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听电影学英语-征婚广告 20

时间:2011-03-10 06:04来源:互联网 提供网友:xx6436   字体: [ ]

  [00:05.92]Here we go. 这样好点
[00:09.00]Thank you. 谢谢
[00:12.00]Was there something you wanted to say to me? 你有话要跟我说吗?
[00:14.36]Yes. 是的
[00:15.16]Could have just called. 可以打电话啊
[00:16.24]Perhaps that would have been the wiser course, yes. 也许那样更聪明
[00:20.20]What’s up? 怎么回事?
[00:22.24]I owe you my story. You asked me for honesty... 我必须向你解释,你曾要求我要坦诚...
[00:26.96]...and it scared the hell1 out of me, and I held back... ...那让我很害怕,所以我畏缩了...
[00:32.36]...and I didn’t want to let you see the real me. ...我不想让你看到真实的我
[00:34.32]Because I was afraid of getting hurt again. 因为我害怕再受伤害
[00:36.04]But, listen, I hear that the universe lets your heart expand... 但我听说造物主会让人变得更坚强...
[00:42.32]...and grow back even bigger after you go through all that pain. ...在经历磨难痊愈之后心会变大
[00:45.56]Well, I believe that now. 现在我相信了
[00:50.84]And I was just wishing there was a way that... 我想知道是否有办法...
[00:51.76]...I could have another chance to make this work. ...能再得到一次验证的机会
[01:06.28]I’ll be right with you. 马上就来
[01:08.96]Hi, how can I...? 需要效...?

[01:09.60]Don’t worry, I got it. 别担心,我懂
[01:12.44]Single chicken breast, no dating advice, coming right up. 一块鸡胸肉,别提约会建议,马上拿来
[01:16.68]Actually, I would like to have three whole fryers, please. 实际上我想要三只整鸡,谢谢
[01:19.96]And six pork chops2 and a lamb shank. 还有六块猪排和一只小羊腿
[01:20.76]And do you have any dog bones back there? 有没有给狗吃的骨头?
[01:24.12]If you do, throw them in the cart. What are the specials today? 有的话请给我们点, 今天有什么特惠?
[01:28.92]Yes. 当然
[01:42.84]Thank you. 谢谢
[01:49.28]How many people are actually in this family? 这个家到底有多少人?
[01:53.56]- Hey. - Hey.
[01:55.16]Get down. 下去
[01:58.92]Down! 下去
[02:25.36]- Oh, that’s a great story. Tell it, hon. - Great story. -那可是个好故事,说吧,亲爱的 -很精彩
[02:30.96]Well, actually, it’s a very romantic story. 实际上,是个很浪漫的故事
[02:33.92]- You tell it, carol. - No, go ahead, honey. -你来吧,卡萝 -不,说下去
[02:36.84]No, no, really, you should. She tells this story great. 不,还是你来吧,她说得再好不过
[02:39.08]You don’t remember, do you? 你忘了,是不是?
[02:42.08]Don’t remember? How we met? 忘了?我们怎么认识的?
[02:53.40]I don’t remember. 我忘了
[02:56.28]But I love her. 但我爱她
[02:57.08]I love her! 我爱她
[02:59.68]Love is not reserved for the young, you know. 爱情不只属于年轻人
[03:01.64]As the poet said: 有诗人说过:
[03:03.96]Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be 与吾偕老,佳期可期

  [03:06.32]- Yeats? - No. -耶茨? -不是
[03:09.32]- Tennyson? - No. -坦尼森? -不是
[03:09.80]- Browning. - Browning. -勃朗宁 -勃朗宁
[03:13.40]Who knows her daddy? 谁最了解她爸爸?
[03:15.16]Oh, my gosh, I did not think I was ready to settle down... 老天, 我觉得我还没准备好安定下来...
[03:20.24]...but look at the size of this rock. ...但看看这钻石的尺寸
[03:22.32]And you want to know what else? I’m gonna get a cute little tattoo3... 还想听点别的? 我要弄个可爱的小纹身...
[03:26.04]...in someplace that’s N-o-N of your business. ...纹在哪可不关你的事
[03:33.40]"Mrs. Casey Donovan." "凯西-多诺万先生"
[03:36.12]The best place to meet someone... 结识人最好的地方...
[03:39.56]...is Parseghian’s Armenian restaurant in Koreatown. ...在韩国城帕斯吉安的亚美尼亚餐馆
[03:42.64]I don’t care if you’re young, you’re old... 不管你年轻,年老...
[03:46.68]...you’re single, you’re divorced4... ...单身,离过婚...
[03:50.88]I’m getting there. -给他们地址 -我都在那
[03:54.52]Wednesday, mother-in-law night. 星期三,"岳母之夜"
[03:57.40]All she can eat. 都是她能吃的
[04:03.40]- In a dog park. - Dog park, yeah. -在遛狗公园 -遛狗公园,对
[04:05.20]- It’s true. - I know. -是真的 -我知道
[04:08.36]I was very... I was nervous. 我...我很紧张
[04:09.16]We had no idea at the time that we could ever wind up... 我们当时根本不清楚会不会合得来...
[04:12.76]oh, that’s not true. I did. 这不是真的,我清楚
[04:16.60]- You did not. - I did too. -才不会 -我很清楚
[04:17.40]- I have a theory about this. - He has lots of theories. -我有条与此有关的理论 -他有很多理论
[04:19.32]I do. This is actually a good one. I took some notes. 不错,这条好的我写下来了
[04:23.04]You grow up, you’re an adult, right? 你是成人了对吧?
[04:23.60]Oh, God, you’re so prepared for this. 老天,你准备可真充分
[04:25.04]And you think you have all this worldly experience, right? That’s point A. 自以为精于世故了对吧?这是第一
[04:31.64]You think your personality is formed. 自以为个性已经定型了
[04:32.52]And then you think you’re complete... 自认为不会做改变了, 但遇上某个人时,你开始有新鲜感
[04:34.40]...but you meet somebody, you start feeling new things.
[04:36.36]And you start feeling excruciatingly painful things. 开始感觉到痛苦的折磨
[04:40.88]You get confused, right? You get nauseous. 你感到困惑是吧?感到心烦
[04:44.12]And I think when you get really nauseous, like that, it’s, like, the completion of self. 当你真正感到心烦时, 那就象,就象自我完善
[04:49.72]The person who can fill the final void5. 那个人能填补你最后的空白
[04:52.00]- I made you nauseous. - In a good way. I was lovesick. -我让你感到心烦了 -以好的方式,是相思病

  [04:52.32]That’s what it was like when I met Sarah. 我遇到莎拉时就是这感觉
[04:59.36]That was good, honey. 说得好,亲爱的


1 hell Tduzg     
  • It's a hell of a hike from Sydney to Perth.从悉尼到珀斯的徒步旅行简直苦死了。
  • The boss really gave me hell today.老板今天着实数落了我一通。
2 chops chops     
n. 颌, 颚 名词chop的复数形式
  • The hawk chops upon its prey. 老鹰猛地向它要捕食的动物扑去。
  • Our team is licking its chops because we beat the champions last night. 我队昨天晚上打败了冠军,因而大家欣喜若狂。
3 tattoo LIDzk     
  • I've decided to get my tattoo removed.我已经决定去掉我身上的纹身。
  • He had a tattoo on the back of his hand.他手背上刺有花纹。
4 divorced Wu5z2w     
  • Apparently they are getting divorced soon. 看样子,他们很快就要离婚。
  • Many divorced men remarry and have second families. 许多离婚的男子再婚组成了新的家庭。
5 void OpoyJ     
  • Suddenly the street was void of people.街道上突然间空无一人。
  • The treaty has been declared void.条约被宣布无效。
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