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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/12/03

时间:2015-12-07 05:23来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
The Beijing HourMorning EditionShane Bigham with you on this Thursday December 3rd, 2015.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the programAt least 14 deaths have been reported after a shooting spree in southern California...
China agrees to provide billions in loans and other help to build infrastructure in South Africa...
The UN Nuclear agency says there is no evidence after 2009 that Iran has attempted to build nuclear bombs...
In Business...the Black Friday sales event grows in popularity in China...
In Sports...the Chinese Basketball Association fines teams from Beijing and Shanxi...
And in Entertainment...a music video to promote the latest Kung Fu Panda movie...
Top NewsChinese, South African presidents vow to cement partnershipAnchorChina has signed 6.5 billion US dollars worth of agreements and loans to build infrastructure in South Africa.
These deals were signed in Pretoria during President Xi Jinping's state visit.
CRI's Min Rui has more.
Twenty-six bilateral agreements were signed on Wednesday. As part of the deals, China will lend 500 million U.S. dollars to Eskom, South Africa's national power supplier, to help its operations.
South African President Jacob Zuma hailed relations between the two sides.
"The volume of agreements indicates the amount of work that has been done in the past few months. We agreed that more could and should be done to increase our trade and investment figures".
Under the agreements, China will also help to build a car manufacturing plant in South Africa. It should begin exporting vehicles to other African countries by the end of 2017.
Chinese President Xi Jinping calls on the two countries to be forward-looking strategic partners.
The two sides have agreed to lift bilateral ties to a new height by fully implementing the 5-10 Years Strategic Plan on Cooperation, boosting cooperation in six areas including in special economic zones, the maritime economy, industrial capacity, energy, infrastructure, and human resources development.
President Xi also notes that China will facilitate South Africa's efforts to lead China-Africa cooperation on production capability across Africa and promote the continent's industrialization. China will also encourage more financing for South Africa, and support the early launch of the establishment of an African regional center for the New Development Bank for BRICS countries.
This is Xi Jinping's second visit to the country; the first was in 2013 when he toured several African states.
After his stay in Pretoria, the President will leave for Johannesburg to co-chair the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.
The summit is expected to be an historic event that will help strengthen China-Africa solidarity and development.
The two-day Johannesburg Summit, starting on Friday, is expected to adopt a declaration and action plan outlining measures that are aimed at consolidating China-Africa relations.
For CRI, this is Min RuiS Africa expects Xi's visit to strengthen bilateral relations: EnvoyAnchorChinese President Xi Jinping's ongoing state visit to South Africa has been hailed as an opportunity to strengthen long-term relations.
Our reporter Ryan Price has the details.
ReporterDolana Msimang, South Africa's ambassador to China, says President Xi's visit to South Africa is the proof that China cherishes the two countries' friendship.
She says the visit is expected to bring the bilateral relationship to a new height:
"Last year, our president Jacob Zuma was here for his state visit, and they had action plans, so what we expect this year is to get progress on what has happened with the already agreed-upon arrangements. We also expect that the relationship will be deeper and deeper. The more we interact, the more our relationship is taken to greater heights."China is now South Africa's largest trading partner and export market.
South Africa is China's biggest trading partner in Africa.
The ambassador says she hopes President Xi Jinping's visit can inject more energy into the economic and trade cooperation.
"We now have 262 billion (US dollars) trade between our two countries. We want that to be even stronger; we want China to invest in South Africa. We are looking more on the technology side, on the industrial side, education side, exchange of human resources because we need that to be able to make the changes we want to do."President Xi Jinping has sat down with South African president Jacob Zuma, discussing ways to cement the bilateral partnership.
He and Zuma are set to co-chair the Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in JohannesburgExhibitions will also be presented to show the achievements of the China-Africa forum in the 15 years since it was established.
For CRI, I'm Ryan PriceMass shooting of up to 20 victims in San Bernardino, California: authoritiesAt least 14 people have been killed in a mass shooting in the US. The situation is said to be still "active."It's happening in southern California in the community of San Bernardino. Earlier reports said there were up to 20 victims but it was not known how many had been killed.
The local fire department and sheriff's office in the community earlier confirmed that each had responded to reports of the shooting.
Police say they believe that up to three shooters could be active. So far, no arrests have been made.
China-Africa economic cooperation reaches new height: spokesmanChina's Commerce Ministry says the country's economic and trade cooperation with Africa has reached new heights in the last 15 years.
Ministry spokesman Shen Danyang says bilateral cooperation now covers more areas.
"China-Africa cooperation has covered industry, finance, tourism, telecommunications, aviation, broadcast and television. More and more Chinese enterprises are focusing on the African market and will make greater contributions to Africa's development."Shen believes the upcoming forum between the two sides will provide an historic opportunity for deepening bilateral cooperation"It will open a new blueprint for developing the economic and trade relations between China and Africa, and will inject new impetus into their economic development."China is Africa's largest trading partner. Two-way trade reached 220 billion U.S dollars last year, 21 times the amount in 2000.
China's direct investment in Africa reached 30 billion dollars last year, increasing 37 percent annually on average over the past 15 years.
Mauritius expects Chinese president's visit to Africa to bring investmentA Mauritian official expects Chinese President Xi Jinping's current visit to Africa will boost investment on the continent.
Xavier-Luc Duval, Deputy Prime Minister, says there are a lot of expectations riding on the upcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).
"Africa needs investment in infrastructure, in its industry, and in fact all over Africa investment is in dire need. And also China is very important as far as our trade is concerned because Africa exports a lot of commodities, and demand from China is crucial for the development of Africa,"According to the deputy prime minister, Mauritius is eager to serve as a gateway linking Africa and Asia and the government regards the China-Africa summit as an opportunity to boost investment and development.
"Mauritius is planning to become a gateway to Africa and a meeting point for peoples of the world wishing to invest in Africa, and also a link between Africa and Asia. So the China-Africa summit, we hope, will be able for the Mauritius government to promote this aspect of our development,"Chinese President Xi Jinping will co-chair the Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Johannesburg.
China foreign ministry refutes cyber-attack allegationsChina's Foreign Ministry has refuted allegations of hacking activities as groundless, reiterating the government's position on fighting cyber attacks.
China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying says these groundless accusations and speculation are not constructive.
"The Chinese government firmly opposes and combats any form of cyber attack. We have always emphasized that internet security is a global concern. All parties concerned should strengthen dialogue and cooperation based on equality and mutual respect, and solve the issue together."The remark was made on Wednesday after a report from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation accused China of being behind a cyber attack against the Australian government computer network.
China's Efforts to Combat Desertification Showcased at Paris Climate Conference Side EventAnchorOn the sidelines of the ongoing UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, a series of side events are being held at the China Pavilion - including a showcase about China's efforts to combat the expansion of deserts in the country.
CRI correspondent Duan Xuelian has more.
ReporterChina Pavilion is one of the most active pavilions in the exhibition area, with a robot named Vanke engaging visitors in front of the conference rooms.
"Welcome to the China Pavilion! My name is Vanke. To see the agenda and guest information of Chinese Enterprise Day, please touch my screen. I can also calculate and offset the carbon emissions of your trip to Paris. "Inside the conference room, Chinese delegations are holding a presentation about China's efforts to prevent the expansion of Kubuqi, the seventh largest desert in the country, located in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
Xie Zhenhua, China's special envoy on climate change, was one of the speakers. He said that China is one of the countries most severely impacted by desertification and is making unprecedented efforts in fighting the problem. To reach its climate change target, adaptation is a key factor.
"When people talk about fighting climate change, they used to only emphasize mitigation, but now they began to be acutely aware of the need for adaptation. It is equally important, even more so in developing countries."Initiated in 1988, the so-called Kubuqi model is responsible for helping local desert people to adapt to and improve the environment they live in. With policy support from the government and financial resources from the private sector, the Kubuqi project mobilized local communities to join efforts to plant trees, build roads, and develop eco-tourism.
According to a report published at the presentation, the project has restored 6,000 square kilometers of desert and created over one million job opportunities.
Monique Barbut, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, commented that the Kubuqi practice is a successful case study. Such flagship programmes will inspire more countries to innovate their approaches in fighting desertification. She said that among the two billion hectares of degraded land all over the world, 75% of them are in working landscape.
"What we are saying here is that by restoring just 500 million hectares of those degraded land, not only will ensure that by 2050 we will be in the position to feed 9.7 billion people that will be living on this planet, but it could store up to 30% of all the carbon emissions of the world."The Kubuqi model of fighting desertification is being studied to see if it can be replicated in other deserts in China and around the world.
For CRI, I'm Duan Xuelian in ParisMeeting on media's role in urging public to protect environmentAlso in the China Pavilion, a meeting was held to discuss the media's responsibility in the issues of climate change, to urge the public to get involved.
Liu Jianzhong, former director general of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China, says it's important for media to spread the knowledge in different measures.
"It is important to promote the knowledge of environmental protection via technology and images. Sound, images, videos, and educational films can play a very important part. We can carry out activities to spread the knowledge of nature with the help of special measures, such as cyberspace and cartoons."China's efforts in promoting public knowledge on climate change have attracted the attention of the international community in recent years.
Ken Berlin, president and CEO of the Climate Reality Project, speaks highly of China's efforts.
"I think that if we have success in these negotiations, which I think we will, it will be in a large part due to the work of China, and of course in the cooperation between China and the United States in addressing this issue."He also says that China, from the government level, is becoming a real leader in this effort.
China to Launch CO2-monitoring SatelliteA Chinese-made observation satellite that aims to monitor global levels of carbon dioxide has entered its final stage of manufacturing.
The launch is planned for next year.
According to meteorological authorities, the satellite will link with a ground-based data processing and verification system, and the precision of the measurements will be better than 4ppm.
China Making Progress in Preserving Bio-DiversityChina has met the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity 2020 targets ahead of schedule.
Qiu Qi Wen is Deputy Director of Nature and Ecology Conservation from China's Ministry of Environmental Protection. Qiu says that China has made significant progress in preserving bio-diversity.
"We now have 2,729 nature reserves in China, covering a total area of about 1.5 million square kilometers and nearly 15% of China's total land area. That is above the world average of 12.7%. Moreover, 85% of our land-based ecosystems, inlcuding wild animals and plants, are properly protected. In the last decade, our national forest areas have grown by 100-thousand square kilometers."The targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity 2020 were established in 2010, to facilitate ecological preservation for member states.
Since then, China has launched a series of environmental protection initiatives, including plans to curb ecological degradation and to ensure ecological protection.
A recent joint report by the World Wildlife Fund and China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development highlighted the urgent need for better ecological protection in China.
The report found that the numbers of the country's terrestrial vertebrates have declined by half in the last 40 years.
Economists Speak Highly of Inclusion of Chinese RMB into SDR BasketAnchorMany senior officials and economists have spoken highly of the recent inclusion of the renminbi into the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights basket.
CRI's Xie Cheng has more.
ReporterChina's Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao described the inclusion as a win-win decision, since both China and the rest of the world will benefit from it.
"This is not just in the Chinese interest. It is the IMF's interest. It is in the global interest. We hope the decision made can benefit the Chinese side with a more open financial sector reform and make the IMF SDR boast more attractiveness and more representativeness."Zhu Guangyao made the remarks while attending a meeting themed 'China and the Global Economy: Dialogue on China's 13th Five-Year Plan' at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
He also added that the RMB joining the SDR doesn't mean the end of China's financial reforms, and that the country is continuing a manageable floating system so as to make the economy led by innovation rather than investment.
For his part, Nicholas Lardy, a senior researcher at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, believes that such an inclusion shows the world's acknowledgment of China's financial reforms.
"So the inclusion of the yuan in the SDR basket, of course, is a symbolic milestone and a significant one. You could say that it does acknowledge a very important step towards the financial reforms that have taken in China in the past few years. As an observer of Chinese financial reform, I'm encouraged by all that has been achieved in the last few years. I think it is appropriate that these efforts are acknowledged in the decision in the SDR."Meantime, James Boughton, a senior fellow at the Center for International Governance Innovation, suggested that further reforms are still necessary as China becomes more influential in the global financial sector.
"I think having the Renminbi in the SDR basket will be a very positive development, but what has to happen is that more intense reforms of the finance sector in China. And I think that will happen. It's already happened at a great extent. China's role in the international financial system will just continue to grow."The IMF's executive board approved on Monday the inclusion of RMB in its SDR basket as an international reserve currency.
This means that the RMB will be the fifth currency included in SDR along with the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen and the British pound.
For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
China, Laos to Start Railway ConstructionChina and Laos are teaming up to build a railway connecting Kunming in southern China with Vientiane, Laos' capital.
The decision was announced at a foundation-laying ceremony in Vientiane on Wednesday.
The railway is scheduled to be completed by 2020. It will be over 400 kilometers long.
The total investment will be nearly 40 billion yuan, with China investing 70 percent and Laos the remaining 30 percent.
The project, developed under the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, is expected to improve exchanges in trade and personnel.
The railway is also expected to boost tourism and increase the import agricultural products to China.
The new line will connect with the existing Lao-Thailand railway, improving regional connectivity.
No credible evident on Iran's atomic bomb plan after 2009: IAEAThe UN nuclear agency says it has found no credible evidence that Iran advanced its plans to develop a nuclear bomb after 2009, and no research on developing better delivery systems for such a weapon after 2011.
The finding is in the confidential final assessment report released by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Tuesday.
The report states that Tehran carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear weapon in the early 2000s, but the activities did not go into practice.
Iran and the IAEA signed a "road map" in July to clarify the country's unresolved nuclear issues in accordance with the historic Iran Nuclear Deal.
The report says Iran, in cooperation with the IAEA, has met all the requirements of that deal so far.
Germany pushes NATO to engage RussiaGermany has pushed its NATO allies to re-open high-level channels of communication with Russia, arguing that Moscow has a constructive role to play in many areas, especially in ending the Syrian conflict.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier made the remark at a meeting of his NATO peers in Brussels on Wednesday.
"I pushed yesterday evening to look for possibilities to reduce risks and exchange information with Russia. That is why the links between NATO and Russia should not remain permanently broken."Steinmeier says his NATO members have agreed to ask the alliance's chief, Jens Stoltenberg, to begin preparations for such talks.
He stresses however that as long as the Ukraine crisis remained unresolved, it cannot be business as usual.
Since June 2014, there have been no meetings of the ambassador-level NATO-Russia Council, which used to handle all political contacts between the two sides, as tensions rose after Russian troops moved into Crimea.
Pentagon says about 100 U.S. Special Forces being sent to IraqThe Pentagon said on Wednesday that a new deployment of U.S. special ops forces will number about 100.
U.S. Army Colonel Steve Warren says the majority will not be engaged in raids.
"Of course we are not going to get into exact numbers but It will be ... probably around 100, maybe a little bit less, in fact really fewer actual trigger pullers, fewer actual commandos. It's really going to be a majority of support."Warren's remarks came one day after U.S. defense chief Ash Carter's announcement that the Pentagon was sending additional special forces to Iraq.
Carter said deployment resulted from "full coordination" with the Iraqi government.
Russia accuses Erdogan's family of profiting from oil smugglingThe Russian Defense Ministry has accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family of profiting from illegal shipments of oil from the IS terrorist group in Syria.
Russia's Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov has accused Turkey of stealing oil from its rightful owners.
"Turkey is the main consumer of the oil stolen from its rightful owners, Syria and Iraq. According to information we've received, the senior political leadership of the country - President Erdogan and his family - are involved in this criminal business."Antonov notes that Erdogan's resignation is not Russia's goal saying that this is up to the Turkish people to decide. He adds that Moscow's aim is to block the sources of financing of terrorism.
Erdogan says he would resign if Russia was able to prove the allegations.
"Neither Russia nor any other country can accuse Turkey of buying oil from ISIS. Turkey has not lost its values so much as to buy oil from a terrorist organization. I would offer my resignation if they offered any proof to these accusations."According to Russian Defense Ministry, IS makes two billion U.S. dollars a year, mainly from smuggling oil.
Ties between Moscow and Ankara worsened drastically last week after Turkey downed a Russian fighter jet for allegedly violating Turkish air space. Russia insisted that the jet stayed over Syrian territory during the whole flight.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the downing "a stab in the back" and accused Turkey of being involved in illegal oil exports from areas occupied by terrorist groups.
US House bucks Obama power plant rulesAs US President Barack Obama works to hammer out a global climate agreement in Paris, Republicans in Congress have made a move to block his plan to force steep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions from US power plants.
The House has passed two resolutions disapproving of Obama's power-plant rules and rendering them inoperative.
Steve Scalise is the House GOP Whip and Republican representative for Louisiana.
"We're here focusing on national security, Mr Speaker. We're also focusing on energy security. And we're standing up against a radical regulation that's going to increase costs on the most needy in this country. When you look at the impact, this proposal by President Obama's EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) would have a 29 billion dollar per year cost on middle class families. The people that are going to be hit the hardest are lower income families."The vote comes after the Senate approved identical motions last month under a law that allows Congress to block executive actions it considers onerous.
The measures now go to the White House, where they face almost-certain vetoes.
Chilean scientist: dead whales chance for studyAfter Chilean scientists discovered the bodies of 337 beached whales in Patagonia in June, one researcher said the event is an opportunity to further study the species.
Carolina Simon Gutstein, with the University of Chile, says although the deaths were shocking, it posed an opportunity for scientists to find out more about whales' habits and develop policies to better protect them.
"The subject, they have often thought of it, a catastrophe of that sort - 300 corpses, let us suppose - it's shocking to see while flying over it. However, we also have to remember that we can study them and we can learn more about the species and gather data that will further help us to preserve it."The cause of the beaching is unknown, but human action has been ruled out as a possibility.
WeatherBeijing will be sunny with a high of 2 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to minus 4.
Shanghai will be sunny with a high of 11 and a low of 3.
In Chongqing, it will be overcast with during the daytime with a high of 14 and lows of 11.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 21.
Kabul will be cloudy with a high of 12.
Over to North America,New York will be cloudy with a high of 11 degrees.
Washington, sunny with a high of 9 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 28.
Toronto will see slight rain with a high of 5 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 29.
And Rio de Janeiro will have slight rain with a high of 25 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsChinese, South African presidents vow to cement partnershipChinese President Xi Jinping and his South African counterpart, Jacob Zuma, have vowed to further develop the strategic partnership between the countries.
President Xi has pledged that China will facilitate South Africa's efforts to lead China-Africa cooperation on production capacity and promote Africa's industrialization.
He also says China will encourage more financing for South Africa, and support the early launch of the establishment of an African regional center for the New Development Bank for BRICS countries.
For his part, Jacob Zuma says he hopes the two sides can promote more fruitful cooperation in areas such as trade, technology, energy, marine products, commercial aviation, and financing.
China to Roll out New Measures to Boost China-Africa Cooperation: OfficialThe Chinese government is planning a series of new measures to deepen cooperation between China and African countries.
The remarks have been made ahead of the upcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Johannesburg that will happen on Friday and Saturday.
Officials from both sides mulled a declaration and an action plan aimed at consolidating China-Africa relations, which is expected to be adopted during the summit.
Zhang Ming, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister, says the two sides are embarking on a new phase of development and the upcoming Summit will further deepen bilateral ties.
No credible evident on Iran's atomic bomb plan after 2009: IAEAThe UN nuclear agency says it has found no credible evidence that Iran advanced its plans to develop a nuclear bomb after 2009, and no research on developing better delivery systems for such a weapon after 2011.
The finding is in the confidential final assessment report released by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Tuesday.
The report states that Tehran carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear weapon in the early 2000s, but the activities did not go into practice.
Iran and the IAEA signed a "road map" in July to clarify the country's unresolved nuclear issues in accordance with the historic Iran Nuclear Deal.
The report says Iran, in cooperation with the IAEA, has met all the requirements of that deal so far.
Pentagon says about 100 U.S. Special Forces being sent to IraqThe Pentagon said on Wednesday that a new deployment of U.S. special ops forces will number about 100.
U.S. Army Colonel Steve Warren says the majority will not be engaged in raids.
"Of course we are not going to get into exact numbers but It will be ... probably around 100, maybe a little bit less, in fact really fewer actual trigger pullers, fewer actual commandos. It's really going to be a majority of support."Warren's remarks came one day after U.S. defense chief Ash Carter's announcement that the Pentagon was sending additional special forces to Iraq.
Carter said deployment resulted from "full coordination" with the Iraqi government.
Germany pushes NATO to engage RussiaGermany has pushed its NATO allies to re-open high-level channels of communication with Russia, arguing that Moscow has a constructive role to play in many areas, especially in ending the Syrian conflict.
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier made the remark at a meeting of his NATO peers in Brussels on Wednesday.
Steinmeier says his NATO members have agreed to ask the alliance's chief, Jens Stoltenberg, to begin preparations for such talks.
He stresses however that as long as the Ukraine crisis remained unresolved, it cannot be business as usual.
Since June 2014, there have been no meetings of the ambassador-level NATO-Russia Council, which used to handle all political contacts between the two sides, as tensions rose after Russian troops moved into Crimea.
Biz ReportsAnchorTurning to business news, starting with a quick look at the closing numbers across North America and Europe.
U.S. stocks declined on Wednesday, as Wall Street digested comments from U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen.
Yellen expressed her confidence in the U.S. economy on Wednesday, saying that she was "looking forward" to an interest rate hike.
Analysts believe the speech can be seen as a sign that she is ready to raise interest rates later this month.
U.S. private sector employment increased by 217-thousand jobs from October to November, beating market estimates.
Meanwhile, the U.S. dollar increased against most major currencies on Wednesday.
At the closing bell,Dow Jones fell 0.9 percent.
S&P 500 dropped 1.1 percent.
The Nasdaq moved down 0.6 percent.
In Europe, equities ended mixed.
At the closing bell,The UK's FTSE 100 was up 0.4 percent.
Germany's DAX decreased 0.6 percent.
France's CAC 40 lost 0.2 percent.
Shopping Spree Continues in China on Black FridayAnchorAfter the Double 11 shopping event, Chinese consumers continued the spending spree on Black Friday last month.
The latest stats from payment platform Alipay show that the number of Chinese shopping overseas increased seven-fold compared to last year.
People from second and third tier cities became the new force in online overseas shopping, though consumers in big cities like Shanghai and Beijing continued to lead.
60 percent of the users on e-commerce platform Yangmatou experienced their first overseas shopping on Black Friday.
Shoppers from Tibet spent 200 US dollars each, on average, surprisingly overtaking their peers in many other Chinese cities.
Overall, the focus on Black Friday appeared to be on brand-name bags, maternal clothing, and child health care products.
For more on the Black Friday sales in China, we are now joined live on the line with Cao Can, CRI's Financial Commentator.
1.It seems Black Friday has is gaining popularity in China. Why are so many Chinese consumers shopping overseas?
2.With so many items being shipped across borders, what issues do you anticipate to arise in terms of logistics?
3.How do China's Black Friday numbers compare to those in the United States?
Back Anchor:
That was Cao Can, CRI's Financial Commentator.
S. Africa cooperates with China in manufacturing to boost its re-industrializationSouth Africa has been increasing cooperation with China in the manufacturing sector to boost the country's re-industrialization.
Transnet Engineering, a division of the South African National Railway Company, has bought over 350 electric locomotives from the China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation.
Transnet CEO Thamsanqa Jiyane says that the production line is being run by a team including workers from both sides.
"They're planning together, and it's been a very huge success from a skill's transfer point of view. And we believe that there is technological transfer that will go with it as we start now maintaining those locomotives. They're all in operation."Under the agreement, the first batch of 40 locomotives have been designed and manufactured in China, while key components of the remaining locomotives would be manufactured in South Africa.
Transnet and CRRC are now discussing the formation of a joint venture to introduce China's high-speed railway in South Africa.
China to cut pollutant discharge at power plants by 60 pctChinese authorities are telling the operators of coal-fired power plants to upgrade, with a goal of cutting pollutant discharge by 60 percent before 2020.
The move is expected to save 100 million tons of raw coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 180 million tons annually.
Meantime, the country aims to cut total coal consumption to below 65 percent primary energy use by 2017.
Chinese automaker Geely wades into ride-hailing servicesChinese automaker Geely is planning for its own app to join the scramble in the ride-on-demand services market.
The Hangzhou-based auto firm has set up a new firm to develop a ride-hailing app.
The app is currently on a trial run in the eastern city Ningbo.
It will soon expand to Shanghai, Hangzhou and Kunming.
Unlike competitors Didi and Uber, which use private cars, Geely is planning a fleet of its own vehicles.
The Chinese automaker is aiming for the high-end of the ride-on-demand market in first and second tier cities next year.
SportsCBA fines Beijing and Shanxi teamsAnd in some CBA news:
The Chinese Basketball Association handed out the heaviest fine of the season to Shanxi, a former club of NBA star Stephon Marlbury.
Shanxi was fined 170,000 yuan for its alleged role in instigating crowd trouble during a Nov. 29th CBA league match with three-time champion Beijing, which has been spearheaded by Marlbury for five seasons.
The CBA also slapped a 40,000 yuan fine on Beijing for "responding with verbal abuse".
Beijing's substitute Yin Tianren and one of Marlbury's personal trainers were suspended one game for "yelling obscenities back to the crowd and rival players."Last time the two sides had altercations was in a 2012 semifinal game in Shanxi, which was interrupted after fans threw water bottles and other debris onto the court during the final minutes.
Lebron James pays tribute to Lakers legend Kobe BryantIn some NBA related news:
Basketball star Lebron James paid tribute to retiring legend, Kobe Bryant, on Tuesday during a press event.
The two star athletes are known to be fierce rivals as well as friends.
While talking to the Press, Lebron spoke about how Kobe has influenced him.
"I wanted to be just like him. I always said my inspiration came from (Michael) Jordan, but I thought Jordan was so out of this world that I could never get there and Kobe (Bryant) was someone that I always wanted to be like and play like. And then just being a competitor, he took me to that next level - just knowing how important that competitiveness is and just never say die."The Lakers Legend has spent his entire 20 year NBA career with the Los Angeles Lakers and is currently the highest paid player in the sport, making 25 million a year.
Bryant has recently announced his retirement which will be at the end of the 2015 basketball season.
Former player Jiang Jin released from prisonIn some football related news:
China's 2002 World Cup goalkeeper Jiang Jin served out a 57-month sentence and was released on Tuesday.
Jiang guarded the Chinese goal for the country's only appearance at the World Cup finals.
The former footballer was sentenced to 66 months in 2012 after he was convicted of taking bribes for fixing games in the 2003 Chinese league.
Due to his good behavior, Jiang's sentence was reduced by eight months.
Football's Xavi is awarded Spain's "Marca Leyenda"In some Euro football news:
Renowned football player Xavier Creus also-known-as Xavi, was given the 'Marca Leyenda' award from Spain's manager, Vicente Del Bosque, on Wednesday.
The award is given by the respected Spanish Newspaper "Marca" to athletes around the world who have become legends in thier sport.
During the award ceremony, Vicente Del Bosque, spoke a few words to fans about what's next for Spain's national team.
"We will shortly in the upcoming summer be in the European Championships in France which we are going to as the champions. But it will still be really hard to defend as in the last few years the international game has become very difficult. There are some very difficult rivals. England, France, Belgium. Holland or Italy could have won the last World Cup. But, for ourselves, we can hope to the champions of Europe."One of the most decorated footballers of all time, Xavi, used to be one of Bosque's star players.
The award ceremony took place in Doha. Qatar, where Xavi is currently playing for the Al Sadd club team.
IAAF President strongly opposes future dopingIn International Sports newsWorld athletics president Sebastian Coe refused to apologies on Wednesday for describing allegations of blood doping in his embattled sport as a "declaration of war".
President of the International Association of Athletics Federations, Coe, made the remark in August after the Sunday Times and German broadcaster ARD claimed to have unearthed evidence of hundreds of suspicious blood samples.
An independent commission of the World Anti-doping Agency (WADA) subsequently published evidence of state-supported doping by Russian athletes and a second WADA report is looking into allegations the IAAF covered up positive tests.
During Wednesday's press conference, Coe stressed that he is concerned and motivated to bring "trust" back to international sports.
"I want a sport that people can again trust. I can put these systems in place because I will and I know how to do it. The issue actually over the longer haul, which I recognise, is probably the most challenging, is returning trust to the sport is going to be a longer journey, it will probably see out my mandate.
Prior to his affiliation with the IAAF, Coe was the first ethics commission chairman for the world football's governing body FIFA.
The athletics President would go on to state that he is prepared to double the anti-doping budget of the IAAF, if that what it takes.
The current budget sits at 4 millionThe Hero World Challenge sees its first Indian-born playerAnd in Golf:
India's Anirban Lahiri will become the first Indian-born golfer to compete in the sport's prestigious Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas.
The first drives are set kick-off on the 3rd, as Lahiri will be paired with defending champion Jordan Speith in the 18 man tournament.
On Tuesday, the professional Indian golfer spoke about his feelings coming into the challenge.
"Did I think I'd be here? Probably not. But it's obviously been there at the back of my mind. I've always believed I could compete with the best players in the world. And it's nice to see how my game has progressed, how my belief has progressed and it's great to be here. Hopefully I can be a part of this great event many more times in the future."Lahiri has also been the first player to represent India in the Presidents Cup.
The star golfer has been known to make headlines after winning two world-wide tournaments.
Entertainment"Kung Fu Panda 3" Promotional MV ReleasedThe upcoming 3D animated action comedy "Kung Fu Panda 3" officially released a promotional music video called "Deep" on Wednesday.
Lu Han, one of the hottest singers in China, sings the theme song and tries to combine Kung Fu with dance.
The music video is directed by Raman Hui, who is the director of the Academy Award winning film "Shrek the Third" and China's biggest grossing film "Monster Hunt." It is the first time for him to direct a music video.
As the third installment in the Kung Fu Panda franchise, the film tells a new story about the main character's individual growth.
Judging by the trailer released early in June, Po's long-lost panda father suddenly reappears, the reunited duo travels to a secret panda paradise to meet scores of hilarious new panda characters. But when the supernatural villain Kai begins to sweep across China defeating all the Kung Fu masters, Po must do the impossible – learn to train a village full of his fun-loving, clumsy brethren to become the ultimate band of Kung Fun Pandas.
The English version of the film features the voices of Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu and so on. In the Chinese version, Huang Lei, Yang Mi and Jay Chou provide voices.
It is scheduled to release in China and the United States on January 29th.
EXO and BIGBANG win big at the 2015 Mnet Asian Music AwardsIt was the battle of the boybands at this year's Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) which took centerstage in Hong Kong on Wednesday.
South Korean boyband EXO and BIGBANG each grabbed 4 awards and became the big winners of the night.
EXO took home Album of the Year, Best Male Group, Best Asian Style, and Global Fans Choice for Male artists, while BIGBANG was crowned Artist of the Year, Worldwide Favorite Artist, Song of the Year, and Best Music Video.
BIGBANG member T.O.P was so ecstatic, he tried to say thank you in every language he knows. Fellow bandmate Taeyang was able to articulate what the awards means to the band"We received many great awards this year with great support from our fans. For us, MAMA has always been like a finale. We are truly thankful for the awards we won today. We will continue to do our best."Taiwan singer Jolin Tsai won the Best Asian Artist. Best Male Artist went to Park Jin-young. Kim Taeyeon, leader of South Korean girlband Girls' Generation, was crowned the Best Female Artist.
"First of all, I would like to thank all of the people who like my solo album 'I'. Thank you, Mr. Lee Su-man, for giving me the opportunity to sing on the stage in the first place. All the staff in the S.M. Entertainment family, and my lovely members from Girls' Generation, and all my fans, thank you all for supporting me unconditionally."Produced by a music television channel in South Korea, MAMA began as a music festival, and later on, evolved into a music show. The winners are chosen by a panel of industry experts while some categories are voted on by fans online. The organizers have taken MAMA to different Asian cities such as Macau, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
"War for the Planet of the Apes" director Matt Reeves to produce a new filmMatt Reeves last helmed "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" and is now in the middle of shooting "War for the Planet of the Apes," but his next project could finally get him away from those apes.
Reeves is producing the thriller "Spring Offensive," with an eye toward possibly directing once his Ape-related commitments are done.
Plot details on "Spring Offensive" are being kept under wraps, though it's described in very vague terms as "a smart female-driven political thriller."Reeves isn't locked in to direct "Spring Offensive" quite yet, but it's envisioned as a potential directing vehicle for him.
Reeves will have to finish "War for the Planet of the Apes." Shooting is already underway for release on July 14, 2017, with Andy Serkis returning as Caesar and Woody Harrelson playing the new human villain. Reeves' "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" grossed $710 million worldwide and earned critical raves besides, so expectations for the sequel are sky-high.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
At least 14 deaths have been reported after a shooting spree in southern California...
China agrees to provide billions in loans and other help to build infrastructure in South Africa...
The UN Nuclear agency says there is no evidence after 2009 that Iran has attempted to build nuclear bombs...
In Business...the Black Friday sales event grows in popularity in China...
On behalf of the rest of the Beijing Hour team, Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.  
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