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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2014/04/03

时间:2014-07-28 02:28来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Morning Edition

Shane Bigham with you on this Thursday, April 03rd, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
The Chinese premier has issued a call, urging international search teams to keep looking for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370...
Four Chinese workers have been killed in an explosion at a construction site in Ecuador...
And Palestinian leaders say they have not abandoned the peace process with Israel, despite a severe cooling of the process
In Business...Cyprus earns its next round of bailout money from international lenders...
In sports...Serena Williams takes an early exit from the Family Circle Cup
In entertainment...a children's book series from comedian Russell Brand...
But first... lets get a check on the weather...
Beijing will be sunny today, with a high of 20 degree Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should dip down to around 8.
Shanghai will see slight rain during the daytime, the high of 18.
Overnight, it will be overcast with a low of 10.
Chongqing will be overcast with a high of 22 in the daytime.
Overnight lows are expected to be around 16.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia.
Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 25.
Kabul will be cloudy with a high of 19.
Over to North America.
New York, mostly cloudy today with a high of 14 degrees.
Washington will see slight rain, the high of 17 degrees.
Honolulu, mostly sunny, 28.
Toronto, Canada, will be overcast with a high of 5 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 22.
And Rio de Janeiro will see moderate rain with a high of 25 degrees Celsius.
Top News
Chinese Premier urges continuation of search for MH370
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is urging international search teams to continue looking for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, as crews race against time to locate the black box flight recorder.
CRI's Tu Yun has more.
The Chinese Premier and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott have agreed to continue efforts to find the missing plane despite difficulties in the search.
The two leaders spoke over the phone on Wednesday.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei:
"Premier Li Keqiang said currently the search for the missing flight faces more complicated situations and difficulties, but we should neither relax nor give up. We should continue to search for the flight with all efforts. Li Keqiang agreed with Abbott that stepping up search for the flight is a responsibility to the families of the passengers aboard MH370."
Li Keqiang also thanked Tony Abbott for Australia's efforts in the search, saying China will continue to cooperate with related agencies and spare no effort in finding the missing plane.
After weeks of searching, no sign of the aircraft has been spotted.
Wednesday's search continued in the fog, with isolated thunderstorms in some areas.
10 aircraft and nine ships are involved in the operation.
Meanwhile, Malaysian authorities have classified the disappearance of MH370 as a criminal investigation.
Investigators say all passengers have been cleared of possible involvement in the disappearance of the flight, suggesting the focus is on the cabin crew and pilots.
Khalid Abu Bakar is the inspector general of police with Royal Malaysian Police Force.
"As we have said earlier, only the passengers have been cleared. The rest? No. The investigation has been classified under Section 130c of the Penal Code, in which SOSMA procedures apply. So that is the status still. It is an criminal investigation. That is why I am not able to share with you."
Police previously have said their investigation into the captain has failed to turn up any red flags.
Malaysian government officials have also briefed Chinese families on the investigation, and have repeatedly pledged to continue doing everything possible to find the missing craft.
A special briefing session was held for the Chinese relatives who are staying in a hotel in Kuala Lumpur.
The briefing was also telecast live to other Chinese families gathered in Beijing.
Azharuddin Abdul Rahman is the Director General of Malaysian Civil Aviation Department.
"We had the meeting with the next of kin just now, the next of kin from China. There are 29 of them from 18 families. It is a closed door meeting. We had a very good meeting with them, we answered all their questions and I cannot give you the specifics of the meeting because it is a closed door meeting."
The Chinese ambassador to Malaysia and investigators from China's aviation authority met with the family members at the briefing.
Malaysia also sent a delegation to Beijing led by Deputy Foreign Minister Dato' Hamzah Zainudin, who met his Chinese counterparts, Vice Foreign Ministers Zhang Yesui and Liu Jianchao.
The meetings come as Malaysian authorities try to reduce tensions with the Chinese families who have expressed dissatisfaction with the steps taken by the Malaysian government since the flight went missing.
Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, has arrived in the western Australian city of Perth to see the search operation for the missing plane and meet aircrews.
Razak is expected to meet Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott later today.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
Four Chinese workers killed in explosion in Ecuador: embassy
Four Chinese workers have died in Ecuador.
The Chinese embassy has confirmed the workers were killed in an explosion at a hydoelectric station that is currently under construction.
The remains of the victims were discovered following a five-hour search.
No other casualties have been reported.
The Sopladora hydropower station, one of the most important hydroelectric projects in Ecuador, is being built by Ge Zhou Ba group, a Chinese construction and engineering company based in Wuhan, capital of Hubei.
The cause of the explosion has not yet been determined.
Palestinians haven't abandoned efforts to reach peace deal: official
A top Palestinian official says his side has not abandoned US-led efforts to reach a peace deal with Israel.
The comment comes a day after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed applications to 15 UN agencies and conventions.
Yasser Abed Rabbo is the Secretary-General of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation.
"This step will affirm the status of Palestine in the international community, legally and politically, and it is a good step on our way to get the recognition from the entire world of our status as a state, equal to other states, but under occupation".
The move is part of renewed campaign to win UN recognition for an independent state of Palestine, after Israel refused to release a number of Palestinian prisoners as promised.
Meanwhile, Rabbo says the Palestinians are not turning away from negotiations, saying they hope US Secretary of State John Kerry will renew the peace efforts.
Earlier, Kerry cancelled a visit to Ramallah after Abbas signed the UN conventions.
The White House says the trip is cancelled due to "unhelpful" steps taken by both the Israelis and Palestinians.
Kerry has set the end of April as a deadline for the basic outlines of an Israeli-Palestinian deal, but in recent weeks has pushed to extend the talks until the end of the year.
The Palestinians say they will not discuss an extension until the last group of prisoners is released.
Israel, in turn, refuses to release the final group of prisoners unless the Palestinians agree to extend the ongoing peace talks.
Hasty presidential elections could destabilize situation in Ukraine: Yanukovych
Ukraine's ousted president is warning against holding a 'hasty' election, saying it could further destabilize the situation in his home country.
Viktor Yanukovych made the comment on Wednesday in an interview on Russian TV.
"All that's happened in Ukraine, it's a kind of farce. When threats and gun barrels dictate the elections and voting. When members of parliament are led by their hands to the Maidan, when their families are being threatened. How can we view that? My position as a citizen is that I'm against that."
Yanukovych also told viewers that constitutional reform is the only way to deal with the feeling of discord across Ukrainian society.
Ukraine's parliament ousted Yanucovych on February 22nd. Early elections have been called for May 25th.
The current government in Kiev has charged the former president with the deaths of dozens of protesters.
People took to the streets months earlier after Yanukovych's government rejected a European deal in favour of closer ties with Russia.
Britain summons Spanish ambassador after ship "incursion" into Gibraltar waters
The British government has summoned the Spanish ambassador to explain a Spanish vessel's incursion into British waters.
The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office expressed extreme concern over what is viewed as an unlawful act by a Spanish survey ship in waters near Gibralter.
A Spanish Guardia Civil vessel accompanying the survey ship has been cited for dangerous maneuvering that presented considerable safety concerns on the waters.
British Minister for Europe David Lidington says the area around Gibralter is British territorial waters and he takes a grave view of any attempt by Spain to exert authority in said waters.
This is the fourth time the Spanish ambassador has been summoned in relation to Gibralter since 2011.
Gibraltar, located on the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula at the entrance of the Mediterranean, was ceded to Britain as part of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, but Spain has persistently sought to regain the tiny southern territory.
UN chief calls for more countries to join Arms Trade Treaty
The UN Secretary General is calling for more countries to join the Arms Trade Treaty.
Ban Ki-moon made the appeal on Wednesday, the first anniversary of the adoption of the treaty by the 193-member UN General Assembly.
However, the treaty has only been ratified by 31 member nations.
50 countries must sign the actual document before it can officially go into effect.
Ban says the treaty for the first time sets global standards for the transfer of weapons.
While marking the anniversary of the vote by the General Assembly, ban stated his deep concern that civilians continue to be killed or maimed in targeted or indiscriminate attacks with weapons that should never have been in the hands of the perpetrators.
Mortar attacks kill 12 in Syria
Mortar attacks in Syria killed 12 people on Wednesday. At least 40 others have been wounded.
Media reports say the attacks happened in the capital, Damascus, and in a southern province.
The worst attack happened in a suburb south of Damascus. Eight people were killed and another 34 injured. Targets appeard to include a highway and a police hospital.
The intensified mortar shelling against government-controlled areas in Syria coincided with the fierce battle between government troops and armed militant groups in Damascus' eastern suburb of Jobar, a hideout for rebels against President Bashar al-Assad's administration.
The three-year Syria crisis has resulted in the deaths of more than 150,000 people. Millions have been displaced.
Autism app launched to mark the world Autism Day
An app has been launched at Beijing-based Peking University to mark World Autism Awareness Day, which fell on Wednesday.
CRI's Li Dong takes a closer look at how it may help autistic children better communicate with outside world.
Yuan Cong is the CEO of a mobile app developer in China. His team, together with some other researchers and volunteers, has developed an app tailored for autistic children. The name of the app is Xiaoyudi, or little rain drop. The design is very sleek and kid-friendly.
"Many autistic children have cognitive abilities, but they lack communication skills. They want to express something, but find it hard to verbalize. Xiao Yudi has more than 400 basic pictures, all designed by volunteers who majored in arts, to help autistic children communicate. The app can also serve as a teaching tool. Parents should learn to use it first. They can also put their own pictures in the database and share them online. So far, the app runs only on the iOS system."
Yuan Cong says he was once told by a teacher that an autistic child was acting particularly unusual one day. The boy kept putting his finger in his mouth and refused to take it out. His parents had no idea why, either. However, the boy later opened the Xiaoyudi app and clicked a picture that told everyone he had a toothache. Yuan Cong says he is very happy that their app can help these kids.
But ususally, the autistic children are blocked inside their own world. Xie Hui is the mother of an 11-year-old boy that was diagnosed with autism. She says she is lucky that her boy doesn't have severe difficulty in communicating with others, but she is still saddened when she sees her son getting frustrated by the unknown, outside world.
"One time, at a promotion activity,when my son took several paper cups, when he only needed one. I told him to put the rest back, and he did. Later, a man came and threw all the cups my son touched in the trash, right in front of me. It broke my heart. A family with an autistic child needs to have one parent working and the other taking care of the child. But what if the parents get old while the child has severe symptoms and still needs to be cared for?"
It's easy to make people feel that autism may be a psychological disorder, rather than a physical one, but that's not true. Autism is a lifelong developmental disability. It results from a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain, irrespective of gender, race or socio-economic status. It is characterized by impairments in social interaction, problems with verbal and non-verbal communication and restricted, repetitive behavior, interests and activities.
Stars and Rain is the first NGO in China that has been committed to helping families with autistic children. For 21 years, the organization has helped more than 10-thousand families.
Stars and Rain also provides training for teachers who are willing to engage in helping these children. In the past 10 years, the number of Stars and Rain's membership institutes has risen from 20 to more than 200. The organization has trained over 1,700 professional teachers.
Sun Zhongkai, director of Stars and Rain, says the NGO has done a lot of substantial work, but he hopes that a long-term mechanism can be built.
"Autism is a lifelong disorder. I wonder if we can build a mechanism which can help them with education, employment and even elderly care in the future. As an NGO, we will advocate the idea and fulfill our part to promote awareness regarding autism. Our core mission is to focus on professional training for parents and teachers. I hope more social welfare policies can be made to help these children."
Sun Zhongkai adds, in America, about one in 88 children are autistic. Currently, there is not an accurate number in China due to the fact that the condition is often misdiagnosed, but according to a ratio widely accepted by the international community, it's estimated that there are 5.8 million autistic children in the country.
There is currently no cure for autism. The only way to help these children is to recognize a proper diagnosis and get them adequate education and treatment.
For CRI, I am Li Dong.
Increase in cancer unlikely following Fukushima exposure: UN report
A UN report states that cancer levels are likely to remain stable in the area around Japan's damaged Fukishima nuclear power plant.
The report from the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation finds there should be no discernible change in future cancer rates and hereditary diseases as a result of the 2011 leak, caused by the twin earthquake-tsunami disaster.
Nevertheless, it notes there is a theoretical possibility that the risk of thyroid cancer among the group of children most exposed to radiation could increase, though the situation will have to be monitored.
Thyroid cancer is a rare disease among children, and their normal risk is very low.
Sweden reports sharp rise in skin cancer deaths
A report in Sweden says the number of deaths in the country from skin cancer has risen a sharp increase of 39 percent over the last decade.
There were 380 such deaths in Sweden in 2002. That number increased to 528 in 2012. Media reports are citing the Swedish Cancer Society.
The reason for the increase is said to be because of an increase in the number of people being diagnosed with skin cancer.
Malignant melanomas are said to be the fastest growing type of skin cancer in Sweden, increasing by 74 percent over the last decade.
The report indicates that the country is suffering from a shortage of skin doctors, while the resources that are available are not distributed evenly across the country.
Biz Reports
The U.S. stock market ended a choppy session moderately higher on Wednesday.
Market sentiment has turned more bullish since the beginning of the second quarter, as investors have cheered recent upbeat data which seems to have helped them shrug-off the negative impacts of abnormally cold weather.
On the economic front, private-sector employment increased by some 190 thousand from February to March on a seasonally adjusted basis.
Moreover, U.S. factory orders rose 1.6 percent in February, beating market expectations.
The S&P 500 ended the day at a session high, up nearly a third of a percent.
Both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nasdaq added a fraction of a percent.
European stocks also trudged higher Wednesday.
Deflationary threats to the Euro Zone are increasing pressure on the European Central Bank to act in an effort "to stimulate the economy and tackle the issue of deflation head on".
The ECB will meet later today.
The U.K.'s FTSE 100, France's CAC 40 and Germany's DAX 30 all advanced slightly.
China to lower tax burdens for small firms
The tax burden for small and-micro enterprises in China will be lowered, in order to help those companies grow.
That decision has been announced following a State Council meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang.
The Ministry of Finance cut corporate income tax by half for micro and small-sized enterprises with annual corporate income of no more than 60 thousand yuan, or nearly one thousand US dollars, retroactive to 2012.
The 60 thousand yuan upper limit will be further raised, and the policy will be extended to the end of 2016.
Previously, the policy had been scheduled to end in 2015.
Plans have also been released regarding railway investment in China.
Over 6,600 kilometers of new rail lines are expected to be added this year.
Nearly 80 percent of the government's investment in railway construction will be applied to China's central and western regions.
The shantytown renovation is also a crucial part of the government's efforts to improve living conditions for low-income urban residents.
In order to ensure sufficient money supply, a special division will be formed by China Development Bank, which will issue housing bonds.
Non-performing loans worry China's banking sector
Financial results from China's major banks, released over the past few days, have laid bare a worrying rise in non-performing loans, or NPLs.
China's five largest banks, including the Agricultural Bank of China, the Bank of China, the Bank of Communications, the China Construction Bank and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, have totaled over 370 billion yuan, or about 60 billion U.S. dollars, in outstanding NPLs as of the end of last year.
That is nearly 47 billion yuan more than a year ago.
Smaller banks, such as China CITIC Bank and China Everbright Bank, are in an even worse fix.
Their outstanding NPLs have surged more than 60 percent and 30 percent respectively.
Commercial banks' outstanding NPLs had stood at over 590 billion yuan by the end of last year, a 99 billion yuan increase.
For more on this, we're joined live now by Cao Can, CRI's Financial Commentator.
1, What factors have contributed to the rise in NPLs? And what measures should the five banks take to overcome these factors?
2, The NPL ratio in China's commercial banks was around one percent at the end of last year. Do you think this ratio is risky or reasonable?
3, Besides steel, sectors such as cement, photovoltaic, shipbuilding, and aluminum are haunted by overcapacity. Facing the current economic slowdown and the rise in NPLs, does this pose any significant risk to the economy right now? Will stimulus measures be needed?
Cao Can, CRI's Financial Commentator
IMF chief urges leading nations need to embrace bold policy steps to accelerate global economic recovery
The head of the International Monetary Fund warns that leading nations need to embrace bold policy steps to accelerate the global economic recovery.
IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde says, as the world struggles to emerge from the 2008 financial crisis, economies are under threat from tensions involving Ukraine and Russia.
"Now our hope for the programme for Ukraine to work and I'm looking you know with my narrow lenses of economic and financial stability, is that geo-political tensions go away, come down, so that that country and its people can actually recover."
She also stated she thinks the global economy is turning the corner, but that overall growth remains too slow and weak.
"Emerging Asia will continue to be the brightest spot, posting the world's highest growth rate with more than 6-and-a-half percent this year on average and China will continue to be a key driver, albeit at a slightly slower pace."
Lagarde's comments came in a speech previewing next week's meetings of global finance officials in Washington.
Cyprus receives new tranche of bailout assistance after successful screening
Cyprus has received a further 150 million Euros from international lenders after a successful screening of its economic adjustment.
The disbursement, part of a larger economic bailout, was approved by the European Stability Mechanism on Wednesday.
The move raises the total amount Cyprus has received to 4.75 billion Euros. The total rescue package is worth 9 billion Euros.
The money flowed after the Support Group for Cyprus issued its first report on the progress of reforms in six key sectors.
It said that Cyprus is committed to reforming its revenue administration, enhancing its tax collection capacity, and to step up the fight against tax fraud and evasion.
The report coincided with Cypriot Finance Ministry data, showing that a financial surplus of 84 million euros or 0.53 percent of GDP was achieved in the first two months of the year.
That is more than double the surplus for the corresponding period last year.
Headline News
Chinese Premier Urges Stepped up Search Effor for MH370
China's premier is again urging international search crews to step up their efforts in the hunt for that missing Malaysia Airlines flight.
Those crews are now in a race against time, as the locator function on MH370s flight recorders is expected to lose power within days.
Premier Li Keqiang made the comments following a phone call with Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Wednesday.
The two leaders agreed to continue efforts to find the missing plane.
A statement from the Chinese foreign ministry says the search is facing complications, but officials will not relax or give up.
Premier Li also thanked the Australian side for its efforts in the ongoing search.
After weeks of searching, no trace of flight MH370 has been recovered.
The Malaysian side has announced it is treating the disappearance as a criminal matter, though it adds all passengers onboard the plane have been cleared of suspicion.
That leaves only the pilot, co-pilot, and cabin crew as possible suspects in this case.
Malaysia's prime minister has arrived in Perth, Australia to observe the search effort first hand.
The MH370 went missing on route to Beijing from Malaysia with 239 passengers and crew. 154 of them are Chinese.
Hasty presidential elections could destabilize situation in Ukraine: Yanukovych
Ukraine's ousted president is warning against holding a 'hasty' election, saying it could further destabilize the situation in his home country.
Viktor Yanukovych made the comment on Wednesday in an interview on Russian TV.
He questioned the legitimacy of planned presidential elections coming up in May and proposed holding a referendum on turning the country into a loosely knit federation before holding any other vote.
Yanukovych also told viewers that constitutional reform is the only way to deal with the feeling of discord across Ukrainian society.
Ukraine's parliament ousted Yanucovych on February 22nd. Early elections have been called for May 25th.
Deadly bombings target Egyptian police outside Cairo University
The area around Cairo University in the Egyptian capital has once again been targeted for violence.
A newly-identified extremist group called Soldiers of Egypt has claimed responsibility for a series of explosions in the area on Wednesday.
The group released a statement saying its three bombs attacks are part of a retaliation campaign against "criminal security forces."
The group is believed to be among the supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohamed Morsi, forced from his brief tenure in office by mass street demonstrations.
Morsi is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that was banned after his ouster by the military.
One of the explosions on Wednesday killed a security official and injured five other people.
Increase in cancer unlikely following Fukushima exposure: UN report
A UN report states that cancer levels are likely to remain stable in the area around Japan's damaged Fukishima nuclear power plant.
The report from the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation finds there should be no discernible change in future cancer rates and hereditary diseases as a result of the 2011 leak, caused by the twin earthquake-tsunami disaster.
Nevertheless, it notes there is a theoretical possibility that the risk of thyroid cancer among the group of children most exposed to radiation could increase, though the situation will have to be monitored.
Thyroid cancer is a rare disease among children, and their normal risk is very low.
Newspaper Picks
Beijing prepares for new water rates
Authorities say Beijing is preparing to launch a tiered pricing scheme for household water usage, in an effort to encourage water conservation.
A three-rate structure has been suggested.
According to the Beijing Water Authority, the prices will be based on average annual household water consumption.
The final version will be released after the last public hearing on April 17.
Officials register to become organ donors
Several high-level officials have reportedly visited a Beijing hospital to register as organ donors.
The officials registered at the Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, aiming to provide support for organ donations in China.
The officials included Chen Zhu, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and a former minister of health; and Hua Jianmin, head of the Red Cross Society of China.
Emission standard to take effect on April 30
Shanghai's environmental protection bureau has announced the National Emission Standard V, a stricter emission standard for vehicles, will take effect on April 30.
The bureau says the municipal government will stop issuing license plates to vehicles purchased after April 30 that don't meet the new standard.
Auto dealers will be prohibited from selling new cars that don't meet the new standard.
City works to raise awareness on autism
Shanghai's iconic Oriental Pearl TV Tower turned blue yesterday to mark World Autism Awareness Day.
Shanghai has also established a Blue Ocean Club, the nation's first database facility for people with autism.
The club will arrange lectures and support for families with autistic members and conduct research on screening, intervention and treatment for people with the disorder.
Gaokao to tilt to traditional culture testing
The Ministry of Education says more content on Chinese traditional culture will be tested in the senior high school entrance examination and the gaokao, China's college entrance exam.
The guidelines released by the ministry require that more lessons on Chinese traditional culture should be included in primary and middle school textbooks, especially for subjects like Chinese language, history, arts and physical education.
Beijing clothing wholesale market moving to new location
The Beijing Zoo Wholesale Market, the largest clothing wholesale distribution center in North China, is said to be relocating to Langfang in Hebei province.
The market, which formed in the 1980s, has brought transportation, security and sanitation problems to Beijing's Xicheng district due to too many traders and customers.
The relocation is expected to divert about 100,000 people.
Jiangsu provides intervention centers in prisons
Prisons in Jiangsu province have reportedly provided psychological intervention centers for prisoners to vent their emotions and feelings.
Prisoners can also learn painting and music, after they have completed their eight hour work-shifts.
Female prisoners are encouraged to take care of plants in their cells and learn how to dance.
Special Reports
China's Internet Finance Industry
The speed with which Internet finance services have gained traction in China has beaten the estimates of many, including the mega state-owned banks.
With higher interest rates and better user experience, Internet finance services like Yu'ebao are now undercutting the business of China's traditional banks.
So how do experts look at the robust development of China's internet finance industry?
For more on that, CRI's Zheng Chenguang earlier spoke with Professor Liu Baocheng, Director of the Center for International Business Ethics at the University of Business and Economics in Beijing.
That is Professor Liu Baocheng from the University of Business and Economics in Beijing.
Real Madrid demolishes Dortmund 3-0 while PSG beat Chelsea 3-1 in champions league last eight first leg
Breaking European football news,
Real Madrid has eased in to the second leg of its Champions League last eight draw against Dortmund after they thrashed the German side 3-0 just now.
Gareth Bale opened the scoring three minutes into the match before Isco doubled the advantage.
Cristiano Ronaldo then secured the win, at the same time equaling the 14-goal scoring record set by Barcelona's Lionel Messi in the champions league.
Dortmund's chances to turn things around now look to be nothing but impossible when the match returns to Germany on April 8.
Meanwhile in Paris, the French Ligue One champions have taught Chelsea a hard lesson by beating the visitors 3-1.
Paris St-Germain, with scoring from Ezequiel Lavezzi, David Luiz and Javier Pastore have handed Chelsea a two goal deficit when the two squads meet again next week at Stamford Bridge.
Also in European football, Spanish champions Barcelona have been given a 14-month transfer ban for breaking rules on signing underaged international players.
The club cannot buy players until the summer of 2015 after FIFA imposed a transfer ban for the next two windows.
This will effectively put 17-year-old Croatia midfielder Alen Halilovic's move to the Catalan club in serious doubt.
Halilovic was signed by the Spanish champions last week.
Barca has confirmed that it will appeal.
Jeonbuk Motors beat Guangzhou 1-0 while Pohang Steelers thumped Luneng 4-2
Over here in the Asian Champions League.
South Korean side Jeonbuk Motors beat defending champions Guangzhou Evergrande 1-0 last night to avenge their 3-1 loss to the Chinese side two weeks ago.
The win now puts Jeonbuk level with Evergrande at seven points though Evergrande still leads the group on goal differential.
Meanwhile, another South Korean side, Pohang Steelers, remains undefeated and has moved into first place in the Group with a 4-2 win at China's Shandong Luneng.
The Korean club has eight points, three points clear at the top, with two group matches left, while Shandong sits level with Japan's Cerezo Osaka on five.
Yu Delu sets up third round clash against defending champ Neil Robertson at China Open
In snooker,
Chinese ace Yu Delu continues to outshine his opponents at the ongoing China Open, having knocked out Thailand's former number one James Wattana 5-1 to set up a third round clash against defending champion Neil Robertson later today.
World number four Ding Junhui also progressed to the third round after dispatching another Thai, Thepchaiya Un-Nooh, 5-3 last night.
Ding will take on Scotsman John Higgins later today.
The two have met 16 times in the past, with each earning 7 wins, 7 losses and two draws.
In other actions, Shaun Murphy will have to get past fellow Englishman Ricky Walden, who sent Chinese player Xiao Guodong packing in the second round.
Mark King, who ousted Marco Fu of Hong Kong, will meet the winner between Jamie O'Neil and Irishman Fergal O'Brien.
Yesterday's matches also witnessed two major upsets, as Belgian teenager Luca Brecel knocked out England's Dominic Dale 5 to 1.
Peter Ebdon eliminated fourth ranked Judd Trump 5-4.
Brooklyn plays back to back game against the Knicks after big win over Houston
In basketball, a busy slate of 13 games in the NBA this morning.
The Brooklyn Nets are playing back-to-back against the Knicks.
Brooklyn secured a playoff spot yesterday after thumping visiting Houston 105-96.
The victory marked the first time in eight years that Brooklyn actually dominated over the Rockets and extended the Nets' winning streak on home court to 14.
Also in action now, Indiana is taking on the Detroit Pistons.
Indiana has slipped from the top spot in the Eastern Conference after dropping its last three games in a row.
Elsewhere, it's Cleveland on the road at Orlando.
Charlotte is up against the 76ers.
Houston continue on its road trip, making a stop in Toronto.
Washington faces Boston.
The Bulls are in Atlanta.
Defending champions Miami entertain the Milwaukee Bucks.
Minnesota hosts Memphis.
Western leaders San Antonio look for a record 19th straight win, awaiting the Golden State Warriors.
New Orleans Pelicans are in Denver.
The Los Angeles Clippers plays Phoenix while the Lakers are also out of town, on the road at Sacramento.
Serena Williams crashes out of the Family Circle Cup
Lastly in tennis,
WORLD No. 1 Serena Williams crashed out of the Family Circle Cup after losing her opening match in straight sets to world No. 78 Jana Cepelova.
The 20-year-old Slovakian shocked defending champion Williams, who received a first round bye, only to lose 6-4, 6-4 in the second-round at the claycourt tournament in South Carolina.
Williams, who won this event in 2013, 2012 and 2008, also had her 15-match tour-win-streak snapped.
Wliiams was fresh off winning her sixth Sony Open title and 59th singles crown after beating world No. 2 Li Na, of China, on the weekend.
Also on Tuesday, China's Zhang Shuai outlasted Hsieh Su-wei of Chinese Taipei 3-6, 7-6, 7-6.
And Peng Shuai defeated Caroline Garcia of France 6-2, 6-3.
Wen Zhang's cheating apology breaks Chinese social media record
A Chinese actor's online apology to his wife for cheating on her has broken the country's social media records.
After rumours started surfacing about his infidelity last week, Wen Zhang, broke his silence via his Sina Weibo account apologizing to his wife, Ma Yili, and the rest of his family.
Within 12 hours the number of reposts, 'likes' and comments had already topped 2.4 million.
He wrote, "I have brought this upon myself. A mistake is a mistake. This has nothing to do with anyone else.... I'm sorry. Please accept the deepest apology and regret from the bottom of my heart. Yili and the children could have had a comforting and beautiful life but I have ruined it all."
Wen was photographed holding hands with actress Yao Di, his co-star from the television drama, "Naked Wedding" last month. 
After two days Wen's post remains one of the most talked about posts on China's cyberspace, receiving around 4 million comments, reposts and 'likes' to date. 
The previous record was held by Chinese pop diva Faye Wong when she announced her divorce from husband Li Ya Peng last September, on her Weibo page.
WALL?E to screen at Beijing International Film Festival
It's been announced that the animated film "WALL?E" will be shown at the Beijing International Film Festival later this month.
(WALL.E trailer)
The film, which tells the story of a robot designed to clean up a waste-blanketed future Earth, won the Best Animated Feature Film Oscar in 2009, though it was never officially released in the Chinese mainland.
Co-produced by Walt Disney and Pixar, the film is among the 66 others featured on the festival's screening list.
Elsewhere, "Finding Mr. Right", "Man of Tai Chi" and "Apart Together" are among the Chinese headliners.
The 4th annual Beijing International Film Festival will run from April 16 to 24.
The prizes will be decided by an international jury led by Chinese filmmaker John Woo.
Cobie Smulders aka Robin talks about ending HIMYM
(How I Met Your Mother)
On Sunday after Nine seasons How I Met Your Mother finally came to an end, thrilling long time fans with the end of the story plus a surprise twist. But I won't spoil it for anyone who is yet to catch up.
The cast have already been fast to move on to other projects, on stage and screen.
Among them Cobie Smulders, who plays Robin in the sitcom, was already on the red carpet this week promoting the latest Marvel blockbuster Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Though she's already moved on, she took time to talk about how she feels now that the popular series has come to an end:
"A lot of the scenes within the show are mirroring what we're experiencing. There's a lot of like, 'well, we'll always be friends!' you know? These kind of speeches and so on the day it was very emotional as well and I'm sure watching it that stuff will come up as well."
It's not completely over however as the show's producers are at work on a pilot for a spinoff series, "How I Met Your Dad," that involves different a different cast.
Russel Brand to release children's book series
Colourful comdian Russell Brand is getting on the children's book band wagon.
The British actor, known for his rock-star looks and somewhat sordid lifestyle, has a deal with Atria Books for a series called "Russell Brand's Trickster Tales," in which he'll be giving classic fairy tales his own personal spin.
The publisher announced yesterday that the first of three planned books, "The Pied Piper of Hamelin," will be out on November 11, with the next two arriving over the next two years.
Brand will be collaborating with award-winning illustrator Chris Riddell.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
The Chinese premier has issued a call, urging international search teams to keep looking for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370...
Four Chinese workers have been killed in an explosion at a construction site in Ecuador...
And Palestinian leaders say they have not abandoned the peace process with Israel, despite a severe cooling of the process
In Business...Cyprus earns its next round of bailout money from international lenders...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.

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