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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2014/05/21

时间:2014-07-29 07:52来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Evening Edition
Paul James with you this Wednesday, May 21, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the programme this evening...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has outlined his thoughts on Asian security at this year's Confidence Building conference in Shanghai.
Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to three years in jail for ripping off public funds while in office.
The head of the Thai military is meeting with politicans and electoral officials following the imposition of Martial Law this week.
In Business, new stats show job creation is still on the rise here in China, even if the economy is slowing down.
In sports, the Miami Heat even their Eastern Conference final with Indiana at one.
And in entertainment, a new Chinese film has been screened at Cannes.
First, a check on what's happening on the weather front....
Beijing will be clear tonight with a low of 19 degrees Celsius. Sunny tomorrow with a high of 35 degrees.
Meanwhile Shanghai will be overcast, with a low of 20 in the night, cloudy tomorrow, with a high of 28.
Chongqing will be overcast, 18 degrees the low, overcast also tomorrow with a high of 28.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, sunny with a high of 33.
Kabul, sunny, 23.
Over in Australia
Sydney, sunny, high of 21.
Canberra, sunny, 21.
Brisbane, cloudy, high of 25.
And finally, Perth will be overcast with a high of 22.
Top News
Asia needs sustainable, durable security: Chinese president
Chinese President Xi Jinping has delivered a keynote speech at this year's Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, with a focus on security.
The details from CRI's Xie Zhao.
Referencing a "new Asian security concept", Chinese President Xi Jinping says for most Asian countries, common development is the key to security.
"We believe that it is necessary to advocate a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable Asian security concept. We need to innovate our security concepts, establish a new regional security cooperation design, and jointly build a road for security in Asia that is shared by all."
Xi Jinping says China, as the the new holder of the CICA presidency, would like to see the grouping be a platform for security cooperation among all Asian countries.
"It's the Chinese plan to increase dialogue and cooperation with each party step by step, as well as discuss and draw up regional security conduct codes and new Asian security partnerships. China is willing to establish regular communication with countries in the region. We would like to focus on 3 areas. We are exploring ways to set up an Asian law enforcement security forum, as well as security centers. We also want to help countries in the region better coordinate when it comes to major security events."
Xi Jinping also says Asia needs to adopt a zero-tolerance attitude toward terrorism, separatism and extremism.
As part of his keynote speech, the Chinese President also says this country's peaceful rise stems from Asia, depends on Asia and benefits Asia.
He also notes its the Chinese mandate to deal with territorial disputes through peaceful means.
"China has always worked hard to resolve issues around territorial sovereignty through peaceful means. We have already completely resolved border issues with 12 of our 14 neighbours through friendly negotiations."
CICA now has 26 member nations.
The grouping was first established in 1992 as a way for Asian countries to come together to discuss security and development challenges.
For CRI, This is Xie Zhao.
New powers at CICA are willing to contribute to regional cooperation
New countries and new organizations are becoming involved with the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia at this year's session in Shanghai.
CRI's Chen Feng has more.
At this year's summit, Shanghai Cooperation Organization and CICA have signed a memorandum of understanding to promote the establishment of partnership among different organizations and forums in the region.
Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or SCO, Secretary-General, Dmitry Fedorovich Mezentsev, says the signing of the memorandum will help to exchange information, strengthen anti-terrorism efforts and protect the safety of people in the region against the current international backdrop.
"Very complex situations have been going on in the international environment. Unfortunately, things are not getting better. So we now have to step up our cooperation to expand to other areas, including politics, security, economy as well as public and social cooperation."
All of the six SCO members are also member-states of CICA.
Before this year's summit, CICA consisted of 24 members and 13 observers. And at this year's summit, two observers have been elevated as formal member-states of this inter-governmental forum. They are Bangladesh and Qatar.
At a joint interview, Bangladesh's Foreign Minister, Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, says to achieve a win-win situation in the region will be the responsibility of Bangladesh as well as other CICA member-nations in the years to come. Bangladesh will do its part to speed up the construction of the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar economic corridor, the so called "South Silk Road", which has just started.
"This is a good example of how the neighboring countries can come together and create a situation where all of them will benefit. There will greater people-to-people exchanges. There will be connectivity in different forms. "
Bangladesh is now extending its railway line to its border with Myanmar, which in the future will extend further, to China and India.
With Qatar becoming a new CICA member-state, the Middle-Eastern nation's Deputy Prime Minister, Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud, expressed enthusiasm over Qatar-China cooperation.
"Qatar and China have enjoyed broad cooperation in politics, economy, trade, and investment. There are quite a few mutual investment projects between the two countries and we expect to have more. To develop a good relationship with China is always the priority of our diplomacy. "
The SCO, Bangladesh and Qatar all agree that this century will be Asia's century, and this CICA summit has set higher goals for the cooperation among regional countries.
At present, CICA is a regional organization. Its influence is expected to reach other regions in the world in the future.
For CRI, this is Chen Feng in Shanghai.
China, Russia ink long-awaited gas deal
The Chinese and Russian governments have finally inked a long-awaited natural gas deal.
The documents have been signed at a ceremony attended by Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Shanghai.
The talks, which first began in 2004, have been stalled numerous times over pricing issues.
The new deal should allow Russia to supply China with about one-tenth of this country's overall natural gas needs by 2020.
It was widely-expected the deal would be signed as part of Vladimir Putin's time here in China, where he's been attending the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia.
China, Israel to Deepen Innovative Cooperation
Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong has attended an Innovation Conference in Israel, saying the Chinese government is hoping to expand cooperation in the area of innovation with Israel and other countries.
CRI's Alexander Aucott has more.
The first Israel Innovation Conference has a particular focus on China.
Avi Hasson, Chief Scientist of the State of Israel at the Ministry of Economy, says the Israeli government has declared China to be No. 1 target partner.
"The collaboration we'd be seeing between the two countries has exceeded our expectations, with seeing the potential starting to become a reality. Today we are building on our rich histories to explore innovation, and how we can take that innovation and impact societies and economies to our mutual benefit, creating a win-win relationship."
Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong, during her keynote speech at the conference, says China is deepening its ties with many countries.
"We are living in a knowledge-intensive era, and an era of close innovative cooperation. No country can address all global challenges on its own. Therefore, innovativion and cooperation are needed."
Liu highly praises Israel's innovation and its cooperation with China.
"China sees Israel as an important partner for innovation. Our two countries are complementary to each other in science and technology. We should explore the potential of sci-tech cooperation and facilitate joint Research and development in a wide range of areas, so as to upgrade China-Israel cooperation to a new level."
Israeli President Shimon Peres, who is meeting with Liu Yandong during the innovation conference, says her visit carries hope.
"You carry with you a great proposal for cooperation between our two countries, and our mutual hopes to cooperate fully and completely in the domain of science, technology and wisdom, and also in bringing peace hope to all the people. Until now we work together, we can now fly together to a new height for the benefit of our people, and for the benefit of the entire world."
The Israel Innovation Conference includes more than 350 participants from China.
As part of her staying in Israel, the Vice Premier has also witnessed the inauguration of a center for innovative research and education.
The center is jointly launched by the Israeli Tel Aviv University and Chinese Tsinghua University.
For CRI, I'm Alexander Aucott.
Egypt's Mubarak sentenced to 3 years in jail for embezzlement
Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to three years in jail for embezzelement.
The court in Cairo has also sentenced two of Mubarak's sons to 4-years in prison for the same offense.
The three have been convicted of pocketing public funds used for the maintenance and upkeep of the presidental palace.
They've also been hit with fines totalling over 17-million US dollars.
Mubarak, his two sons, and four of his aides were originally charged with misappropriating some 14-million dollars earmarked for the presidental palace.
The four aides were eventually aquitted for a lack of evidence.
India invites Pakistan PM to attend Modi's swearing in ceremony
India has invited Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to attend the swearing in ceremony for India's new prime minister, Narendra Modi.
New Delhi has also invited other regional heads of state or government to be present at Monday's ceremony.
Modi has called on Pakistan to stop all alleged hostile activities against India as a way to improve ties.
However, the Pakistani High Commission in Delhi has rejected any preconditions for talks on improving the bilateral relationship.
Ties between India and Pakistan have been strained for years, with the two sides going to war three-times in connection with the territorial dispute over Kashmir.
80 militants killed in NW Pakistan's air strike
The Pakistani military has launched a coordinated series of attacks on suspected militant hideouts in the country's restive northwest, leaving at least 80 supsected militants dead.
The coordinated operations have seen military helicopters hit targets in several different communities in the tribal areas of North Waziristan, which is located along the Pakistani/Afghan border.
Authorities have also sealed off the area.
It's believed the Pakistani military targeted suspects thought to be involved in attacks on convoys moving through the region.
Several homes have also been destroyed in the assault, which may see the death toll rise above the current estimate of 80.
Key players arrive for talks in Thailand
Thailand's army chief is holding talks with political leaders and Election Commission.
The talks today come on the heels of the powerful Thai army imposing Martial Law this week amid the lingering political unrest in the country.
Military spokesperson Srichan Ngathong says the meeting is meant to try to find a way out of the political crisis.
"We have invited many groups and many factions who play a major role in the country to send five representatives to discuss a way out. The groups include the caretaker senate speaker, the chairman of the Election Commission, the head of the Puea Thai party, the head of the Democrat party, the secretary of People's Democratic Reform Committee, and the chairman of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship".
The head of the Thai military says they've stepped in to restore order and rebuild investor confidence.
At the same time, he's warning the military will take action against anyone who uses weapons or harms others.
Both pro- and anti-government protesters remain out in force.
The army has confined them to their separate protest sites in Bangkok.
Thailand's acting prime minister has been asking for new elections to be called for August, after a snap poll in February was annulled by the courts.
Libya to hold elections amid chaos in Tripoli
Libya's election commission has announced parliamentary elections have been scheduled for June 25th.
If it goes ahead, it will be the first election since the overthrow of former leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.
Libya's embattled government has already proposed that parliament go into recess after voting on this year's budget.
The government has been accusing retired general Khalifa Haftar of planning a coup, a charge he denies.
Fighters allied with Haftar attacked the parliamentary building in the capital, Tripoli, on Sunday, leaving two people dead.
His militia has been calling for the suspension of parliament.
Libya has been embroiled in chaos since the fall of Gaddafi, with the central authorities in Tripoli unable to control the militias which helped topple the long-time leader.
Death toll rises to 288 in S. Korean ferry tragedy
One more body has been extracted from the sunken South Korean ferry today.
This leaves 16 unaccounted for.
The discovery of the body also brings the official death toll in last month's tragedy to 288.
Word of this comes on the heels of a raid on a church where the defacto owner of the ferry has been thought to be taking refuge.
The 73-year old is a leading member of the psudo-Christian church which was involved in a mass suicide some 30-years ago.
Prosecutors have been demanding the man turn himself in for questioning.
However, all summons have been ignored.
TEPCO starts dumping radioactive water from crippled Fukushima plant into Pacific
The Tokyo Electric Power Company has started dumping hundreds of groundwater from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean.
The Japanese government says it's recieved assurances from both the company and its Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that the water is safe.
Yoshihide Suga is Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary.
"I received a report from METI that TEPCO reported to METI today that they began an operation of groundwater bypass system after the water quality was tested and it fulfilled the operation requirements."
The move to pump groundwater out of the crippled facility is seen as a major milestone in eventually getting the facility shut down.
The Fukushima plant has stabilize significantly since three of its reactors went into meltdown following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Pandas from China arrive in Malaysia
A pair of giant pandas from China have arrived in Malaysia on a 10-year loan.
The gift coincides with the celebrations marking 40-years of diplomatic ties between the two countries.
Huang Huikang is China's Ambassador to Malaysia.
"Pandas Fu Wa and Feng Yi are a great symbol of our friendship and gift from Chinese people to Malaysian people."
The two pandas have been taken to a specially built complex at the national zoo in Kuala Lumpur, where they'll be quarantined for a month before receiving visitors.
The gift of the pandas comes despite Chinese concerns about the Malaysian government's handling of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
Biz Reports
Asian Stock
Asian markets ended mixed on Wednesday, with Japan down after the Bank of Japan kept its monetary policy on hold.
The Nikkei Average dropped a fraction of a percent.
China's mainland market closed higher with lighter-than-usual trading volumes, as the latest upbeat jobs data buoyed investor confidence.
Both the Shanghai Composite and the Shengzhen Component Indexes went up over three quarters of a percent.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng closed almost flat.
Elsewhere in the region,
South Korea's KOSPI and Singapore's Straits Times both slipped a fraction of a percent.
But Australia's ASX rose a ten of a percent.
China's job market resilient despite slowdown
New stats show China added nearly 5-million jobs in the first four months, despite the current economic slowdown.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security says the figure is slightly higher than the number of jobs created through the same period last year.
As of the end of March, the urban unemployment stands at just above 4-percent.
Through the first quarter, economic growth here in China dipped to 7.4 percent, the lowest level since the third quarter of 2012.
China to Allow Local Governments to Issue Bonds
The central government here in China is giving the green-light to a number of local governments to finance their own debt by issuing bonds.
The local governments include Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Jiangsu, Shandong, Beijing, Qingdao, Ningxia and Jiangxi.
Right now, the Finance Ministry issues bonds on behalf of local governments.
The central authorities are going to set quotas on how much these local governments can borrow on the market.
The announcment comes despite fears among certian policymakers and academics that some local authorities don't have the ability to manage their own funds.
For more on this issue, CRI's Shane Bigham spoke earlier with Benjamin Cavender, Principal at China Market Research in Shanghai.
Back anchor:
That's Benjamin Cavender, Principal at China Market Research in Shanghai, speaking with the Beijing Hour's Shane Bigham.
China lures private investment into infrastructure
China's National Development and Reform Commission has announced a list of 80 projects hoping to attract private investment to infrastructure projects.
It says the move is designed to try to inject more vitality into the economy.
The list covers projects connected to railways, roads, harbors, wind power stations and gas pipelines.
Such areas used to be off-limits for private investment.
MOC: China-Iceland FTA takes effect on July 1.
China's Ministry of Commerce has announced a China-Iceland Free Trade Agreement will take effect on July 1st.
The agreement represents China's first free trade agreement with a European country.
It covers trade and investment.
Iceland and China began negotiating the FTA in 2006, and signed the agreement last month.
A China-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement, signed after the Iceland FTA, will also come into force on July 1st.
China's first REIT fund starts trading
The first real estate investment trust here in China has begun trading on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange today.
The fund has been set up by CITIC Securities.
CITIC is the country's largest brokerage.
The fund is going to be used mainly to invest in existing commercial properties.
Japan's trade deficit narrows in April
Japan's trade deficit has narrowed through April.
The trade deficit has come in at around 8 billion US dollars, down nearly 8-percent from a year earlier.
The narrowing deficit has been triggered by the hike in the sales tax, which has dampened domestic demand and reduced the pace of imports.
Japanese imports through April are still up nearly 3.5-percent.
Exports are up over 5-percent from a year earlier, led by shipments of machinery and transport equipment.
The new figures come as the Bank of Japan wrapped up a 2-day meeting with no changes in its ultra-loose monetary policy and an upbeat assessment of the economy.
Microsoft unveiled new tablet, claiming to replace laptops
Microsoft has unveiled a larger, lighter version of its Surface Pro tablet.
The Surface Pro 3 has a 12-inch screen and weighs 800 grams, which is lighter than Apple's Macbook Air laptop.
Microsoft is hoping the new tablet will be the device consumers and companies go to when they are replacing laptops.
Panos Panay is the vice president of Microsoft's Surface computing division.
"I am sure that this is the tablet that can replace the laptop. Surface Pro 2 packs a ton of punch. It has all the performance that you need in your full laptop. We then took that product, we took that exact same performance, increased it, pushed it from the 10.6 millimeters it started at and pushed it down to 9.1 millimeters.""
The Surface, launched in late 2012 and refreshed last year, currently only makes up around 2 percent of the tablet market.
The Surface Pro 3 comes in three models, and starts from 799-US dollars.
Headline News
China proposes to set up regional security cooperation architecture
Chinese President Xi Jinping has proposed setting up a regional security architecture in Asia.
Xi Jinping has made the proposal while addressing the the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia in Shanghai.
In his key-note speech, the Chinese president says he wants to see closer regional exchanges and cooperation in areas including anti-terrorism, business, tourism, environmental protection, culture and people-to-people exchanges.
The Shanghai summit has drawn dignitaries from 47 countries.
Egypt's Mubarak sentenced to 3 years in jail for embezzlement
Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to three years in jail for embezzelement.
The came court in Cairo has also sentenced two of Mubarak's sons to 4-years in prison for the same offense.
The three have been convicted of pocketing public funds used for the maintenance and upkeep of the presidental palace.
They've also been hit with fines totalling over 17-million US dollars.
Russian troops preparing to leave Ukraine border area: RIA
Russian troops that took part in military exercises along the border with Ukraine are reportedly preparing to return to their permanent bases.
Russian media is citing the Russian Defense Ministry as saying the troops have been dismantling field camps, packing and preparing their military vehicles.
The Kremlin has ordered the troops back to their bases after drills in three regions bordering Ukraine.
But NATO and the United States have said they saw no signs of a withdrawal.
NATO estimates there have been around 40-thousand Russian troops near the border with Ukraine since the unrest in that county first broke out.
Chinese engineer killed in Libya's Benghazi
A Chinese national has been killed in Libya.
The victim, an employee of a Chinese construction company in Benghazi, was one of three people abducted from their work site.
The two others abducted along side the Chinese victim were later released.
Benghazi, the city where the first fighting to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi first began, has been gripped by lawlessness and insurgent attacks since the long-time leader's ouster.
Three die in Taipei subway attack
Three people have been killed and around ten others injured in an attack on a subway in Taipei this afternoon.
A man began attacking passengers with a knife.
He tried to flee, but has since been arrested.
Police are acting under the suspicion the attacker may have been drunk.
2 dead, 2 missing after boats collide
Two people are dead and two others are missing after a boat collision off Fujian this afternoon.
Seven aboard a Chinese fishing boat all went overboard after it collided with another vessel off the city of Fuzhou.
Two drowned, two are missing, while three others have been pulled out of the water safely.
The Chinese Coast Guard is still searching for the two missing sailors.
Newspaper Picks
Shanghai Daily
"Police use WeChat to fight crime"
Police in Changning and Minhang districts are turning to WeChat to help combat shoplifting.
Thanks to officers and shop owners swapping pictures of suspects via the program, the number of related crimes has fallen dramatically.
Between December 21-27 last year, police handled 74 theft cases in Qibao, Minhang. After the trial started, the number dropped to six, and from April 5-11 it fell to zero.
"All we do is swap pictures," said Peng, a police officer in Changning's Tianshan area who formed the WeChat group.
In Qibao, the group has 50 members who all share the information about thieves, Peng said.
Before WeChat the transfer of information was slow and crooks frequently escaped, shop owners said.
China Daily
"Beijing pharmacies to handle all infant formula sales"
The Beijing Food and Drug Administration said the city will gradually make pharmacies the only channel permitted to sell infant formula, a report said on Wednesday.
He said the city plans to shift the sales of all infant formula products to pharmacies, in order to enforce stricter control on the safety of the products.
Zhang Zhikuan, director of the administration, made the remarks when reporting to the city's People's Congress on Tuesday.
There are 1,957 supermarkets and convenient stores that sell infant formula in Beijing, while only 207 of more than 5,300 pharmacies in the city sell the formula, Zhang said.
The China Food and Drug Administration is reviewing the list of qualified products of infant formula, and Beijing will guarantee that all of the infant formula sold in pharmacies are on the updated list.
Yahoo News
"Climate change threatens 30 U.S. landmarks: science advocacy group"
A report by the scientists of the US, warns that Climate change is threatening U.S. landmarks.
And a total number which surpassed two dosens landmarks are mentioned.
Landmarks like the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor ,the César Chávez National Monument in Keene, California and the Harriet Tubman National Monument in Maryland are all mentioned.
In the report, the scientists warned that the Virginia could be completely inundated due to rising sea levels, and the nearby Fort Monroe is at risk of becoming an island.
Because of the climate change, the US is seeing more floods, rising sea levels and fires.
In the western United States, rising temperatures have led to an increase in wildfires by melting winter snowpacks earlier, leaving forests drier for longer, the report said.
The issue of climate change or global warming and its causes are being debated in the United States with great splits.
The Telegraph
"Could you be allergic to your mobile phone?"
A new study suggests that swelling, redness, itching or blistering near your
cheekbones, ears, jaw or hands may be the sighs of you being allergic to your phone.
Researchers from Danish and US found at least 37 incidents since 2000 where contact dermatitis was caused by mobile phones.
The study also suggests that the nickel, chromium and cobalt found in common phones can cause skin irritations.
The researchers warned that Children and teenagers are likely to be at greater risk because they are more sensitive to nickel, the scientists warn.
And greater numbers of young adults will develop mobile phone dermatitis, with the increased use of smartphones with multifuctions.
Dermatology experts have advised using a plastic cover on your mobile or a
wireless earpiece.
Too much use of phone has also been blamed of frying our brains; altering our posture and ruining our grasp of the English language.
Special Reports
Shanghai becomes the most popular destination for people to migrate
A new survey shows Shanghai has become the most popular destination in China for people to migrate to when looking for work.
CRI's Li Dong has more.
Cai Cai is a young woman who decided to move to Shanghai after working for several years in Beijing.
Act1 Chinese Female
"When I first came to Shanghai, I needed to move my Hukou into the city. I felt the staff at the public service counters were very professional and they treated me very nice. I felt respected while I
was dealing with the whole processes."
Like many other migrants drawn to the large cities, Cai Cai says there are obvious advantages beyond jobs, including more social benefits such as better healthcare, education, public facilities and overall culture.
Act2 Chinese Female
"You feel that the community committee cares about your life. For instance, if you call them and tell them there's a hole in the road that needs to be fixed, you will see maintenance workers fix it the next day, or even the day you call them. Your problems are properly addressed. You can get a quick and positive response when you need help in Shanghai."
A new research by Value Line, a Shanghai-based financial magazine, suggests Shanghai has become the most popular destination for migration, recording a net inflow over nine and a half million people.
Beijing ranks second with 7.7-million migrants.
And the southern city of Shenzhen ranks third with a net inflow of around seven and a half million people.
The explosive inflow of migrants has been generating concerns among many residents who worry about the impact the large flow of people is having on resources such as land, the environment, water resources and even social stability.
Huang Yan, Director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning, says populations in big cities need to be distributed to the surrounding areas.
Act3 Chinese Female
"The biggest task for us is municipal reallocation. Big inflows of people creates a lot of pressure on a city's facilities and public services. Municipal governments need to reallocate the city's functions to the surrounding areas, while at the same time, upgrading the quality of public services in the neighboring areas to provide better education and medical resources."
The National Bureau of Statistics estimates over half of this country's population now livies in cities.
That figure is expected to hit 60-percent by 2020.
For CRI, I am Li Dong.
Miami Heat beat the Indiana Pacers 87-83 in Game 2
In the NBA playoffs,
The Miami Heat have evened their Eastern Conference final with Indiana, downing the Pacers 87-83 in Game 2 this morning to knot the series up at one.
The Heat's Dwyane Wade scored 23.
LeBron James added 22.
Indiana's Lance Stephenson tied his playoff career high with 25 points in the loss.
The series now shifts back to Miami for Game 3 on Saturday.
In off-court NBA news,
The Cleveland Cavaliers have once-again won the number-1 pick in the NBA draft for the second straight year.
This is also their first top-pick in the last 4-years.
The Cavs are hoping to improve on their drafting this year after choosing Canadian Anthony Bennett first overall, who had a disappointing season this year.
Cleveland is now free to choose among the likes of Andrew Wiggins and Joel Embiid of Kansas, Duke's Jabari Parker, or another player from what's considered a deep draft.
The Golden State Warriors have introduced Steve Kerr as their new head coach.
Kerr has signed a five-year contract, said to be worth around 25 million dollars, after rejecting an offer from mentor Phil Jackson to coach the New York Knicks.
Kerr won three titles for Phil Jackson while in a Chicago Bulls uniform, and another two under Gregg Popovich in San Antonio during his 15-year NBA playing career.
NBA commissioner Adam Silver has released a new statement, saying he believes the league is right in trying to force Donald Sterling to sell the Los Angeles Clippers.
The NBA is planning a hearing on June 3rd, after which owners could vote to force Sterling to sell the franchise he has owned since 1981.
In making the statement, Silver has contrasted Sterling's racist comments with those of league's MVP Kevin Durant, who spoke about prejudice while being given his award this year.
"It's that so many of our players and listening to Kevin Durant, who had experienced discrimination in their lives. We're not a post-racial society. But at least within the boundaries of my authority, I feel an obligation to protect the people who are within this league."
Silver also says he would prefer if Sterling chose to sell the team on his own.
However, he admits there could be obstacles.
Chicago and LA prepare for Game 2 in NHL West final
Today marks the first off-day since the NHL playoffs began in mid-April.
However, action will resume tomorrow morning when Chicago hosts the Los Angeles Kings in Game-2 of their Western Conference Final.
This is the 2nd time in a row the two teams have met in the West Finals.
Chicago emerged from last year's series to go on and win the Stanley Cup.
Puck drop tomorrow is 8am Beijing Time.
Quarter finals now set at World Ice Hockey Championships
From the World Hockey Championships in Minsk, Belarus,
The final group standings are now set after last night's games.
In Group A,
Canada has emerged at the top of the group on goals-for difference, as both Canada and Sweden finished out the round-robin with 5-1-1 records.
The Czech Republic finished 3rd in Group A, while upstart France has surprised a lot of people, finishing fourth to move into the knock-out stages.
In Group B,
Russia easily emerged on top, finishing the round-robin undefeated at 7-0.
The United States, Finland and the host Belarussians are also moving on.
Quarter-final action will get underway tomorrow night Beijing time.
Day 3 at Thomas and Uber Cup
In badminton,
After cruising into the quarter-finals at this year's Thomas Cup, the Chinese men have emerged at the top of their group, bagging their third victory in the round-robin by silencing Chinese Taipei 5-0.
The defending champions have not dropped a single match in the tournament.
In other action on the men's side in New Delhi, France managed to get past Russia to make it into the Thomas Cup quarter-finals for the first time ever, upsetting the Russians 3-2.
On the women's side in the Uber Cup,
India downed Thailand 3-2 today.
Both India and Thailand have already qualified for the quarter-finals.
But the 3-2 win means India tops its group.
The Chinese women are also undefeated on the tournament, and are also in the quarter-finals.
Angelique Kerber and Eugenie Bouchard progress at Nuremberg Cup
In tennis,
On the women's side,
In the final clay-court tune-up before the start of the French Open this weekend, top seeded Angelique Kerber and second-seeded Eugenie Bouchard were among the winners yesterday at the Nurenberg Cup.
The home-town favorite Kerber cruised by New Zealand's Marina Erakovic in straight sets, 6-4, 6-2.
Canadian Bouchard has reached the quarterfinals with a 6-love, 6-1 pasting of Aussie qualifier Anastasia Rodionova.
At the Strabourg International, it was top seeded American Sloane Stephens being upset by German Julia Georges 6-3, 6-2.
And number-2 seed Alize Cornet also stumbled out of the gate in the first round, going down to Camilia Georgi of Italy in 3-sets.
China's representation at Strasborg, Peng Shuai, is through to the 2nd round after getting past Australia's Ashley Barty 7-5, 7-5.
On the men's side,
At the Dusseldorf Open, hard-hitting Uzbek Denis Istomin needed three sets to get past Jarkko Niemenin.
Juan Monaco has cruised past Benjamin Becker in straight sets.
And in the men's tune-up for Rolland Garros next door in Nice, France...
It was home favorites Nicholas Mahut and Eduard Roger-Vasselin both advancing into Round-2.
The event in Nice is also a clay-court tournament.
Ronaldo confident of ahead of Champions League final
Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo says he's confident he'll be in top shape for Saturday's UEFA Champions League final against Atletico Madrid.
Ronaldo has been struggling with a hamstring problem since the start of April.
"They are confident of course, they won the Spanish league, but in my opinion the game will be fifty-fifty. So it's going to be a fantastic game. So I hope that Real Madrid can win this title because it is very important for us."
Real Madrid are looking for their tenth European Cup trophy, while Atletico is hoping for its first.
Minnesota awarded 2018 superbowl
In North American football news,
NFL owners have awarded Minneapolis the 2018 Superbowl.
The move is said to be a reward by the owners to the city for its new stadium deal.
The owners have chosen Minneapolis and its one-billion dollar new stadium planned for the site of the old Metrodome over bids from New Orleans and Indianapolis.
Next year's Superbowl will be in Glendale, Arizona.
2016 will be in Santa Clara, California, the 50th, then Houston in 2017.
The Superbowl, the NFL final, is worth hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues for cities which host North America's largest-watched sporting event.
Chinese film 'Coming Home' screens in Cannes
Chinese director Zhang Yimou, actress Gong Li, actor Chen Daoming and newly-selected "Mou Girl," Zhang Huiwen, have attended the screening of their latest film "Coming home" at Cannes.
The film is showing out of competition at this year's event.
"Coming Home" is set during the cultural revolution and tells the story of a couple whose relationship is torn apart when the husband is sent to a labor camp as a political prisoner.
The film hit Chinese theaters last week.
"Deux Jours, Une Nuit" premieres at Cannes
Another heavyweight has premiered at the Cannes film festival.
The film "Deux Jours, Une Nuit", or "Two Days, One Night" is from Belgian brothers Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne.
The pair have already won the top prize at Cannes twice.
The film stars Marion Cotillard, who won the Best Actress Oscar in 2008 with "La Vie en Rose."
"I try to work as much as possible in terms of going as deep as I can into my encounter with someone, who is the character. To be able then to totally set aside the work aspect, to actually become that person, and be able to I give up my own identity. Once I'm on the set if I've found the keys before then I don't really have much to do, all I need to do is hand the car keys to that character and the character drives me, rather than the opposite."
The awards for the Cannes film festival competition will be handed out on Saturday.
Michelle Obama uses talent show to promote arts education
US First Lady Michelle Obama has made a forceful plea for enforcing the arts in education as part of the first White House talent show.
Michelle Obama says arts education can help expand students' academic performances.
"It is clear that the turn around Arts Pilot programme has been an overwhelming success, and that is why today I'm thrilled to announce that we will be quadrupling the size of this programme. So this fall we are going to be adding a total of 35 schools in 11 states and well over 10,000 more students will finally have access to arts education, this is huge."
US President Barack Obama took time away from the Oval Office to make his own pitch for arts education and to congratulate the students on their performances.
"This is not something you do because it's kind of nice to do, it is necessary for these young people to succeed, that we promote the arts and I hope that events like this help send a message to school districts and parents and governors and leaders all across this country, you have got to support the arts, it is a priority."
The White House has also announced a pilot arts-education program is going to be expanded from eight to 35 schools nationwide.
Pierce Brosnan talks about his new romantic comedy with Emma Thompson
Former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan is trying his hand at comedy again in a new romantic comedy co-starring Emma Thompson.
"The Love Punch," is a romantic caper about a divorced couple who, after their pension is stolen by an unethical businessman, reunite to steal it back.
"Emma and I have known each other for many years and we always talked about working together. Then Mr. Joel Hopkins, the writer and director of this who she had already worked with on 'Last Chance Harvey' with Mr. Dustin Hoffman, they came to me with this idea, south of France, Paris, summertime. How can I refuse?"
The film itself is set in France.
"The Love Punch" opens in limited theatres in the U.S. this Friday.
Soul singer Josh Kaufman is crowned the winner of 'The Voice'
Josh Kaufman has been crowned the winner of this season of "The Voice".
The 38-year-old family man from team Usher has taken home the top prize at the season-6 finale.
"The first thing I want to do is spend some quality time with my family. I don't know what that involves or where we'll go or what we are doing, but the first thing I want to do - when I get a chance I've got some other things obviously are a priority right now that have to get done - but I want to be with my family."
This is the first win in the competition for Usher, who also coached during season four.
Blake Shelton's contestant, country crooner Jake Worthington, came in 2nd.
A quick recap of the headlines before we go.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has outlined his thoughts on Asian security at this year's Confidence Building conference in Shanghai.
Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to three years in jail for ripping off public funds while in office.
The head of the Thai military is meeting with politicans and electoral officials following the imposition of Martial Law this week.
In Business, new stats show job creation is still on the rise here in China, even if the economy is slowing down.
This is Paul James in Beijing, hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window on the world together.

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