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   Jane Eyre,中文译名为《简爱》,是世界上最伟大的经典小说之一,它由英国著名女作家夏洛蒂•勃朗特编著而成。故事发生在19世纪中叶的英国乡村。主人公简•爱是一个孤儿,从寄养在舅父家到生活在寄宿学校,受尽人间的不平与凌辱。她孤独忧郁,追求平等使她充满反抗精神和奋发意志。为了追求独立、自由的生活,她自登广告应聘到桑菲尔德庄园当家庭教师,并与比她年龄大20岁的主人罗切斯特产生了真挚的爱情。。。。。。




  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 01 PART ONE - LIFE AT GATESHEAD CHAPTER ONE The Fight We couldn't go outside at all on that cold, [-----1-----] afternoon.The rain was pouring down, and the wind was blowing hard.I didn't care, I was happy to stay indoors.Trying to take long walks in t
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 02 PART ONE - LIFE AT GATESHEAD CHAPTER ONE The Fight No,I'm sorry, Jane, she said,looking at me as if I was a rat on the floor. Until I know that you are really trying to be good and quiet, I will not treat you like one of my children.They are good! W
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 03 PART ONE - LIFE AT GATESHEAD CHAPTER ONE The Fight Suddenly the door opened. John Reed ran in. Where are you, your little rat? he said. He did not see my hiding place. Eliza! Georgy! I Jane is not here! Tell Mamma she's gone outside - what a bad gir
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 04 PART ONE - LIFE AT GATESHEAD CHAPTER ONE The Fight John did not love his mother or his sisters, and he hated me. He was always cruel to me. Sometimes he hit me, and sometimes he just [-----1-----] me. But I was always afraid when he was near. I did
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 05 PART ONE - LIFE AT GATESHEAD CHAPTER ONE The Fight It hit me and I fell, cutting my head on the door. I was in great pain, and suddenly for the first time in my life, I was so angry that forgot my fear of John Reed. You [-----1-----], cruel boy! I s
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 06 PART ONE - LIFE AT GATESHEAD CHAPTER ONE The Fight As soon as we arrived in the red room, I became quiet again. I knew that it was a mistake to fight John. The servants looked at me angrily. Really, Miss Eyre, said Bessie, how could you hit him? He'
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 07 PART ONE - LIFE AT GATESHEAD CHAPTER ONE The Fight The red room was a cold, silent room. It was the largest bedroom in the house, but no one slept in it. Nine years ago my uncle, Mr. Reed, had died in this room. Since then no one wanted to go into t
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 08 PART ONE - LIFE AT GATESHEAD CHAPTER ONE The Fight As I sat there in the dark, I began to think strange things. If Mr. Reed had lived, maybe he would have been nice to me. As I looked around the dark, quiet room, I was afraid that mr. Reed's ghost m
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 09 PART TWO - GOING TO SCHOOL CHAPTER TWO Going to School? When I woke up, a doctor was carrying me to my own bedroom. It was good to be back in my room, which had a warm fire and candlelight. I was also happy to se Dr. Lloyd, who was a very kind man.
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 10 PART TWO - GOING TO SCHOOL? CHAPTER TWO Going to School? When the doctor came again, he was surprised to see me looking so miserable. Perhaps she's crying because she could not go out with Mrs. Reed this morning, [-----1-----] Bessie. I think Miss J
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 11 PART TWO - GOING TO SCHOOL? CHAPTER TWO Going to School? Later, the servants told me that the doctor had spoken to Mrs. Reed about me. Mrs. Reed had agreed that I should go away to school, Mrs. Reed's servant, Mrs. Abbott, said Mrs. Reed would be ha
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 12 PART TWO - GOING TO SCHOOL? CHAPTER TWO Going to School? One morning in the middle of January, Bessie told me a visitor wanted to see me. Who could it be? When I entered the breakfast-room I saw a tall, thin man dressed all in black. He had a cold f
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 13 PART TWO - GOING TO SCHOOL? CHAPTER TWO Going to School? I tried to please Mrs. Reed, but she always believed I was bad, when it was her children who were the terrible ones. She always thought the worst of me. It was not surprising that I hated her.
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 14 PART TWO - THE SCHOOLGIRL CHAPTER THREE My First Impressions of School Finally, in the middle of January, I left Gateshead for Lowood School. Bessie helped me to get ready, even though I had to get up very early to leave. Will you say good-bye to Mr
  • 听名著练听力之简爱篇 15 PART TWO - THE SCHOOLGIRL CHAPTER THREE My First Impressions of School Finally, in the middle of January, I left Gateshead for Lowood School. Bessie helped me to get ready, even though I had to get up very early to leave. Will you say good-bye to Mr