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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2014/05/08

时间:2014-07-29 07:26来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Morning Edition

Shane Bigham with you on this Thursday, May 08th, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
China and Nigeria talk about strengthening ties in the fields of aviation and aerospace...
The Chinese foreign ministry has called for the immediate release of a fishing boat and crew seized by the Philippines...
And Russia's president has called on ethnic Russians in Ukraine to postpone Sunday's planned referendum to break away from the authorities in Kiev...
In Business...millions of small businesses in China are expected to take advantage of a tax break...
In sports...Man City is ever so close to clinching the title.. .
In entertainment...Miley Cyrus resumes her tour...
But first... lets get a check on the weather...
Beijing will be overcast today with a high of 23 degree Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to around 13.
Shanghai will be cloudy during the daytime with a high of 27.
Overnight, it will be clear with a low of 17.
In Chongqing, it will see showers with a high of 20.
Overnight lows are expected to be around 18.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia.
Islamabad will see slight rain with a high of 34.
Kabul will have moderate rain with a high of 19.
Over to North America.
New York will see moderate rain today with a high of 17 degrees.
Washington will be cloudy with a high of 29 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto, Canada, will be overcast with a high of 15 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires will see slight rain with a high of 19.
And Rio de Janeiro will have slight rain with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Top News
China , Nigeria to strengthen ties
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has called for strengthening ties between China and Nigeria and exploring new avenues for cooperation in fields including aviation and aerospace.
He made the remarks during his ongoing visit in Africa.
CRI's Jordan Lee has more.
Premier Li Keqiang has met with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan in the capital city of Abuja.
After the meeting, Li Keqiang said both sides agreed to cement bilateral ties by intensifying high-level exchanges and improving cooperation on the economy, trade and culture.
Nigeria currently is China's third-biggest trading partner in Africa.
The premier says better cooperation between the two countries will benefit the two peoples and also help to promote regional and world development and prosperity.
Next year, the two nations will mark the 10th anniversary of their strategic partnership.
President Jonathan says Nigeria is ready to enhance communication with China, expand trade and investment ties, and advance cooperation in railway construction and aviation.
Li Keqiang also expressed Beijing's readiness to work with Abuja on financing, and to participate in Negiria's railway and infrastructure projects.
The premier also suggested that high-quality and reasonably-priced regional jets developed by China could be the choice for Nigerian and other African airlines.
China and Nigeria have already signed a framework agreement to build a 13-billion-dollar rail project in the African country.
The rail line is expected to cross 10 Nigerian states, including the oil-producing delta in southern Nigeria.
Premier Li also met with leaders from Tanzania, Benin, Togo, and Mali, in the Nigerian capital for the 2014 World Economic Forum on Africa.
During those meetings, the Chinese and African leaders agreed to make concerted efforts to upgrade economic cooperation, strengthen economic ties, and shore up mutual development.
For CRI, I am Jordan Lee.
China urges Philippines to "immediately" release fishermen and boat: FM spokeswoman
The Chinese government is calling on Philippine authorities to "immediately" release a group of Chinese fishermen and their boat.
The boat was seized Wednesday morning in waters surrounding the Nansha Islands.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.
"China has undisputable sovereign rights over the sea area, including the Half Moon Shoal of Nansha Islands, where the incident occurred. Chinese maritime police boat has arrived at the sea area. Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines have already lodged representations with the Philippine side and urged "immediate" release of Chinese fishermen. We have warned the Philippine side again to "take no more provocative action.""
A group of several armed men, thought to be Filipino Police officers, stormed the boat, firing warning shots and then seizing control of the vessel.
Eleven Chinese fishermen were onboard the boat.
The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed the arrest of the Chinese fishermen, but states the action is not meant to raise tensions with China.
The Chinese embassy in Manila has also issued a new call, urging the Philippines to "take no more provocative action."
Putin calls for postponement of Ukraine referendum
Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russian troops have been ordered to withdraw from the border with Ukraine.
He has also called for the postponement of a referendum on autonomy in southeast Ukraine scheduled for this Sunday, amid escalating tensions in the region.
CRI's Alexander Accout has more.
Putin commented while meeting with Swiss president Didier Burkhalter, who is also Chairman of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, or OSCE.
Putin says troops that had been stationed along the border are now back at their bases and at training ranges, though he has not specified how close those locations are to Ukrainian territory.
Authorities in Kiev have repeatedly blamed Moscow for inciting unrest in eastern and southern Ukraine, charges denied by Russian leaders.
The Russian President has called on Ukraine's military to halt all operations against pro-Russian activists who have seized government buildings across a dozen towns in eastern Ukraine.
Putin says Ukraine's upcoming election is a step in the right direction, but warns it alone will not solve the problems in Ukraine unless all citizens in the country feel their rights are secure.
"We believe that the most important thing is to create direct, full-fledged dialogue between the Kiev authorities and representatives of southeast Ukraine. Because of this, we ask the representatives of southeast Ukraine, supporters of federalisation in the country to postpone the May 11th referendum."
OSCE will send up to 1,000 observers to Ukrainian during the election.
Pro-Russian activists in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk say they will consult later today with their members before making decisions on whether to postpone the referendum.
But the activists stress that Kiev must withdraw all of its troops from the east before they will consider moving the date of the referendum.
Pro-Russian activists have re-taken city hall in the southern port city of Matiupol, shortly after it was taken over by Ukrainian government forces.
Government forces have arrested some 16 protestors, leading to clashes between security forces and the protestors' relatives and friends.
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk describes Putin's suggestion as "hot air," and says the activists must disarm.
"This situation consists of two parts. The first is to carry out an anti-terrorist operation, and second - the political solution of problem. Those who have weapons and are shooting must surrender their weapons and take their punishment. Those who surrender their weapons willingly and leave buildings will be pardoned, if they haven't committed any serious crimes."
As a response to the latest development, the White House says postponing the referendum is not enough --- it must be cancelled.
The U.S. also calls on Russia to use its influence to ensure the safety of presidential elections in Ukraine slated for later this month.
Jen Psaki is the U.S State Department spokesperson:
""We've made clear that we believe the proposed May 11th referendum are both illegal and illegitimate, and we need to see more from Russian President Putin than simply calling for it to be postponed. As it relates to the May 25th elections, as you know we are strong supporters and believes this is one of the best steps forward for the people of Ukraine."
Meanwhile the US President has notified Congress of his intention to remove Russia from the Generalized System of Preferences, a program that allows duty-free imports of certain goods.
The move follows the announcement by the US and the European Union this week of more sanctions against Russia because of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
President Barack Obama has announced his plan to withdraw Russia's designation under the program as a "beneficiary developing country.
Russian goods that were protected under the program will immediately be subject to normal rates of duty.
Aside from the crisis in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia, authorities in the US say Russia's economy has also advanced beyond the point where it merits inclusion in the program.
For CRI, this is Alexander Accout
Nigerian police offer reward for information on schoolgirls
Nigerian police have offered a 300,000 U.S. dollar reward for information leading to the rescue of over 200 schoolgirls abducted by Islamist extremists last month.
The move follows rising public anger following the abduction of another eight girls, seized over the weekend from the same northeastern area of the country.
It's believed that Boko Haram, which earlier claimed responsibility for the mass kidnapping last month, is responsible for the recent abductions as well.
The group has threatened to sell the girls.
Police have listed six phone numbers and urged Nigerians to call with credible information.
Jibrin Ibrahim, a political analyst says though the action by Nigeria's police is three weeks late, it is still a welcome development.
"I'm a bit disturbed that it took them over three weeks to realise they needed to give incentives as well as punitive action immediately this thing happened to increase the chances of recovery however I think it's good they have finally decided to offer the incentive and let's hope somebody will take the bait and provide the information to bring back our girls."
Leaders from China, the U.S and the U.K have offered Nigeria assistance in tracking down and freeing the kidnapped schoolgirls.
Earlier, 300 people were killed after the extremist group attacked the town of Gamboru Ngala in Nigeria's northeast.
It is reported that the town was left unguarded as soldiers based there have been redeployed in an effort to rescue the schoolgirls.
Boko Haram's five-year uprising has killed thousands of people across the country.
UN chief calls for constructive dialogue in Thailand
The UN Secretary-General has issued an appeal to all sides in Thailand, following yesterday's decision by a constitutional court to remove the prime minister and nine cabinet ministers from office.
The Constitutional Court of Thailand ruled that Yingluck Shiniwatra and her colleagues abused power during a personnel transfer in 2011, prolonging a political crisis that lead to violent street protests.
A spokesperson for UN leader Ban Ki-moon says the Secretary-General calls on all sides to excercise restraint and respect democratic principles, laws, and human rights.
Yingluck made a statement following the court's verdict to repeat her dismissal of the allegations.
"We held true to the principles of honesty in running the country, and never acted corruptly, as we were accused."
The interim cabinet has now appointed Yingluck's deputy to be the new interim Prime Minister.
Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan had been the acting deputy premier and commerce minister in Yingluck's caretaker cabinet.
He used to work as a top executive of Shin Corporation, a conglomerate once owned by the Shinawatra family.
The court's decision also casts doubt on whether new elections planned for July will go ahead.
The new leader says one of his first duties is to ensure the vote does take place.
"Certainly, the caretaker government has two main duties. The first one is to make sure that the election of the new government happens as soon as possible, which means that the new government will come from democratic elections, and after we have the new government, the caretaker government will finish its term."
The Pheu (fe-wa) Thai Party, core of the caretaker government, has denounced the court ruling and called it a conspiracy to try to topple a democratic government.
In a statement, the party called on people who disagreed with the verdict to express their opposition by peaceful means.
Both pro-government "red shirts" and anti-government protesters have planned major rallies starting from this Saturday.
For more on the situation in Thailand, CRI's Paul James spoke earlier with Phatsurang Decha buddha rungsi, associate producer at Infocus Asia.
[callin on Thailand]
Back Anchor:
Phatsurang Dechabuddharungsi, associate producer at Infocus Asia, speaking with CRI's Paul James.
Voting stations closed in South Africa
Voting stations around South Africa have closed as the country wraps up national elections.
Vote counting has already started and some of the results will start trickling later today.
A total of 22,000 stations opened countrywide and the election commission says voter turnout was higher than expected.
President Jacob Zuma voted at a school near his home in Nkandla.
"I feel very good, I have been very enthusiastic for this date to come, as you know that all political parties have been canvassing voters for a number of weeks. It feels good that I have just voted and I hope that all voters will cast their votes free without any problem because this is our right that we fought for."
Earlier polls put support for Zuma's ruling African National Congress at around 65 percent.
It is only a shade lower than the 65.9 percent it won in the 2009 election that brought Zuma to power.
The ANC's nearest rival, the Democratic Alliance, polled at 16.7 percent in 2009.
South Africa has struggled to recover from the global recession and is dealing with a 25 percent unemployment rate.
Hamas executes 2 Gazans for helping Israel
Hamas has announced the execution of two Palestinians who had been convicted of collaborating with Israel in the Gaza Strip.
The statement says the two had guided the Israeli military to the locations of Palestinian resistance, government security establishments, and metal workshops. They were killed on Wednesday afternoon, with one being shot and the other being hanged.
Hamas said the executions were meant to "preserve the societal security."
In March, Hamas launched a campaign to combat collaboration with Israel, promising amnesty to any informants who surrender willingly during the two-month campaign.
Biz Reports
First off, a check on the closing numbers in North America and Europe.
Joining me on the desk, CRI's Jordan Lee.
US stocks closed mixed on Wednesday, with the Dow and S&P making gains on comments by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. Internet shares weighed down the tech-savvy Nasdaq.
At market close,
The Dow and the S&P 500 both moved into positive territory after Yellen said the U.S. economy is showing signs of improvement this quarter, despite the fact that it still needs lots of support.
The Dow Jones rose 0.7 percent. The S&P 500 gained 0.6 percent.
The Nasdaq fell 0.3 percent as investors dumped social media stocks.
Among those, Yahoo fell 6.6 percent.
Google shares fell 1 percent.
Facebook shares slid 2 percent.
Amazon declined 1.6 percent.
Groupon Inc sank 20.7 percent and Twitter recorded a second day of losses following its 18 percent tumble on Tuesday.
Over in Europe, as Russian President Vladimir Putin called on pro-Moscow separatists in Ukraine to postpone a vote on secession, investors were hoping for things to turn better.
At close, Britain's FTSE 100 ended unchanged.
Germany's DAX picked up 0.6 percent.
And France's CAC 40 added 0.4 percent.
Call-in OECD cuts growth forecast for China's economy
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has cut its growth forecast for China this year.
The OECD is now predicting Chinese economic growth for the year will come in at 7.4-percent, significantly down from the 8.2-percent forecast it put out in November.
At the same time, the Paris-based agency expects world growth to slow down to 3.4-percent this year, slightly lower than its previous estimate of 3.6-percent.
For more on this, we are now joined by Cao Can, CRI's financial commentator.
1. The OECD made the revision citing the government's drive to curb credit risk and excessive factory capacity. Would you say such an adjustment is reasonable? Why?
2. To what extent do you expect the Chinese government's move to affect the economy? Is it rational at a time when the country's economy already shows signs of slowing down?
3. How do you expect this revision to affect the global economy?
BACK ANCHOR: Cao Can, CRI's financial commentator.
Tax breaks to aid over 2m small businesses
China's tax authorities say new tax breaks this year will help more than 2 million small businesses cut their tax bills in half.
Also, officials with the State Administration of Taxation say these businesses no longer need to seek approval from tax authorities to qualify for the break, they only have to report to tax agencies.
The Ministry of Finance said last month that any company with annual taxable income under 100,000 yuan will have its business income tax halved from January 1, this year, through the end of 2016.
By the end of last year, there were about 11.7 million small and micro companies in China, or over three quarters of the total number of firms in the country.
China adds to pork reserves to stabilize prices
The National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic planning agency said it will purchase more frozen pork from the market to stabilize prices and reduce farmers' losses.
The move, the second in two months, came after pork prices again dipped below the break-even point for farmers.
A similar measure in March proved to be effective in boosting pork prices, with the national average hog price reaching 1.7 dollars per kilo by April 30, ending a 19-week decline.
The NDRC said the supportive policy is expected to ensure pork production in the long term.
U.S. exports to China total 120 billion USD last year: USCBC/xinhua
US exports to China reached a new milestone last year, passing the 120 billion US dollar mark.
The number is from the US-China Business Council, a private, non-profit organization. It says exports from the US have grown at an annual average rate of over 15 percent over the past 10 years.
However, the growth rate last year alone was only just over 10 percent.
China is now America's third largest export market behind Canada and Mexico - two countries with which the US has a free-trade agreement.
Yellen says US economy on the mend
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen says that the US economy is improving, but noted that the job market remained "far from satisfactory".
Speaking to Congress's Joint Economic Committee, She said the Fed saw the US economy rebounding after a brutal winter that slowed growth.
"With the harsh winter behind us, many recent indicators suggest that a rebound in spending and production is already underway, putting the overall economy on track for solid growth in the current quarter. One cautionary note though is that readings on housing activity - a sector that has been recovering since 2011 - have remained disappointing so far this year, and will bear watching."
However, Yellen says jobs growth still hasn't recovered.
"While conditions in the labour market have improved appreciably, they are still far from satisfactory. Even with its recent declines, the unemployment rate continues to be elevated. Moreover, both the share of the labour force that has been unemployed for more than six months and the number of individuals who work part-time but would prefer a full-time job are at historically high levels."
The Fed has been reducing its monthly bond buying programme, known as quantitative easing, in order to keep long-term interest rates low and stimulate growth.
Yellen did not signal the Fed would slow down its "taper" even if jobs growth remains less than ideal.
However, she did note that weakness in the housing market could impact economic growth.
Headline News
China , Nigeria to strengthen ties
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has met with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan in the capital city of Abuja.
After the meeting, Li Keqiang said both sides agreed to cement bilateral ties by intensifying high-level exchanges and improving cooperation on the economy, trade and culture.
The premier says better cooperation between the two countries will benefit the two peoples and also help to promote regional and world development and prosperity.
Li Keqiang also expressed Beijing's readiness to work with Abuja on financing, and to participate in Nigeria’s railway and infrastructure projects.
Premier Li also met with several leaders from other African countries, who are in the Nigerian capital for the 2014 World Economic Forum on Africa.
China urges Philippines to "immediately" release fishermen and boat: FM spokeswoman
The Chinese government is calling on Philippine authorities to "immediately" release a group of Chinese fishermen and their boat.
The boat was seized Wednesday morning in waters surrounding the Nansha Islands.
A group of several armed men, thought to be Filipino Police officers, stormed the boat, firing warning shots and then seizing control of the vessel.
Eleven Chinese fishermen were onboard the boat.
The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs has confirmed the arrest of the Chinese fishermen, but states the action is not meant to raise tensions with China.
The Chinese embassy in Manila has also issued a new call, urging the Philippines to "take no more provocative action."
Putin calls for postponement of Ukraine referendum
Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russian troops have been ordered to withdraw from the border with Ukraine.
He has also called for the postponement of a referendum on autonomy in southeast Ukraine scheduled for this Sunday.
However the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk describes Putin's suggestion as "hot air," and says the activists must disarm.
Pro-Russian activists in eastern Ukraine say they will consult later today with their members before making decisions on whether to postpone the referendum.
As a response to the latest development, the White House says postponing the referendum is not enough --- it must be cancelled.
The U.S. also calls on Russia to use its influence to ensure the safety of presidential elections in Ukraine slated for later this month.
UN chief calls for constructive dialogue in Thailand
The UN Secretary-General has issued an appeal to all sides in Thailand, following yesterday's decision by a constitutional court to remove the prime minister and nine cabinet ministers from office.
The Constitutional Court of Thailand ruled that Yingluck Shiniwatra and her colleagues abused power during a personnel transfer in 2011, prolonging a political crisis that lead to violent street protests.
A spokesperson for UN leader Ban Ki-moon says the Secretary-General calls on all sides to excercise restraint and respect democratic principles, laws, and human rights.
Yingluck made a statement following the court's verdict to repeat her dismissal of the allegations.
The interim cabinet has now appointed Yingluck's deputy to be the new interim Prime Minister.
The court's decision also casts doubt on whether new elections planned for July will go ahead, though the new leader says one of his first duties is to ensure the vote does take place.
Both pro-government "red shirts" and anti-government protesters have planned major rallies starting from this Saturday.
Newspaper Picks
Internet a key tool for drug traffickers
An anti-drug official says China continues to experience a rising wave of drug-related crimes, with the Internet serving as a key channel for the underground drug market.
According to the Ministry of Public Security, police uncovered 151,000 drug crimes last year, up 24 percent from 2012.
Criminals also used the Internet to learn how to source material and make drugs illegally.
Airport security upgrade ahead of leaders' summit
Shanghai's two airports are upgrading their security checks starting today. All passengers and baggage will be tested for explosive materials starting next week.
The city is hosting an important Asian summit on May 20 and 21 which will be chaired by President Xi Jinping.
Delegations from nearly 40 countries and international organizations will attend.
Petition asks for reprieve for poisoner
A total of 177 students and one professor from Fudan University have signed a petition asking Shanghai Higher People's Court not to execute a graduate student convicted of poisoning his roommate last year.
The suspect, Lin Senhao, killed his roommate last April by spiking their dorm room's water with toxic chemicals.
He was sentenced to death on February 18 by Shanghai No.2 Intermediate People's court.
The petition requests that the court grant the former student a reprieve on his death sentence to allow him to atone for his crime
Internet security leading group founded
The Beijing municipality has decided to form the security group, which will be led by the city's top official Guo Jinglong.
Many Internet giants are headquartered in Beijing. The city is rich in Internet resources and plays an important role in the development of the Internet in the country.
Commercial centre confirmed to be relocated
Dahongmen area, a major logistics and wholesale centre in Beijing's Fengtai district, has inked an agreement with Baigou, in nearby Hebei province, to relocate some of its businesses, including clothing and wholesale industries.
Baigou has said it will provide policy support for the relocations.
Gaokao policies adjusted
West China's Sichuan province has vowed to adjust policies on Gaokao, or the college entrance exam.
Students attending Gaokao this year have to input their fingerprint to verify their identities.
Also, the local government has added a new category for enrolling students to vocational schools.
Special Reports
Surviving in the Fierce Mobile Game Market
With more and more video game producers targeting the smartphone market, industry observers are suggesting companies need to become more innovative to remain competitive in a quickly-saturating market.
CRI's Qizhi has more.
With smartphones having become widespread in China, many PC game producers are attempting to break into the mobile gaming market.
Xiao Hong is the CEO of Beijing Perfect World Network Technology Co., Ltd., a PC network game producer which began preparations to enter the rapidly developing mobile market two years ago.
"When the new mobile platform started dramatically developing, we started to consider making smartphone products. There are no essential differences between the PC and mobile platforms; we have this opportunity and are capable of developing mobile network games."
An industry guideline specifies that if more than 40% of users choose to play a game on their phones the day it enters the market, 20% the next week, and 10% the next month, it can be considered a success.
However, out of the numerous games available in the App Store or Android Market, the majority only stay on smartphones for a few days after installation.
Tu Xiangfei, the co-founder of 1006.tv, China's biggest mobile game media company, attributes the low retention rate to the lack of innovation in the industry.
"There're a lot of copycat games. When a player finds that a game is like another one, he may quickly stop playing. The important thing is the way it's played. A copycat game or one that charges users for playing it will find it difficult to survive."
Ji Gu, the business director of FunPlus Game, a social gaming and mobile gaming company, agrees.
She adds that innovation is the reason for the popularity of many foreign mobile games such as Angry Birds and Fruit Ninja in China.
"The reason why they are super successful is that they're the first in their own merit. They use a slightly different gameplay. Plant V.S. Zombie, it's a traditional defense game, but it adds a new skin and a new way of playing it. So it's a micro-innovation that makes it different."
In order to improve the retention rate of Chinese mobile games, Tu suggests that domestic game makers improve the interactivity of their products.
"Many games developed by Wechat for example, lack creativity in their playing format, but are notable for their social aspect. Users can identify how many friends are playing the game, and a ranking system between friends inspires users to compete with each other. The interaction between friends improves the retention rate, which doesn't only depend on the game itself."
In contrast to PC games which users can easily play for hours, Xiao Hong points out that smartphone games have a much shorter duration of play, which game designers should bear in mind.
For CRI, I'm qizhi.
Man City closes in on title with 4-0 win over Aston Villa
In the premier league,
Manchester City has done it, officially overtaking Liverpool at the top of the table after solidly beating Aston Villa 4-0 this morning.
All that remains for Manuel Pellegrini's side is a final home game against West Ham. Pellegrini did not agree with Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers' pronouncement that the title race was over and belonged to Man City.
"I feel that just one result matters for the Premier League. In the Premier League it is very difficult to win the games. You cannot be sure you are winning until the end, until the last minute. And Crystal Palace is a good team in a good moment. That is why, when we lost against Liverpool, I said that this (the battle to the title) continues. This was not the last game. This was not the finish of the Premier League. All the teams will drop points and that happens."
Liverpool still has a shadow of a hope at winning the title if Man City were to lose to West Ham this weekend, and Liverpool were to beat Newcastle.
It was also a shutout win for Sunderland, who beat West Brom 2-0.
Wins for defending champs Williams and Nadal on Wednesday
In tennis,
Second round action progressed at the Madrid Open yesterday.
Top seed Serena Williams breezed past China's Peng Shuai, winning in straight sets 6-2, 6-3.
It was also a straight sets victory for Simona Halep, who became the next seeded player after Williams to advance to round 3 after downing Lara Arruabarrena of Spain 6-4, 6-4.
On the mens side,
World number one and top seed Rafael Nadal only dropped on game to cruise into the third round after beating Argentina's Juan Monaco 6-1, 6-0.
Nadal is in a good position to defend his title in Madrid since three of the top competitors are out.
World number two Novak Djokovic is missing the tournament with an injury, Roger Federer withdrew for the birth of his twins, and Stanislas Wawrinka was upset on Tuesday.
Sixth seed Tomas Berdych defeated South Africa's Kevin Anderson 6-1, 6-4. American John Isner slipped into round 3 after a narrow three-set win over Australia's Marino Matosevic.
Players Championship about to get underway in Florida
In golf,
The Players Championship is about to get underway in Florida. The tournament traditionally lures the PGA tour's strongest field with the promise of professional golf's fattest purse: $10 million.
Two-time Masters Champion Bubba Watson hasn't had much the Players in the past, his best finish being a mediocre 37th place.
But Watson is one happy guy after winning the 2014 green jacket last month, and said the win opened up some new friendships for him.
"You know, I'm a big NBA fan, so LeBron James sent me a DM on Twitter. So it was pretty funny, I wrote back to him through Twitter, I said, you know, I saw you on a cell phone commercial, so you can just text me if you want to give me your number. We don't have to Tweet each other. So he DM'd me his number back, so I've texted with him. Obviously, that's a big deal for me. Kevin Durant, since the win, Kevin Durant, I've communicated with Kevin Durant through text message. That was pretty cool, to be able to talk to them and stuff."
Watson, along with Phil Mickelson, are both in a position to overtake an absent Tiger Wood's world number one ranking with wins this weekend.
Others to look out for are JB Holmes, 2009 players champion Henrik Stenson, Spain's Gonzalo Fernandez-Castano, and Thailand's Thongchai Jaidee.
NBA playoff game preview
In the NBA,
The Washington Wizards and Indiana Pacers are on the court right now battling it out in game 2 of their second round playoff series.
The pacers are down a game, after losing on Monday.
Later at 9:30 am the LA Clippers will try to make it 2-0 when they face the Oklahoma City Thunder for game 2.
All eyes will be on Oklahoma's Kevin Durant who just received the league's top honor, the NBA MVP award yesterday.
"I love basketball so much I love playing it I just never thought that I would make it to college NBA or stand up here today in front of you guys and be NBA MVP, It's just surreal feeling and I had so much help so many people believed in me when I didn't believe in myself so many people doubted me and motivated me every single day to be who I am I failed so many times and got back up I've been through the toughest times with my family but I'm still standing."
Averaging 35 points a game, Durant also won his fourth league scoring award, which included a 41 game run with 25 points or more.
Pittsburgh plays New York in game 4 of round 2
In Stanley Cup Playoff action, only one game on the lineup today.
The Pittsburgh Penguins and New York Rangers are on the ice at Madison Square Garden right now in game 4 of their second round series.
The Rangers trail 2-1 in the series and are looking to break out of their power play slump. They haven't scored with the man advantage since game 2 of their seven-game series win over Philadelphia in the opening round. They failed to convert on their last 34 power play opportunities.
Miley Cyrus resumes 'Bangerz' tour after hospitalisation
(Cyrus Song)
Miley Cyrus has resumed her "Bangerz" tour and spoken to the press for the first time since being hospitalised two weeks ago.
The 21-year-old had to postpone a series of US dates and two European shows after she claimed to have suffered an allergic reaction to antibiotics she was taking for a sinus infection.
The pop-star daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus hit out at internet speculation claiming that she had suffered a drug overdose, and said she is now ready and raring to go:
"That's what I'm saying. Look at me, I'm looking good. I'm a poster child for health. I'm on a bunch of good vitamins. And doing lots of yoga, getting myself back together. Trying to be ready for a really intense show. This show is like physically really exhausting. And I've been laying in hospital beds connected to IVs for the past two weeks so. If you guys get a chance to see the show tonight, I'm gonna go off.
Miley Cyrus is continuing the tour in the UK and has rescheduled the missed shows for August.
 Arnold Schwartzenegger on unsuccessful Sabotage
Arnold Schwarzenegger has been talking about the less than impressive run of his latest film, Sabotage.
In Sabotage the 66-year-old former Governator of California plays the head of an elite Drug Enforcement Agency task force that finds its member being mysteriously bumped off one-by-one.
The film, which had a budget of 35 million US dollars, grossed only 5.3 million in its opening weekend, making it Schwarzenegger's worst ever opening. But he says there's no shame in not succeeding as long as you keep on trying:
 "Failure, there's nothing wrong with failure. What makes you a failure is if you don't get up but if you just fail, and you get up again, you can continue on. People always will forgive you for failure because people know that that's life, that you try things, sometimes they work, sometimes they doesn't work."
Speaking of his long career he said the key was working hard and never letting anyone or anything make him feel he could not achieve his goals:
"There's never been anyone in America that has become a leading man with an accent. It will never happen. Well, I didn't listen to them and I went on and on and on. They also complained about my name. They said I can see already you with the name Arnold Schwarzenschnitzel or whatever up there on the billboard. Yeah, a lot of people will storm the theatres and they'll be interested in seeing you. Well, I didn't listen to them. I went on and I was successful and I made my way all the way through."
"Sabotage" is still to be released in many parts of the world, and will come to China later this year.
First 10 Eurovision finalists announced
Looking at the Eurovision song contest, as you know 37 countries have entered this year's competition but only 26 can compete in Saturday's live final.
After the first semi-final ten singers made it through… those from Armenia, Sweden, Iceland, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, San Marino, the Netherlands, Montenegro and Hungary.
Meanwhile the artists representing Belgium, Latvia, Estonia, Albania, Moldova and Portugal failed to make the cut.
The bookies favorite is still Sanna Nielsen from Sweden with the artists representing Armenia and the UK second and third favorites respectively.
But ILSE DELANGE of the Dutch group "THE COMMON LINNETS" said she fancies her chances:
"I just want to say that I love the diversity of the music and because of the diversity we have the chance to be on a Eurovision stage with a song that has only three chords and a heart. For us there is so much truth in that and I'm just so happy that next to one of my favorites Sweden, which is such a full on pop song with a killer chorus, but I love it that we, with such a pure and emotional song are also in the finals."
Another 10 finalist will be selected in the second semi-final tonight, while the so called "big five" the UK, France, Spain, Germany and Italy along with hosts Denmark, are guaranteed a place in the final.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
China and Nigeria talk about strengthening ties in the fields of aviation and aerospace...
the Chinese foreign ministry has called for the immediate release of a fishing boat and crew seized by the Philippines...
And Russia's president has called on ethnic Russians in Ukraine to postpone Sunday's planned referendum to break away from the authorities in Kiev...
In Business...millions of small businesses in China are expected to take advantage of a tax break...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.

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