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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>新东方英语--王强口语>王强口语 第三册>
  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 1A


  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 1B

    Female Announcer: __________________ paying for a ______________? Here's John Yakuvelli of the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority with _________ _______ for you. John: One of ___________________________________, Kiplingers, ____...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 2A

    Caller: A couple of years ago, I forgot _____________________________, and there was about ______________ in it. I went home, put the groceries away, ____________________, went Christmas shopping in another store, totally not even realizing my purse...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 2B

    Caller: I'm _____________. I have good _____ generally but I've _________________________ , um, puffiness, and some, uh, fine _____ around my eyes and I'm _____ to ____________________. Tell me __________________, _________________. Guest: That's pro...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 3A

    Guest: Well,_______ is really just a, um, _______________________________. And to ___________ all you need is a _______ and a _____and you can ______________________that has gone on the Internet anywhere in the world. And it has wonderful, wonderful...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 3B

    Announcer: Today on our show __________ who did not know they could use the _______ to _____________________ through Western Union. Doctor, do you _____________ talking about it? Doctor: No, I don't. Announcer: As I remember your mother needed money...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 4A

    Presenter: _________today __________ need parents ______________________________, Bob. They need parents who are ________ who _____ what's going on _________________________. Bob: You know, recently ________________________ that has been ________ to...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 4B

    Announcer: _________________________________. Woman: Hello? Fay's Family Restaurant? Announcer: And _______________________ a way to ____ in more customers. Do you a) _________ your restaurant in a Yellow Pages that _______ only __________ of your ma...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 5A

    Presenter: You don't really think, if you look in your __________, to what the ___________ is going to be in a number of years - you don't see the __________________________ and everybody ______ all their foods ______? Woman Expert: I don't. In fact,...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 5B

    Announcer1: Coming soon,________________________________. A story about _____, a story about _______, a story about... Announcer 2: Not having to __________________ to see a lot of great movies. It's about Concast Digital Cable, a ___________________...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 6A

    Presenter: _________________, Congress ________________ that said, ___________________ right? And then the court _________ and said, no this is _____ and ever since then, _______________________________, does the government ____________ in this? Your...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 6B

    Announcer: If you don't have caller ID from Sprint, it's kinda like _____________________ you really don't want there. Man: Look, I really don't want...oh, Uncle Buzz. Uncle: Elliot! Give Buzzy a big ___! Come over here! What's for dinner, __________...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 7A

    Judy: Hi Chris. Chris: Hi, I __________ in North Jersey Burgon County, Essex County... Judy: Right. Chris: And I never saw people who ______ outside of stores. I don't know it was time or they just didn't do it there. I moved to Mamas in Ocean County...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 7B

    Jane: Hello? Mary: Hi Jane? It's Mary, how are you? Jane: Good. Can you believe ______________ already? Mary: I know. Have you and Dan ________________ the weekend yet? Jane: Yeah, we're taking the kids to English Town Auction. Mary: English Town Auc...

  • 王强口语 第三册 Listening Comprehention 8A

    Caller: At my _________________ on Saturday morning, they have little girls ___________________________, with a ____ where you're supposed to _____ at least a dollar and my beef is that it is not even from a school, it's a _____... Judy: Somebody els...
