LESSON 58 The idle boy 第五十八课 懒惰的男孩
The idle boy at school 懒惰的男孩在上学的年纪
"O dear me! what a terrible trouble it is to me to learn lessons! “啊~饶了我吧!对我来说学习课程是多么可怕的难题啊!
Here I have one, two—no, not two, but a whole column and a half of words with meanings, to get by heart. 我需要一,二,噢不,不是二,而是一整个栏目和接近一半的带意思的词汇需要用心学。
I wish words had no meanings! 我多么希望那些词汇没有意思啊!”
"Well, I suppose I must begin to learn them. “好吧~我想我必须开始学习它们。
P-r-i-s pris, o-n on, prison, 'a place where people are confined.' P-r-i-s pris,o-n on, prison,‘一个用于管制关押人的地方’
Why shouldn't they say school at once?—that's a prison, I'm sure. P-u-n pun, i-s-h ish, punish. 为什么他们不把学校称为prison(监狱)?P-u-n pun, i-s-h ish, punish(惩罚)。
I know the meaning of that word without the book. 我不需要借助书本就知道这个单词的意思。”
"Oh, this ugly lesson! I shall never get it. “噢!这个丑陋的课本!我再也不要学它。
P-l-e-a-s pleas, u-r-e ure, pleasure, 'that which Pleases.' Yes, I know that pleasure means swinging on gates and playing ball. ‘这是使人高兴的’是的,我知道乐趣就是在门口荡秋千和打球。”
"I dare say if John Grant heard me, he would say pleasure meant having a new book. “我敢说如果John Grant听到我说的,他肯定会说得到一本书是很开心的。
Read, read, read—I hate reading! When I become a man, I'll never open a book. Oh, how I wish I were a man now!" 读,读,读——我讨厌读书!当我成长为一个男人,我再也不要打开一本书。哦,我多想现在就成为一个男人啊(长大)!”
"Yes, I am a man; and woe1 is me for having been such a little fool when I was a boy! “是的!我长大了。当我还是一个小男孩的时候我是多么的愚蠢啊!
I hated my books, and took more pains to forget my lessons than ever I did to learn them. 我讨厌我的书本,然而现在才知道忘记学的知识比学会它们要吃更多的苦啊。”
"'Do, James,' said my father, 'learn your lessons, else you will be fit for nothing when you become a man.' “‘学吧,James’我的父亲曾经告诉我,‘学习知识,否则将来你长大了做什么都不合适’
'Do, James, give your mind to your books, else I shall be ashamed to own you for my boy,' said my mother. ‘学吧,James,把心用在学习上,否则身为你的父亲我会感到羞耻的’我母亲曾经这么对我说。”
"Now, there was John Grant; he liked play well enough, but he liked reading better; and he learned more out of school-hours than I did in them. “而John Grant,他很喜欢玩,但他更喜欢读书,而且在课余时间他比我读得更多。
John Grant is now, like myself, a man, but a very different kind of a man. 现在,John Grant像我一样成了男人,然而却是和我完全不一样的男人。”
"I see my error now—but it is too late. I have no time to read, for I must work for my daily bread." “我现在看到了自己犯的错——但是已经太迟了。我已经没有时间去读书了,因为我必须要为每天的生存而工作。”

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n.悲哀,苦痛,不幸,困难;int.用来表达悲伤或惊慌 | |
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v.看,注视,看到 | |
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