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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2014/07/11

时间:2014-07-30 07:13来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Evening Edition
Shane Bigham with you this Friday, July 11th, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the programme this evening...
There have been many calls for a ceasefire on the Gaza strip, but the fighting between Israel and Hamas militants has only intensified...
Meantime in Ukraine, the country's president says rebels in the east have rejected a ceasefire proposal...
And the US Secretary of State is in Afghanistan trying to resolve tension over the country's disputed election...
In business, investigating allegations of money laundering in the banking sector...
In sports, Neymar supports Argentina in the World Cup final...
In entertainment, the top show on Hunan TV now on Tencent Video...
Beijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of 23 degrees Celsius. It will be cloudy tomorrow with a high of 33 degrees. 
Meanwhile Shanghai will be cloudy tonight, with a low of 26, tomorrow slight rain, with a high of 31.
Chongqing will see some rain tonight, 22 degrees the low, tomorrow showers with a high of 25.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, cloudy with a high of 39.
Kabul, sunny, 31.
Over in Australia
Sydney, sunny, high of 17.
Canberra, slight rain,8.
Brisbane, sunny, 19.
And finally, Perth will be cloudy with a high of 15.
Top News
Abbas calls Hamas stop rockets firing as Gaza offensive enters 4th day
Palestinian President Mahamoud Abbas has urged the Islamic militant group Hamas to stop firing rockets into Israel as the U.S. says it is ready to broker a ceasefire.
The comments come as Israel presses on for a fourth day with its Gaza offensive.
CRI's Cao Yuwei has more.
Near one hundred Palestinians have been killed and more others injured as Israel continues its bombardment of the Gaza Strip in an offensive against the Hamas militant group.
Over 1,100 targets have been struck by the Israeli Air Force since Tuesday.
Smoke can be seen rising from many buildings.
Israel says the militants have fired over 550 rockets into the country.
The Israelis officials say the "Iron Dome" defense system has intercepted most of the rockets aimed at major cities.
But on Friday, a rocket launched from Gaza hit a fuel tanker in Israel's port city of Ashdod.
The rocket caused a huge blaze leaving at least eight people wounded, one was in serious condition.
Israeli army also confirms missiles fired from neighboring Lebanon on Friday.
Amid escalating tensions, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is urging Hamas to stop firing rockets.
"I don't want to criticize anyone in Hamas, but what are the results of the rockets? I want results. Anyone who works in any kind of job wants an outcome. And that's why we are adamant that we want the unequal violence to stop. It's unequal. We launch a rocket, and it goes nowhere. And then a war plane comes out and attacks a specific target."
Abbas also calls for an unconditional cease-fire as he believes Israel is preparing to launch a ground operation in Gaza.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said there are further stages in its campaign against Hamas.
At an urgent meeting of the Security Council, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged the international community to press both sides to resume peace negotiations.
"I continue to condemn the rising number of civilian lives lost in Gaza. Once again, Palestinian civilians are caught between Hamas's irresponsibility and Israel's tough response. It is clear that the international community must accelerate efforts to achieve an immediate halt to this escalation and reach a durable ceasefire."
China has called for a ceasefire in the Gaza strip and says it will play an active role in the resumption of peace talks.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Qin Gang:
"The Ministry has held talks with Israeli and Palestinian ambassadors in China, urging both sides to exercise restraint and cease firing so as to avoid any action that will escalate the current tension. The conflicts between Israel and Palestine can only be settled via talks. Along with other key players in the international community, China is willing to play a positive and constructive role in restoring peace in the region."
US President Barack Obama also says the US is ready to broker a ceasefire in Gaza after a phone call with Netanyahu.
The current surge in violence follows a chain of events that started with the abduction and murder of three Jewish students in the West Bank last month.
It is the heaviest fighting since an eight-day battle in late 2012.
For CRI, I'm Cao Yuwei.
Rebels reject ceasefire efforts: Poroshenko
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says the rebels in the country's eastern region have rejected his ceasefire efforts.
Poroshenko says he has suggested a number of venues for negotiating a ceasefire, but all the offers were refused either by the rebels or Russia.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Alexander Lukashevich contends the fighting in eastern Ukraine has been escalating.
"We see for ourselves that the ceasefire hasn't happened. But rather, there has been a toughening of the situation, a toughening and an expansion of the punitive operation of the Ukrainian forces. This gives a rise to regrets."
Ukrainian authorities say 23 of the 36 districts seized by militants in the eastern regions have been taken back by the Ukrainian army.
Armed rebels continue to strengthen their positions in and around Donetsk as government troops encircle the city.
Poroshenko has already ruled out using air strikes and artillery.
Kerry has arrived in Kabul to meet presidential candidates
US Secretary of State John Kerry is in Kabul to resolve tensions over Afghanistan's disputed presidential poll.
Kerry is going to meet with the two candidates Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani.
The preliminary results of the presidential election runoff suggested a massive turnaround in favor of former Finance Minister Ashraf Ghani.
Abdullah, a top leader of the Northern Alliance that battled the Taliban before the American-led invasion, claims the runoff was a fraud.
Before arriving in Kabul, Kerry said Afghan candidates should not raise expectations among their supporters.
"We would encourage both of them to not raise expectations with their supporters, to publicly demonstrate respect for the audit process and the accountability process, and also to show critical statesmanship and leadership at a time when Afghanistan needs it."
Afghans have mixed feelings about the U.S. Secretary of State's visit.
"We are hopeful that John Kerry who represents the world super power can play a positive role in Afghanistan's election, we are optimistic that his mediation will change the situation for better."
"This election stand-off is Afghanistan's problem and it must be solved by Afghans themselves. Afghans should be united to solve their own issue. If they are unable to solve it I am quite sure that neither John Kerry nor Obama will be able to solve this problem. "
Current President Hamid Karzai is stepping down after more than 10 years.
The United States is in the process of withdrawing its forces from the country after 12 years of fighting Taliban insurgents.
EU election observing team confirms need for audit in Afghan election
Meanwhile the European Union Election Assessment Team has confirmed the need for a comprehensive audit of the votes from last month's Afghan presidential runoff.
The EU Chief Observer says analysis of the figures published by the Independent Election Commission leads to an estimate that between 2 and 4 million votes require further investigation.
The statement also stresses the votes of women should be protected, and female polling stations run by men need to be investigated.
Results of quick count spark tension in Indonesian election
Tensions have been flaring in Indonesia, after different quick count vote results favoring both presidential candidates.
Joko Widodo and his contender Prabowo Subianto, the only two candidates in the election held Wednesday have claimed victory.
All of the claims are based on confusing initial results coming from different outlets.
That has prompted public concerns over possible clashes between grassroots supporters across the country.
"I'm worried, because both candidates have a fanatical backing. I hope the police can maintain security."
"I hope whoever wins, they can accept it and there won't be any riots like in the past."
Police have been on alert as supporters from both camps have been celebrating the victories.
The confirmed results of the election are scheduled to be announced next Tuesday.
Germany to Expel US Intelligence Representative amid Spy Row
The German government is kicking the United States' top intelligence official in Berlin out of the country.
The move comes amid new allegations the US has been recruiting German intelligence officers as double-agents.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the decision also comes after months of unanswered questions from the US government about revelations the National Security Agency tapped her own cellphone.
"If what is currently discussed corresponds to the facts, and a lot is still being investigated by the federal prosecutor-general, then I simply want to say that looking at it with common sense, in my view, spying on allies is a waste of energy in the end. We have so many problems, and I think we should concentrate on the essentials."
Earlier this month a German intelligence official was arrested for allegedly passing on information to US intelligence about a German parliamentary investigation into the cellphone hacking charges.
That arrest has been followed by a reported investigation into a German Defense Department official who may have also been passing on information to the United States.
So far the Obama administration has said little on the issue, other than to say it does want to work with Berlin to help rectify the situation.
S. Korean lawmakers adopt resolution to slam Japan's militarization push
South Korean lawmakers have adopted a resolution, denouncing Japan's moves to allow for the foreign deployment of troops.
The resolution says the so-called "collective self-defense" goal actually endangers peace and stability in the northeast Asian region.
The resolution was passed by South Korea's parliamentary committee of foreign affairs and unification.
It also urges the government to express its clear opposition to Japan's military moves.
The resolution comes after the Japanese cabinet decided on July 1st to re-interpret the country's pacifist constitution.
The move means for the first time in six decades, Japan can send its military forces overseas, even if Japan itself is not under attack.
Foreign Ministry: improvement of Sino-Japanese relations needs upright attitude and real action
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has responded to the latest suggestion from Japanese leaders for a meeting of top officials from the two countries.
Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary is calling for the two sides to meet at the upcoming APEC meeting in Beijing later this year.
Yoshihide Suga also says China has no ground in refusing the meeting, insisting that the Diaoyu Islands belongs to Japan and defending the legitimacy of visiting the Yasukuni Shrine by Japanese leaders.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang.
"His comment is trying to blame China for their wrongdoings that actually hurt Chinese people's feeling and infringe China's territorial sovereignty. China will never accept it. We have made our stance on the issues repeatedly and clearly. If the Japanese side doesn't correct its attitude and make concrete efforts, it is impossible to improve Sino-Japanese relations."
The Yasukuni Shrine honors 14 Japanese war criminals and is considered as a symbol of Japan's past militarism.
Frequent visits to the shrine by Japanese officials have triggered strong oppostiion from countries in the region invaded during Japan's military expansion at the start of the 20th century.
Eco-Forum Global annual conference opens in Guiyang
China is calling for a world effort in maintaining the global eco-system during an international eco-forum held in the city of Guiyang.
CRI's Luo Yu has more from the forum.
China's vice president Li Yuanchao has delivered a keynote speech at the Eco-Forum Global Conference 2014, highlighting coexistence and balanced development between mankind and ecology.
Li Yuanchao says collaborative effort is needed from all countries and regions to jointly contribute to global ecological security.
'Developed countries should deliver on their commitments, shoulder more obligations, and increase funding and technological support to developing countries. Developing countries, for their part, need to set up and implement environmental protection strategies and play an active role in relevant global endeavors to protect the environment.'
John Leslie Prescott, former Deputy Prime Minister of the UK, echoed Li Yuanchao that countries will have to differentiate their responsibilities.
'At Kyoto, we only had 40 industrial countries to some requirement for the reduction of greenhouse gases. And we didn't totally complete all that. But now we have to find an agreement involving 190 nations. That's much more difficult to get consensus on that. But consensus we must get. And the principles are the essential UN principle 'common but differential responsibilities' if we were to have an agreement with such broad range of countries developing at different stages of their industrial development'.
World leaders gathering at the conference have also shared concerns and practices regarding the green economy and sustainable development.
Dr. Mulatu Teshome is president of Ethiopia.
'As of 2014, electric power in Ethiopic gird is generated entirely from renewable energy, consisting of hydropower, wind power, and geotherm.'
China has been taking action in recent years to protect the environment.
The central government aims to reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by 16%, while cutting carbon intensity by 17% and slashing the discharge of major pollutants by 8-10% during the 12th Five-year-Plan period.
Vice president Li Yuanchao.
'We must take timely remedial measures to address the deteriorating environment. China started to vigorously implement the project of restoring farmland to forests at the beginning of the 21st century and now more than 25 million hectares of wasteland and hillsides are covered by vegetation. These examples tell us that environmental protection should now be a basic key project and figure prominently in our economic and social development.'
This is the sixth Eco-Forum Global annual conference held in Guiyang, and the theme of this year's event is 'Joining hands, leveraging reforms to bring forth a new era of Eco-civilization.'
For CRI, I'm Luo Yu.
8 kindergarteners died in school bus crash
Eleven people, including eight kindergarteners, have died after an overloaded minivan crashed into a pond in central China's Hunan province.
The minivan was pulled out of the pond early today with the children and a driver still inside.
The bodies of two teachers were found an hour later.
The minivan, used as school bus, was taking the children home from kindergarten on Thursday when it crashed into the pond.
Authorities say the accident was not discovered immediately as the scene is in a remote mountainous area.
The 7-seat vehicle was carrying 11 people at the time of the accident.
Liu Haihong is a father who lost his son in the crash.
"Two teachers and one driver? There were more children in the van before the accident. They used to have around 14 or 15 children traveling in the van with space for seven people. It's just a mini-van."
Local authorities also say the initial investigation has found the driver took the job only a few days before the accident and was not familiar with the bus route.
Biz Reports
First off, a quick look at closing numbers across Asia.
Joining me on the desk, CRI's Cao Yuwei.
Asian shares closed mixed on Friday. Chinese shares ended higher on back of some positive corporate earnings reports, while bourses outside China were dragged down by the risk of Portugese leading bank Banco Espirito Santo going into default.
At market close, the A-share benchmark Shanghai Composite Index added 0.4 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index up 0.7 percent.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng ended almost flat.
Japan's Nikkei lost 0.3 percent, extending its losing streak to the fifth consecutive day.
South Korea's KOSPI trimmed 0.7 percent.
Singapore's Straits Times Index shed 0.6 percent.
and finally, Australia's ASX gained 0.4 percent.
Central Bank Governor says time is needed to investigate BoC's alleged money laundering
China's central bank governor says more time is needed to investigate alleged money laundering by the Bank of China.
State broadcaster CCTV on Wednesday alleged that BoC, the country's fourth largest lender has been helping its customers transfer large sums of money overseas.
Zhou Xiaochuan says the central bank and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange are investigating the report.
But officials under Zhou stated that starting an investigation does not mean the bank has done anything wrong.
BoC branches in Guangzhou and Zhuhai have suspended their currency exchange and money transfer services.
Both branches were featured in the CCTV report where clients convert unlimited amounts of yuan into other currencies and transfer those funds abroad.
Chinese foreign-exchange rules cap the maximum amount of yuan that individuals are allowed to convert into other currencies at 50,000 US dollars per year and ban them from transferring yuan abroad directly.
Bank of China has reach to 28 countries and regions to do money transfers for its clients.
Jian lifts curbs on home purchases, Nanchang set to follow
The city of Jinan has become the second major Chinese city to lift home purchase curbs, less than two weeks after Hohhot of Inner Mongolia first scrapped the property buying cap.
After the policy change, there will be no further limits on how many homes a resident may own, and those who do not have a hukou in the city may also buy apartments.
With a population of over six million, Jinan is the capital city and the biggest economy of east China's Shangdong Province.
In June, the average housing price in 100 major Chinese cities dropped by 0.5 percent month-on-month, the second consecutive month of falling prices.
Some small and medium sized cities have seen real estate developers go bust due to large quantities of stock and bleek sales.
The central government imposed the home purchase cap back in 2011, when skyrocketing housing prices became the top complaint of urban residents.
But since May this year, more than 10 small cities nationwide have lifted or eased the cap despite the government's repeatedly stated stance on keeping it.
The city of Nanchang, capital of east China's Jiangxi province is set to remove its home-buying curbs next week.
Lenovo sees 15% jump in PC sales
Chinese PC maker Lenovo says its global PC shipments saw a strong rebound in the second quarter, jumping more than 15 percent from a year earlier.
Figures from market research firm IDC show that Lenovo shipped 14,500 PCs from April to June, taking nearly 20 percent of the market share.
The rosy picture for Lenovo is compared with the bleak worldwide PC shipment market, which saw a 1.7 percent decline in the same period of time.
Global PC demand has been continuously shrinking for more than two years, hit by a sluggish economy and the emergence of mobile devices such as tablets and large-screen smartphones.
Lenovo attributes its second quarter success to its expansion to new markets and its pricing strategies.
Market share for Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo's biggest rival, has shrunk to 18 percent in the first half of this year.
Corporate news of the week
Time now for a look at the key events on the corporate front in China this week.
Chinese government is reportedly working on plans to reform ownership structures of more state-owned enterprises.
Sumsung has been seeing falling profits in recent months.
With more on these events, CRI's Paul James spoke earlier with Doug Young, associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief at Reuters.
Back Anchor:
Doug Young, associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief at Reuters.
Samsung faces charge of hiring children to meet production goal
Samsung is facing fresh accusations that one of its China suppliers hired children to meet production targets.
A human rights group alleges that a Dongguan-based supplier for the South Korean electronics giant hired children and students under the legal working age.
The underaged workers were allegedly to have worked for 11 hours a day without overtime pay and without social insurance.
The accusation conflicts with Samsung's recent report on conditions at suppliers.
But Samsung said it is looking into the allegation and promised to address the issue if proven true.
Samsung's latest working condition audit said no child labor was found of its 100 Chinese suppliers.
But 59 of them didn't provide safety equipment to employees and excessive working hours were commonplace.
Fonterra joins Abbott to plan third dairy hub in China
Fonterra, the world's biggest dairy exporter, is teaming up with US-based pharmaceuticals giant Abbott to set up its third dairy farm hub in China.
The proposal, once approved by Chinese regulators, would begin milk production in the first half of 2017.
Fonterra currently operates two big dairy farm hubs in China, one in Hebei and the other in Shanxi province.
Headline News
Abbas calls Hamas stop rockets firing as Gaza offensive enters 4th day
Palestinian President Mahamoud Abbas has urged the Islamic militant group Hamas to stop firing rockets into Israel as the U.S. says it is ready to broker a ceasefire.
More than one hundred Palestinians have been killed and more others injured as Israel continues its bombardment of the Gaza Strip in an offensive against the Hamas militant group.
Also on Friday, a rocket launched from Gaza hit a fuel tanker in Israel's port city of Ashdod.
The rocket caused a huge blaze leaving at least eight people wounded, one was in serious condition.
Israeli army also confirms missiles fired from neighboring Lebanon on Friday.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said there are further stages in its campaign against Hamas.
John Kerry in Afghanistan to help resolve election deadlock
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is now in Afghanistan to meet both presidential candidates to help find a way out of the election deadlock in the country.
Abdullah Abdullah and his rival Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai are both claiming victory in the presidential runoff held on June 14.
Preliminary results show that Abdullah garnered 44 percent of the votes, while Ahmadzai secured 56 percent.
Local media reports that the U.S. Secretary of State will also call on President Hamid Karzai to exchange views on finding the solution.
Both the Afghan president and the election commission have set Aug. 2 as the date for transferring power to the new president.
S. Korean lawmakers adopt resolution to slam Japan's militarization push
South Korean lawmakers have adopted a resolution, denouncing Japan's moves to allow for the foreign deployment of troops.
The resolution says the so-called "collective self-defense" goal actually endangers peace and stability in the northeast Asian region.
The resolution was passed by South Korea's parliamentary committee of foreign affairs and unification.
It also urges the government to express its clear opposition to Japan's military moves.
The resolution comes after the Japanese cabinet decided on July 1st to re-interpret the country's pacifist constitution.
The move means for the first time in six decades, Japan can send its military forces overseas, even if Japan itself is not under attack.
Int'l eco forum opens in SW China
An international forum on environmental protection has opened in Guiyang, southwest China.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said in a congratulatory letter that China, together with other countries and international groups, will strengthen cooperation in environmental protection and work to fulfill international environmental protection conventions.
Around 1,000 guests from 61 countries and regions, have gathered to share opinions and experiences on climate change, clean technology, green production, and legislation on environmental protection before the conference closes on Saturday.
Chinese Vice President Li Yuanchao attended the opening ceremony.
Newspaper Picks
China Daily
Changes sought in smoking law
Anti-tobacco activists have called for more specifics in Beijing's legislation on smoking control.
Under the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the law taking shape in Beijing should include more specific articles.
The draft of the smoking control law in Beijing has been sent to the legislature for review and is scheduled to be enacted by next year.
Specific details are suggested as:
At places such as sports stadiums and railway and subway stations, a smoke-free "buffer zone" should be extended to 15 meters outside the indoor area.
Outdoor places such as parks, which are frequented by children, should also be smoke-free under the new law.
It should also clearly define who is to enforce the ban on sales to minors.
China News Service
Beijing court uses WeChat to solve labor disputes
A Beijing court has begun solving labor disputes via social media, aiming to save judges' time and improve work efficiency.
It is reported that judges are too busy to ask litigants to go to court for mediation.
According to Wang Dong, director of the labor dispute department under the court, they filed more than 1,400 labor disputes over the past six months of this year, but they only have 11 judges.
The court sometimes has difficulty in contacting litigants, which causes delays in cases, so officials decided to use WeChat to speed up the process.
Litigants who reach an agreement on WeChat must go to the court to sign a mediation paper.
This marks the first time that Beijing courts have used social media to solve disputes.
Sky News
Moderate Drinking 'Could Be Bad For Your Heart'
A new study contradicts previous claims that moderate alcohol consumption is good for cardiovascular health and blood pressure.
Scientists from Britain have discovered that a reduction in alcohol could improve the cardiovascular health of even light to moderate drinkers.
The research looked at 56 separate studies on the drinking habits of more than 250-thousand people of European descent.
The study revealed that some people who carried a genetic variant associated with low alcohol consumption, tended to have a healthier cardiovascular profile than those without, and they had a 10 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease and lower blood pressure.
It seems to be frustrating news for drinkers who are often given conflicting advice about alcohol.
Channel News Asia
Hostile people more likely to suffer a stroke
A new American study shows that hostility may double the risk of having a stroke in middle-aged and older adults.
For the study, more than 6,700 adults aged 45 to 84 answered questionnaires.
These surveys assessed chronic stress, depressive symptoms, anger and hostility over two years.
Researchers found that those most hostile were more than twice as likely to have a stroke or transient ischemic attack, compared to those least hostile.
The research also found more depressive symptoms meant an 86 per cent higher risk, and the frequent chronic stress led to a 59 per cent higher risk.
Surprisingly, anger was not associated with any risk of increased stroke.
The associations between psychology and stroke remained even after researchers accounted for other risk factors of stroke.
Special Reports
Chinese tourists travelling more but less satisfied
Tourism numbers here in China, both domestic and outbound, have reached new highs through the first half of this year.
But industry analysis is suggesting Chinese tourists are also becoming less satisfied with their travels.
CRI's Tu Yun has more.
New data from the China Tourism Academy shows more than 2 billion trips have been made by Chinese citizens in the past six months.
The number of outbound Chinese tourists has already surpassed 50 million this year, an 18-percent rise compared to the first half of last year.
Dai Bin, dean of the China Tourism Academy, says on the surface, the numbers appear promising.
"Domestic tourism is the core of the Chinese tourism industry. But due to the changing habits of Chinese travellers, its hard for us to forecast the outlook for the domestic market. At the same time, outbound tourists have reached 54 million, and their spending has increased around 20-percent to over 70 billion US dollars so far this year. Outbound tourism, to a large extent, is a gauge of consumption among China's middle-class. With domestic and outbound tourism combined, we can see clearly that China's consumer base is getting stronger."
Its estimated around 3.7 billion trips are going to be made by Chinese citizens this year.
Among them, 1.2 billion trips are likely to be made overseas, with spending expected to hit 155-billion US dollars.
Despite this, new signals are suggesting Chinese tourists are becoming more particular and less-satisfied with their travel.
Dai Bin explains.
"The tourist satisfaction index score only came in at 73 in the second tourist season, which is comparatively low. The reason for this appears to be a lack of information about destinations, limited time and failed expectations. Tourists are also complaining a lot about traffic congestion. This year on the Badaling Expressway leading to the Great Wall in Beijing, the congestion extended 55 kilometers. We've also found the weather and smog in Beijing is also seriously affecting tourists."
China, became the world's biggest tourist market last year, surpassing the United States and Germany to top the overseas tourist destination list.
But with the rise of the middle class here in China, more and more Chinese people are looking to spend their money travelling abroad.
But the new analysis is suggesting Chinese travellers going overseas are becoming a bit more tentative.
Professor He Qiongfeng with the China Tourism Academy suggests one of the main reasons for this is the disparity between people's expectations and the realities they face once they hit the ground overseas.
"The first concern is tourist services, particularly when it comes to travel agencies and tour guides. The second concern is public services, mainly transportation. Of course, it has something to do with people's unfamiliarity with local subways and roads. And international driver's licenses are also a big concern. The third is a lack of Chinese signage abroad. And the last one is the overall cost."
The China Tourism Academy also notes regional issues are affecting outbound Chinese tourism.
Concerns about personal safety and disputes among China and some of its neighbors are said to be limiting Chinese tourism in the region.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
Neymar supports rivals Argentina in World Cup Final
The Fifa World Cup 2014 is drawing to a close and Injured Brazil forward Neymar has made the surprising declaration that he will be supporting Brazil's great rivals Argentina in the final.
After a defense lead goalless game Argentina won on penalties against the Netherlands to make it to the final.
There Argentina will face Germany who delivered a shock 7-1 defeat against host-nation Brazil.
This is what Neymar had to say about the final:
"I wish the best for both teams, I hope my teammates win, I have two teammates who play for Argentina, (Lionel) Messi and (Javier) Mascherano, and I think for soccer, for Messi's story, to have done, conquered so much, almost everything in his career, I think he deserves to be champion. I am cheering for him because he is a friend and a teammate and I wish him a lot of luck."
Neymar was severely injured when Juan Zuniga foaled him during Brazil's 2-1 victory over Colombia and has been unable to play any further part in the competition.
He came away with a fractured vertebra but fought back tears as he reflected that it could have been much much worse:
"If it was two more centimeters…. I could have been in a wheelchair. It's hard to talk about this… at such an important point in my career and suffer with this, but it is part of it and it happened."
Brazil will next face the Netherlands in the third place playoff on Saturday – 4am Sunday Beijing time – Brazil coach Luiz Felipe Scolari's future will be decided after this game.
Van Gaal already prepping Man U for after Brazil playoff
The Holland Coach Louis van Gaal already knows where he'll be going.
Once the third place playoff is out of the way he'll be heading north for his first game in charge of Manchester United.
The English side are to take on LA Galaxy in California on July 23 as the Red Devils open their pre-season tour of the United States.
United's assistant manager Ryan Giggs said on Thursday he and Van Gaal had kept in touch and the club's preparations for the new English season were unaffected by Van Gaal's absence.
"Obviously it's not ideal; you would want all your players there and the manager there to start pre-season training. But it can be like this, especially with a World Cup year. Obviously the difference is that the manager was involved with the World Cup this time, but preparations have gone well, training's gone well and you know, within a week we'll all be together."
Giggs took over as interim manager of Man U after David Moyes sacking. He guided the defending champions to finish seventh in the league, their worst position since the beginning of the English Premiership in 1991.
Alberto Gilardino signs for Guangzhou Evergrande
Chinese football club Guangzhou Evergrande has now confirmed the signing of Italy international Alberto Gilardino from Serie A club Genoa.
The 32-year-old striker has sealed a two-and-half-year contract for ? 5 million (6.8m USD).
He will be coached by his former national team boss Marcello Lippi.
The move was released on the Superleague defending champion's official website.
A poster saying "Welcome to Guangzhou Alberto Gilardino" also shows that he is to wear number 38.
Gilardino will fly to Guangzhou tomorrow to meet with the team and make his first public appearance as an Evergrander.
Andre Greipel wins Tour de France stage 6
In Stage 6 of the Tour de France Andre Greipel has pushed on to claim his first stage win.
Norway's Alexander Kristoff was again in second place after a 194 km ride from Arras, and Frenchman Samuel Dumoulin took third.
Vincenzo Nibali of Italy retains the overall leader's yellow jersey.
The German Lotto-Belisol rider Greipel struck some 200 metres from the line as the peloton looked disorganised after Kittel, winner of three stages this year, suffered a mechanical problem just one km from the finish.
Rory McIlroy leads with course record at Scottish Open
In Golf,
Northern Ireland's Rory McIlroy has hit a new course record at Royal Aberdeen in the first round of the Scottish Open.
The Northern Irishman hit a seven-under-par round of 64 to take the clubhouse lead by one shot.
Title holder and British Open defending champion Phil Mickelson of the USA shot 3-under 68.
Hoping to defend his titles in Aberdeen and in England next week, Mickelson eagled the 6th and birdied the 12th and 13th, but bogeyed the 18th.
Former champion Luke Donald of England also kept up with the leaders, hitting 4-under 67.
Immediately behind McIlroy, but with very different scorecards, were Argentina's Ricardo Gonzalez and Sweden's Kristoffer Broberg, both on 6-under 65.
Gonzalez hit an eagle at the 12th and six birdies, but also bogeys at the 13th and 16th, while Broberg recorded six birdies.
McIlroy sank four birdies in each half, six of them coming in seven holes to the 14th, but also a bogey at the 4th.
Chinese series Super Partner shows on Tencent video.
Chinese series Super Partner is now available on Tencent video.
It has been rated the top show on Hunan TV.
Super Partner tells a story about the lives of the army dogs.
The series is produced with all original casts from Hot Girls.
The dogs appearing in the series are chosen among thousands of army dogs through strict selection.
The series has aroused great attention among people who love dogs and some of them say they won't eat dog meat anymore.
The producer says the series aims to make people love dogs and take care of animals.
Emmy Award Nominations 2014
The Emmy Awards 2014 nominations have been announced in Los Angeles.
The fantasy saga "Game of Thrones" emerged as the leader, with 19 nominations, including best drama series.
"Breaking Bad" was next in line with 16 nods for its final season, including best drama and best actor for Bryan Cranston.
Other top nominees included a pair of ambitious miniseries, "American Horror Story: Coven" and "Fargo".
Billy Bob Thornton who is nominated for outstanding lead actor for his serial killer role in Fargo said he's a bit rusty when it comes to award ceremonies.
"I was pretty humbled by it, to tell you the truth. It's pretty wild. It's been a long time since I was involved in this kind of sort of award frenzy. So you get out of practice."
Also up for outstanding lead actors in a miniseries are dynamic Sherlock duo Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, though Cumberbatch's nomination is for his role in Sherlock and Freeman's is for is role in Fargo.
The 2014 Emmy Awards will be handed out at a Los Angeles ceremony on 25 August 2014.
10th China International Cartoon & Game Expo
The 10th China International Cartoon & Game Expo has kicked off in Shanghai.
According to event organizers China's animation industry generated 87 billion yuan ($14 billion) in revenue last year, and the industry has expanded by 10 billion yuan in each of the past three years.
Held at the Shanghai World Expo and Exhibition and convention centre, the CCG is a major cartoon and game event in China.
The five-day expo is a platform for domestic and overseas exhibitors to showcase their animations, comics, games and other ACG products.
Indian actress Zohra Sehgal dies aged 102
Legendary Indian actress Zohra Sehgal has died aged 102.
Sehgal had been ill for several days before suffering from a heart attack at a city hospital in the capital, Delhi.
Her career spanned more than seven decades, entertaining millions of people through her performances through films and on stage.
At 94, Sahgal stared in the Bollywood film Cheeni Kum (Less Sugar), her role in the movie received extensive praise. Other favored films include Dil Se (From the Heart) and Kal Ho Naa Ho (There May Or May Not Be A Tomorrow).
She stepped into the world of acting by joining left-wing political theatre group Indian Peoples'Theatre Association, which dominated the Indian cultural scene in the 1940's.
In 1962, Sehgal went to London on a drama scholarship and worked in several English films and popular TV productions. She returned to India in the 90's at the sge of 80 and continued acting until the age of 95.
In 2010 Sehgal was awarded the Padma Vibhushan for her work, India's second highest civilian award.
Egyptian statue sells for 16 million pounds in the UK
A 4,000-year-old Egyptian statue has sold for nearly 16 million pounds in the UK. That's just over 27 million dollars.
The limestone statue called the Sekhemka was expected to raise about 6 million pounds, around ten million dollars, but nearly tripled that in auction.
Northampton Borough Council in England auctioned the statue to raise money for an extension to the Northampton Museum and Art Gallery.
The Egyptian ambassador to Britain has condemned the sale saying the council should have handed the statue back if it did they not want it.
David Mackintosh from Northampton Council said the statue had been in their ownership for over 100 years, it's not been on display for four years, and no-one had asked to see it in that time.
Protesters gathered outside Christie's where the sale took place saying they wanted the statue to be returned to Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities.
Christie's said it would reveal details of the new owner later.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour - a quick recap of headlines before we go:
There have been many calls for a ceasefire on the Gaza strip, but the fighting between Israel and Hamas militants has only intensified...
Meantime in Ukraine, the country's president says rebels in the east have rejected a ceasefire proposal...
And the US Secretary of State is in Afghanistan trying to resolve tension over the country's disputed election...
In business, investigating allegations of money laundering in the banking sector...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.

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