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英国新闻听力 前伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊决定退选

时间:2021-12-07 02:38来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

The contest to become the leader of Britain's governing Conservative Party and Prime Minister has taken a dramatic twist, with the man widely-tipped for the post Boris Johnson pulling out of the race. The decision of Mr. Johnson, the most prominent figure in Britain's campaign to leave the European Union, shocked the political establishment, as our political editor Laura Kuenssberg reports. The biggest name bows out. Whether it's treachery or tragedy, Boris Johnson, known universally for his desire to become Prime Minister, has quit the race, and not even a week since the referendum results. It has unleashed1 a day of bitterness and recrimination inside the Conservative Party. There are several accounts of exactly what happened. Suggestions that Mr.Gove has been plotting for months, fiercely denied. Allegations that Boris Johnson was not getting enough support from MPs, that's Gove act too. But the only certainty, perhaps, is that a group of senior Tories who, for years, have seen themselves as in charge of the party's destiny, are at total odds2 with each other.

The European Union's Trade Commissioner3 Cecilia Malmstrom has said that Britain can only begin negotiations4 on a new trade deal with the E.U after it has left the bloc5. In a BBC interview, Ms Malmstrom suggested a long process of protracted6 talks lay ahead. The actual relationship between us and the United Kingdom in the future will not be negotiated in Article 50. That is the terms of exit. So there are actually two negotiations. First, you exit. And then, you negotiate the new relationship, whatever that is.

Researchers say they've found the first clear evidence that the thinning of the ozone7 layer above Antarctica is starting to heal. Their findings, published in the journal, Science, show that in 2015, the hole in the ozone layer was around 4 million square kilometres smaller than five years earlier. The reduction has been credited to the long-term phasing out ozone-destroying chemicals, which were widely used in refrigerators, sprays and air-conditioning.

A judge in the United States has ordered the retrial of a convicted murdered, whose case featured in Serial8 a hugely-popular podcast, which cast out on the evidence presented at the original trial. From Los Angeles Peter Bowers9. Adnan Syed has been serving a life sentence since being convicted 16 years ago of killing10 Hae Min Lee, who was a former classmate. At a court hearing earlier this year, Syed's lawyers argued that a crucial alibi11 witness and questionable12 mobile phone records were wrongly overlooked by his original defence lawyer. Now, a judge has said the lawyer rendered ineffective assistance, when she failed to cross-examine the prosecution13 expert about the evidence. The judge said he'd been swayed by new evidence uncovered by a spin-off podcast called Undisclosed, which followed up the story, after Serial became the most popular podcast of all time. World news from the BBC.

The U.S. military has confirmed that it's ended its ban on transgender individuals serving openly in the armed forces. The Defence Secretary, Ashton Carter, said he wanted to remove barriers to serving unrelated to people's abilities or qualifications. He said the armed forces needed to employ all available talent.

Two Israelis have been wounded in a knife attack by a Palestinian, just hours after a 13-year-old Israeli girl was stabbed to death in her home. Israeli police say that one of those wounded is in a serious condition. The attack happened in the city of Natanya.

Commemorations are taking place to mark the 100th anniversary that started the Battle of the Somme, one of the bloodiest14 encounters of the First World War. Thousands were killed on the first day of the battle. An overnight vigil is being held at the Thiepval War Memorial in northern France. Our correspondent Lucy Williamson is there. As night fell, they gathered on the monument to the battle's missing men, royalty15, political leaders, and the relatives of those who've fought here and died. They came to remember a battle that began with the deaths of almost 20,000 British soldiers and which left more than a million dead or wounded on both sides by its end. After music and readings written by those who saw the battle firsthand, soldiers from nations that once fought here began a rotating guard that will continue throughout the night.

The first of the quarter-final matches at the Euro 2016 football tournament has been won by Portugal. That was the reaction of thousands of Portuguese16 supporters in the Lisbon fan zone when the moment of victory came. Portugal beat Poland 5-3 on penalties, after the game ended 1-1 after extra time. Portugal will meet either Wales or Belgium in the semi-final.

美国法院对一起谋杀案做出重新审理,并认为此前的审理证据无效,这起案件曾在《Serial》广播剧中播出。请听皮特·鲍尔斯为您从洛杉矶发回的报道。16年前,阿德南·赛义德遭谋杀同学Hae Min Lee指控,并被判无期徒刑。但就在今年年初的听证会上,赛义德的律师称不在场证人和可疑电话记录遭前辩护律师忽视。如今,法官称前辩护律师为无效辩护,她没有就这份证据质问原告律师。就在《Serial》成为史上最火爆广播剧以后,另一部广播剧《Undisclosed》所提供的新证据引起了法官注意BBC全球新闻


1 unleashed unleashed     
v.把(感情、力量等)释放出来,发泄( unleash的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The government's proposals unleashed a storm of protest in the press. 政府的提案引发了新闻界的抗议浪潮。
  • The full force of his rage was unleashed against me. 他把所有的怒气都发泄在我身上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 odds n5czT     
  • The odds are 5 to 1 that she will win.她获胜的机会是五比一。
  • Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once?你知道赢得一次彩票的几率多大吗?
3 commissioner gq3zX     
  • The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest.专员发出了对她的逮捕令。
  • He was tapped for police commissioner.他被任命为警务处长。
4 negotiations af4b5f3e98e178dd3c4bac64b625ecd0     
协商( negotiation的名词复数 ); 谈判; 完成(难事); 通过
  • negotiations for a durable peace 为持久和平而进行的谈判
  • Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground. 谈判未能达成任何妥协。
5 bloc RxFzsg     
  • A solid bloc of union members support the decision.工会会员团结起来支持该决定。
  • There have been growing tensions within the trading bloc.贸易同盟国的关系越来越紧张。
6 protracted 7bbc2aee17180561523728a246b7f16b     
  • The war was protracted for four years. 战争拖延了四年。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We won victory through protracted struggle. 经过长期的斗争,我们取得了胜利。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 ozone omQzBE     
  • The ozone layer is a protective layer around the planet Earth.臭氧层是地球的保护层。
  • The capacity of ozone can adjust according of requirement.臭氧的产量可根据需要或调节。
8 serial 0zuw2     
  • A new serial is starting on television tonight.今晚电视开播一部新的电视连续剧。
  • Can you account for the serial failures in our experiment?你能解释我们实验屡屡失败的原因吗?
9 bowers e5eed26a407da376085f423a33e9a85e     
n.(女子的)卧室( bower的名词复数 );船首锚;阴凉处;鞠躬的人
  • If Mr Bowers is right, low government-bond yields could lose their appeal and equities could rebound. 如果鲍尔斯先生的预计是对的,那么低收益的国债将会失去吸引力同时股价将会反弹。 来自互联网
10 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
11 alibi bVSzb     
  • Do you have any proof to substantiate your alibi? 你有证据表明你当时不在犯罪现场吗?
  • The police are suspicious of his alibi because he already has a record.警方对他不在场的辩解表示怀疑,因为他已有前科。
12 questionable oScxK     
  • There are still a few questionable points in the case.这个案件还有几个疑点。
  • Your argument is based on a set of questionable assumptions.你的论证建立在一套有问题的假设上。
13 prosecution uBWyL     
  • The Smiths brought a prosecution against the organizers.史密斯家对组织者们提出起诉。
  • He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.他试图反驳原告方证人所作的断言。
14 bloodiest 2f5859cebc7d423fa78269725dca802d     
adj.血污的( bloody的最高级 );流血的;屠杀的;残忍的
  • The Russians were going to suffer their bloodiest defeat of all before Berlin. 俄国人在柏林城下要遭到他们的最惨重的失败。 来自辞典例句
  • It was perhaps the bloodiest hour in the history of warfare. 这也许是战争史上血腥味最浓的1个小时。 来自互联网
15 royalty iX6xN     
  • She claims to be descended from royalty.她声称她是皇室后裔。
  • I waited on tables,and even catered to royalty at the Royal Albert Hall.我做过服务生, 甚至在皇家阿伯特大厅侍奉过皇室的人。
16 Portuguese alRzLs     
  • They styled their house in the Portuguese manner.他们仿照葡萄牙的风格设计自己的房子。
  • Her family is Portuguese in origin.她的家族是葡萄牙血统。
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