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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2014/04/14

时间:2014-07-29 01:57来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Evening Edition
Mark Griffiths with you this Monday, April 14, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the programme this evening,
The UN Security Council calls an emergency meeting in response to rising tensions in eastern Ukraine, after pro-Russian militia seize government buildings there.
The Chinese Foreign Minister gives a briefing on China's diplomatic stance on regional peace as top diplomats from China and Germany meet at the fourth round of ministerial-level strategic dialogues between the two countries.
A survey by the Pew Research Center shows that mistrust between the people of China and the US is on the rise.
In business, Jumei International, China's largest online retailer of beauty products files an IPO of 400 million US dollars in the US.
In sport, Bubba Watson clinches his second Masters golf win in three years.
and in entertainment, Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai's Kung Fu epic The Grandmaster smashes all previous records at the Hong Kong Film Awards, picking up a total of 12 awards.
Beijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of 15 degrees Celsius. Cloudy also tomorrow with a high of 24 degrees. 
Meanwhile Shanghai will be clear tonight, with a low of 12, cloudy tomorrow, with a high of 20.
Chongqing will be overcast, 20 degrees the low, showers tomorrow with a high of 25.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, overcast with a high of 29.
Kabul, overcast, 18.
Over in Australia
Sydney, rainy, high of 21.
Canberra, overcast, 18.
Brisbane, overcast, 26.
And finally, Perth will be overcast with a high of 24.
Top News
UN Security Council convenes emergency session to discuss Ukraine
The UN Security Council has opened an emergency meeting in response to rising tensions in eastern Ukraine, after pro-Russian militia seized government buildings there.
Russia's ambassador to the U.N. Vitaly Churkin has insisted that any unrest in Ukraine has originated from within its own populace.
Churkin has appealed to the council to use its influence with Ukraine to stop the launch of an anti-terrorist operation.
"Let us focus our attention on what we can actually do in this case. And I'm looking here at my western colleagues. Let us ensure that we do not allow the reckless actions of the Ukrainian authorities that right now are enshrined in the criminal decree of Mr. Turchinov. And let us stop that decree from being implemented. That is going to have extremely significant consequences, first and foremost for the people of Ukraine, and that needs to be avoided."
But Ukraine, along with several western nations including the United States, United Kingdom and France, has blamed Russia for fomenting unrest in eastern Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.N., Yuriy Sergeyev has criticized his Russian counterpart and claims that Ukraine is on the receiving end of a large scale terrorist operation orchestrated by the Russian Federation in sub-regions of eastern part of Ukraine. 
"It constitutes a serious threat, not only to the security of the people of Ukraine but to international peace and stability as a whole. We consider it to be the duty of this Council to find a proper peaceful solution of this crisis."
The authorities in Kiev earlier announced the launch of a "full-scale" offensive against pro-Russian protesters in the country's east.
However pro-Russian protesters continue to occupy the regional administration building in Donetsk despite the passing of a deadline for them to disarm.
There's no immediate comment from Kiev on the deadline passing.
Clashes with pro-Russian gunmen on the outskirts of Sloviansk on Sunday left at least one Ukrainian officer dead.
Wang Min, China's deputy permanent representative to the U.N says China hopes the relevant parties adopt a calm and restrained attitude in an effort to prevent the situation from getting worse.
Chinese FM Wang Yi meets German FM Steinmeier
Top diplomats from China and Germany have met at the fourth round of ministerial-level strategic dialogue between the two countries.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has given a briefing on China's diplomatic stance during the talks.
Our reporter Xie Zhao has more.
Foreign Minister Wang Yi stresses that China is committed to maintaining regional peace and stability.
He says that overall, the relationship between China and neighboring countries is good. And China's development is offering huge opportunities and dividends for them.
However the foreign minister contends that recently, certain parties in the region have violated the consensus secured with China and provoked controversies.
Wang Yi notes that as long as the relevant parties can correct their wrongdoings and get back on the track of negotiations, the controversies can be controlled and eventually be addressed.
Wang Yi also calls for an objective international attitude towards dealing with issues in the Asia-Pacific region.
The two top diplomats also exchange views on the situation in Ukraine.
Wang Yi reiterates that China is taking and will always take a neutral stance when it comes to the situation in the eastern Europe country.
Wang Yi emphasizes that China supports a political solution as the only way to address the issue.
According to Wang, the Ukrainian issue is also one of the topics at his meeting with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov.
"Lavrov will visit Beijing tomorrow and I will discuss this in depth with him. China will continue to play a role in solving the issue of Ukraine."
For his part, German Foreign Minister Steinmeier has also called for efforts to reduce tensions in Ukraine.
"We not only talked about issues concerning our two countries, but also about international issues, including the crisis in Ukraine. We reached a consensus on advocating activities for reducing tension and we both hope the issue can be solved in non-violent ways. We also reached consensus that it was a dangerous antecedent to change the border of two nations willingly. On this issue, the international community must be clear."
Steinmeier also talks about the recent visit by President Xi Jinping to Germany, hailing it as a success in deepening bilateral ties.
The two foreign ministers have also agreed to further strengthen bilateral talks and co-operation.
For CRI, Im Xie Zhao.
How Do China And the US Make Positive Interaction in Asia Pacific
A recent survey by the Pew Research Center shows that mistrust between Chinese and Americans is on the rise. What led to the increase in mistrust? How can China and the US overcome their differences in the Asia Pacific Region? Experts and diplomats have been sharing their views.
Zhang Wan has more.
Based on the survey by the Pew Research Center, only 33 percent of Americans now have a positive view of China, while the number was 51 percent two years ago. Since the survey was initiated in 2008, the number of positive views on China among Americans has been declining.
Born in the 1980s, a young Chinese man named Zhang Zhi says he believes the United States is neither an enemy, nor a friend.
"China and the United States are both enemies and friends, or let's say, neither enemy nor friend. I think it really depends on trust. In some fields, both countries trust each other, however, in other core areas, we trust America, but they don't trust us. In addition, what I hate about America most is that they seem to try and 'contain' China's interests and development."
However, the former Director for China with the National Security Council of the United States, James Keith says most Americans do not believe that American policy towards China is containment, where most Chinese believe it is.
He says the source of that misunderstanding comes from a sense of uncertainty. In the United States, they don't talk about hedging against the future in US relations with the UK, or with Germany, or with France, because there is a pretty good sense of where these countries will be 25 years from now. However, for China, there is uncertainty.
"Most observers speaking from the American perspective would now say that where the US and China relationship will be in 20 year, 30 or 40 or 50 years is uncertain, and because of that uncertainty that creates the opportunity for mistrust and the opportunity for worse-case scenarios to play out."
But what can China and the US do to remove that trust deficit? The President of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, Yang Wenchang, says both countries should take equal responsibility for peaceful and sustainable development in the Asia Pacific Region.
"First, I think China and the United States are peers, rather than teacher and student. I would like to describe the relationship between China and the US as three stones: two of them are gemstones, which we should make bigger; the other one is a stumbling block, which we should remove. The two gemstones indicate the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, as well as personnel exchanges, while the stumbling block refers to the mistrust, especially regarding security."
Former US Senator Max Sieben Baucus, who arrived in Beijing as the US Ambassador less than a month ago, says he took the job because he believes that the US-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world.
"Forty years ago, our annual bilateral trade was less than 100 million, and to an investment to each other's market was close to zero. Today, more than 700,000 jobs in the US depend on trade with China. More than half a trillion dollars in goods and services are between our two economies each year. US companies have invested over 70 billion dollars in China by the end of 2012. The total value of Chinese investment deals in the US surged by nearly 6 billion dollars by the end of last year."
Both experts and diplomats agree that what's important for China and the US at the current stage is to expand cooperation, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, as well as manage the differences between the two countries.
For CRI, I am Zhang Wan.
Search coordinator says oil slick found; underwater search to begin
The underwater search for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 begins today, as officials announce the fresh sighting of an oil slick close to the search area.
Angus Houston is the chief coordinator of the search for the missing flight.
"The deployment of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle has the potential to take us a step further towards visual identification, since it offers a possible opportunity to detect debris from the aircraft on the ocean floor."
The AUV will take two hours to reach the bottom of the ocean, where it will operate for 16 hours before returning to the surface.
In the meantime, search crews have also deployed a robotic submarine today, to scour the depths of the Indian Ocean, in the hope of finding debris from the missing aircraft.
A US Navy device called a Towed Pinger Locator has been dragged through the water to listen for any sounds from the black box flight recorder's beacons.
Mark Matthews, US Navy Captain
"So our mission right now is to go look at the higher priority areas and to see if there is any debris there, and just continue to keep hitting those small areas to see what we see on the bottom, potentially identify the source of the acoustic emissions that we received."
The Bluefin submersible takes six times longer to cover the same area as the ping locator, but the two devices can't be used at the same time.
In its first deployment, it will search a 40-square-kilometre section of seafloor.
At least 36 dead after highway accident in Mexico
36 people were killed as a passenger bus slammed into a truck and burst into flames in Mexico on Sunday.
Four people are said to have survived the crash which happened in the southern state of Veracruz.
The bus, travelling from Tabasco state, was on a highway when it hit a tractor-trailer that had broken down and was parked on the roadside.
Jonathan Perez Hernandez is the Deputy Civil Protection Director.
"Four people are in hospital, they are stable and have received medical attention. We have already reached out to the captain who is responsible for civil protection in the state of Tabasco because obviously the relatives want to know where they are. They have already been given information on the survivors who are being seen to in hospital and those who are being identified by the medical forensic team in Isla."
Earlier, forensic officials were still combing through the charred bus wreckage, searching for the remains of those killed.
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto has conveyed his condolences to the families of the victims.
3 dead in Kansas shootings
Police authorities have confirmed that one suspect was taken into custody after a deadly shooting in the Jewish community of a Kansas City suburb.
Three people were killed at a local elderly care home on Sunday.
Police Chief John Douglas says the suspect is a white man in his 70s.
However his motivation is still unclear.
"We're investigating it as a hate crime, we're investigating it as a criminal act. We haven't ruled out anything. I don't want to say the terrorism word, but you know this is three hours into it. It's only wise and prudent that we use every resource we have. The FBI has been our partner for many, many years."
Several people are reported to have been wounded and at least one is in critical condition.
U.S. President Barack Obama has called the incident "heartbreaking" and pledged the full support of the federal government.
High speed train lines offer discounts
Anchor: Starting from today(Monday) in China, some of the tickets for 90 high-speed trains, whose service numbers start with the prefix "G", will be sold at a 20 to 30 percent discount. Li Dong has more details.
Reporter: Trains that mainly run between Beijing and Shanghai and between the capital and Guangzhou have joined this round of discounts.
Unlike the previous discount policies, this time, passengers who buy second class ticket will also enjoy a discount, although the discounts in this category are not part of the official announcement. Plus, the discount will last for a whole year regardless when passengers make the purchase.
However, the discounts are only for passengers who travel from Monday to Thursday, and for weekends, the Mayday holiday and other national vacations are not included in the discount this time.
Yang Xuan likes traveling. She welcomes the ticket price cut. But she wishes that the price cut would cover a longer time period.
"I will choose the high speed train when I travel if it goes where I want to go. Because it takes much less time to go to the railway station than going to the airport, not to mention the time you spend on security checks and having a long journey to the downtown area when you arrive at your destination airport. As a passenger, I welcome the ticket discount. But I wish the discount covered a longer time period and more lines."
Processor Liu Baocheng of the University of International Business and Economics says this is a step forward for the reform of the China Railway Corporation or CRC.
"The railway business used to be state owned. The first step to reform it is to have a corporation run the operation. The joining of private capital means the operation should be market oriented. Providing discounts is a necessary step to face market competition. For instance, the lowering of the ticket prices for business class and first class may attract more customers who used to take second class. This can better integrate the resources and lower the operational costs."
Nowadays, many air companies operate the routes between Beijing and Shanghai. The abundant flights result in fierce price competition. Big discounts are offered to passengers, sometimes even up to 73 percent, much lower than the high-speed train ticket.
Liu adds that offering discounts is just part of CRC's market-oriented reform program. He advises CRC to think about upgrading the service quality of the high speed train.
"The service on the high speed train doesn't meet the service standard of the same airline routes, though passengers are paying similar money for their travel. The airlines have had many years' of market operation experience. Their service is closer to international standards. But it's still the beginning phase for the railway corporation. I think it may learn from the airlines and put more effort into upgrading their service."
As recently as March, China Railway Corporation offered the first round of discounts this year, covering 556 train lines.
For CRI, I am Li Dong.
Biz Reports
Asian stock markets are trading weakly on Monday, tracking cues from Wall Street where stocks ended notably lower last Friday.
Though bargain hunting after recent losses is limiting downside in some of the markets in the region, the overall mood is generally cautious.
In China, stocks were mixed ahead of economic news coming later in the week.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng added 0.1%, while the Shanghai Composite lost 0.2% ahead of Wednesday's first quarter GDP numbers.
The Shenzhen Component declined 0.1 percent.
Singapore was in positive territory, with stocks 0.5% higher after an announcement that first quarter GDP climbed 5.1% from a year earlier.
Several other markets in Asia fell after Ukraine mobilized troops as pro-Russian activists and militants extended their grip over the east of the country.
In the Australian market, information technology, financial and healthcare stocks are among the notable losers. Mining and energy stocks are also lower.
The benchmark ASX 200 is down 0.9 percent.
Japanese stocks stabilized Monday after heavy selling last week
The Nikkei was down 0.1 percent.
South Korean's KOSPI was up marginally.
Chinese Online Cosmetics Retailer Jumei Files For $400 Mln US IPO
Jumei International, China's largest online retailer of beauty products, has filed an IPO of 400 million US dollars in the US.
The China-based company specifies that its shares will be listed on either the NASDAQ or New York Stock Exchange and will be traded under the symbol JMEI.
The filing did not mention about the number of shares to be sold and the price range.
Jumei, which was founded in 2009, plans to use the net proceeds from the offer to invest in marketing and branding efforts.
That will include setting up additional physical stores and growing its exclusive products portfolio, expanding its logistics network and enhancing its fulfillment capabilities, as well as strengthening its IT infrastructure and systems.
The filing showed that the net income of the online e-commerce site surged to 15.8 million US dollars in 2013 from 5 million the previous year.
Alibaba To Acquire AutoNavi For About $1.5 Bln.
AutoNavi, a China-based provider of digital map content and navigation solutions, has agreed to an acquisition deal proposed by e-commerce firm Alibaba. The deal is worth around 1.5 billion US dollars.
Alibaba will pay 5.3 billion US dollars in cash.
The price represents a premium of 27 percent over AutoNavi's closing price on the Nasdaq on February 7 - the last trading day prior to it revealing the acquisition proposal from Alibaba.
The deal is expected to close in the third quarter of this year.
If completed, the deal will result in AutoNavi becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alibaba, and its stock will no longer be listed on Nasdaq.
AutoNavi's solutions are used by Samsung in its smartphones, and also by China Mobile and Google.
Tesla, Sinopec may build charging stations in China
Media reports suggest that Tesla Motor CEO Elon Musk is planning to visit China this month.
It is reported that Musk is poised to talk with China's largest refiners Sinopec or China Petroleum & Chemical Corp to build charging units at its service station network.
Sinopec will reportedly build charging facilities for Tesla in its petrol stations in Beijing at first, and then spread them to the surrounding areas of the port city of Tianjin and Hebei province.
Earlier media reports claimed that Tesla was scheduled to start delivering its Model S cars to Chinese customers this month.
Central Bank governor rules out short-term stimulus
China's central bank governor has once again ruled out stimulus policies to boost the economy, though he says the economic situation may justify some modest "fine tuning."
Zhou Xiaochuan made the comment in South China's Hainan while attending the annual Bo'ao Forum for Asia.
It comes as the country's economic growth shows fresh signs of slowing down.
Last week, the national bureau of statistics reported that China's key inflation index was at a moderate 2.3 percent in the first quarter of the year.
That rate compares to the 2.6 percent in the same period last year, and falls far short of the planned upper limit of 3.5 percent set by the government for this year.
For more on this, Shane Bigham spoke earlier with Mike Bastin, Visiting Professor at China's University of Economics and Business.

Back anchor:
Mike Bastin, Visiting Professor at China's University of Economics and Business.
Symrise offers to buy Diana Group for $1.8 billion
Symrise, a global supplier of fragrances based in Germany has offered to buy French food ingredient maker Diana Group in a 1.8 billion US dollars deal.
The transaction, which will see Symrise acquire all shares in Diana Group's entity, is expected to close in the third quarter.
The purchase values Diana at about 14 times its earnings.
The purchase is believed to enable Symrise to accelerate growth and strengthen raw material supply.
Symrise expects the acquisition to be accretive from 2015 onwards.
Symrise generated sales of 2.5 billion US dollars in 2013.
Headline News
China calls for restraint in Ukraine crisis
China says it hopes the parties related to the Ukraine crisis will remain calm, exercise restraint and avoid further deterioration of the situation.
China's deputy UN ambassador Wang Min was speaking at an emergency meeting of the Security Council called to discuss the situation in Ukraine.
The meeting was held at Russia's request, as tensions rose in eastern Ukraine after pro-Russia militia seized local government buildings.
On Ukraine, pro-Russian protesters continue to occupy the regional administration building in Donetsk despite the passing of a deadline for them to disarm.
The Ukrainian government has warned pro-Russian gunmen to leave government buildings in eastern Ukraine or face what it called "a large-scale anti-terrorist operation."
There's no immediate comment from Kiev on the deadline passing.
Clashes with pro-Russian gunmen on the outskirts of Sloviansk on Sunday left at least one Ukrainian officer dead..
Search coordinator says oil slick found; underwater search to begin
The underwater search for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 begins today, as officials announce the fresh sighting of an oil slick close to the search area.
In the meantime, search crews have also deployed a robotic submarine today, to scour the depths of the Indian Ocean, in the hope of finding debris from the missing aircraft.
The Bluefin submersible takes six times longer to cover the same area as the ping locator, but the two devices can't be used at the same time.
In its first deployment, it will search a 40-square-kilometre section of seafloor.
Iran to sue U.S. over visa denial to its UN pick
Iran is suing the United States over its decision to deny an entry visa to Tehran's newly-proposed ambassador to the United Nations.
The Iranian foreign ministry has made clear that Washington's move is a breach of international treaties.
The US denied the visa for Hamid Aboutalebi, a member of the group responsible for the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
Iran says it's not considering replacing Aboutalebi for the time being, saying it has a number of options via the United Nations.
Blast rocks Nigeria bus station
An explosion has rocked a crowded bus station on the outskirts of Nigeria's capital, Abuja, with local media reports suggesting some 35 people were killed.
Reports say the blast happened as commuters were about to board buses and taxis to go to work in central Abuja.
Reuters has quoted witnesses as saying two buses full of people were struck.
No group has claimed responsibility to the blast.
Newspaper Picks
China Daily
"China to crack down on online piracy, counterfeit goods"
China will launch a new round of crackdowns on intellectual property infringement and the production and sale of counterfeit goods, particularly Internet-based crimes.
Websites with illegal video and audio materials as well as illegal trade of counterfeit products will be banned, according to a circular issued by the State Council General Office.
Supervision and management will be strengthened over businesses including Internet service providers, domain name registration and information services and thus commercial secrets will be better protected.
The campaign also targets infringement of trademark, copyright, and patent rights, as well as rights over new plant varieties, geographical indications and integrated circuit layout design.
China will widen consultations on intellectual property rights with other countries and the government will provide assistance to enterprises operating overseas to safeguard their intellectual property rights, the circular said.
The government will also fight fake and inferior gasoline and diesel oil, agricultural products and drugs.
The nationwide campaign will focus on false or deceptive advertising online.
Shanghai Daily
"Parents praise high school scheme"
The decision by the Shanghai Education Commission earlier this month to allow 21 high schools to offer an international curriculum has been well received by local parents.
At the 11th Shanghai Education Expo, which ended on Sunday, the 21 schools were inundated with questions about the new system.
The education commission said courses available to students are the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, Advanced Placement and A-levels.
The cost of the international curricula will range from about 1,500 yuan (US$240) per semester at public schools to more than 55,000 yuan at some private institutions.
All of the participating schools will release details of their recruitment plans by the end of this month and begin pre-admission tests in May.
Channel News Asia
"Health Tobacco makers being sued by S Korea over smoking-related illnesses"
South Korea's state health insurer said Monday it had filed a lawsuit against three domestic and foreign tobacco makers, seeking damages of 53.7 billion won ($51.6 million) for payouts over smoking-related illnesses.
"Smoking is a serious issue affecting people, particularly the youth and women," the agency said in a statement.
The damages figure was calculated from the agency's spending on patients who smoked for more than 30 years before being diagnosed with one of three types of cancer most likely to be caused by smoking.
The court ruled that it was "difficult" to prove a causal relation between smoking and lung cancer based solely on the fact that certain smokers developed the disease.
Around 25 percent of South Korean adults are smokers, with the figure for male adults standing at 43.3 percent and 10 percent for teenagers.
The move came days after the Supreme Court rejected a damages suit filed by 30 lung cancer patients against KT and G.
Bangkok Post
"Fish losing survival instinct, study says"
A new research report said, fish are losing their survival instinct -- even becoming attracted to the smell of their predators -- as the world's oceans become more acidic because of climate change.
"Fish will normally avoid the smell of a predator, that makes perfect sense, but they start to become attracted to the smell of the predator. That's incredible." lead author Professor Philip Munday from Australia's James Cook University told AFP.
He also said "That's riskier behavior for them -- they are more likely to be attacked by a predator."
The research was important given that about 30 percent of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is ultimately absorbed by the ocean, a process which results in the seas becoming more acidic.
Acidification around the reefs studied is at levels predicted to become ocean-wide by the end of the century as the climate changes.
Special Reports
Making computer games reality - trend for real life escape games
In today's Special Report, we take a look at the trend of real life "escape" games in China.
The game, known as takagism, has grown out of a Japanese computer game where players must discover the way out of closed rooms.
Our reporter Hu Jia tells us how a group of Chinese businessmen have taken the game off computer screens and into the real world.
The doors are locked and the clock is ticking.
A group of friends has only one hour to stop the doomsday plans of a mad scientist and find their way out in the process.
Takagism is proving to be a huge success in China.
Toby Chen is the co-owner of Omega Escape Room where the game is played.
Chen and his partners have employed a staff of a dozen engineers and designers to regularly come up with fresh puzzles.
"We play the games on the computer, we click the screen and find the elements or clues to solve the puzzles, but it's just all virtual stuff. And in 2012 we heard there is a TV show in Japan about room escape, but it's just for TV, not for real, not for a business, and from that time we wondered if we could create a real situation, a real circumstance".
One of the players, Hua Yang, says he enjoys the challenge he faces in the takagism.
"I think the game is unusual. And it is also fresh and new to me. The mental workout is hectic! Um? yeah, hectic, indeed! The moments when we solve the puzzles are most exciting for us. We enjoy the game a lot."
The players work together to brainstorm and try different solutions.
"The benefit of having a group of people together is that we can cooperate. On the other hand, the negative side is that players all have particular ways of thinking, and sometimes your own thoughts can be affected. But I think that's the fun part of the game. Players are reacting to each other and solving the puzzles together."
And that teamwork spirit is what Toby Chen values most from the game.
"I think in urban cities, just like in Beijing, the life can be very stressed. If they're working very hard, they try to find something like not only to entertain him or herself, but to find a way to communicate with others. To find something they can work together, they can solve together, and communicate in a way that they have a common purpose, they have a puzzle or a challenge to solve together. So this is not something they can actually achieve in urban cities".
But unfortunately for Yang and his friends, time is up.
The players are only able to solve the final riddle after receiving a bit of help from a staff member.
In a few minutes, the room will be cleaned up, reset, and ready for the next group trying to find their way to freedom.
For CRI, This is Hu Jia.
Guangzhou Evergrand top league after weekend
Starting with football, and here in China reigning champions Guangzhou Evergrande are now top of the superleague after thrashing Tianjin Teda 5-2 on Friday.
But just behind them are Beijing Guoan who beat Guizhou Renhe 2-1 to take them level on points with Evergrande on 15.
Moving through the weekend, Shanghai East Asia FC now sit third after defeating Changchun Yatai 1-0. A goal by Jiayu Wang in just the sixth minute was the only one in that match.
Also on Saturday Shangdong Luneng beat Hangzhou Greentown 2-0 and now sit fourth in the Chinese superleague.
Moving on to Sunday Guangzhou R and F scored a convincing 4-0 victory over Henan Jianye to move to fifth in the league.
Rodrigues and Abderrazak Hamdallah combined to score two goals a piece in that game.
Liverpool on course for Premiereship title
Now looking to English football and…
Liverpool have now gone a step closer to clinching the Premiere League title after a thrilling 3-2 home win against Manchester City.
Liverpool's 10th straight league victory carries them to 77 points, two points ahead of Chelsea - and crucially seven points ahead of Man City who have two games in hand on the Merseyside team.
Liverpool have four games to play and if they win them all they'll claim their first top-flight title in 24 years.
Liverpool Manager Brendan Rodgers is optimistic:
“It was a wonderful game of football and I think it had everything; an incredible amount of credit to the players and the supporters today. I think our game started on the way in; it was totally unique what we received coming in on the coach and that gave us the energy before we even stepped onto the field, and the performance level today of the players was sensational really."
Chelsea who have played the same number of matches as Liverpool are now on 75 points after defeating Swansea City 1-0 away.
Mo Farah 'disappointed' by London Marathon result
Double Olympic gold medallist Mo Farah has said he is disappointed following his marathon debut in London yesterday.
The double Olympic gold medalist in the 5 and 10 thousand metres was a hot favourite ahead of the starting pistol, but went on to finish in eighth place, just shy of the British record.
But he says he's not going to give up so easily:
"Eighth, I am disappointed 100 per cent, but as a champion I have won on a track, medals, world championships, Olympics. That is as big as it gets. For marathon, it is a challenge, I want to know that I can run a great marathon. The same as achieving medals on the track."
Farah's time of 2:08'21 was over a minute slower than the British Marathon record set by Steve Jones in 1985 which he had been targeting and 5 seconds off the Welshman's London record time.
Meanwhile the winner of the race yesterday was well ahead of that. World record holder Wilson Kipsang won for a second time in London setting a course record over 26.2 miles of 2:04'27.
Second place went to fellow Kenyan athlete Staley Biwott.
The Kenyan's also wrapped up the women's event as Edna Kipalgat pipped her compatriot Florence Kipalgat by just three seconds with a time of 2:20'21.
Home athletes dominate at North Korean marathon
Staying with marathon running briefly there was another event over the distance yesterday as North Korea invited runners of all abilities to Pyongyang.
In all 400 foreigners attended the event which marked 102nd anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea.
According to state media runners from 15 countries took part including from China, Russia, Namibia, South Africa and Kenya with amateurs joining from Germany, Norway, Switzerland and Australia among others.
North Korean Pak Chol won the men's category, with Rwandan Mvuyekure Jean Pierre finishing second and Ukrainian Babaryka Ivan third. North Koreans swept all medals for the women's race, with Kim Hye Gyong finishing first.
The men's winning time was 2:12'26 while and the fastest woman came home in a time of 2:27'04.
Bubba Watson claims second masters
In Golf
Bubba Watson has clinched his second Masters in three years with a three-shot victory at Augusta National.
The 35-year-old held off an inspired challenge from his playing partner, Jordan Spieth.
Spieth led by two shots after four holes but Watson took advantage of a slight stumble in his fellow American's game, and upped his own around the turn to take control over the back nine.
He mixed five birdies with two bogeys to card a three-under-par 69 on the last afternoon posting an eight-under total of 280 overall.
The man from Bagdad in Florida was thrilled to be compared to others who have achieved the same feat.
"Yeah, it's overwhelming, you know, to win twice, to be with the great names that you just said, again, small town guy named Bubba now has two green jackets, it's pretty wild, I know my mom probably watched at home, I wish she was here, but yeah, it's pretty cool."
Spieth who, at 20-years-old, was aiming to become the youngest player to win the Masters, had to settle for a share of second place at five under after signing off with a 72, finishing level with Swede Jonas Blixt (71).
"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" Top Winner at MTV Movie Awards
Plenty of golden popcorn-shaped prizes were handed out at the 22nd annual MTV Movie Awards in the Nokia Center in Los Angeles today.
Host Conan O'Brien kicked off the ceremony with a challenge to gain 50 celebrity cameos for his opening segment.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was the big winner at this year's awards.
It took home three awards including Movie of the Year.
Leading lady Jennifer Lawrence won Best Female Performance prize for her role in the film with her co-star Josh Hutcherson picking up the award for Best Male Performance.
Hutcherson dedicated his award to co-star Philip Seymour Hoffman, who passed away in February.
The MTV Movie Awards also kick off the Hollywood summer movie season with teasers of "The Amazing Spiderman 2 and the forthcoming "X-Men:Days of Future Past".
'The Grandmaster' celebrates 12 wins at the Hong Kong Film Awards
Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai's Kung Fu epic film "The Grandmaster" won more awards than it's director could count on the fingers of both hands at the 33rd annual Hong Kong Film Awards.
The film broke the record for most wins with 12 awards, including Best Film, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Director, Best Editing and Best Cinematography.
The previous record was nine wins, held by "Cold Wars" and "Comrades: Almost a Love Story".
Wong picked up his third win for Best Director.
He said the result was surprising, but not completely considering the effort that went into the movie:
"We had hoped to achieve this because three years (production time) is a very long time. Everyone (cast and crew) did an outstanding job. I think that to achievement this is surprising and also not so surprising."
Zhang Ziyi won Best Actress for the second time for her role as Gong Er. However Zhang still regretted that her co-star Tony Leung missed out on a Best Actor award.
"I really hoped that Tony could have won the (Best Actor) award, but I think it's fine, because without this recognition, it doesn't change the fact that he's an outstanding actor. Yes, so there's a little bit of regret."
"The Grandmaster" received 14 nominations at this year's Hong Kong Film Awards. Other than the Best Actor Award, the only award it missed out on was the Best Visual Effects Award.
James Cameron on 'Avatar' sequels: Scripts should be done within six weeks
"Avatar" director James Cameron has announced that the scripts for the next three Avatar films will be completed within six weeks.
Cameron penned the original Avatar screenplay himself. But he said this time he would collaborate with Josh Friedman, Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, and Shane Salerno on this massive undertaking.
Production on Avatar 2 is slated to begin this fall.
Principals Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, and Stephen Lang are returning for the sequels.
Avatar grossed almost $2.8 billion worldwide and won Oscars for cinematography, visual effects, and art direction.
Cameron hopes to continue pushing creative and technological boundaries with the franchise.
The Avatar sequels are scheduled for release from December 2016 through until 2018.
'Captain America' battles 'Rio 2' at weekend box office
"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" led ticket sales for a second week, holding off Fox's "Rio 2.
The superhero sequel to the 2011 movie, took in $41.4 million in U.S. and Canadian cinemas, while the animated film "Rio 2," collected $39 million to place second.
However, "Rio 2" exacted a measure of revenge at the overseas box office this weekend.
The family film from Blue Sky Studios rolled up an impressive $62.3 million, beating the $60.6 million that Disney's Marvel superhero sequel ran up.
But "Captain America" has grown considerably in stature since its 2011 original, "The First Avenger."
With a global cumulative total of almost $477 million, "The Winter Soldier" has, in two weeks domestically and three weeks internationally, easily surpassed the $370 million total of "The First Avenger."
Marilyn Monroe earrings auctioned for $185,000
A pair of rhinestone earrings that were once worn by Marilyn Monroe to a 1955 Hollywood film premiere have sold at auction for $185,000.
The sale was part of a two-day auction of Hollywood memorabilia that took place on Friday and Saturday at Julien's Beverly Hills gallery.
Julien's Auctions said in a statement on Sunday that the actress wore the jewelry when she attended the opening of "The Rose Tattoo."
The buyer was a foreign collector. The auction house does not release the names of buyers.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
The UN Security Council calls an emergency meeting in response to rising tensions in eastern Ukraine, after pro-Russian militia seize government buildings there.
The Chinese Foreign Minister gives a briefing on China's diplomatic stance on regional peace as top diplomats from China and Germany meet at the fourth round of ministerial-level strategic dialogues between the two countries.
A survey by the Pew Research Center shows that mistrust between the people of China and the US is on the rise.
In business, Jumei International, China's largest online retailer of beauty products files an IPO of 400 million US dollars in the US.
In sport, Bubba Watson clinches his second Masters golf win in three years.
and in entertainment, Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai's Kung Fu epic The Grandmaster smashes all previous records at the Hong Kong Film Awards, picking up a total of 12 awards.

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