夏说英语新闻晨读 第33期:中国股市熔断
本期内容: Trading in Chinas stockmarkets was suspended yesterday after the CSI 300 index dropped by 7%, triggering new circuit-breakersand sharp falls elsewhere. Britains FTSE 100 shed 2.4% and Germanys DAX 4.3%; the SP 500 was 2.3% down shortl
夏说英语新闻晨读 第34期:美联储内部对于加息有分歧
本期内容: TheFederalReservepublishedtheminutesofitsmeetinglastmonthatwhichitraisedAmericaninterestratesforthefirsttimesince2006.Althoughpolicymakersvotedunanimouslyfortheincrease,somesaidthedecisionwasaclosecall;theyexpressedconcernthatinflatio
夏说英语新闻晨读 第35期:欧洲难民潮恐将再建柏林墙
本期内容: Amid fears of uncontrollable movements of migrants, the Schengen passport-free travel zone buckled further. Sweden imposed border controls on travellers from Denmark. In response, Denmark instituted temporary spot-checks on its fronti
夏说英语新闻晨读 第36期:华为手机出货量排第三
本期内容: Huawei said that it shipped 108m smartphones last year, 44% more than in 2014, cementing it in third place behind Apple and Samsung. Its consumer divisions sales grew by almost 70%, to more than $20 billion. Last month the Chinese tel
夏说英语新闻晨读 第37期:毒枭人生中最后的挽歌
本期内容: TheheadofMexicosbiggestdrugcartelfacesextraditiontoAmericaafterbeingarrestedbyspecialforces.JoaqunGuzmn,knownasElChapo (Shorty),hadescapedfromjailinJuly,viaamile-longtunnel.AmeetingwithSeanPenn,aHollywoodstarwhohehopedwouldportrayhimi
夏说英语新闻晨读 第38期:于诸病苦为作良医
本期内容: TheWorldHealthOrganisationdeclaredLiberiafreeofEbola,endinganoutbreakinwestAfricawhichhaskilledmorethan11,000people.TheWHOsaysthediseasecouldstillflareupagain.Scientistsannouncedencouragingnewsonanewtreatment.Novaccineyetexists,though
夏说英语新闻晨读 第39期:亚投行正式开张
本期内容: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a development-finance institution led by China and seen as a rival to the World Bank, opened for business in Beijing. America is not among the 57 founding membersbut several of its allies, inc
夏说英语新闻晨读 第40期:微信潜在的竞争对手正在布局
本期内容: WhatsAppscrappeditssubscriptionfee.Themessagingapp,boughtbyFacebookfor$22billionin2014,hasuntilnowcost99centsayear(afterafreefirst12months).JanKoum,thefounder,saidWhatsAppwouldseektomakemoneybyallowingbusinessestocommunicatewithitsuse
夏说英语新闻晨读 第41期:告诉你一个真实的间谍故事
本期内容: A public inquiry in London reported that Alexander Litvinenko, an ex-KGB officer, was murdered in 2006 by two men working for Russias security service, probably on Vladimir Putins orders. Russia dismissed the report. Mr Litvinenko, a
夏说英语新闻晨读 第42期:卖教材的业绩不好
本期内容: Pearson, the worlds biggest educational publisher, issued its second profit warning in three months and said it would cut 4,000 jobs, about one-tenth of the total. The chief executive, John Fallon, blamed cyclical and policy-related c
夏说英语新闻晨读 第43期:广州下雪全球变暖的前兆
本期内容: A huge snowstorm hit the American east coast. At least 19 people died. Power supplies to 200,000 were cut and more than 11,000 flights were cancelled. The snowfall in New York, of 26.8 inches was the second-deepest in the citys histor
夏说英语新闻晨读 第44期:美国大选杀出一个独立参选者
本期内容: Michael Bloomberg is said to be considering standing for the American presidency as an independent. The wealthy media tycoon and former mayor of New York has toyed with the idea on several occasions before, but always concluded that t
夏说英语新闻晨读 第45期:埃及法老的胡子
本期内容: Egyptian prosecutors charged eight museum workers with the botched restoration of the burial mask of Tutankhamun. Having apparently broken the pharaohs beard through carelessness, the accused, including two museum directors, allegedly
夏说英语新闻晨读 第46期:麦当劳预测世界经济走势
本期内容: McDonalds served up appetising fourth-quarter results. Sales in America continued the recovery begun in the third quarter, rising by 5.7%. Steve Easterbrook, who became the fast-food giants boss last March, credited the introduction o
夏说英语新闻晨读 第47期:三星手机不如往年
本期内容: SamsungElectronics,theworldslargestsmartphone-maker,warnedthatitsprofitscouldfallforathirdsuccessiveyearin2016.TheSouthKoreangiantpointedtoslowingdemandforelectronicgadgetsandlowerpricesformemorychips,ofwhichitisalsothebiggestsupplier
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