夏说英语新闻晨读 第182期:默克尔谋求连任
本期内容: Angela Merkel said that she wants to stand for a fourth term as German chancellor in next autumn's general election. She remains the country's most popular politician, despite criticism of her liberal stance on migration-and, since Do
夏说英语新闻晨读 第183期:川普组阁鹰派当道
本期内容: Donald Trump lavished praise on Mitt Romney, seeming to raise the former presidential candidate's chances of becoming secretary of state in the new Republican administration. Interrupting a stream of tweeted criticism of Saturday Nigh
夏说英语新闻晨读 第184期:卡斯特罗去世
本期内容: Fidel Castro died, aged 90. The Cuban Communist leader ruled the island for 47 years, ceding power to his brother Ral in 2006. Revered on the revolutionary left, he survived numerous American assassination attempts, and six presidents
夏说英语新闻晨读 第185期:英国退欧财政赤字加剧
本期内容: PhilipHammond,Britainschancelloroftheexchequer,gavethegovernmentsfirstdetailedbudgetannouncementsincetheBrexitvoteinJune.HeconfirmedforecastsofreducedGDPgrowthoverthenexttwoyears.Netgovernmentborrowing,whichintheMarchbudgetwasexpected
夏说英语新闻晨读 第186期:阿兹海默症药物试制失败
本期内容: Eli Lilly said that a clinical trial for a new drug to slow the onset of Alzheimers had failed. The drug, solanezumab, was tested on patients with mild cases of Alzheimers, who showed only a slight improvement after 18 months of treat
夏说英语新闻晨读 第187期:优步在欧洲惹官司
本期内容: The European Court of Justice began hearing legal arguments about whether Uber is a transportation firm or a digital service. The case has been taken to the EUs highest court by Barcelonas established taxi drivers, who, like taxi driv
夏说英语新闻晨读 第188期:经合组织预测美国经济走势
本期内容: TheOECDgavethethumbsuptoDonaldTrumpsplantoboostinfrastructurespending,sayingitwouldboostAmericaseconomy.Buttheorganizationalsowarnedthatanincreaseinprotectionismcouldriskimpairingalreadyweakgrowthinglobaltrade.Meanwhile,Americaseconom
夏说英语新闻晨读 第189期:法国总统奥朗德不再谋求连任
本期内容: FrancoisHollande,theFrenchpresident,announcedhewillnotseekre-election.Withanapprovalratingofjust4%,theSocialistsaidhepreferrednottoriskasplitinhisparty.ItsnewcandidatewillfaceEmmanuelMacron,aformerministerrunningasanindependent,Fran?o
夏说英语新闻晨读 第190期:意大利总理辞职
本期内容: Matteo Renzi, Italys prime minister, resigned after voters rejected constitutional reforms he had proposed in a referendum. The political uncertainty raises questions about the ability of Monte dei Paschi di Siena, the most troubled o
夏说英语新闻晨读 第191期:朴槿惠闺蜜门后续
本期内容: South Korea's parliament voted to impeach the president, Park Geun-hye, following an influence-peddling scandal that engulfed the country's biggest chaebol. Senior businessmen at Hyundai, Samsung and other firms were hauled in front o
夏说英语新闻晨读 第192期:雾霾锁京
本期内容: Chinadeclaredasmogemergencyin24north-easterncities,shuttingschools,curbingroadtrafficandurgingpeopletostayindoors.Morethan300flightswerecancelledorreroutedatBeijingCapitalAirport,afterthefourthdayofheavysmog.Theauthoritiesblamerulebre
夏说英语新闻晨读 第193期:俄罗斯大使遇刺身亡
本期内容: Russian investigators arrived in Turkey to inspect the scene of their ambassadors murder by a Turkish police officer. Both countries vowed that the assassination would not disrupt their ties. Police have detained a number of people, m
夏说英语新闻晨读 第194期:德国圣诞市场遭遇恐怖袭击
本期内容: German authorities released a 23-year-old Pakistani asylum-seeker who was arrested as a suspect in the massacre at a Berlin Christmas market. A Polish-registered lorry ploughed into the crowd, killing 12 and injuring 48, 30 of them se
夏说英语新闻晨读 第195期:亚马逊的空中帝国
本期内容: Amazonsecuredapatentforagiantflyingwarehousefromwhichfleetsofdronescouldshippackageswithinminutes,takingthee-commercegiantsplanstoautomatedeliveriestonewheights.Theairbornefulfilmentcenterwouldbecarriedbyanairshipatanaltitudeofupto45,
夏说英语新闻晨读 第196期:特斯拉松下联手
本期内容: Tesla and Panasonic are deepening their solar-energy partnership. The American carmaker and the Japanese electronics firm announced plans to manufacture solar cells at a plant in Buffalo, New York beginning in 2017. The two firms rece