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新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第二册 Unit 3a

时间:2010-12-18 06:00来源:互联网 提供网友:wokan222   字体: [ ]

  <TITLE>New Words</TITLE>
  |@|<1>character|n.|1. [C] qualities that make sb. a particular type of person |性格,个性
  ||||What does her handwriting tell you about her character? |根据她写的字,你觉得她有什么样的性格?
  ||||I choose my friends for their good characters. |我择友的标准是品格一定要好。
  ||||2. [C] qualities that make sth. what it is and different from others |特点,特征
  ||||The whole character of the village has changed since I was last here. |自我上次来这里之后,这个村子的面貌完全变了。
  ||||The idea was to rebuild the house without changing its basic character. |计划是将那幢房子按原貌加以改建。
  |@|<2>compromise|n.|[C, U] an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first |妥协;折中
  ||||She found that compromise was always the best way when she quarreled with her mother. |她发现,与母亲争吵时让步总是最好的解决方法。
  ||||It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today's talk. |希望今天的会谈能达成妥协。
  |||v.|reach an agreement by making a compromise |妥协;折中
  ||||The workers are going to strike for their welfare if the employers are not ready to compromise. |雇主们要是不妥协,工人们就将为争取自己的福利而罢工。
  ||||Well, you want $400 and I say $300, so let's compromise at $350. |好吧,既然你开价400美元而我还价300美元,那我们就来个折衷价350美元。
  ||<3>involved|a.|taking part in an activity or event; connected with sth. |参与的;有关的
  ||||He became involved in a dispute. |他卷入了一场争论中。
  ||||We want all those who are interested to get involved. |我们想让所有感兴趣的人参与其中。
  ||<4>subtle |a.|not easy to notice or understand |微妙的,细微的
  ||||These two expressions only have a subtle difference in meaning. |这两个表达在语意上的差别很细微。
  ||||Her whole attitude had had a subtle change. |她的整个态度发生了微妙的变化。
  |@|<5>hatred      |n.|[U] a strong feeling of dislike for sb. or sth. |痛恨,憎恨
  ||||The reason for this shocking attack seemed to be racial hatred. |看来是种族仇恨引发了这起骇人听闻的袭击。
  ||||He looked at me with hatred. |他用憎恨的目光看着我。
  |@|<6>illusion|n.|[C] a false idea, belief or impression |幻觉;错觉
  ||||I have no illusions about my ability. |我知道自己能力有限。
  ||||We're left with few illusions about our partners. |我们对自己的同伴已不存在什么幻想。
  |@|<7>married|a.|having a husband or wife |已婚的
  ||||Please state whether you are single or married. |请说明你是单身还是已婚。
  ||||The number shows that two-thirds of married women earn less than their husbands. |这个数字显示,三分之二的已婚妇女的工资比她们的丈夫低。
  |@|<8>mutual|a. |1. felt or done in the same way by two or more people toward each other |相互的
  ||||The plan was ended by mutual agreement. |双方均同意终止这项计划。
  ||||Their working well together was based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding. |他们的合作是建立在互相尊重、信任和理解基础上的。
  ||||2. shared by two or more people |共同的;共有的
  ||||mutual interests |共同的利益
  ||||Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend. |林恩和菲尔是通过共同的朋友相识的。
  |@|<9>compatible|a.|1. (of people) able to have a good relationship because of similar opinions or interests |合得来的;情投意合的
  ||||The couple separated because they were not compatible. |这对夫妻因合不来而分手了。
  ||||Make sure you're compatible with him before you start sharing a house. |在你们合住之前你先要确定是否能和他和睦相处。
  ||||2. (of equipment) able to be used together |兼容的;配套的
  ||||The computer program isn't compatible with this operating system. |计算机程序与这套操作系统不兼容。
  ||||The printer is compatible with most computers. |这台打印机能与大多数计算机配套使用。
  |★|<10>incompatible |a.  |not compatible |合不来的;不兼容的
  ||||I have never seen such an incompatible couple. |我从未见过这么合不来的夫妻。
  ||||The anti-virus software is incompatible with my computer system. |这个杀毒软件和我的计算机系统不兼容。
  |@|<11>overlook|vt.|1. not notice sth. |没注意到;忽略
  ||||He overlooked a spelling mistake on the first page. |他没有注意到第一页上的一处拼写错误。
  ||||I overlooked this problem and have to deal with it now. |我之前忽视了这个问题,现在必须要着手解决它。
  ||||2. have a view of a place from above |俯视;眺望
  ||||Her bedroom has large windows overlooking a lake. |她卧室的几扇大窗户正对着湖面。
  ||||The beach house had a balcony that overlooked the sea. |从那幢海边别墅的阳台能眺望大海。
  |@|<12>expectation |n. |[C, U] the belief that sth. will happen |期待;预料
  ||||There's no expectation of snow tonight. |今晚不会下雪。
  ||||Considering the problems he's had, there can be little expectation of his winning the match. |考虑到他最近所遇到的问题,他在这场比赛中获胜是没有指望了。
  |@|<13>painful|a.|causing pain |痛苦的
  ||||It was so painful to see how weak she had become in just a few months. |几个月工夫她就变得如此虚弱,看了真让人心痛。
  ||||She remembered with painful clarity when she'd first met Mac. |她清晰地记得是什么时候第一次遇见了马克,心中感觉痛楚。
  |@|<14>divorce|n.|[C, U] the legal ending of a marriage |离婚
  ||||ask for a divorce |提出离婚
  ||||She got a divorce after years of unhappiness. |过了多年不愉快的生活后她终于获准离婚了。
  |||v.|end a marriage lawfully |离婚
  ||||It was such a shame when Martha and Jamie divorced. |玛莎和杰米离婚了,真是可惜!
  ||||The judge divorced Mr. and Mrs. Jones. |法官判琼斯夫妇离婚。
  ||<15>bud|vi.|produce buds |发芽,萌芽
  ||||The trees are budding early this year. |今年树木发芽早。
  ||||The unusually cold winter has caused many plants to bud late this year. |异常寒冷的冬天使今年许多植物都推迟了发芽。
  |||n.|[C] a part of a plant that will open to form a leaf or flower |芽;花蕾
  ||||The trees all around are covered in buds. |周围的树都发芽了。
  ||||Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May. |狂风会吹落五月的娇花嫩瓣。
  ||<16> <em>budding</em>|a.|just beginning |刚开始的
  ||||These two companies just have a budding relationship. |两公司之间的刚开始建立联系。
  ||||He was so sure of his plan that he overlooked the budding problem. |他对自己的计划充满了自信,结果忽视了正在萌发的问题。
  |@|<17>resistance|n.|1. [sing., U] refusal to accept sth. |抵制;反对
  ||||The idea met with some resistance. |那个意见遭到了一些反对。
  ||||There's a lot of resistance to the idea of a united Europe. |对欧洲统一的想法存在许多反对意见。
  ||||2. [sing., U] the use of force to act against sb. or sth. |抵抗;对抗
  ||||They put up a passive resistance. |他们进行着消极的抵抗。
  ||||A good diet helps the body to build up resistance to disease. |良好的日常饮食可增强身体的抗病能力。
  |★|<18>supportive|a.|helpful or encouraging |支持的;支援的
  ||||We often hear from the villagers that their family are supportive of their efforts. |我们常常听村民们说他们的家人十分支持他们的努力。
  ||||The banks had been immensely supportive in helping save the company. |几家银行对救助这家公司十分支持。
  |@|<19>grand|a.|1. (used in compounds) |表示“(亲戚关系)隔一代的”
  ||||grandchildren |(外) 孙子 (女)
  ||||grandparents |(外) 祖父母
  ||||2. splendid in appearance or style; impressive |壮丽的;宏伟的
  ||||A grand building marking the successful completion of the project adds to the attraction of the place. |纪念这个工程圆满完成的宏伟建筑物使这地方更具魅力。
  ||||The mansion was more than luxurious; it was grand. |那座大厦不仅仅是奢华,而是壮丽宏伟。
  ||<20> <em>grandchild</em> |n. |[C] a child of one's son or daughter|(外)孙;(外)孙女
  ||||Most of the money is put into a fund for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. |她的大部分钱被投入了一个为她孙儿女和曾孙儿女设立的基金里。
  ||||Nowadays my grandchildren come here for the family festival. |现在我的孙儿女们在家庭团聚日来这儿。
  ||<21>congratulation |n.    |(~s) an expression used when one wants to congratulate sb. |祝贺;道喜
  ||||I gave him my congratulations on his success. |我祝贺他的成功。
  ||||Do pass on my congratulations when you see him. |你见到他时,务请代我向他祝贺。
  ||<22>counsel|vt. |give sb. advice |劝告;忠告
  ||||He counseled them to give up the plan. |他劝他们放弃这个计划。
  ||||The school is now providing a service to counsel students with drug problems. |学校向有吸毒问题的学生提供咨询服务。
  |@|<23>date|vt.|have a romantic relationship with sb. |与...约会
  ||||I thought we were just friends, but when I started dating other men, he suddenly got really jealous. |我以为我们仅仅是普通朋友,但当我开始和其他人约会时,他突然变得妒忌起来。
  ||||The trouble is that they date very quickly. |问题是他们很快就开始了约会。
  |@|<24>subsequent|a.|happening after sth. else |后来的;随后的
  ||||The first and all subsequent visits were kept secret. |第一次及其随后的所有访问全都保密。
  ||||He died during the subsequent year. |他于次年去世。
  ||<25> <em>subsequently</em> |ad.    |after an event in the past |后来;接着
  ||||They subsequently heard he had left the country. |他们后来听说他已离开了那个国家。
  ||||The old school was bought and subsequently turned into a private house. |这所旧学校被买下来并随后改建成了私人住宅。
  ||<26>harbor||(BrE harbour) |
  |||vt.|keep sth. in one's mind for a long time |心怀;怀有
  ||||Tiffany's been harboring spite against our boss ever since her transfer was refused. |自从蒂芬妮的调职被拒绝后,她对我们的老板一直怀恨在心。
  ||||I'm certainly not harboring a secret liking for the man, if that's what you are thinking. |如果你这样想的话,我告诉你我并没有暗恋那个男人。
  |||n.|[C] a place of shelter for ships |港,港口
  ||||All the ships stayed in the harbor during the storm. |风暴期间所有的船只都停泊在港湾里。
  ||||Some of the best natural harbors in the world are there. |那里有几个世界上最好的天然港。
  ||<27>reservation|n.|1. [C, U] a feeling of doubt about whether sth. is good or right |存疑;保留
  ||||I support this measure without reservation. |我全力支持这项措施。
  ||||She had some about her new job. |她对新工作心存疑虑。
  ||||2. [C] an order of a room, seat, etc. in advance |预订
  ||||We made a reservation for dinner at the restaurant. |我们在这家饭店预定了晚餐。
  ||||I plan to leave on August 4, and have made my flight reservation for that date. |我打算8月4日离开,并已预订那天的机票。
  |@|<28>prejudice|n.|[C] an opinion or dislike of sb. or sth. that is not based on reason |偏见;成见
  ||||She has a prejudice against modern music. |她对现代音乐怀有偏见。
  ||||Many female college graduates are held back from some job opportunities by prejudice. |许多女大学毕业生都由于歧视而失去了一些工作机会。
  ||<29>charm|vt.|attract sb. |迷人;使陶醉
  ||||He's a very effective boss; he in some way charms you into doing what he wants. |他是个非常能干的老板,总有办法能让你去做他所希望的事。
  ||||I was charmed by this gentleman when he stood up gracefully and came to me for a dance. |当这位绅士优雅地站起来并走过来邀我跳舞时,我被他深深地吸引了。
  |||n.|[U] the quality of pleasing or attracting people |魅力;吸引力
  ||||She was a woman of great charm and she knew how to use it. |她是个很有魅力的女人,而且她知道怎样利用这种魅力。
  ||||It's a town with a lot of old-world charm. |这是个具有古老魅力的小镇。
  ||<30> <em>charming</em>|a.|very pleasing or attractive |迷人的;有魅力的
  ||||The old woman lived in a charming house near the beach. |那位老妇人住在海边一幢漂亮的房子里。
  ||||He nodded to me with a charming smile. |他带着迷人的微笑朝我点了点头。
  ||<31> <em>son-in-law</em> |n.  |[C] husband of one's daughter |女婿
  ||||His son-in-law is a rich banker. |他女婿是个有钱的银行家。
  ||||She welcomed her new son-in-law into the family with a warm handshake. |她和新女婿热情握手,欢迎他进入她家。
  |★|<32>caring|a.|kind and helpful toward other people |体贴的
  ||||a warm and caring man| 热心助人者
  ||||a caring attitude |乐于助人的态度
  |@|<33>indication|n.|[C, U] a sign that shows sth. |迹象
  ||||There are indications that the situation may be improving. |有迹象表明,形势可能会好转。
  ||||There is every indication of a change in the weather. |种种迹象都表明天气会变化。
  |@|<34>confirm|vt.|prove that sth. is true |证实;证明;确定
  ||||The announcements confirmed that the election would take place on June 20. |公告证实选举将于6月20日举行。
  ||||Everything you have just said confirms the view that nobody can be trusted. |你刚才所说的一切证实了一个观点:谁都不能信任。
  |||v.|make a plan, meeting, etc. certain, esp. by telephone or writing |确认
  ||||a note asking us to confirm when we would be arriving |要求我们确定何时抵达的便条
  ||||I'd like to confirm a reservation for a double room on the first of July. |我预订了7月1日一间双人房,想确认一下。
  ||<35>citizenship |n. |[U] the state of being a citizen; the rights of a citizen |公民身份;公民权利
  ||||What is your citizenship? |你的国籍是什么?
  ||||He wasn't sure if his citizenship could be revoked. |他不能肯定自己的公民身份是否会被取消。
  |@|<36>suspect|vt.|think that sth. is probably true |怀疑
  ||||Most people don't, I suspect, realize this. |我怀疑大部分人没有意识到这一点。
  ||||He couldn't have suspected that she was lying to him. |他根本不会想到她对他说的都是谎言。
  |||n.|[C] sb. who is thought to be guilty of a crime |嫌疑犯
  ||||The police have caught two suspects in connection with the bank robbery. |警方逮捕了两名涉嫌银行抢劫案的嫌疑犯。
  ||||Last week police finally had a suspect for the murder. |上星期警方终于查出那起谋杀案的一名嫌疑犯。
  ||<37>harsh|a.|1. cruel |严厉的;苛刻的
  ||||His behavior met harsh criticism from his family. |他的行为遭到了家人的严厉批评。
  ||||That is a very harsh punishment to give a young child. |那样惩罚一个幼儿很残忍。
  ||||2. unpleasantly loud and rough |刺耳的
  ||||The noise is too harsh to the ear. |那种噪声十分刺耳。
  ||||I cannot imagine how she became a broadcaster with her harsh voice. |她的声音那么刺耳,真难想象她是怎么当上播音员的。
  |@|<38>hesitate|vi.|be slow to speak or act because one feels uncertain or unwilling |犹豫;踌躇;迟疑
  ||||He hesitated before he spoke, as if he wasn't sure how his words would be received. |他在开口前犹豫了一会,好像不确定人们对他的话会有什么样的反应。
  ||||He who hesitates is lost. |当断不断,必受其患。
  |@|<39>cancel|vt.|say that sth. already planned will not happen |取消
  ||||The match had to be canceled because of bad weather. |因为天气不好比赛只好取消。
  ||||British Airways is canceling flights to Poland. |英国航空公司取消了飞往波兰的航班。
  |@|<40>proceed|vi.|go to a further or the next stage; go on |继续进行
  ||||Having said how much she liked it, she then proceeded to make critical comments about the way I'd done it. |她说她很喜欢我做的这件事,可接着就批评起我做这件事的方式来。
  ||||Let's proceed to the next question. |现在讨论下一个问题。
  |@|<41>quote|v.|repeat the words that sb. else has said or written |引用; 引述
  ||||She worked, to quote her daughter, "as if there was no tomorrow". |用她女儿的话讲,她工作起来“好像没有明天似的”。
  ||||He's always quoting from  <em>the Bible</em>. |他总是引用《圣经》里的话。
  |||n.|[C] words taken from a book, play, speech, etc. |引语,引文
  ||||a dictionary of quotes |引语词典
  ||||She finished her speech with a quote from Shakespeare. |她引用莎士比亚作品的一句话来结束自己的演说。
  |@|<42>hardship|n.|[C, U] the condition that life is very difficult |艰难;困苦
  ||||During the war we suffered many hardships. |战争期间我们尝尽了艰辛。
  ||||She's seen a lot of hardship in her life, but things are better now. |她一生经历了许多困苦,但现在情况好了。
  ||<43> <em>racist</em>|n.|[C] sb. who believes that some races are not as good as others and, therefore, treats them unfairly |种族主义者
  ||||Racists like those of the KKK spread their theories of racial superiority. |诸如三K党之流的种族主义者四处传播他们的种族优越论。
  ||||He is a racist who refuses to employ blacks. |他是种族主义者,拒绝雇佣黑人。
  ||<44>realistic|a. |based on facts; practical |实际的;现实的
  ||||Be realistic, you can't expect a big wage at 18. |要现实些,你不能指望18岁就能拿到高薪。
  ||||You have to be realistic about how long the job is going to take. |对这项工作要花多长时间你必须现实一些。
  ||<45> <em>devotion</em>|n.|[U] great love or loyalty |挚爱;热爱;忠诚
  ||||His devotion to work is exemplary. |他对工作的热爱堪作楷模。
  ||||The devotion of too much time to sports leaves too little time for studying. |如果花太多时间在体育活动上,那么学习的时间就不多了。
  ||<46> <em>idealistic</em> |a.  |believing in sth. firmly which is unlikely to come true |理想主义的;理想化的
  ||||Those people were especially idealistic. |这些人特别理想化。
  ||||You mustn't be too idealistic about what might happen in future. |对将来会发生什么你一定不能太理想化。
  |@|<47>resolve|vt.|1. solve a problem or difficulty |解决;解除
  ||||We need to resolve this difference quickly. |我们需要很快解决这场争端。
  ||||The couple resolved their differences and made an effort to get along. |这对夫妻解决了他们的矛盾,努力和睦相处。
  ||||2. make a definite decision to do sth. |决定;决心
  ||||The company resolved to take further action against thieves. |公司决定采取进一步的防盗措施。
  ||||She resolved that she would never speak to him again. |她打定主意再也不同他讲话了。
  <TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>
  ||<48>ups and downs |the mixture of good and bad experiences |盛衰;沉浮
  ||        |He stuck by her through all life's ups and downs. |他始终不渝地陪伴她历尽了人生的荣辱浮沉。
  ||        |Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life is like that. |像大多数夫妇一样,我们也经历过波折起伏。可生活就是那样的。
  ||<49>work out   |be successful or end in a certain way |成功;产生结果
  ||        |Things worked out quiet well. |事情的结局相当不错。
  ||        |Is your new roommate working out OK? |你的新室友与你合得来吗?
  ||<50>for a time |for a short period; temporarily |暂时;一度
  ||        |You'll have your own office soon but for a time you'll have to share one. |不久你会有自己的办公室,不过你暂时还得与别人合用。
  ||        |For a time, we all thought that Sherry and Frank would get married. |有一段时间,我们都以为雪莉和弗兰克会结婚。
  ||<51>meet with  |experience sth. by chance |遭遇;遇到
  ||        |She met with much kindness.| 她得到许多好心的帮助。
  ||        |They'd never met with such poor service before. |他们以前从未遇到过这么糟糕的服务。
  ||<52>all along  |all the time |始终
  ||        |I realized I had had it in my pocket all along. |我发现它一直就在我衣袋里。
  ||        |She was kind to me all along. |她一直对我很好。
  ||<53>have nothing to do with |have no connection with |与...无关
  ||        |In the evening he likes to read books which have nothing to do with his work. |晚上他喜欢看一些与工作无关的书籍。
  ||        |He's a thief and a liar; I'd have nothing to do with him, if I were you. |他又偷东西又撒谎,我要是你,我才不跟他来往呢。
  ||<54>on the surface  |when not observed, thought about, etc. deeply |表面上;外表上
  ||        |The plan seems on the surface to be quite practical. |表面看来这个计划很切实可行。
  ||        |On the surface, this seems like a difficult problem, but in fact there's an easy solution to it. |表面看来,这问题似乎很难,但实际上答案很简单。
  ||<55>at one's worst |in one's worst state |最差的时候;最糟糕的时候
  ||        |I'm at my worst in the morning. |我早晨的时候感觉最不好。
  ||        |This problem over delayed payment has shown him at his worst. |在拖延付款的问题上显示出他为人最糟糕的一面。
  ||<56>learn of   |come to know |获悉;听说
  ||        |I'm sorry to learn of your illness. |得知你生病,我甚为难过。
  ||        |We were shocked when we learned of his sudden death. |听到他突然去世的消息我们感到非常震惊。
  ||<57>take care of |be responsible for; deal with |负责;处理
  ||        |Her secretary took care of all her appointments. |她的约会都由她的秘书负责安排。
  ||        |All the travel plans have been taken care of. |所有旅行安排都处理好了。
  ||<58>proceed to do sth. |do sth. next; go on to do sth. |接着做某事
  ||        |After the boy finished with his own story, he proceed to ask me to tell him mine.|那个男孩儿讲完自己的故事后又让我告诉他我的故事。
  ||        |She had washed the clothes, and then, she proceeded to do the dishes. |她洗碗了衣服,接着又继续洗碗了。
  <TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>
  ||<59>Gail            | |盖尔 (女子名)
  ||<60>Deborah         | |德博拉 (女子名)

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