[00:03.04]天气预报: 未来的
[00:03.24]Weather forecast for the next...
[00:04.32]10,000 years is too bloody1 hot.
[00:15.80]# ...of the moon. #
[00:16.68]You’re looking at the first Iban class,
[00:19.36]Your dad would be proud.
[00:20.44]the first Iban school.
[00:22.40]如果他看到依班人在学什么 他会大吃一惊的
[00:22.56]If he saw the Iban choosing what they were taught, he’d have a fit.
[00:27.28]天啊 他竟想教他们拉丁语和希腊语
[00:27.44]For heaven’s sake, he wanted to teach them Latin and Greek.
[00:32.48]你知道么 我本来不打算提的
[00:32.68]You know, I actually wasn’t going to mention this for a while,
[00:35.16]but I wondered if you might like to do some teaching?
[02:12.16]What in the world?
[02:16.04]I thought that’s what you wanted.
[02:17.36]I thought that’s what she would have done.
[02:24.64]Neville told me about you and her.
[02:28.52]Have you seen her since we got here?
[02:32.44]没有 自从
[02:32.64]No, not since...
[02:36.24]一年以前 或者更久
[02:36.44]a year ago, or more.
[02:39.00]He said she and her husband had a little boy.
[02:42.24]Apparently they’re very happy.
[02:44.32]I want us to be happy.
[02:46.40]Then why aren’t we?
[02:54.68]这是她 是不是?
[02:54.84]It’s her, isn’t it?
[03:02.60]She’s very beautiful.
[03:11.24]Isn’t she?
[03:14.60]有她自己的方式 是的
[03:14.80]In her own way, yes.
[03:19.52]-是什么? -是费摩斯 喝醉了
[03:19.68]- What’s that? - It’s Famous, blind drunk.
[03:25.32]实际上 是烂醉如泥
[03:25.48]In fact, blind, legless, daft, sick, smelly drunk
[03:28.04]by the sounds of things.
[03:30.92]You’ve got to fire him.
[03:32.60]he’s been with me since I arrived.
[03:35.08]他不喜欢我 他喜欢她 我看得出来
[03:35.28]He doesn’t like me. He preferred her, I can tell.
[03:57.68]Who’s this?
[04:00.08]这是你的新厨师 亨利让他来的
[04:00.24]This is your new cook. Henry sent him.
[04:03.36]川斯克夫人 告诉托斯卡先生
[04:03.52]Mrs. Truscott tell Mr. Truscott...
[04:05.60]-把靴子给我 -谢谢 费摩斯
[04:05.80]- to give me the boot. - Thank you, Famous.
[04:06.32]Thank you.
[04:14.04]Did you do that?
[04:18.68]费摩斯 把她带到厨房 给她清洗干净
[04:18.84]Famous, take her into the kitchen and clean her up.
[04:23.72]You do not do that.
[04:26.00]You treat her with respect.
[04:30.32]你知道 我们并不是都会爱上我们睡觉的字典
[04:30.48]We’re not all in love with our sleeping dictionaries, you know.
[04:56.20]What did you say to her?
[04:59.04]哦 我告诉她 如果你再打她
[04:59.20]Oh, I told Tipong that if you hit her again,

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adj.非常的的;流血的;残忍的;adv.很;vt.血染 | |
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