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听电影学英语-朱诺 04

时间:2011-03-02 02:16来源:互联网 提供网友:hq4152   字体: [ ]

  [00:02.74]Sorry, how long have I been what? 对不起,你说我什么多久了?
[00:04.38]Ugh, I hate it when adults use the term "sexually active." 我特别讨厌成人用“性行为”这个词
[00:08.06]That I, like, deactivate1 someday? 哪天我就不行为了?
[00:08.30]What does it even mean? 它到底什么意思?
[00:11.18]Or is this some sort of permanent state ofbeing? 还是它就是一种长期的状态?
[00:12.34]I guess Bleeker went live that night we did it, I guess, 我猜布里克那晚很兴奋
[00:13.82]and that’s why he got that look on his face. 要不他不会那个表情
[00:18.90]Should’ve seen this octopus2 furnace at work. 那章鱼炉子点起来可不得了
[00:22.18]I had to get on my Hazmat suit just to get into the thing. 进去得穿防化服
[00:24.70]My dad used to be in the army, 我爸爸以前当过兵
[00:27.46]but now he’s just your average H-VAC specialist. 现在是个普通的空调维修工
[00:28.74]He and my mom got divorced when I was, like, five 他和我妈妈在我五岁的时候离了婚
[00:30.06]and she lives on a Havasu reservation in Arizona 我妈妈现在住在亚利桑纳

[00:33.06]with her new husband and three replacement4 kids. 和一个带着三个孩子的男人结了婚
[00:35.90]Oh, and she inexplicably5 mails me a cactus6 她每个情人节都不厌其烦地给我寄仙人掌
[00:38.30]And I’m like, "Thanks a heap, coyote ugly.
[00:38.82]every Valentine’s Day. 我真想对她说:我太感动了,但是…
[00:40.46]This cactus-gram stings even worse than your abandonment." 求你别再寄这些难看的带刺植物了!它们比你抛弃我还糟糕
[00:45.26]That’s my stepmom, Bren. 这是我的继母,布兰达
[00:47.66]She’s completely obsessed7 with dogs, 她对狗有种狂热的喜好
[00:49.42]owns a nail salon8 经营一家美甲店
[00:51.46]and always smells like methyl methacrylate. 身上总是一股指甲油的味道
[00:54.62]So, Juno, how was your little maneuver9 last night? 朱诺,你昨晚干嘛了?
[00:55.90]Which maneuver, sir? 你指什么?
[00:57.82]The one where I move an entire living room set 我昨晚差不多平移了一整个客厅,从一块草坪到另一块
[00:59.46]from one lawn to the other or the one where I downed 还在10分钟内榨了64盎司的果汁
[01:02.46]a 64-ounce blue Slushee in ten minutes.
[01:05.54]Juno, 朱诺
[01:07.46]did you by any chance barf in my urn3? 你是不是吐什么东西在我瓮里了?
[01:11.10]Mac, you know that nice urn by the front door, 麦克,你知道的,就是前门那个
[01:12.78]Mm-hmm. 今早我看里面
[01:14.10]the one I got up in Stillwater? 我在斯蒂沃特买的很好看的瓮
[01:14.18]There was some blue shit… 有一些蓝色的…
[01:15.70]I mean, gunk, 糊状物
[01:17.10]stuff in there this morning.
[01:21.74]I would never barf in your urn, Brenda. 我不可能吐东西在里面的,布兰达
[01:25.10]I mean, maybe LB did it. 会不会是LB干的
[01:28.98]Liberty Bell, if you put “自由钟”
[01:30.26]I’m gonna kick your little monkey butt10. 我就要打你屁股了

  [01:30.62]one more Bac-O on that potato, 如果你再多放一颗熏肉干在土豆上
[01:37.14]All babies 反对堕胎
[01:37.18]All babies want to get borned. 反对堕胎
[01:38.82]want to get borned.
[01:42.22]All babies want to get borned. 每个婴儿都有出生的权利
[01:43.10]All… 每个…
[01:45.50]Hey, Su-Chin. 嗨,苏琴
[01:47.38]Oh. Hi, Juno. 嗨,朱诺
[01:49.30]How are you? 你好吗?
[01:50.86]You know, pretty solid. 挺好的
[01:51.58]Um… 嗯…
[01:52.66]So, did you… did you write that paper 沃斯老师课上的那篇论文你写好了吗?
[01:56.86]for Worth’s class yet?
[01:57.54]No, not yet. 还没有
[02:00.10]I tried to work on it a little last night, 昨晚我想写的
[02:00.78]but I’m having trouble concentrating. 但是没法集中注意力
[02:02.10]Oh, well, I’ll sell you some of my Adderall, if you… 要不要我卖你一点儿镇静剂
[02:04.66]No, thanks. 不用
[02:06.46]I’m off pills. 我不吃药
[02:08.38]It’s a wise choice. 明智的决定
[02:09.78]’Cause I knew this girl, 我认识一个女孩
[02:11.06]she had this, like, crazy freak-out 她疯疯癫癫的
[02:12.26]’cause she took too many behavioral meds at once. 有次她药吃多了
[02:14.74]and dove into the fountain at Ridgedale mall, 跳进商场前面的喷泉里
[02:15.34]And she just, like, ripped off her clothes 衣服一脱
[02:19.02]and was like, "Bligh, I’m a kraken from the sea!" 就像,“嘿,我是北海巨妖!”
[02:23.70]I heard that was you. 我听说那是你…
[02:28.02]Well, it’s good seeing you, Su-Chin. 好吧,很高兴见到你,苏琴
[02:31.94]Your baby probably has a beating heart, you know. 你孩子可能已经有心跳了
[02:34.70]It can feel pain. 它会痛的!
[02:36.58]And it has fingernails! 它也已经有指甲了!
[02:42.06]Fingernails? Really? 有指甲了?真的吗?!
[03:02.26]Welcome to Women Now, where women are trusted friends. 欢迎光临,每个女性都是我们的朋友
[03:03.34]Please put your hands where I can see them 把你的手举到我能看见的地方
[03:07.42]and surrender any bombs. 放下炸弹
[03:07.54]Hey, I’m here for the big show. 好吧,我不是来打劫的
[03:11.90]Your name, please? 叫啥?
[03:12.38]Juno MacGuff. 朱诺·麦古菲
[03:14.94]She thinks I’m using a fake name, 她一定以为我在用假名
[03:16.94]like Gene11 Simmons or Mother Teresa. 像吉恩·西蒙斯(重金属乐手)或者德雷莎修女
[03:23.10]I need you to fill these out, both sides, 把这表填了,正反面
[03:24.94]and don’t skip the hairy details. 所有的格都要填
[03:25.22]We need to know about every score and every sore. 我们要了解一切情况
[03:30.30]Would you like a free condom? 来个免费避孕套?
[03:31.34]They’re boysenberry. 草莓味的
[03:34.46]No, I’m… I’m off sex right now. 不用
[03:38.26]My boyfriend uses them every time we have intercourse12. 我和我男朋友每次都用这个
[03:39.14]They make his junk 这让他那儿闻起来特像派
[03:41.42]smell like pie.

  [04:18.18]All babies want to get borned. 反对堕胎
[04:19.30]All babies want to… 反对…
[04:23.26]God appreciates your miracle! 主会保佑你的!
[04:26.02]Dude, what are you doing here? 嘿,你在干嘛?
[04:29.22]I’m supposed to come get you at 4:00. 不是说好四点去接你的吗?
[04:30.82]Couldn’t do it, Leah. 我没法儿做,丽雅
[04:31.90]It smelled like a dentist’s office in there. 那儿闻起来像个牙医诊所
[04:34.18]And there were these horrible magazines 摆着些乱七八糟的杂志
[04:34.98]with water stains. 上面都是水渍
[04:36.90]And then the friggin’ receptionist 那个该死的前台
[04:39.26]is trying to get me to take these condoms 还打算给我避孕套
[04:40.74]that look like grape suckers.
[04:41.82]And just babbling13 away 扯她和男友做爱的事
[04:42.22]about her friggin’ boyfriend’s pie balls. 哦,有意思
[04:45.10]Ooh, yum.
[04:46.30]Oh, and then Su-Chin was there. Yeah. 哦,苏琴也在那儿
[04:48.02]And she was like, "Oh, hi. Babies have fingernails." 喊什么“孩子已经有指甲了”
[04:50.38]Fingernails. 指甲!
[04:53.10]That’s gruesome. Do you think the baby could all like 这听起来怪恐怖的
[04:53.26]scratch your vag on the way out 你觉得婴儿出生的时候
[04:56.38]I’m staying pregnant, Leah. 丽雅,我怀孕了!
[04:57.74]Dude! You got to keep your voice down, okay? 嘿,你小声点儿
[05:00.50]My mom is inside. 我妈在里面


1 deactivate oy8xP     
  • Russia is deactivating some of its deadliest missiles.俄罗斯正在拆除其一些最危险的导弹。
  • I go through several complex steps to try to "deactivate" my profile.我尝试了那些复杂的步骤,试图“撤销”我的个人资料。
2 octopus f5EzQ     
  • He experienced nausea after eating octopus.吃了章鱼后他感到恶心。
  • One octopus has eight tentacles.一条章鱼有八根触角。
3 urn jHaya     
  • The urn was unearthed entire.这只瓮出土完整无缺。
  • She put the big hot coffee urn on the table and plugged it in.她将大咖啡壶放在桌子上,接上电源。
4 replacement UVxxM     
  • We are hard put to find a replacement for our assistant.我们很难找到一个人来代替我们的助手。
  • They put all the students through the replacement examination.他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。
5 inexplicably 836e3f6ed2882afd2a77cf5530fca975     
  • Inexplicably, Mary said she loved John. 真是不可思议,玛丽说她爱约翰。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Inexplicably, she never turned up. 令人不解的是,她从未露面。 来自辞典例句
6 cactus Cs1zF     
  • It was the first year that the cactus had produced flowers.这是这棵仙人掌第一年开花。
  • The giant cactus is the vegetable skycraper.高大的仙人掌是植物界巨人。
7 obsessed 66a4be1417f7cf074208a6d81c8f3384     
  • He's obsessed by computers. 他迷上了电脑。
  • The fear of death obsessed him throughout his old life. 他晚年一直受着死亡恐惧的困扰。
8 salon VjTz2Z     
  • Do you go to the hairdresser or beauty salon more than twice a week?你每周去美容院或美容沙龙多过两次吗?
  • You can hear a lot of dirt at a salon.你在沙龙上会听到很多流言蜚语。
9 maneuver Q7szu     
  • All the fighters landed safely on the airport after the military maneuver.在军事演习后,所有战斗机都安全降落在机场上。
  • I did get her attention with this maneuver.我用这个策略确实引起了她的注意。
10 butt uSjyM     
  • The water butt catches the overflow from this pipe.大水桶盛接管子里流出的东西。
  • He was the butt of their jokes.他是他们的笑柄。
11 gene WgKxx     
  • A single gene may have many effects.单一基因可能具有很多种效应。
  • The targeting of gene therapy has been paid close attention.其中基因治疗的靶向性是值得密切关注的问题之一。
12 intercourse NbMzU     
  • The magazine becomes a cultural medium of intercourse between the two peoples.该杂志成为两民族间文化交流的媒介。
  • There was close intercourse between them.他们过往很密。
13 babbling babbling     
n.胡说,婴儿发出的咿哑声adj.胡说的v.喋喋不休( babble的现在分词 );作潺潺声(如流水);含糊不清地说话;泄漏秘密
  • I could hear the sound of a babbling brook. 我听得见小溪潺潺的流水声。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Infamy was babbling around her in the public market-place. 在公共市场上,她周围泛滥着对她丑行的种种议论。 来自英汉文学 - 红字
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