[00:02.04]塞巴斯蒂安的资料 Sebastiars file.
[00:08.76]塞巴斯蒂安… Sebastian...
[00:10.00]这么大的文件夹? Could it be any bigger?
[00:15.16]海斯丁斯先生 Mr. Hastings.
[00:20.04]郝瑞休 金… Horatio Gold...
[00:22.20]…校长 ...headmaster.
[00:22.88]非常高兴见到你 非常非常荣幸 So very pleased to meet you. So very, very pleased.
[00:27.88]你好,校长 听说你要见我 Hello, sir. Heard you wanted to see me.
[00:30.64]我是想表示欢迎 I’d like to say welcome.
[00:31.84](歌词:欢迎来到伊利里亚 欢迎,欢迎……欢迎来伊利里亚)
[00:41.16]我叫你进来是想说声欢迎 I just wanted to have you in to say welcome.
[00:45.56]看你过得怎么样 See how you’re doing.
[00:46.24]好,我过得很好,知道吗? 就忙着做个男子汉 Yeah, I’m doing great, you know? Just... busy being a guy.
[00:50.24]男子汉,是啊 Being a guy. Yeah.
[00:52.40]来看看你的文档 塞巴斯蒂安… Let’s take a look at your file, Sebastian. And...
[00:58.28]好象…卡住了 Seems to be... stuck a bit.
[01:00.60]打开了。开了 There we go. All right.
[01:04.04]好了… OK. Well...
[01:10.60]好了,你完蛋了 OK, you’re busted1.
[01:14.60]你不想坐这里和校长谈话 但我不会同意的 You don’t wanna talk to the headmaster. But I won’t take no for an answer.
[01:18.76]那坐在校长的椅子上 来,坐啊 Now, have a sit in the headmaster’s chair. Come on, have a sit.
[01:24.76]坐下 Sit it.
[01:27.52]那么,塞巴斯蒂安·海斯丁斯 So, Sebastian Hastings.
[01:30.12]- 觉得校园怎样? - 很漂亮 - How do you like campus? - Beautiful.
[01:34.56]喜不喜欢这炭黑和苹果红 You’ve been inspired by the charcoal2 black and candy apple red?
[01:37.44]- 你知道啦 - 喂! - You know it. - Hey!
[01:39.64]别碰!永远别在碰了! Don’t touch it. Ever. Ever. Do not do that.
[01:44.20]知道吗,塞巴斯蒂安, 我以前也是个转校生… You know, Sebastian, I was a transfer student myself...
[01:50.08]…很久以前 当恐龙还徘徊在这个星球上时 ...once upon a time. Back when dinosaurs3 roamed the earth.
[01:52.08]所以我才会特别 So I keep a special interest
[01:54.76]注意转入我校的转校生 in the transfer students that come to this school.
[01:56.44]就好比…我是个大哥哥 Act as a... unofficial big brother.
[02:02.00]当我临时冒出问候你的时候别太见怪 Don’t be surprised if I just pop in unannounced just to check up.
[02:06.00]好,我很期待 Yeah, I look forward to it.
[02:08.84]快滚! Now scoot!
[02:16.40]对不起 Sorry.
[02:18.72]- 没关系 - 是我不对 - Don’t worry about it. - My fault.
[02:18.80]到底是…? What is...?
[02:22.96]开始接触异性了是不是? Getting to know the opposite sex, are we?
[02:25.88]两性的对立 让人紧张的男女关系 Male-female dynamics4. All that sexual tension.
[02:29.64]高中的重要环节 继续吧,继续 It’s all part of the high school experience. So continue. Please.
[02:34.12]但记得要注意卫生. But keep it clean, though. OK.
[02:36.80]矜持是重点。矜持是… 拒绝的最好方式是说不 Abstinence is key. Abstinence is... The best way to not is to not.
[02:41.76]是的 Yes.
[02:46.52]他一直这么友善? Is he always that friendly?
[02:51.20]开玩笑!他那已经算凶的了 Are you kidding? That’s him being rude.
[02:53.52]哦,鞋子真不错 All right. Cute shoes.
[02:58.04]- 没门!他们也卖鞋? - 哦,是啊。就在饰品部旁边 - No way! They have shoes there? - Oh, yeah. Right by the accessories.
[02:58.08]你觉得? 我在安索普洛基买的 You think so? I got them at Anthropologie.
[03:06.32]书给你 Here are your books.
[03:08.32]- 谢谢 - 那,我想我该, - Thanks. - Well, I guess I’m gonna,
[03:10.40]你知道, 做些男人做得事 you know, go take care of some guy stuff.
[03:14.08]好 OK.
[03:21.04]给你 好好享受苹果和三明治 There you go. Have a great apple and sandwich.
[03:25.12]嗨,我想要… Hi! I would love a...
[03:26.52]嘿,同志们 我能坐吗? Hey, dudes. Mind if I join?
[03:27.88]- 不行 - 但… - No. - But...
[03:30.80]谢谢 Thanks.
[03:33.56]那足球试练太大兴了,是不是? So those soccer tryouts were bogus, huh?
[03:34.72]我是说,替补队员? 拜托,太荒谬了,对不对?对不对? I mean, second string? Come on, that’s ridiculous. Am I right? Am I right?
[03:42.12]那对康沃尔的比赛让人期待 So the game against Cornwall, that should be interesting.
[03:45.40]为什么让人期待? And why would that be interesting?
[03:46.88]因为我妹妹在那儿 她之前和贾斯丁·德瑞顿 Well, my sister goes there, and she used to date that tool Justin Drayton.
[03:51.64]我认识他 I know him.
[03:55.16]- 我把他弄哭过一次 - 等等 - I made him cry once during a game. - Wait.
[03:55.92]- 那次是你? - 当然 - That was you? - Absolutely.
[03:59.80]那回太逗了 - That was so funny. - Wow.
[04:01.68]你妹妹辣不? Is your sister hot?
[04:03.40]我猜吧 I guess so.
[04:07.96]她人品很不错 She’s got a great personality.
[04:10.56]来了 Incoming.
[04:16.32]哦,看啊!看看那金发的亮点啊 Oh, yeah! Check out the booty on that blondie.
[04:22.28]不许这样说她 Don’t talk about her that way.
[04:23.04]她是你的女友? Is that your girlfriend?
[04:25.56]他做梦都想 He wishes.
[04:27.64]她本来和大学生约会 但他甩了她 She was dating this college guy, but he dumped her.
[04:32.32]听说她现正乱着 非常脆弱 I hear she’s a total mess now, really vulnerable.
[04:33.72]自信,自尊都失去了 Confidence, self-esteem is way down.
[04:37.60]- 作为男人,现该出手了 - 没错 - In man words, it’s time to pounce5. - Exactly.
[04:41.72]我讨厌那家伙 I hate that guy.
[04:48.80]你知道这腊肠的38%是蹄膀肉? Did you know bologna is 38 percent hoof6?
[04:52.08]谢谢,麦尔肯姆 Thanks, Malcolm.
[04:54.88]看上去你有个情敌啊 Looks like you got some competition.
[04:57.76]- 他是麦尔肯姆 - 油腔滑调的 - It’s just Malcolm. - Total geek.
[05:00.92]她看上去好伤心 让人心碎 She looks so sad. It’s heartbreaking.

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adj. 破产了的,失败了的,被降级的,被逮捕的,被抓到的 动词bust的过去式和过去分词 | |
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n.炭,木炭,生物炭 | |
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n.恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 );守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西 | |
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n.力学,动力学,动力,原动力;动态 | |
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n.猛扑;v.猛扑,突然袭击,欣然同意 | |
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n.(马,牛等的)蹄 | |
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