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听电影学英语-紫罗兰 19

时间:2011-03-01 06:04来源:互联网 提供网友:hq4152   字体: [ ]

  [00:02.95]不 不 我有工作要做 No. No, ll have work to do.
[00:06.35]为什么? 有谁在那里? Why? ls somebody there?
[00:09.42]除了凯特 没有了 Uh, besides Kate?No.
[00:12.56]除了 现在是中午 BesIdes, It’s the mIddle of the afternoon.
[00:14.60]我明白了 中午的约会 Oh! Oh, l get it. BriIIiant. Right. Lunch date.
[00:18.37]我能问你个问题吗? Okay. Can l ask you a question?
[00:20.80]在所有该死的纽约人 Of aII the bIoody peopIe in New York,
[00:22.92]你是不是只重新投向过他的怀抱? did you have to run back to him?
[00:24.11]我不会这么做 我不想再多解释了 You know, l didn’t go running back to anybody, and l’m not gonna expIain myseIf again.
[00:27.41]你爱上他了吗? Are you in Iove with him?
[00:32.68]我还在这不是吗? 我给了另一个机会不是吗? l’m here, aren’t l? l’m giving this another chance, aren’t l?
[00:35.32]是啊 是啊 你真的很努力的工作 Oh, yeah, right. You’re workin’ reaI hard.
[00:37.82]你什么意思? What’s that supposed to mean?
[00:39.82]为什么我不能去你的公寓? Why can’t l go back to your flat? Come on.
[00:42.86]你为什么要去?      我们可以做爱  Why are you doing this?         We can make Iove. Come on!
[00:44.86]你爱上他了吗? 你是不是对他有感觉了  Do you Iove him? Do you have feeIings for him?
[00:47.76]你爱他吗? 你爱上他了吗?      我不知道  Do you Iove him? Do you Iove him?         l don’t know!
[00:50.47]你不知道 现在你给我听好 You don’t? Now, Iisten. Listen!
[00:52.69]我才是你的丈夫 明白吗? l’m your husband, aII right?
[00:53.74]至少 你对他有感觉的话 At Ieast, if you have feeIings for him,
[00:55.86]就会想方设法对我撒谎 have the decency1 to Iie to me.

[00:57.74]那是人们为了要互相保护 他们撒谎 That’s what peopIe do to protect each other. They Iie, aII right?
[01:01.04]那就是为什么以前你问我在哪 我总撒谎 That’s why l Iied every time you asked me where l was.
[01:04.35]真相会让你崩溃 The truth wouId have crushed2 you.
[01:07.88]帕蒂 Pat3.
[01:09.88]帕蒂 回来 好啊 你走吧 Pat, come on. AII right,just waIk away then.
[01:13.15]很好 你走你的吧 Fine.JustJust fuckin’ waIk away.
[01:17.63]非常好 That’s Great.
[01:19.86]想知道真相吗? You Want the truth?
[01:21.86]帕蒂 我才是你的丈夫 Pat! l’m your husband.
[01:30.57]嘿 我是墨菲      记得我们说好是8点的 Hey, it’s the Murph.         I thouGht We saId 8..00.
[01:33.11]你迟到了一小时  You’re an hour late.
[01:34.19]我们说好9点的 别闹啦 We said 9:00. We agreed. Come on.
[01:35.91]我只是开玩笑的 快上来吧 l’m onIy kidding. Get your ass4 up here.

  [01:50.79]你好     你好  HeIIo.         HeIIo.
[01:53.03]让我看看你 Look at you.
[01:56.06]谢谢 请进 Thank you. Come on in.
[02:01.70]包里是什么 What’s with the basket?
[02:03.70]我想可能是去华盛顿广场停车场野营 WeII, l’m thinking maybe a picnic in Washington Square Park.
[02:09.64]你知道现在是12月份的晚上9点吗? You do know it’s December, and 9:00 at night?
[02:13.18]知道啊 但我带了一大瓶冒泡的苹果酒... Yeah, but I Got a Great bottle of sparklInG5 cIder...
[02:15.55]一些美味的意大利熏火腿和一些波萝伏洛干酪 some terrifilc prosciutto, a IittIe provoIone
[02:18.29]听起来真不错 CouId be nice.
[02:21.69]看看我的鞋子 你作何看法 Look at my shoes. What do you see?
[02:24.93]我不明白 从设计师来看 还是其他方面? l have no idea. Am l supposed to guess the designer or something?
[02:27.86]或者      是高跟鞋  Or         They’re heeIs.
[02:30.00]而高跟鞋意味着我们只能去餐厅而不是野营 And heeIs means that we’re going to a restaurant, not on a picnic...
[02:34.64]可惜了波萝伏洛干酪      没关系  regardIess of how good the prosciutto is.         AII right.
[02:37.27]我只是想这样会很美妙 AII right, l just thought maybe it couId be nice.
[02:39.71]一个简单的散步可以帮我们回忆起从前的点滴 You know, a IittIe waIk down memory Iane back in the park.
[02:42.48]真是个好主意 但不是今晚 lt’s a sweet idea, but not tonight.
[02:44.48]今晚 我希望你带我去 Tonight l want you to take me...
[02:46.48]纽约最好的餐厅 to the best restaurant in New York.
[02:48.62]你定义的"最好"是最好的食物 还是最浪漫 WeII, you gotta defilne ’’best.’’ Are you taIkin’ best food, most romantic?
[02:52.49]都要 而且要昂贵的      真的吗  Both. And expensive.         ReaIIy?
[02:54.66]为什么 这很重要吗 And why is, uh, that so important?
[02:57.53]因为我是个老师 而你刚买了35亿美元的公寓 ’Cause l’m a teacher, and you just bought an apartment for $3.5 miIIion.
[03:00.76]这样的理由足够了吗?      好主意  ls that a good enough reason for you?         Good point.
[03:04.23]你今天很美 You Iook very nice tonight.
[03:06.23]所以想昂贵点的? So you Want expensIve, huh?
[03:10.54]这边走 We’II go this way.
[03:14.21]有些事你必须向我澄清 Okay, there’s something you have to cIarify for me.
[03:16.58]任何事      你究竟是怎么通过律师考试的 Anything.         How the heII did you pass the bar?
[03:19.58]我撒了个小慌 很小的 l may have cheated a tiny, IittIe bit.
[03:21.58]我都是第三次了 不然我要怎么办?  lt was my third time. What was l supposed to do?

  [03:23.92]我就知道 我就知道 l knew it. l knew it.
[03:51.31]我真不敢相信 你想在这里见面 I can’t belIeve you Wanted to meet here.
[03:55.78]同样的长凳 The same bench?
[03:58.45]你总能让我出乎意料 You kind of take aII the drama and anticipation6 out of it.
[04:01.96]或许是你想说明它是怀有希望的 Thought maybe you couId interpret7 it as hopefuI.
[04:05.79]怀有希望的      是啊  HopefuI?         Yeah.
[04:07.86]这里是我们第一次分手的地方 This is where we broke up the filrst time.
[04:10.97]但我们又在一起 Yeah, but we reconnected.
[04:14.57]不好意思 我很纳闷 我们还是在一起的吗 l’m sorry. l’m confused. Are we stiII together?
[04:17.27]不 No.
[04:22.61]那为什么我要假设它是由希望的 Then why am l supposed to be hopefuI?
[04:25.08]因为我喜欢...在一起 Because l want to be... together.
[04:27.45]只是不是现在 不是 Just not now. Not yet.
[04:31.72]你在做什么? What are you doing?
[04:34.59]这根本没有任何意义 帕蒂 This doesn’t make any sense, Patti.
[04:36.36]好吧 我们都是单身 Come on. We’reWe’re... both singIe.
[04:38.36]我们都互相欣赏 We both want this.
[04:40.43]为什么我们现在就不能在一起呢 Why not just go for it now?
[04:42.70]因为我需要时间 Because l need time for me.
[04:46.17]来调节 To heaI.
[04:48.17]让我重新审视自己 To get to know myseIf again.
[04:50.24]我想回到我过去的写作工作... l want to get back to working on my noveI...
[04:53.31]如果我那么快就接受你... and if l jump into a reIationship with you...
[04:55.51]那我就会太注重我们的感情而忽略了写作... then l’m just gonna be focused on us instead of my writing...
[04:58.01]我不想让这些再发生 and that can’t happen again.
[05:00.18]我需要给自己的写作第二个春天 l need to give my writing a second chance.


1 decency Jxzxs     
  • His sense of decency and fair play made him refuse the offer.他的正直感和公平竞争意识使他拒绝了这一提议。
  • Your behaviour is an affront to public decency.你的行为有伤风化。
2 crushed 8v6zDH     
  • The car was completely crushed under the truck. 小轿车被卡车压得完全变形了。
  • The box was crushed when the car ran over it. 汽车辗过箱子时把它给压碎了。
3 pat 8vhyZ     
  • Could you hear the pat?你能听到轻轻的拍击声吗?
  • He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 他轻拍了一下她的肩膀让她放心。
4 ass qvyzK     
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
5 sparkling xvYwy     
  • the calm and sparkling waters of the lake 平静的波光粼粼的湖水
  • Other sparkling wines are often considered the poor relations of champagne. 其他起泡的葡萄酒通常被认为较香槟酒为次。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 anticipation iMTyh     
  • We waited at the station in anticipation of her arrival.我们在车站等着,期待她的到来。
  • The animals grew restless as if in anticipation of an earthquake.各种动物都变得焦躁不安,像是感到了地震即将发生。
7 interpret G5lxP     
  • We have to interpret his words in a modern light.我们不得不用现代观点来解释他的话。
  • Please interpret the comments of our foreign guest.请把外宾的话翻译一下。
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