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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2014/05/30

时间:2014-07-29 08:05来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Morning Edition

Shane Bigham with you on this Friday, May 30th, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
New heat alerts have been issued for cities across a large area of China...
The leadership in Beijing is pledging better governance and lasting peace in Xinjiang, following recent terrorist activity...
And Chinese & Malaysian authorities vow to keep searching for missing flight MH370...
In Business...The US economy shrank more than expected in Q1...
In sports...the exodus of top seeds seems to have slowed at Roland Garros..
In entertainment...a man's been arrested after a Beijing TV anchorwoman received death threats...
But first... lets get a check on the weather...
For the upcoming weekend, in most part of the country people might have to embrace a "hot" Duanwu Festival.
And we will have more on that later.
First of all, a look at the weather for major Chinese cities today.
Beijing will be sunny today with a high of 37 degree Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to around 21.
Shanghai will be sunny during the daytime with a high of 32.
Overnight, it will be cloudy with a low of 23.
In Chongqing, it will be overcast with a high of 27.
Overnight lows are expected to be around 21.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia.
Islamabad will see moderate rain with a high of 38.
Kabul will have slight rain with a high of 22.
Over to North America.
New York will see slight rain today with a high of 20 degrees.
Washington will be cloudy with a high of 25 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto, Canada, will be cloudy with a high of 21 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires will have slight rain with a high of 19.
And Rio de Janeiro will be sunny with a high of 22 degrees Celsius.
Top News
Most Chinese cities suffer from summer heatwave
China's national forecaster has issued another weather alert for today as high temperatures are expected to linger across most of the country.
CRI's Alexander Aucott has more.
Temperatures are expected to exceed 40 degrees Celsius in many central, eastern, and western cities.
The municipal warning center here in Beijing has already upgraded its temperature alert to its highest level, and expects the heatwave will continue through the weekend.
Temperatures as high as 42 degrees Celsius was recorded in parts of the capital on Thursday, the highest readings since 1951.
Meteorological authorities are calling for power suppliers and fire departments to be on alert, outdoor work and activities to be ceased, and classes to be suspended at all schools.
Neighboring regions including Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan have also experienced record highs.
In Jiangsu Province, in the east, weather authorities issued their first heat-related alert.
Locals have been wearing sunglasses and holding umbrellas to protect themselves from the scorching sun.
"It's too hot today. I think it's the hottest day since this summer. My clothes are soaked with sweat. It's uncomfortable."
In Zhongshan city of southern Guangdong, where temperatures hit 35 degrees Celsius on Thursday, many construction workers stuck to their working site.
"It's quite hot today. I must drink at least three bottles of water in a day. How can our construction workers escape the summer heat? We can only go and work wherever we are needed."
There may be some good news in the forecast for southern China. Moderate-to-heavy rain is expected in the region and that will likely cool the temperature.
For CRI, this is Alexander Aucott .
Central leadership pledges better governance, lasting peace in Xinjiang
Police in Beijing have taken part in a mass anti-terror drill.
More than 28-hundred officers from the commando and armed police units participated in the excercise, which happened on Thursday.
The drill focused on knife attacks, hijackings, and illegal mass gatherings.
Helicopters, drones, and high-rise firefighting equipment have all been utilized in the training program.
The drill has come at the same time Chinese President Xi Jinping has wrapped up a 2-day work conference in Beijing regarding Xinjiang.
He has called for a harsh crackdown on terrorist attacks in the autonomous region.
CRI's Ding Lulu has more.
In concluding the session, the Chinese President is calling for -quote- "nets spread from the earth to the sky" in fighting terrorism.
He notes that the basic principles for easing religious tension include protection for legal religious activities, and deterrences for illegal and extreme practices.
Xi Jinping says good governance in Xinjiang is vital, stressing that a priority of that is to improve people's livelihoods.
Xi Jinping says the government will spend more on education facilities and work to enroll more children in schools, as well as carrying out more poverty-alleviation programs in rural and border areas of Xinjiang.
According to the President, special policies will be issued concerning the development of southern Xinjiang.
Xu Jianying, an expert from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, hails the policy.
"Some people describe the economic development in Xinjiang in the past as 'funnel patterned', which is to say that although the government helped to build a lot infrastructure construction, they failed to bring real benefits to the locals. The central leadership is now striving to bring real benefits to the locals in Xinjiang to expand employment and improve livelihoods. This is a fundamental step of Xinjiang's development and modernization."
President Xi Jinping is also calling for stronger unity among different ethnic groups in Xinjiang.
He suggests that authorities should strengthen exchanges and communication among people of different ethnic groups and promote a more integrated social structure and community environment where people are not grouped solely based on their ethnicity.
The meeting was held in the wake of a series of bloody terrorist attacks in the region, including one in an open air market in Urumqi, the region's capital, which left 39 people dead and 94 injured on May 20.
For CRI, this is Ding Lulu.
China and Malaysia vow to continue search for MH370
China and Malaysia have vowed to continue the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared almost three months ago.
The comment comes as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met up with his Malaysian counterpart here in Beijing.
CRI's Jordan Lee has more.
The Chinese Premier has urged Malaysia to formulate a new plan in the search for the missing flight.
MH370, carrying 239 passengers and crew, disappeared from radar screens in early March shortly after taking off from Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing.
154 passengers onboard are Chinese nationals.
"Following the incident, China has been keeping a close contact with Malaysia. An international search mission has also been carried out by scores of countries. We haven't stopped the search, we are still looking for the plane and trying to find out what happened. We hope Malaysia can continue to take the leading and coordinating role in the search and take the investigation seriously. We also hope Malaysia can respond to the legitimate appeals of passengers' families. China is ready to play an active role in the search and settlement. "
Earlier, the joint coordination center for the search announced that the remote sub Bluefin-21 has completed its mission, without finding any evidence related to the missing flight.
Its search area had been defined based on the four acoustic signals detected by the towed pinger locator deployed on Australian vessel Ocean Shield.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau says the search in the vicinity of the acoustic detections can now be considered complete and the area can now be discounted as the final resting place of the plane.
Australian officials say they remain confident that the missing jet is somewhere in the southern Indian Ocean.
For his part, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak says his country will continue with the search.
"Let me once again express our sorrow, our condolences, to the next of kin, to the families involved. And we owe it to them to continue to search, and Malaysia will continue to search together with China, Australia, and maybe the other countries because this tragic incident is so complex, is unprecedented, it requires the cooperation of several countries if we want to be successful."
Najib also stresses his commitment to finding solutions and answers to what really happened to the aircraft.
Najib's six-day China visit comes as the two countries celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties.
Calling Malaysia a friendly neighbour and important partner of China in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Li Keqiang says the two countries have achieved great progress in cooperation over the past 40 years.
The Chinese Premier also pledged to take the opportunity of commemorating the 40th anniversary to strengthen political trust with Malaysia.
Cooperation documents regarding trade, culture, technology and investment have also been signed during the meeting.
Najib started his China visit on Tuesday.
For CRI, I'm Jordan Lee.
Ukraine opposition shot down military helicopter
Armed opposition forces in eastern Ukraine have shot down a government military helicopter amid heavy fighting around Slovyansk, killing 14 soldiers including a general.
Ukrainian authorities say the helicopter was brought down by a portable air defense missile.
Interim president Oleksandr Turchynov:
"One of our helicopters, which was bringing in armed forces servicemen for military rotation, was shot down by terrorists who used the Russian weapon PZRK. Fourteen of our soldiers were killed including General Kulchitskiy."
Slovyansk, 160 kilometers from the Russian border, has become the epicenter of fighting between opposition and government forces in recent weeks.
Newly elected President Petro Poroshenko has vowed to tackle "terrorists" in the east.
Earlier, the United Nations expressed concern about what it describes as a "dramatic increase" in deadly fighting in Ukraine's east.
Jeffrey Feltman is the UN's under-secretary-general for political affairs.
"The Secretary-General remains committed to help find a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Ukraine, and to assist the country in prevailing over the many difficult challenges which lie ahead. In this vein, he appeals to the international community to use the outcome of the elections as an opportunity to unite in support of a peaceful, stable, prosperous, and united Ukraine."
China has said that a political solution is the only way out of Ukraine's crisis.
It has already put forward a three-point proposal to the UN Security Council on seeking a political solution to the unrest.
Abbas names Palestinian PM to head new government
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has asked Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah to head a new national unity government.
The announcement comes after the feuding Hamas and Fatah parties agreed on a reconciliation pact last month.
"This is a letter of assignment to our brother Dr. Rami Hamdallah, an order to form the new transitional government. I wish him success in the difficult task which he will undertake."
However the two sides have yet to publish a list of ministers.
It is reported that disputes remain primarily over who should be foreign minister.
Officials say a list of names is pending Abbas's final approval this week.
Fatah and Hamas developed separate governments after Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007.
Earlier, Israel suspended U.S.-sponsored peace talks with the Palestinians after Abbas agreed to the unity pact with Hamas, which is viewed by Israel as a terrorist group.
Israel has threatened Abbas's administration with financial sanctions if he pursues the deal.
Thai military leader maps out guidelines for election, no timeframe set
The head of the Thai military government has reportedly outlined a series of steps needed to restore a civilian democracy in the country.
General Prayuth Chan-ocha has reportedly told his military officials they need to quickly establish a new administration, which will include a new legislative and reformation council, on top of working toward a new election.
Prayuth hasn't given a timeline for the process.
The Thai military took power last week amid months of fighting among the country's political factions.
WW1 exhibition opens in Berlin
A new exhibition about World War I has opened in Berlin, just a few weeks ahead of the 100th anniversary of the start of the war.
CRI's Xie Zhao has more.
Almost 100 years ago, millions of lives were lost as nations from around the world fought in the fields of Europe during World War I.
The new exhibition at the German Historical Museum details the events leading up to the war, the war itself and the aftermath.
Around 500 objects are on display, including paintings of soldiers, Europe's royalty at the time and anti-war demonstrations.
Weapons and historical documents are available for viewing.
Alexander Koch heads the museum.
"We want to show people how this war changed the world and how the effects of the war can still be felt today. This war has something to tell every one of us and that is why it is so important to put it in relation to what we have here and today."
Koch warns that while the museum is meant to explain history, its visitors will be exposed to images of unimaginable suffering.
"In the centre of this exhibition is the tremendous violence that made this war the original catastrophe of the 20th century. And we can feel the effects still today."
The exhibition will include a number of speakers, debates and discussions, where the issue of responsibility for the war will be fully explored.
The First World War is still a sensitive subject in Germany.
Koch says the war is still a major part of the collective German consciousness, something that has shaped the German society of today.
"Many families have their own stories about the war from a family member or from a friend, stories about different fronts or about what the war was like from the homefront. So this war has still today the unmovable place in the collective mind. And that is what we have to show here with this exhibition. "
World War I began on June 28th, 1914 following the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand of Austro-Hungary.
The "Great War," as it was known at the time, left 9-million dead.
It also created the impetus for Germany to re-arm after the conflict, leading to World War II.
For CRI, This is Xie Zhao.
NBS releases Chinese workers average income level in 2013
A recent salary review from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that while wages are still climbing here in China, the wage gap between various occupations is still an area of concern.
CRI's Liu Min has more.
Statistics show that in 2013, the average annual salaries for people working in a private company in a city have come in at 32,700 last year.
This is an increase of nearly 11-percent.
Those working in the public sector are earning an average of 51,400 yuan per year, which is an increase of over 7-percent.
People working in the finance sector are still earning the highest wages, with annual average sallaries coming in at 99,600 yuan.
Those working in the agricultural sector are earning the lowest among the 16 different occupations surveyed by the stats bureau, making an average of just under 26-thousand yuan per year.
Feng Nailin with the National Bureau of Statistics says the income gap is something that needs to be addressed.
"The income gap between different occupations and positions still exists, which means we need to push forward reforms in income distribution. The focus needs to be on helping lift the salaries of low and medium-level earners."
The same analysis also shows a significant gap when it comes to positions within a company one holds.
Those working at a managerial level are likely to make at least 2.3-percent more than those in positions below them.
Yin Xingmin, an economist with Fudan University, says the inflated salaries in the finance industry is also something that needs to be addressed.
Act2 Chinese Male
"The incomes in the finance industry are too high. This is why many of China's best-and-brightest are flocking to this sector, rather than going toward science, technology, manufacturing or other innovative fields. To help re-adjust this country's economic structure, we need to bring down the salaries in the finance industry so that people will be more willing to work in other sectors. This is one of the core obstacles which needs to be addressed."
Yin Xingmin also says other sectors need to see their incomes rise.
"We need to allow more private companies into the financial sector. This will create more competition and jobs, and lower salaries. At the same time, government-run companies need to create new wage brackets to become more competitive when it comes to employment."
The Fudan-based economist also notes that salaries are still going to vary, depending on local conditions.
He suggests policy changes for wage structures need to come down from the central government, rather than being dictated by local authorities.
For CRI, I am Li Dong.
Biz Reports
First off, a quick look at the closing numbers across North America and Europe.
Joining me on the desk, CRI's Ding Lulu.
Investors brushed off a weak reading on US economic growth and powered the S&P 500 index to a record closing high.
Major benchmarks rose in a quiet session despite a revised estimate of first-quarter U.S. GDP showed the economy contracted. Investors played down the report, saying that it reiterated what is already known.
The S&P 500 notched its 13th all-time high of 2014, adding half a percent. The Dow climbed 0.4 percent and the Nasdaq gained half a percent.
Traders said the latest GDP report does little to change the monetary-policy trajectory of the Federal Reserve, which is reducing its bond purchases but remains committed to keeping interest rates low for an extended period.
US Jobless claims in the most recent week fell more than expected and remained near pre-recession levels.
The number of Americans filing claims for new jobless benefits fell to 300,000, versus an expected decline to 319,000.
In corporate news, Hillshire Brands surged 17.7 percent after Tyson Foods offered to top a bid from Pilgrim's Pride.
Tyson shares rose 6.1 percent but Pilgrim's Pride fell 1.1 percent.
Apple shares gained 1.8 percent, a day after the iPhone maker announced it will buy music streaming and audio equipment company Beats for about $3 billion.
European markets were little changed.
Traders positioned for next week's European Central Bank monetary-policy decision. The central bank is widely anticipated to announce new stimulus measures on June 5.
Both Germany's DAX and France's CAC 40 were flat. London's FTSE 100 added 0.3 percent.
U.S. economy contracts 1 pct in Q1: revised data
New data shows the U.S. economy shrank at an annual rate of 1 percent in the first quarter this year amid the brutally cold weather.
It is the first contraction since the first quarter of 2011 when US GDP contracted 1.3 percent.
It is also a big fall on the 2.6% rise in economic output in the final quarter of last year.
The government initially estimated the economy grew 0.1 percent.
The fall was twice as big as what economists expected.
The fall in output was blamed on an unusually cold and disruptive winter - one of the coldest in the US for 20 years - and a plunge in business investment.
MOF denies ban on overseas accountants
The Ministry of Finance has denied that the authorities plan to ban overseas accountants working on the Chinese mainland.
The Ministry says that overseas firms can continue to do business on the mainland by teaming up with qualified mainland accounting firms.
The proposed rules on the auditing industry came after overseas firms illegally took audit documents off the Chinese mainland or outsourced auditing businesses to smaller mainland firms.
According to the MoF, the world's top 20 accounting firms, including the "Big Four," all have established cooperation with local firms here on the mainland.
live call-in with Doug Young on corporate news of the week
Let's check out some of the key events on the corporate front in China this week.
Doug Young joins me on the line, associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief at Reuters.
Story 1:
WeChat Adds JD.com Shopping Channel
Is it a done deal? What will the deal bring to both JD.com and WeChat?
Why didn't Tencent open its own online shopping website given that Wechat is Chinese people's favourite way of communication?
How is Alibaba coping with this?
Story 2:
Oriental Pearl and Sony to Jointly Release PlayStation in China
What is Oriental Pearl? Why did Sony choose to jointly release PS4 with this company?
How successful do you think sony's playstation is going to be in China after a 14-year-ban on gaming consoles in this country?
Back to Anchor
Doug Young, associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief at Reuters.
China fines eyeglass makers for price manipulation
Seven eyeglass and contact lens manufacturers in China have been fined more than 19 million yuan, or over 3 million US dollars, for price manipulation.
The companies include Essilor, Nikon, Zeiss and Hoya, as well as Bausch+Lomb, Johnson & Johnson, and Weicon.
The manufacturers have been fined for violations of this country's anti-monopoly laws by exerting price controls on distributors and retailers.
The seven companies were found to control a majority of China's eyeglass and contact lens market.
Southwest Airlines fined for deceptive advertising
Budget airline Southwest has been fined 200,000 US dollars by US regulators for deceptive TV advertising.
The US authorities say the airline advertised 59 dollars flights from Atlanta to New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles in a series of TV advertisements in October 2013.
However, no seats were actually made available for purchase at that price.
Southwest says the ads were a mistake involving flawed advertising copy.
Southwest was fine $100,000 for violating rules against deceptive advertising, and an additional $100,000 for violating the rule after being found guilty of an earlier infraction in 2012.
Tesco and China Resources Enterprise reach retail deal
China Resources Enterprise has finalized a deal with British retailer Tesco to create the largest food retailer in China.
The joint venture will combine CRE's almost 3-thousand Vanguard stores with Tesco's 131 outlets here in China.
CRE will control an 80-percent stake in the new firm.
Tesco will control the rest.
Annualized food and grocery sales here in China exceed one trillion US dollars.
This is forecast to grow by 50-percent over the next three years.
Tesco is the biggest supermarket chain in the UK.
It has been operating in China since 2004.
US 'seeks to fine BNP Paribas more than $10bn'
The US is reportedly seeking more than 10 billion dollars from French bank BNP Paribas to settle charges it violated US sanctions on Iran, Sudan and Cuba.
The Wall street Journal claims that BNP is locked in talks with the Justice Department, but the lender wants to pay less than 8 billion dollars.
Both numbers are far higher than earlier reports of less than 4 billion.
HSBC was fined 1.9 billion dollars in 2012 for routinely handling money transfers for
Headline News
Most Chinese cities suffer from summer heatwave
China's national forecaster has issued another weather alert for today as high temperatures are expected to linger across most of the country.
Temperatures are expected to exceed 40 degrees Celsius in many central, eastern, and western cities.
The municipal warning center here in Beijing has already upgraded its temperature alert to its highest level, and expects the heatwave will continue through the weekend.
Temperatures as high as 42 degrees Celsius was recorded in parts of the capital on Thursday, the highest readings since 1951.
Central leadership pledges better governance, lasting peace in Xinjiang
Chinese President Xi Jinping is calling for a harsh crackdown on terrorist attacks in the autonomous region.
The remark comes as a 2-day work conference regarding Xinjiang has wrapped up in Beijing .
In concluding the session, the Chinese President is calling for -quote- "nets spread from the earth to the sky" in fighting terrorism.
He also vows to improve governance and livelihoods in an effort ease tensions in the region.
According to the President, special policies will be issued concerning the development of southern Xinjiang.
China and Malaysia vow to continue search for MH370
China and Malaysia have vowed to continue the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared almost three months ago.
The comment comes as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met up with his Malaysian counterpart here in Beijing.
The Chinese Premier has urged Malaysia to formulate a new plan in the search for the missing flight.
Earlier, the joint coordination center for the search announced that the remote sub Bluefin-21 has completed its mission, without finding any evidence related to the missing flight.
Najib Razak says his country will continue with the search.
Najib's six-day China visit comes as the two countries celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties.
Ukraine opposition shot down military helicopter
Armed opposition forces in eastern Ukraine have shot down a government military helicopter amid heavy fighting around Slovyansk, killing 14 soldiers including a general.
Ukrainian authorities say the helicopter was brought down by a portable air defense missile.
Slovyansk, 160 kilometers from the Russian border, has become the epicenter of fighting between opposition and government forces in recent weeks.
Newly elected President Petro Poroshenko has vowed to tackle "terrorists" in the east.
UN Security Council urges early presidential elections in Lebanon
The United Nations Security Council is urging Lebanese lawmakers to organize a presidential election as soon as possible.
The 15-nation UN body released a statement yesterday after the Lebanese government failed to select a new president under the terms of the country's constitution.
The interim president's term officially ended on Sunday. At the time, UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon expressed his regrets that the Lebanese parliament was unable to reach an agreement on new leadership.
Abbas names Palestinian PM to head new government
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has asked Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah to head a new national unity government.
The announcement comes after the feuding Hamas and Fatah parties agreed on a reconciliation pact last month.
However the two sides have yet to publish a list of ministers.
It is reported that disputes remain primarily over who should be foreign minister.
Officials say a list of names is pending Abbas's final approval this week.
Newspaper Picks
firefighters battle east China forest fire
More than 2,000 firefighters are struggling to contain a forest fire in east China's Shandong Province.
The city government said in a statement, the fire broke out at about 3 p.m. on Thursday in a forest in the coastal city of Weihai and quickly spread with the help of a strong wind
Roads near the fire have been closed and some water and electricity supplies have been disrupted. The smoke has reduced visibility in neighboring urban areas.
Three soldiers killed while fighting forest fires
Lightning strikes killed the soldiers and injured 25 others near Anning, Yunnan Province.
Forest fires broke out in the mountains near Kunming, Yunnan's capital, on May 24, and had nearly been quenched. Soldiers remained behind to clear burnt-out areas when they were suddenly caught in a severe storm.
Chinese mountaineer set off dispute
The Nepal Tourism Board officially announced an investigation on the accusation of a Chinese Mountaineer reaching the peak of Mount Qomolangma, also known as the Everest by helicopter.
Wanjing, a famous mountaineer and entrepreneur successfully climbed to the peak of Everest on May 23rd.
But a report from the Himalayan Times claimed she hired a helicopter to fly across a rout destroyed by a snow slide.
Wanjing denies the accusation.
5 hurt in accidental gunfire
A child and four adults were injured when a police gun accidentally went off at a kindergarten in central China Thursday when the children were staging a show to celebrate Children's Day on June 1.
The incident took place at 10:00 am at a Kindergarten in Zhengzhou, capital of Central China's Henan province.
Policemen from Zhengdong District were invited to demonstrate how to use their equipment to raise security awareness for the children. A police gun went off accidentally during the demonstration and a bullet hit the cement ground.
Man jailed for hitting metro cops
The Shanghai Railway Transport Intermediate Court has sentenced a man to five months in jail for fighting with police officers who asked to see his State identification (ID) card at a metro station.
The defendant did not cooperate when policemen asked for his ID card. Instead, he started shouting at the officers and struck several of them. The officers suffered minor injuries.
Ex-senior official on trial over 10.7m yuan in bribes
A FORMER senior official from north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region stood trial in Beijing on Thursday, charged with taking bribes totaling 10.73 million yuan (US$1.72 million).
Wang Suyi was mayor of Bayannur Prefecture, head of the United Front Work Department and a member of the Standing Committee of the regional Party committee from 2005 to 2013.
So far, no verdict has been announced.
Special Reports
Lakatos and His Friends Cheer Up Parkview Green
The National Center for the Performing Arts has invited world-renowned Gypsy violinist Roby Lakatos to peform at the finale of this year's "My Music Festival."
CRI's Chi Huiguang has more.
By bringing music closer to the public, the NCPA has provided more than 20 chances for the public to cultivate an appreciation for music during this year's May Music Festival charity events.
And finally, it's time for jazz to take center stage. The NCPA invites Hungarian Gypsy violinist Roby Lakatos to perform with his band at the Parkview Green Shopping Center, one of the hottest and the most fashionable malls in the capital.
Roby Lakatos has a wide repertoire.
"In this music, we have everything, so we play everything, jazz, we play Gypsy music. I mean, all kinds of Gypsy music, not only Hungarian, Russian baroque style, French Gypsy music, jazz music and bebop jazz; so, very big, big, big different repertoire. I think we don't have any problem for what to play for the public, because everybody likes some style."
Lakatos is not only a scorching virtuoso, but a musician of extraordinary stylistic versatility. Equally comfortable performing classical music as he is playing jazz and his own takes on Hungarian folk music; Lakatos is a rare musician that defies definition. He has been referred to as the "devil's fiddler," a classical virtuoso, a jazz improviser, a composer and arranger, and a 19th-century throwback--he is actually all of these things at the same time.
The fascinating music attracts a huge amount of people standing around the stage in every floor of the mall to enjoy and even dance or jump with the rhythm.
"My name is Guo Xin. I like the performance. And I think this kind of show should be held more often so that more people can enjoy the music."
Bruce Chen is the project coordinator of the Parkview Green Shopping Center. He says he liked the show very much.
"I believe that the best art is suited for both refined and popular tastes. I looked up videos of Lakatos and his bands' performance beforehand and I feel that the show fits the style of our mall very well."
Jemo Lisztes is a member of Lakatos's band. He considers what the NCPA is doing as a great way to spread the arts, as well.
"We don't play usually like this. We mostly play concerts in theaters on big stages. I think it's good because, if the people walking in the shopping area hear the music, maybe they will come and see what's happening. It might be new for them--it's so open and I like it."
At the end of the bouncy notes on the fervently-played violin, together with the piano, Erhu and the band's backing, the charity public performances of the May Music Festival 2014 by NCPA drops the curtain.
BACK ANCHORCRI's Chi Huiguang reporting.
Nadal, Murray through to the third round at Roland Garros
From the French Open, world number one Rafael Nadal has cruised to the third round of the French Open after a 6-2, 6-2, 6-3 victory over talented Austrian Dominic Thiem.
The eight-time champion from Spain applauded his 20-year-old opponent, who stunned world No. 3 Stan Wawrinka in the second round of the Madrid Masters earlier this month.
"I think it was a dangerous match. A dangerous opponent today. I played well, yeah. I played the way that I would like to play. I resisted when he was going for the shots. He has very powerful shots, a very powerful forehand and a good backhand, too. I am happy that the way I resisted. When I had to play long points, I did well."
Nadal, who next faces Argentine Leonardo Mayer, is on a quarterfinal collision course with last year's runner-up David Ferrer.
Fifth seed Ferrer wasted little time in mauling Italian Simone Bolelli 6-2, 6-3, 6-2 in his second round test.
Meanwhile, Wimbledon champion Andy Murray also advanced by beating Australia's Marinko Matosevic 6-3, 6-1, 6-3.
Murray next goes up against Germany's Philipp Kohlschreiber for a place in the fourth round.
On the women's side,
Sixth seed and three-time Roland Garros semifinalist Jelena Jankovic dominated Japan's Kurumi Nara 7-5, 6-love.
The Serb praised her opponent before saying she is tired of meeting Nara so often.
"You know, she never gives you anything easy. So I think that's her biggest and she's so fast. I think she's one of the fastest players on the tour.
Like I said, I have been playing her the last three Grand Slams, and the person she lost to in the last three Grand Slams was me. You know, hopefully in Wimbledon we don't play against each other."
Fifth-seeded Czech Petra Kvitova was also through to the third round, breezing past Marina Erakovic of New Zealand in straight sets 6-4, 6-4.
American Sloane Stephens eased past Slovenian Polona Hercog 6-1, 6-3 to reach the third round.
But another American Alison Riske fell to Li Na's conqueror Kristina Mladenovic of France 7-6, 3-6, 6-3.
Chinese U-21 suffer second straight loss at the Toulon event
In football,
The Chinese U-21 team has suffered its second straight loss at the International U-21 Festival in Toulon, France, going down to Mexico 1-0.
The Chinese team ended its French tour with two draws and two losses for a fourth-place finish in the group.
Mexico also failed to progress after the team lost its three previous matches before the victory over China.
Portugal, which beat China 4-1 in the fourth round of the group meetings, lead its group and has qualified for the next round.
Host France, held by the Chinese team to a 1-1 draw, advanced as runners-up in Group A.
In Group B, South Korea has joined leaders Brazil to move into the next round.
England and Colombia both failed to make the break.
Spain to wear white for opener
Also in football,
World champion Spain has been ordered to make a new kit for the World Cup after FIFA decided the team's normal red shirts didn't offer enough contrast to the Netherlands' jerseys for their opening game in Brazil.
Spain's clothing supplier adidas said "FIFA has expressly mandated" it to supply Spain with a white kit that it must use in its first match at the World Cup.
FIFA requires teams to have two different kits for the tournament, one light in color and the other dark.
Spain is red for home games and black for away games, while the Dutch — who wear orange — have a blue away kit they plan to wear against Spain on June 13.
Meanwhile, Australia's World Cup team has landed in Brazil, the first foreign squad to do so.
Australia is a heavy underdog in Group B with defending champion Spain, Chile and the Dutch.
Thunder and the Spurs to break the tie in Game Five of the western finals
In the NBA playoffs,
Oklahoma City will take on San Antonio later this morning as the two teams look to break the 2-2 tie in the Western Conference finals.
So far, the home team has won every game in the series. Game five is happening in Texas.
The Spurs were leading 2-nothing before the City Thunder caught up and evened their series after court switched to Oklahoma City.
Tip-off for Game Five is at 9 sharp this morning Beijing time.
In the East, Indiana remains alive in the eastern final series after the Pacers got past Miami 93-90 yesterday.
The Pacers' Paul George scored 37 points and helped to hold Miami's LeBron James to just seven points.
The Pacers still trail 3-2 in the best-of-seven.
Game 6 will be played tomorrow in Miami.
Man arrested for sending death threats to TV anchorwoman
A man has been detained by police for sending death threats to a TV anchorwoman.
Beijing Television anchorwoman Liu Hongyue revealed on her microblog website last Sunday that a follower had sent her menacing messages.
Local police responded to her report and approached the suspect, surnamed Li, who admitted to sending the messages.
He has now been put under administrative detention for eight days.
According to his Weibo postings, the man from Liaoning has been sending messages to the anchorwoman since 2011.
Brat Pitt attacked during Maleficent premiere
(Fight Club)
A man has been arrested in the US for punching Brat Pitt in the face just ahead of the premiere of his wife's new film.
Pitt and Angelina Jolie were walking the red carpet in Los Angeles ahead of the World Premiere of "Maleficent" when it's alleged the man jumped the fence and then began hugging and striking the actor.
Pitt was not seriously hurt during the scuffle and authorities quickly rushed in to subdue the man - who turned out to be infamous red carpet prankster Vitalii Sediuk, who got in trouble just over a week before for crawling under America Ferrera's dress at the Cannes Film Festival.
The 25-year-old Ukrainian was arrested for misdemeanor battery.
'Maleficent' forecast strong box office showing in opening weekend
Looking to the North American Box office this weekend and "Maleficent" is expected to make a killing.
The film, which stars Angelina Jolie in the lead role, is Disney's retelling of the classic fairytale, Sleeping Beauty and is forecast to make around 62 million US dollars in it's opening three days.
Also opening this weekend is the Seth MacFarlane film "A Million Ways to Die in the West." 
MacFarlane co-wrote, directs, and stars in the movie, a comedy about a farmer who must find courage in the rough world of the old West. 
The film has received overwhelmingly negative reviews and is expected to make around half of what Maleficent will earn.
Meanwhile several films released earlier are expected to keep raking it in, "X-Men: Days of Future Past" should add another 38 million to its global haul of 346 million dollars; "Godzilla" could see as much as 13 million dollars added to its worldwide take of 327 million; and "Neighbors," which has already earned 187 million, could see another 7 to 8 million in ticket sales.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
New heat alerts have been issued for cities across a large area of China...
The leadership in Beijing is pledging better governance and lasting peace in Xinjiang, following recent terrorist activity...
And Chinese & Malaysian authorities vow to keep searching for missing flight MH370...
In Business...The US economy shrank more than expected in Q1...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.

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