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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2014/06/30

时间:2014-07-30 03:09来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Morning Edition
It's Paul James with you on this Monday, June 30, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on our program this morning...
Iraqi security forces have launched a new offensive in their fight against the Sunni insurgency.
Ukraine's President has extended a ceasefire in an attempt to try to bring the insurgency in the eastern part of his country to an end.
A group of writers from Xinjiang have penned an open letter, calling on people in the region to fight terrorism.
In Business.... the PBOC is set to tack on another couple of countries to the list of places where renminbi clearing will be available.
In Sports... Greece and Costa Rica have been locked in an epic battle in the round of 16 in the World Cup.
In Entertainment... we'll recap the Golden Melody Awards held this weekend in Taiwan.
First, let's check in with what's happening with the weather....
Beijing will be cloudy today with a high of 33 degrees Celsius.
Overnight it will have thundershowers and temperatures should drop down to around 23.
Shanghai will see some rain during the daytime with a high of 27.
It will have slight rain tonight with a low of 22.
In Chongqing, it will see slight rain with a high of 23.
Overnight moderate rain and lows are expected to be around 22.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,
Islamabad will have slight rain with a high of 35.
Kabul will be sunny with a high of 31.
Over to North America,
New York will be cloudy today with a high of 32 degrees.
Washington, cloudy with a high of 32 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 32.
Toronto, Canada, will be overcast with a high of 28 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,
Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 14.
And Rio de Janeiro will see slight rain with a high of 25 degrees Celsius.
Top News
Iraqi security forces continue to battle Sunni militants
Iraqi security forces are now engaged in a new offensive against the Sunni militants which have taken control of most of northern Iraq.
The new surge comes as the first of batch of the Chinese workers who were trapped in the northern Iraqi city of Samarra have returned to China safely.
CRI's Su Yi has more.
The offensive is the first major pushback by the Iraqi army to retake territory seized by al-Qaida offshoot - the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.
In the home town of late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein - Tikrit - government forces have deployed tanks and armored vehicles in an attempt to dislodge the militants that captured the city earlier this month.
Iraqi army spokesperson Qassim Atta says security forces have killed over 140 militants over the past 24 hours, including 70 in Tikrit.
"Fighting is still on and Tikrit University now is under our full control. The university building is very spacious. It has an area of 80,000 square meters and has a number of buildings. But the security plan was very carefully drawn up and the university building was cleared. Reinforcements were sent to the troops on the ground and the Iraqi flag was hoisted over the university building."
Government forces have also received the first batch of 5 Russian warplanes, which have been purchased by the Iraqi government to help provide cover for ground troops.
Despite the government offensive, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has declared itself a "caliphate."
It's calling on factions worldwide to pledge their allegiance.
Observers say the move is a direct challenge to al-Qaida, which disowned the ISIL in February.
On the international front, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has been expressing deep concern at "the deepening crisis" in Iraq.
Ban is calling for an immediate end to, what he's describing as, the "persecution of civilians based on their religion or ethnic background."
The United Nations estimates at least 900 civilians have been killed since the fighting began earlier this month.
The Israeli government, meantime, has taken a new political stand.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now calling for the creation of an independent Kurdish state.
Netanyahu says the Kurds, who inhabit the region north of the city of Mosul where the Sunni insurgency first began, have a "proved political commitment and are worthy of independence."
At the same time, the first of batch of the Chinese workers who were trapped in the northern Iraqi city of Samarra have landed in Guangzhou.
All of the some 1,200 Chinese workers hired by China Machinery Engineering Corporation have since been evacuated to Baghdad with the help of the Iraqi military.
"All the workers feel better now. At the beginning, we were all terrified by the sound of guns and bullets. We could barely sleep at night."
"I have never seen such a splendid thing. We were well protected by armed vehicles and soldiers."
There are over 100-thousand Chinese nationals currently in Iraq.
Most of them work with Chinese companies operating in the south, which has so-far been relatively unaffected by the insurgency.
For CRI, I'm Su Yi.
Protesters in Kiev call on president to end ceasefire in eastern part of country
Ukrainian soldiers and activists in Kiev are calling on Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to end the current ceasefire agreement, which has now been extended with pro-Russian insurgents in the country's eastern regions.
In extending the ceasefire, Poroshenko is also warning that areas which violate it will come under renewed government assaults.
Henadiy Zubko is Poroshenko's deputy.
"We are ready to listen to you and do our best for those who depend on the President and his administration. Therefore, these demands will be given to the president, but the peace plan, which must be 72 hours long, must continue because the local people depend on it."
The continuation of the ceasefire comes on the heels of a conference call among Poroshenko and the leaders of Russia, Germany and France.
Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande have discussed the situation in eastern Ukraine with Poroshenko following the release of a group of observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
The group of four observers had been held by separatists in eastern Ukraine since late May.
Nigerian Islamists attack villages, dozens killed
Suspected Islamist militants have killed dozens of people in an attack on three Nigerian villages.
The latest attacks have targeted worshippers at a Christian church near the city of Chibok.
This is the same area in northeastern Nigeria where more than 200 school girls were abducted by Boko Haram rebels in April.
The attacks are the latest in a series of militant offensives, which have also begun reaching into central and southern Nigeria.
The West African country is divided among a predominantly Muslim north and Christian South.
Xinjiang ethnic writers publish anti-terrorism open letter
More than 200 ethnic Uygur writers, poets and translators in Xinjiang have published an open letter, denouncing terrorism.
It comes amid a nationwide crackdown on terrorism following a series of terrorist attacks in China, including last month's deadly attack in the regional capital Urumqi which left 39 dead.
The letter accuses those behind the attack of being -quote- "a small bunch of lunatic mobsters without human nature who do not stand for any ethnic group or religion."
Bahtiya Bavdun is with the Literature and Arts Association of Xinjiang.
"The letter is published on behalf of the Uygur writers of the entire Xinjiang Autonomous Region to call on Uygur people to overcome the difficulties we are facing, and to condemn and expose the evil behaviors of the extremists."
Dilmurat Telet is the vice-Secretary General of the Writers Association of Xinjiang.
"We have the responsibility to tell our Uygur fellows the words in heart. Intellectuals are the guide of a nation. If they guide people in a wrong direction, the future of the nation must have problems."
The letter calls on Uygurs to think more rationally and urges writers and poets in the society to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding social stability.
PLA Hong Kong Garrison opens bases to public to mark 17th anniversary of SAR
The People's Liberation Army Garrison in Hong Kong has opened its bases to locals in advance of tomorrow's commemoration of the handover of the city to Chinese rule 17-years ago.
CRI's Hong Kong correspondent Li Jing has more.
Nearly 10-thousand Hong Kong residents are visiting the PLA Air Force base at Shek Kong Barracks to have a close glimpse of the soldiers and officers' daily life.
Besides the national-flag raising ceremony, ceremonial and marching songs played by PLA military band, the soldiers also present visitors with drills of anti-terror raids and coordinated rescue exercises, battlefield performance, as well as use of weaponry.
Visitors say they are excited to see the Chinese army with great pride.
"I took my kid to have a look of our army."
"I am very happy. The anti-terror drill is great to watch!"
"I got up at six o'clock in the morning to get here. Our soldiers have shown their professionalism in the drill, and I really respect them."
Lieutenant Xie Bing with the Air Force Guard says they are trying to show their high morale and high discipline through examples.
"Hong Kong residents are curious to know the living and working conditions of ordinary soldiers. I live in the barracks myself, so it is a real demonstration of how we make our beds and put everything in order. We want the Hong Kong residents to recognize that we are qualified and competent to fulfill our mission here."
Since 1997, the PLA Garrison troops in Hong Kong have opened their most representative army, navy and air forces barracks to the public once or twice a year.
Such activities have become very popular among Hong Kong's more seven-million-plus residents, luring more than 500-thousand locals to visit so far.
About 40-thousand Hong Kong residents are expected to visit the three military bases this year.
To celebrate Hong Kong's return to China, dozens of events will also be organized throughout July 1st, ranging from dragon and lion parades, marching bands, sketching and painting activities, carnivals and fairs.
For CRI, this is Li Jing in Hong Kong.
More to expect for cross-Strait relations: Taipei mayor
Taipei mayor Hao Lung-bin has wrapped up a four day visit to Beijing.
In concluding his time here in the capital, Hao is calling for more cross-strait communication.
He's also lauded the visit to Taiwan by the mainland's Taiwan affairs chief, Zhang Zhijun, as "a major breakthrough" in cross-Strait ties.
"Chief Zhang Zhijun hoped to get direct experience and first-hand information by visiting Taiwan and communicating with Taiwan people. I think that the preliminary purpose has been achieved."
As part of his meeting with Hao, Zhang Zhijun says he feels there is a lot of support in Taiwan for better cross-strait ties.
Hao, who is also the vice-chair of Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang party, says peace and stability is the key to better cross-strait ties.
"We have the same root, and so we should be like a family, working together to face difficulties and solve problems. I think this is the unshirkable responsibility of the officials in charge of cross-Strait affairs."
Hao Lung-bin was here in Beijing to promote Taipei tourism.
Korean cuisine popular in China
Chinese President Xi Jinping is due to visit South Korea later this week, his first trip to the country since taking office.
CRI's Li Dong has more on the cultural similiarities between the two countries.
Xiao Meng likes Korean food. Korean-style barbecue is her favorite.
"There is a Korean barbecue restaurant in Wangjing, run by a Korean grandma. The side pork is a kind of lean meat with multiple layers. Obviously they are carefully selected. After cooking, you wrap them up with korea-lily leaves, with the sauce. It's not greasy at all. It tastes great!"
Xiao Meng is just one of many young Chinese people who share an affection for South Korean food.
Korean entertainment is also popular in China. Xiao Ling is a college student and says there is a reason why some of her schoolmates like Korean TV shows.
Act2 Chinese Female
"South Korean TV programs are very well produced, including the selection of actors and actresses, visual effects, and scenery, they are all very delicate. That's maybe why Korean TV has been so popular here for so many years."
The popularity of Korean music, TV and culture is boosting the Korean catering business in Beijing. Guan Dianchen is the manager of a Korean cuisine restaurant at Wudaokou.
"Just because of the South Korean TV show - You Who Came From The Stars - our sales volume doubled! The show and its cultural significance boosted the business of Korean restaurants. In the past, our sales were just so-so. But later, with the popularizing of Korean culture, like movies and TV, more and more people have come to Wangjing and Wudaokou to enjoy Korean food."
Wudaokou and Wangjing are the two places in Beijing with the most Korean businesses and people. In the catering business for 8 years, Guan says he is very optimistic about the Korean food market in China.
"The market is very prosperous. Not only Wudaokou and Wangjing but the whole of Beijiing has Korean restaurants. People like the taste of Korean food. It has a light taste and is healthy. I think the business will be even better if China and South Korea increase communication in culture and other areas."
In fact, the relationship works both ways. Guan Dianchen says Chinese culture and food is also having an impact on Korean people.
"My Korean friend owns a restaurant in China. He says, back in South Korea, Chinese food is also very popular, like fried dishes, hot pot, spicy pot and dumpling, all very popular among Korean people. My friend says, for a 3-floor Chinese restaurant in Korea, the business can be good for the whole day."
For CRI, I am Li Dong.
Painter with Overseas Experience Embraces His Exhibition in Beijing
Anchor: "Melancholy within the Cross," an exhibition of some 40 pieces of ink paintings by Reagan Lee, who spent decades overseas, has recently been launched at the Today Art Museum in Beijing.
The painter attributes the success in his art pursuit to his overseas experience, particularly his life in Africa.
CRI's XYee has more.
Reporter: Among over 40 ink paintings by Reagan Lee, a largest artwork, which is 7.2 meters long and 2.9 meters wide, captures the utmost attention from the visitors who attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition over the weekend.
Reagan Lee explains the exhibit's named, "The View with a Cross," and the subjects on display have roots traced back to the foreign countries he used to live in.
"I've been to the west for more than 20 years. In my heart, Cross is a culture, which represents the western world. I've been dedicated to painting the Cross since 2007. I took it as a symbol to connect earth and heaven. Hence, I deal with Cross in a way that I create landscape paintings."
A graduate of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, Reagan Lee migrated to the African island country the Seychelles in 1991, where he managed to become the private painter for the President of the country.
He painted many African themed works in the eight years he spent on the continent, and found pure expressionism of art.
"Those eight years in Africa have left the utmost influence on my pursuit of art. Africa is an open and natural world. In the past, I used to be restrained by a number of doctrines. However in Africa, I felt much more freedom and embraced a simple lifestyle, which made me relax in my artistic creations. When I review my works today, I think my paintings followed my heart."
Forty-eight-year-old Reagan Lee finally settled in New Zealand after touring around Europe.
Along with the exhibition, an in-depth discussion around Reagan Lee's art will be held exploring how Chinese artists find their innovative impulsion forward in an international platform after they left home for overseas locales.
"Melancholy within the Cross - Reagan Lee's Ink Painting World Tour" will be on display until July 13th.
For CRI, I'm XYee.
Biz Reports
Market Preview
First off, let's take a look at what's happening this week in the business world.
Joining me on the desk, CRI's Ding Lulu.
A speech by US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and American jobs reports are going to be the key focus this holiday-shortened week in North America.
The TSX in Toronto is going to be closed on Tuesday for Canada's national day holiday.
Wall Street is going to be closed on Friday for the US Independence Day holiday.
Ahead of the Friday holiday, Janet Yellen is scheduled to talk to the International Monetary Fund in Washington on Wednesday.
Investors will be keeping a keen eye on the speech for clues about the timing of an expected increase in interest rates.
Market observers are also going to be keeping close watch on the US government's monthly jobs data, due Thursday, which is expected to show the jobless rate has come in at a six-year low of 6.3 percent.
Other US data due in the coming days will include the Chicago PMI reading and pending home sales index results.
The PMI and ISM manufacturing indices are also due to be updated today.
US construction spending stats are out tomorrow.
Thursday will see the US Commerce Department report its international trade, PMI services index, and ISM non-manufacturing index results.
The latest data from the EU in the coming days will include the euro-zone CPI, unemployment, manufacturing, producer prices and retail sales stats.
The European Central Bank's policy board is also set to meet on Thursday.
The bank is not expected to announce any new measures to bolster the region's growth.
Lastly, here in China, PMI for manufacturing for last month is due out tomorrow.
The PMI for non-manufacturing is to be released on Thursday.
China signs RMB business MoUs with Luxembourg, France
China's central bank has inked two more agreements connected to renminbi clearing in Europe.
The People's Bank of China has signed Memorandums of Understanding to establish renminbi clearing operations in France and Luxembourg.
The clearing banks themselves have not been named at this point.
The agreement with the two central banks is the latest in a series of new agreements the PBOC has concluded this month to establish clearing banks for settling renminbi transactions.
London, Frankfurt and Sydney have already signed similar deals.
BIS: Central banks warned of 'false sense of security'
The Bank for International Settlements is warning that ultra-low interest rates are lulling governments and the markets into -quote- "a false sense of security".
The Swiss-based organisation is also calling on policy makers to begin to normalizing rates.
The BIS contends the risk of normalizing too late and too gradually should not be underestimated.
Most global markets have rallied in through first six months.
The FTSE all-world share index has gained 5-percent so far this year.
But the markets here on the mainland are continuing to struggle.
Shanghai has lost 4-percent in overall value so far this year.
Shenzhen is down 10-percent.
Lock-up shares eligible for trade surge
A significant batch of so-called "lock-up shares" are set to become tradeable on this Chinese stock markets this week.
Shares of 29 listed companies in both Shanghai and Shenzhen, worth nearly 70-billion yuan, are set to be released to the market.
This is three times more than what became available this past week.
Under the market rules here in China, major shareholders of non-tradable stocks are subject to a lock-up period of one or two years before they are permitted to sell their shares.
The sharp rise in the number of newly-tradeable shares is expected to put some downward pressure on the market, given that it will increase the overall supply of shares.
Chinese auto maker BYD will see nearly 50-billion yuan worth of its shares released on the market later on this morning.
Foreign tax law pact reached between China and the US
China has been reportedly included on a list of countries said to be co-operating with the United States when it comes to tax evasion.
Under the new deal, Chinese authorities are going to provide information to the US government about mainland nationals who have tax liabilities in the United States.
Under US law, all US citizens are required to pay taxes on an annual basis, regardless of where they live in the world.
The law is set to take effect on July 1.
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to bridge financing gap
The Chinese government is once-again floating the idea of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to provide funding for developing nations in the region.
Jin Liqun with China's Ministry of Finance says a pan-Asian investment bank would be able to provide a new financing channel for developing nations, particularly countries with low-incomes.
Chinese President Xi Jinping first floated the idea of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in October during a trip to Indonesia.
Since then, the Chinese government has held three rounds of talks with interested Asian countries.
A memo on setting up the bank is due to be signed this autumn.
World Bank President Jim Yong Kim has voiced his support for the plan, saying the two agencies can be complimentary partners, rather than competitors.
China's first e-commerce express to debut
The group representing Chinese couriers are teaming up with this country's rail network to launch special express trains for e-commerce logistics.
Trains linking Shanghai and Shenzhen, jointly launched by the China Express Association and the China Railway Corporation, are set to begin rolling tomorrow.
Six trains will run among China's four first-tier cities: Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen.
The Chinese courier industry shipped over 9-billion packages last year, up more than 60 percent year on year.
The Chinese Express Association says while less than 1-percent of its deliveries are currently made via rail, it expects the rail system is going to become one of the top choices for companies in the future.
Communications Expo Held in Macao
A massive IT exhibition has been held in Macau.
This year's Macau Communication Expo has played host to over 70 companies from various parts of Asia.
Ma Zhiguang headed the expo's prep-committee.
"Communication technology now plays a more and more important role in Macau's economy, accounting for a higher proportion of the economy. With multiple large-scale entertainment projects in use by 2016, Macau's economy is going to hit new heights. To plan ahead, Macau needs to advance its 4G technology, wifi and fiber optics. The SAR also needs a new data center and better cloud-computing. This will make Macao a real digital city, and will provide high-quality services for both locals and tourists in Macau."
Over 170-booths had displays at this weekend's event in Macau.
US poised to slap record $9 bn fine on BNP Paribas
French bank BNP Paribas is reportedly going to be hit with a record 9-billion dollar fine by US authorities for breaking sanctions in dealing with both Sudan and Iran.
US justice authorities are reportedly going to announced the fine later on this Monday.
Both the Financial Times and the New York Times are reporting BNP Paribas is going to admit its guilt.
This would be an unusual step in the financial world, as most fines imposed in the financial sector come with deals which don't require institutions to admit legal liability.
France's largest bank is being accused of circumventing sanctions in dealings with Iran, Sudan and Cuba between 2002 and 2009.
Ex-BP executive can be charged with obstructing Congress: U.S. court
A U.S. federal appeals court has reinstated charges of obstruction of Congress against a former BP executive.
David Rainey, a former BP vice president, is accused of downplaying the severity of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill to US lawmakers.
Rainey is also charged with making false statements to law-enforcement agents.
He's already pleaded not-guilty.
The explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig led the largest oil spill in US history, on top of killing 11 workers.
BP has already agreed to pay 4.5 billion dollars in fines and other penalties.
Three people are also facing criminal charges.
Headline News
Mainland's Taiwan affairs chief meets Taipei mayor
The mainland's Taiwan affairs chief has met with the Mayor of Taipei here in Beijing.
Zhang Zhijun, who has just returned from a ground-breaking trip to Taiwan, has told Hao Lung-bin the mainland side is eager to continue forging stronger ties with Taiwan.
Zhang also says he believes there is a lot of support in Taiwan for a better relationship with the mainland.
Zhang Zhijun spent four-days in Taiwan last week, meeting with people from all walks of life.
The trip is the first of its kind for a mainland official of his status since 1949.
Ukraine urged to extend ceasefire
Russian, German and French leaders are calling on Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to extend a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine which is set to expire later on this Monday.
Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande have made the joint call following a teleconference.
The call comes following the release of a group of observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
The group of four observers had been held by separatists in eastern Ukraine since late May.
Nigerian president condemns terror attacks in northern states
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has condemned recent bomb attacks in the northern states of Bauchi and Kaduna that killed nearly 50 people.
Two attacks on villages in Kaduna on Monday claimed at least 38 lives while 10 people were killed as gunmen attacked a brothel in Bauchi.
In a statement, the Nigerian leader promised to restore the fullest possible security to all parts of the country.
The violence has forced the Nigerian president to shelve his participation at an African Union Summit in Equatorial Guinea.
Mount Sinabung in Indonesia erupts, triggering massive evacuation
A mass evacuation has been ordered following another eruption of Mount Sinabung in Indonesia.
A blast of hot ash some 4-thousand meters in height has been blown from the volcano in North Sumatra.
Close to 15-thousand people have been moved out of the area as a precaution.
Flights going through the region have been warned to avoid the area.
The volcano burst back to life last year after being dormant for more than 400-years.
Its first eruption caused more than a dozen deaths and left over 30-thousand others displaced.
Nine people injured during shooting in New Orleans
In the US, nine people have been shot in New Orleans' famed Bourbon Street.
Police say two men armed with guns got into a dispute, opening fire on one another and wounding people in the vicinity.
One person is in critical condition.
Police say no arrests have been made and no suspects have been identified.
It's the third major shooting on Bourbon Street in the last three years.
Newspaper Picks
Additional anti-terrorism training
Beijing tactical police officers are being given more firearms.
Every officer is going to get an additional five-days of firearm training.
This comes on the heels of a decision by authorities here in Beijing to arm patrol officers amid heightened concerns over terrorism.
Billionaire in graft probe
Fang Wei, A billionaire and former lawmaker from Liaoning, has been dismissed from his post as deputy to the Committee of the National People's Congress.
He's being accused of illegally amassing his wealth via the patronage of Su Rong, the former vice-Chair of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, this country's top political advisory body.
Prisoner recall
Chinese authorities have recalled nearly 250-prisoners back to jail who had been serving sentences outside prison.
The convicts have been sent back behind bars on word that their sentences were changed by illegal means, such as bribery.
Plate license new low
The latest car plate auction in Shanghai has seen the success rate hit a new low of just 5.5-percent.
Sunday's auction has been held in place of the one held and declared invalid on Saturday after a data malfunction was discovered.
Environmental drones
The Ministry of Environmental Protection has mobilized unmanned aircraft to gather air pollution data in key northern areas.
The ministry says the use of drones has been "approved and greatly supported" by the country's aviation departments.
Green tribunal
Its being reported the Supreme People's Court is considering setting up an environment and resources tribunal to deal with environmental disputes.
An official announcement is expected within days.
Flights to Taipei
A new air route is being opened next month between Harbin and Taipei.
Taiwan's Far Eastern Air Transport will begin running the flights from July 22, with one direct round-trip a week.
Special Reports
Hong Kongs 3D Trick Art Museum to Open
A 3D Trick Art Museum is about to open in Hong Kong, giving visitors a chance to see the popular street-art in a less crowded environment.
CRI's Chloe Lyme has more.
Dangling from skyscrappers or scaling to dizzying heights --- a mind-boggling art form known as 3D Trick Art is moving from the streets and onto the canvases of Hong Kong's 3D Trick Art museum.
Organisers at the Museum saw the potential in the art form when visiting a similar venue in Korea last year.
Winston Lo from Hong Kong 3D Museum says the possibilities are endless.
"I think that we can let them know the possibilities and boundaries for the 3D artist is unlimited. So you can see this time we try to put many Hong Kong cultures in different themes in this artwork, so we try to replicate these places in very interesting angles."
It's a type of art which appears three-dimensional when viewed at certain angles.
The streets have become too tight to accommodate the paintings, so now the 3D Trick Art has made its way into specialized museums across Asia.
Visitors can swing from Hong Kong's towering buildings just like Spiderman, get savaged by soldiers, and even play chess with ancient Chinese characters.
The idea is to share this mind-bending art form with the rest of the world.
3D Trick Art has mesmerized many already, including museum managing director .
"Because - I think - the last few years I have been (to) Korea in this kind of 3D Trick Art museum. At that time I feel quite amazing when I first step in that museum because the painting they really can do the trick art illusion and I - we can feel a lot of interaction with the artwork so I think it is very great."
While this style of artwork has been exhibited before, Zaccheus Law says the way it's being shown at the museum is unique.
"Maybe have some exhibition before or have some people doing those things but the scale is not like this. And also the idea, the film is not like this. They are more commercial. Because here we are focused on our country - our place. Hong Kong."
Curators here plan to introduce new parts of art every four to six months, and to also add other pieces of art during important holidays and festivals.
Hong Kong's 3D Trick Art Museum opens on the 7th July.
For CRI, I'm Chloe Lyme.
FIFA World Cup round of 16: Costa Rica vs. Greece 1-1; Netherlands vs. Mexico 2-1
In this morning's FIFA World Cup round of 16
Costa Rica beat Greece in the penalty shoot-out 5-3.
The two teams tied 0-0 in the first half.
Bryan Ruiz scored the first goal for Costa Rica in the 52nd minute.
Lazaros Christodoulopoulos scored a shocking equalizer in the 91st.
The match then went into extra time after the 1-1 draw.
Neither side broke the deadlock in the 30-minute extra time.
In an earlier match,
Three-time runners-up Netherlands roared into the World Cup quarterfinals after coming back from behind in late minutes to beat Mexico 2-1.
Dos Santos scored for the first time in two years to give Mexico a 1-0 lead in the 48th minute.
The Dutch men tied the score in the 88th minute with a goal from Wesley Sneijder.
Two minutes later, Arjen Robben was fouled inside the box by Mexican captain Rafael Marquez.
Klaas-Jan Huntelaar then converted the penalty into a second goal for the Netherlands.
Due to the heat and humidity in Fortaleza, there were two official cooling breaks during the match.
The Netherlands will face Costa Rica in the quarterfinals.
There are two round-of-16 matches coming up on Tuesday, Beijing time:
French is up against Nigeria.
Germany will face Algeria.
In other soccer news,
Mali defeated China 3-1 in a friendly international soccer match in Shenzhen on Sunday.
Mali scored twice in the 37th and 67th minute before striker Gao Lin pulled one goal back for the home team in the 74th minute.
But the visitors sealed the victory with a goal in injury time.
Round 3 roundups at Wimbledon Championships
In tennis,
Roger Federer has cruised into the last-16 with a straight sets win over Colombian Santiago Giraldo 6-3, 6-1, 6-3.
Federer will be up against Spain's Tommy Robredo for a spot in the quarter-finals.
At the same time, Rafael Nadal is also through to the last-16 after defeating Kazakhstan's Mikhail Kukushkin.
Nadal dropped the first set 7-6.
But he recovered in typical fashion, hammering Kukushkin in the next three sets, 6-1, 6-1, 6-1.
Nadal will now face Australian wild card Nick Kyrgios.
The Aussie teen, who came into the tournament ranked 144th in the world, dumped Jiri Vesely of the Czech Republic in four sets.
Canadian 8th seed Milos Raonic is also through to the last-16 after blowing past Poland's Lukasz Kubot in straight-sets.
In women's single's action,
Romanian third seed Simona Halep has reached the last 16 hammering Belinda Bencic of Switzerland 6-4, 6-1.
Halep is up against Zarina Diyas of Kazakhstan.
Maria Sharapova is also through to the fourth round after a decisive 6-3, 6-love victory over American Alison Riske.
Sharapova will now face Germany's Angelique Kerber, who eliminated Belgium's Kirsten Flipkens 3-6, 6-3, 6-2.
Fast-rising Canadian Eugenie Bouchard has also advanced to the fourth round with a 6-3, 6-4 victory over Germany's Andrea Petkovic.
Bouchard will be up against France's Alize Cornet, who stunned five-time Wimbledon Champion Serena Williams over the weekend.
Greg Owen wins United Leasing Championship on Web.com Tour
In golf,
England's Greg Owen has won the United Leasing Championship for his first Web.com Tour title, shooting a 5-under 67 for a one-stroke victory.
Ryan Armour and third-round leader Mark Hubbard tied for second.
Armour finished with a 68.
Hubbard had a 75.
Fabrizio Zanotti has won a four-way play-off to claim the BMW International Open title.
He become the first player from Paraguay to win on the European Tour.
Zanotti made seven birdies for a 7-under 65 final round to finish at 19-under.
He outlasted world number-2 Henrik Stenson, who failed to make a bunker shot on the fifth playoff hole.
Rafa Cabrera-Bello of Spain and Frenchman Gregory Havret were eliminated earlier in the playoff.
Lin Dan wins Australian Open Superseries title
In badminton,
Chinese ace Lin Dan has claimed the Australian Open Superseries title, downing Indonesia's Simon Santoso in the final 22-24, 21-16, 21-7.
Saina Nehwal of India defeated Carolina Marin of Spain to win the women's singles title.
The Chinese duo of Qing Tian and Zhao Yunlei claimed the women's doubles title after downing a pair from Japan.
China wins women's volleyball international tournament
In volleyball,
Host China swept Thailand to win the Women's Volleyball International Tournament in Ningbo.
Zhu Ting scored a game-high 24 points as the Chinese women took the title with a 25-13, 25-12, 25-11 sweep of Thailand.
The victory is the third straight for China in the four-nation tournament.
The Dominican Republic swept Belgium to finish 2nd.
Thailand finished 3rd.
Belgium came in last.
Singaporean singer-songwriter JJ Lin has bagged the Best Male Mandarin Singer at the 25th Golden Melody Awards in Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin released his album "Stories Untold" last year to commemorate the 10th anniversary since his debut.
The artist thanked his fans for their support and felt grateful to have a chance to perform with the American singer-songwriter Jason Mraz.
"I always try my best and believe in myself that I can make great music; I am grateful to have this award. And I am also grateful to have had the chance to perform with Jason Mraz on the stage. He is a superstar and I am very happy to sing with him. To me, this is a valuable moment and worthy of a big celebration." 
Malaysian singer Penny Tai won the award for Best Female Mandarin Singer.
Holding the award on the stage at a post award press conference, Tai said she felt lucky enough to have support from her fans.
"Being nominated is good enough for me. To win this award, I feel lucky just to have your support. I couldn't have gotten this prize without your help."
Chinese singer-songwriter Li Ronghao took home the trophy for Best New Artist for his debut album, "Model".
Taiwan-born singer Chang Chen-Yue's album, "I Am Ayal Komod," brought home the Best Mandarin Album award. 
And Taiwan's boy band, Mixer, bagged the Best Band Award.
The Golden Melody Awards ceremony was buzzing with stunning performances from stars including Taiwan pop diva Jolin Tsai, Pop idol Jam Hsiao and American singer-songwriter Jason Mraz.
Transformers Nets 300 million dollars worldwide in opening
"Transformers: The Age of Extinction" broke box office records both domestically and internationally, nabbing over 90 million U.S. dollars in China during its opening weekend, the biggest debut in the county's movie history.
The 3D sci-fi franchise film also claimed the crown of being the first movie in North America to bust the 100-million-dollar mark —the best opening this year on the continent to date.
Also seeing high box office numbers in Russia and South Korea, "Age of Extinction" has so far raked in over 300-million dollars worldwide.
"Transformers" director Michael Bay brought the Autobots and Company to China during the making of the movie, with "Age of Extinction" including scenes shot at some of the country's famous sights, like the Great Wall.
3D film of Mogao Caves sheds new light on World heritage
A 3D film on show at the Mogao Caves outside Dunhuang, northwest China's Gansu province, is bringing visitors a better viewing experience of the site's world-renowned cave murals.
The project, carried out by Dunhuang Academy, takes two-to-three thousand high-definition images of the Bhuddist murals in each cave and merges them into the 3D film.
Visitors can now enjoy areas of the caves usually off limits to the public.
Fan Jinshi is the director of Dunhuang Academy.
"In fact, the dome theater's function is a digital display center. +++AUDIO CUT+++ In this way, we're able to take Dunhuang's art to various regions; to places in China beyond Gansu and beyond China, to an international audience."
The new dome theater at the Mogao Caves will open officially to the public in August of this year.
That’s it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick recap of headlines before we go.
Iraqi security forces have launched a new offensive in their fight against the Sunni insurgency.
Ukraine's President has extended a ceasefire in an attempt to try to bring the insurgency in the eastern part of his country to an end.
A group of writers from Xinjiang have penned an open letter, calling on people in the region to fight terrorism.
In Business.... the PBOC is set to tack on another couple of countries to the list of places where renminbi clearing will be available.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.

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