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新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册 unit01 b

时间:2010-12-17 05:50来源:互联网 提供网友:wokan222   字体: [ ]

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  |@|<1>community |n.|1. [C] a group of people who have the same interests, religion, race, etc. |团体;界
  ||        ||There are four ways you can help provide this important service to our academic community. |你可以通过四种方式协助向我们学会提供这项重要服务。
  ||        ||According to Mr. Ellison, business online will quickly evolve into a Web-based business community. |艾立森先生认为,网上交易会很快演变为基于网络的商务社团。
  ||        ||2. [C] the people who live in the same area, town, etc. |社区居民;社区
  ||        ||The murder has shocked the local community who never expected such a thing to happen in their small town. |这桩凶杀案让当地居民很震惊, 他们谁都没想到在这小镇上会发生这样的事。
  ||        ||They made regulations to better manage the community. |他们确立规章制度,以更好地管理社区。
  |@|<2>expand|v.|make or become larger in size, number, or amount |(使)变大;(使)扩张;(使)膨胀
  ||        ||Ever since he started school, he has tried to expand his mind with new information. |从开始上学起,他就想用新知识充实头脑。
  ||        ||Pepsi has aggressive plans to expand overseas. |百事可乐雄心勃勃,计划拓展海外市场。
  |@|<3>aware       |a.|having knowledge or understanding |意识到的;知道的
  ||        ||New babies are sometimes not aware of other people. |新生儿有时意识不到他人的存在。
  ||        ||We were not aware of the rain until we went outside. |直到我们走出门才意识到下雨了。
  |@|<4>unique|a.|1. unusually good and special |极不寻常的,极好的
  ||        ||We have developed a unique method for preparing beef. |我们发明了一种加工牛肉的好方法。
  ||        ||The exhibition provided a unique opportunity to see the artist's work. |这次展览是一次欣赏该艺术家作品的好机会。
  ||        ||2. being the only one of its type |唯一的,独特的,独一无二的
  ||        ||The music is unique to that country. |这是那个国家特有的音乐。
  ||        ||Each person's fingerprints are unique. |每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。
  |@|<5>ideal|a.|1. the best or most suitable that sth. could possibly be |最好的;理想的
  ||        ||An ideal place for a home would be near a park. |理想的家居应靠近公园。
  ||        ||I'm afraid the working conditions here are far from ideal. |恐怕这里的工作条件不够理想。
  ||        ||2. as good as one can imagine, but not likely to be real |想象的;理想化的
  ||        ||The ideal design would never be put into practice. |脱离实际的设计永远不会付诸实施。
  ||        ||Plato dreamed of an ideal society. |柏拉图梦想有一个理想社会。
  ||<6>forum|n.|[C] a place where people publicly discuss sth. |论坛;讨论会
  ||        ||The association began as a forum for sharing ideas about management problems. |那个协会开始时是个论坛,交流关于管理方面的问题。
  ||        ||It also provided a forum for the latest research results. |它还为最新研究成果提供了一个论坛。
  |@|<7>remove|vt.|1. get rid of sth. so that it does not exist any longer|消除
  ||        ||I can't remove this stain from the carpet.  |我去不掉地毯上的污渍。
  ||        ||It would be best for the government to remove, rather than reduce, the tax burden placed on poor farmers. |最好是由政府免除贫困农民的缴税负担, 而不是减轻负担。
  ||        ||2. take sth. away from the place where it is |移开,挪走
  ||        ||Tom paused to remove his sunglasses. |汤姆略作停顿,取下了太阳镜。
  ||        ||Remove the pot from the heat and allow it to cool. |把罐子从火上拿开,使其冷却。
  ||<8>visual|a.|relating to seeing |视觉的
  ||        ||Children learn to read by understanding visual symbols.  |儿童是通过理解视觉符号来学会阅读的。
  ||        ||Even if you don't buy anything, shopping is enjoyable for the visual experience alone. |你就是不买东西,逛逛商场也大饱眼福。
  |@|<9>barrier     |n.|[C] sth. that prevents sb. from doing sth., or limits what they can do |障碍
  ||        ||Dance is an entertainment without a language barrier. |舞蹈是一种没有语言障碍的娱乐形式。
  ||        ||A lack of education is a barrier to a good job. |受教育程度不够是找好工作的一大障碍。
  |@|<10>hinder|vt.|make it difficult for sb. to do sth., or for sth. to develop |阻碍,妨碍,阻止
  ||        ||The high cost of the vaccine has severely hindered its use. |疫苗价格昂贵严重影响了它的使用。
  ||        ||The project has been somewhat hindered by financial restraints and much remains to be done. |项目在一定程度上受到资金限制,许多事仍然没做。
  |@|<11>addition   |n.|1. [U] the act of adding sth. to sth. else |添加
  ||        ||The addition of more meat into my diet has caused me to gain weight. |在饮食中添加肉食使我体重增加。
  ||        ||In 1987, the house was rebuilt with the addition of a second floor. |1987年房子翻修了一次,增加了一个楼层。
  ||        ||2. [C] sth. that is added to sth. else |增加物
  ||        ||A bottle of wine would make a pleasant addition to the meal. |这顿饭要再有一瓶葡萄酒可就锦上添花了。
  ||        ||Additions are made to the name list from time to time. |那份名单在不断进行补充。
  |@|<12>reflect    |v.|1. think quietly and deeply |深思,考虑,反省
  ||        ||Things were very different before the war, he reflected.  |他想,战前的局势真是大不一样。
  ||        ||She reflected for a moment and then decided to change her mind about getting married at such a young age. |她考虑了一阵子,最后决定改变主意, 不那么年轻就结婚。
  ||        ||2. show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling |反映, 体现
  ||        ||After listening to her friends, she believed that their anger did not reflect their real attitudes. |听了朋友的话后, 她相信他们生气并不说明他们的真正态度。
  ||        ||His ideas reflected the influence of his family background.  |他的想法反映了家庭背景的影响。
  |@|<13>environment|n.|[C, U] the physical and social conditions in which people live |环境;周边状况;自然环境
  ||        ||Do girls learn better in an all-female environment? |女孩在纯女性的环境下学习状况是否会更好呢?
  ||        ||It's not a very safe environment for children there. |儿童处在那样的环境下不太安全。
  |@|<14>critical   |a.|1. very important |极为重要的,关键性的
  ||        ||His help is critical to our success. |他的帮助对我们的成功非常关键。
  ||        ||Practice is a critical factor in learning a language. |练习是学习一门语言的关键因素。
  ||        ||2. giving a careful judgment of the qualities of sth. |评论的
  ||        ||His assignment was to write a 20-page critical review of Jane Austin. |他的作业是写一篇20页的文章评论简·奥斯汀。
  ||        ||He made a critical analysis of the event. |他对这一事件作了评论性的分析。
  |@|<15>perspective|n.|[C] a way of thinking about sth. |视角;观点
  ||        ||Lawyers and economists often approach problems from different perspectives. |律师与经济学家看待问题的角度往往是不同的。
  ||        ||We must look at the problem in the right perspective if we are to make positive change in the way we do things. |如果要积极地改变我们做事的办法, 必须以正确的眼光看待这个问题。
  ||<16>peer|n.|[C] a person of the same age, class, or position |同龄人;同等地位的人
  ||        ||The boy was popular with his peers. |那个男孩很受同龄人的欢迎。
  ||        ||American children did not do as well in math as their peers in China. |美国儿童在数学方面的表现不如中国儿童。
  |@|<17>instruct   |vt.|1. teach sb. sth., or show them how to do sth. |教育,指导
  ||        ||Without anyone to instruct me on values, I learned the difference between right and wrong by myself. |没有人教,我自己就学会了判断价值的正误。
  ||        ||He was sent to instruct the workers in operating the new machine. |他被派去教工人们操作新机器 。
  ||        ||2. officially tell sb. what to do |指示,命令;通知
  ||        ||Tourists are instructed not to take pictures inside the building. |游客被告知楼内禁止拍照。
  ||        ||The manager instructed his secretary to cancel all his appointments. |经理要秘书取消他所有的预约。
  ||<18> <em>instructor</em> |n.|[C] a teacher |教师;指导者
  ||        ||He worked as a dance instructor in London. |他在伦敦担任舞蹈教师。
  ||        ||Teaching methods and techniques may vary by instructors. |教授方法和技巧因教师而异。
  |@|<19>arise|vi.|(arose, arisen) |
  ||||1. come into being; appear; happen|出现;发生
  ||        ||What can teachers do when legal problems arise? |如果出现法律问题,老师们能做些什么呢?
  ||        ||All staff members are expected to work overtime, if the need arises.  |如果有需要,全体员工都要加班工作。
  ||        ||2. (from) come from |(由...)引起,(由...)产生
  ||        ||Errors and mistakes often arise from poor judgment.  |差错与过失往往来自于判断失误。
  ||        ||The civil war arose from the social injustices present in the country. |内战的爆发是因为该国存在社会不公现象。
  |@|<20>absolute|a.|complete or total|完全的;十足的
  ||        ||There was absolute certainty in his voice and no doubt about the actions he should take next. |他的口气绝对的肯定, 下一步怎么办是不容置疑的。
  ||        ||He has absolute confidence in what was about to happen.|他对即将发生的事完全有信心。
  ||<21> <em>absolutely</em> |ad.|completely and in every way|完全地;十足地
  ||        ||This statement should be absolutely clear in the minds of everyone concerned and should not be misunderstood under any circumstances. |所有相关人员必须对该声明做到心中完全有数, 在任何情况下都不允许曲解。
  ||        ||The work of the sales team was absolutely critical to the mission of the company. |销售组的工作对完成公司的任务至关重要。
  |@|<22>explicit   |a.|expressed in a clear and direct way |清楚的;直截了当的
  ||        ||He's not being very explicit about his plans, is he? |他对他的计划有意含糊其辞,是吗?
  ||        ||Mr. Smith left explicit instructions that he wasn't to be disturbed. |史密斯先生明确指示不允许任何人打扰他。
  |@|<23>comment|n.|[C] an opinion about sb. or sth. |意见;评论
  ||        ||The author gives useful comment on many of the ideas discussed. |作者对于许多议题都给予了有用的意见。
  ||        ||He was new to the team and wasn't sure whether or not he should give his comments on their direction. |他是新来的,不知道是否应该对他们的指示发表意见。
  ||        |vi.|express an opinion about sb. or sth. |评论
  ||        ||Officials for those companies refused to comment on this issue. |负责那些公司事务的官员拒绝对此事发表评论。
  ||        ||I am in no position to comment on the matter. |我无权对此事发表评论。
  |@|<24>reinforce  | vt.|make sth. stronger |强化;加固
  ||        ||Cultural and family values often reinforce traditional beliefs. |文化和家庭价值观往往强化传统信仰。
  ||        ||When the wall began to fall apart, it became clear that somebody should reinforce it with new materials. |大墙开始倒塌,显然要用新材料来加固。
  ||<25>requirement|n.|sth. that is needed or necessary |要求;要求的东西
  ||        ||I knew that concentration was the first requirement for learning. |我知道专心致志是学习的首要条件。
  ||        ||The faculty agreed on a change in the requirements. |系里同意对要求进行修改。
  |@|<26>likely|ad.|probably |可能地
  ||        ||He very likely does not understand the nature of the risk that he describes. |他很有可能并不理解自己所谈的风险的实质。
  ||        ||Profit will most likely have risen by about $25 million. |利润极有可能要增加2,500万美元左右。
  ||        |a.|probably going to happen, or probably true |可能的;有希望的
  ||        ||It is likely that investors will face losses. |投资者有可能受到损失。
  ||        ||An unsuitable bed is the most likely cause of back trouble. |背部的不适极有可能是因为床铺选用不当。
  |@|<27>commit|vt.|1. decide to use for a particular purpose |使用;用于
  ||        ||They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poor nations. |他们呼吁西方国家向贫穷国家投入更多资金。
  ||        ||A lot of money and time has been committed to this project.| 大量资金和时间都已投入到该项目。
  ||        ||2. do sth. wrong or illegal |犯(错误、罪行等);干(蠢事、坏事等)
  ||        ||The crime had been committed in cold blood. |这宗犯罪真是残酷。
  ||        ||He said this was the worst mistake that he had ever committed. |他说这是他犯的最大的错误。
  |★|<28>assimilate |vt.|take in new ideas, information, etc.| 吸收,理解,掌握
  ||        ||It will take time to assimilate all these new ideas. |消化吸收这些新想法需要时间。
  ||        ||The person we are looking for must be flexible, creative, and able to assimilate new ideas. |我们在物色的人必须能随机应变,有创造力,能吸收新想法。
  |@|<29>provide    |vt. |give sth. to sb. or make sth. available to sb. |提供
  ||        ||New Horizon College English provides a new way of learning English and its Web site is definitely worth visiting. | 新视野大学英语教材为英语学习提供了新模式,其网站无疑值得访问。
  ||        ||The money will be used to provide the school with new computer equipment.  |这笔资金将用于为学校添置新的计算机设备。
  |@|<30>input|n.|[U] information or some other kinds of resources that are put in/into |输入;投入
  ||        ||Any information that you put into a computer is taken as input. |输进计算机的任何信息均被视为输入。
  ||        ||Almost everyone involved had some input into what went wrong, so they should all share the blame. |几乎所有人都参与了,所以都要对出现的错误承担一定责任。
  |@|<31>essential  |a. |completely necessary |必不可少的,非常重要的
  ||        ||It is essential to remember every detail. |记住每个细节非常重要。
  ||        ||Summarize your essential points on one page. |把你的要点总结在一张纸上。
  ||        |n.|[C] (usu. pl.) sth. necessary |要素;要点
  ||        ||the essentials of English grammar |英语语法要点
  ||        ||Details may hide the essentials. |细节会使要点难以辨认。
  |@|<32>challenge  |vt.|1. question the rightness of sth. |质疑,对...表示怀疑
  ||        ||They challenged the authority of what he said. |他们对其发言的权威性提出了质疑。
  ||        ||Six states have challenged the law in federal court. |有六个州已就该法律向联邦法院提出质疑。
  ||        ||2. invite sb. to compete against oneself |向...挑战
  ||        ||To prove that he was faster than his friend, John challenged him to a race. |为了证明他比他的朋友跑得快,约翰提出与他赛跑。
  ||        ||Growing forces of opposition are challenging this government. |反对派力量不断增长,对这届政府正形成威胁。
  ||        |n.|[C, U] sth. that needs a lot of skill, effort and determination to achieve |挑战,考验
  ||        ||I like the challenge of learning new things. |我喜欢了解新事物要面临的挑战。
  ||        ||You may find your first couple of months on the job quite a challenge. |在工作的头几个月,你会感到巨大的挑战。
  ||<33>normally   |ad.|in the usual way or to the usual degree |通常;正常地
  ||        ||The museum isn't normally as crowded as this. |博物馆通常不像这样拥挤。
  ||        ||Although they normally work a 40-hour week, much overtime is often required. |尽管他们一般一周工作40小时,还是常常被要求加班。
  |@|<34>sequence   |n.|1. [C, U] a series of related events, actions, etc. that happen or are done in a particular order |连续;一连串
  ||        ||a sequence of good news |一连串的好消息
  ||        ||the sequence of events leading to the war |导致战争的一连串事件
  ||        ||2. [C, U] the order that sth. happens or exists in |次序,顺序
  ||        ||The chairs are numbered in sequence. |椅子按顺序编号。
  ||        ||The numbers are out of sequence. |这些号码顺序乱了。
  ||<35> <em>sequential</em> |a.|connected with or happening in a particular order |连续的
  ||        ||The numbers are arranged in sequential order. |这些号码是按顺序排列的。
  ||        ||It's not sequential; it's more like a web. |这不是连续的,而更像一个网络。
  |@|<36>vital|a.|1. very important |极其重要的
  ||        ||His evidence was vital to the defense case. |他的证词对辩护案件极其重要。
  ||        ||In this job, the ability to remain calm is vital. |在这个工作岗位上,保持镇静的能力非常重要。
  ||        ||2. full of life and force |有生命的,充满生机的
  ||        ||He is a strong, vital man. |他是一个身体强壮、充满活力的人。
  ||        ||The music sounds fresh and vital.  |这种音乐听起来清新且富有活力。
  |@|<37>personally|ad.|by oneself |亲自
  ||        ||The President wrote to us personally to thank us for our hard work. |总统亲自写信给我们,感谢我们所付出的艰辛劳动。
  ||        ||The teacher wants to talk to you personally. |老师想亲自和你谈谈。
  |@|<38>effective|a.|1. producing the desired result |有效的,起作用的
  ||        ||Effective communication is vital in problem solving. |有效沟通对解决问题十分重要。
  ||        ||The advertisement was simple but remarkably effective. |广告虽然简单,但效果却非常显著。
  ||        ||2. being put into practice |生效的
  ||        ||The effective date of the agreement has been delayed to January 1 next year. |这个协议的生效日期推迟到了明年的1月1号。
  ||        ||The new law will be effective from April 16th. |这部新法律要从4月16号起生效。
  |@|<39>facilitate |vt.|make it easier for sth. to happen |使容易;有助
  ||        ||With modern technology, the process of communication is greatly facilitated. |有了现代化设备,交流的过程大大便利了。
  ||        ||Guests take advantage of local transportation in order to facilitate cultural exchanges. |旅客利用当地的运输系统促进文化交流。
  ||<40> <em>facilitator</em> |n.|[C] sb. who helps people do things effectively |促进者,推动者
  ||        ||The tutor is the facilitator of learning, while the learner is active. |家教固然能促进学习,学习者自身才起主动作用 。
  ||        ||I hope that we will continue to have the same facilitator as last semester; she was a lot of help. |我想继续聘用上学期的学习辅导员;她有很大帮助。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<41>play a role|1. do sth. and have an influence on it |起作用
  ||        |Online learning is playing a very important role in education. |网络学习在教育中起着重要的作用。
  ||        |Clearly there are many factors that play a role in the decision-making process. |显然,在决策的过程中,有许多因素在起作用。
  ||        |2. act a role in a play or film |扮演一个角色
  ||        |Many famous actors dreamed of playing the role of Hamlet. |很多著名的演员梦想着能够扮演哈姆雷特这一角色。
  ||<42>be/become aware of |know about a situation or a fact |认识到,知道,觉察到
  ||        |Are you aware of my coming? |你知道我要来吗?
  ||        |I was not aware that you had already heard of the news. |我不知道你们已经听说了这个消息。
  ||<43>in addition|what is more; moreover |另外,加之
  ||        |In addition, we usually spend a week of the first term in Paris. |此外,我们通常会在春季去巴黎呆上一周。
  ||        |In addition to the 40,000 students taking class on campus, the University has over 300 students on distance-learning. |除了在校的40,000名学生外,该校还有300多名远程学习的学生。
  ||<44>reflect on |think carefully about sth. |深思,考虑
  ||        |She sat reflecting on how much had changed since she'd bought the farm. |她坐在那里,想着自从自己买下农场后所发生的变化。
  ||        |He had time to reflect on his successes and failures.|他有时间对自己的成功和失败进行反思。
  ||<45>speak up   |1. say sth., esp. to express an opinion |说出意见或看法
  ||        |There was a brief silence, then he spoke up. |先是短暂的沉默;接着他发了言。
  ||        |If you never speak up, people will not know how you feel. |如果不把想法说出来,大家不会知道你是怎么想的。
  ||        |2. speak louder |大声说
  ||        |Could you speak up so I can hear you, please? |麻烦您声音大点好么?
  ||        |Speak up so grandma can hear you. |说大声点, 祖母才会听得到。
  ||<46>be finished with|complete the job that one was doing |做完,完成
  ||        |Aren't you finished with the wash up yet? |你还没把餐具洗完吗?
  ||        |When you are finished with the book, give it back to me. |书看完后就还给我吧。
  ||<47>allow for  |consider sth. when making a plan or decision |为...留出余地;考虑到
  ||        |We must start early to allow for troubles we might have in finding her house. |考虑到她的房子不好找,我们得早点出发。
  ||        |It will take you an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays. |把路上耽搁的时间算进去,你要用一个小时才能到车站。
  ||<48>on sb.'s part/on the part of sb. |done or experienced by sb. |某人所做的;就某人而言
  ||        |It was the mistake on my part. |这是我的错。
  ||        |There are still doubts on the part of the students. |这些学生仍然心存疑虑。
  ||<49>catch up (with) |improve and reach the same standard as other people |赶上,追上
  ||        |He is studying hard to catch up with his classmates. |他正努力学习以赶上其他同学。
  ||        |Run faster! They are catching up with us. |跑快点!他们快追上咱们了。
  ||<50>remind sb. of sth.|make sb. remember sth |使想起;提醒
  ||        |The photo always reminds me of college days. |这张相片总让我想起大学里的日子。
  ||        |She never forgets to remind her husband of his promises. |她从不忘记提醒丈夫他曾许下的诺言。

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