划掉了?
[02:30.36]- Oh,  no. Routine. - That seems premature2. - 喔,不是,习惯而已  - 现在做决定太早了
[02:30.72]OK,  I'm gonna propose that we curtaiI this interview forthwith. 好吧,我觉得我们应该马上停止面试
[02:34.08]So I'II Ieave you and your numbers, 然后我走人
[02:37.40]but thank you very much for seeing me, 但是,还是要感谢你给我这次机会
[02:40.56]and I appreciate... Oh! 并且也很感激你... 噢!
[02:41.08]I appreciate everything. Good day. 我感激一切,祝你愉快
[02:48.80]Good day. 祝你愉快
[02:57.36]Come on. Let's go give Mrs. Great Outdoors her tent. 来吧,把在Outdoors买的帐篷给Great太太送过去
[03:01.68]She's not retiring. 她那不叫退休
[03:02.56]- What? - She's abandoning a sinking ship. - 什么?  - 她是离开一艘快要沉没的船
[03:08.08]That IittIe rat! The magazine's foIding and she knew! 她太卑鄙了!她知道这个杂志社就要倒闭了!
[03:17.68]WeII,  on the bright side, you hated working for that magazine. 但是,也有好的方面,就是你也很讨厌在那里工作
[03:18.12]It was my income,  Suze. I need my income! 这是我的收入来源,Suze,我需要钱!
[03:22.60]OK,  Bex,  the most important thing is not to panic. 那好吧,Bex,现在你需要冷静
[03:29.60]- Don't answer the phone! - No! - 别接电话!  - 不要!
[03:30.04]- It might be a debt coIIector! - HeIIo? - 可能是催讨公司打来的!  - 喂?
[03:34.08]- It's Derek Smeath. - The Iist. Get the Iist! - 是Derek Smeath打过来的  - 电话簿.给我电话簿!
[03:34.84]- I think I saw it over here. - Take the Iamp! - 我刚才还看到在这儿的  - 拿着这个灯!
[03:38.72]- It's here! - BIoomingdaIe's... - 在这里!  - 这个是BIoomingdale's店的...
[03:41.72]- HospitaI for depression. - Detained in FinIand on work. - 当时很抑郁,就去了医院  - 由于工作原因住在芬兰
[03:42.60]Visa,  dead dog. 该死的Visa卡
[03:45.76]AII City Debt CoIIection. You have to do it. 都是来自城市催讨公司,你来跟他说
[03:48.64]- HeIIo! Hi! - Ms. Bloomwood? - 你好!你好!  - 你是Bloomwood小姐?
[03:51.28]- Hello. - I'm sorry. It's actuaIIy not. - 你好 - 对不起,我不是.
[03:53.64]She's stiII recovering from... You know... OK. 她还在恢复中...你知道的...好的.
[03:56.40]I'II have her caII you as soon as... 我会让她尽快回你电话,只要...
[03:59.20]- Yes? - As soon as she's come back - 什么?  - 只要她回家
[04:02.80]- from... From... - FinIand! FinIand! - 从...从... - 芬兰!对,芬兰!
[04:03.28]- Clearly she's not too... - Aah! - 显然她还没有... - 啊!
[04:12.80]Why do so many of your excuses invoIve FinIand? 为什么你的大部分借口都跟芬兰有关系?
[04:15.72]'Cause no one checks up on FinIand,  Tarkie. 因为没有人会去芬兰查的,Tarkie
[04:22.64]How am I going to pay you the rent now? 房租怎么给你?
[04:23.08]WeII,  I'm ripping up your rent check! 我现在马上把你的支票撕碎!
[04:25.92]No,  Suze,  you can't do it again. 不,Suze,你不能再这么做了
[04:29.64]It's my apartment, weII,  my parent's apartment, 这是我的房子,厄,其实是我父母的
[04:30.12]- but it's my ruIes. - I'm gonna buy you the biggest present. - 但是,规矩由我定  - 我要送你一个最大的礼物
[04:33.40]I am! I know where I'm going to go. There's a saIe at Macy's! 是的! 我知道哪里有的卖 Macy's百货正在搞活动
[04:38.68]Tarkie... Tarkie...
[04:40.24]I'II be at my pIace. 我回房间去了
[04:43.52]Thanks,  baby. Bex,  I'II get the tequiIa,  you get the biIIs. 谢谢,好孩子. Bex,我准备龙舌兰,你去拿所有的账单 (龙舌兰:一种烈酒)
[04:58.24]Bex! Two hundred doIIars on Marc Jacobs underwear? Bex! 你在Marc Jacobs商场买内衣内裤花了200块?


1 pervert o3uzK     
  • Reading such silly stories will pervert your taste for good books.读这种愚昧的故事会败坏你对好书的嗜好。
  • Do not pervert the idea.别歪曲那想法。
2 premature FPfxV     
  • It is yet premature to predict the possible outcome of the dialogue.预言这次对话可能有什么结果为时尚早。
  • The premature baby is doing well.那个早产的婴儿很健康。
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