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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《遇见你之前》精讲>




  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 01 Now, you see, this is what we could be doing on a holiday. 你看 假期可以这样度过 Not all the hikingupmountains stuff you're planning 并不总是要爬山之类的 Tickles. Tickles 痒啊 好痒 You want me to stop? 你想让我停下来吗
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 02 Take care, John! 慢走约翰 Um. How many in this one? 这个热量有多少 170calories 170卡路里 You did have that one yesterday 你昨天点的就是这个 What about that one then? 那这个呢 220 220卡路里 But it is less if you eat them
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 03 A month's money. That's big of him 一个月的工资他可真大方 Given she's worked like a Trojan in that caf for the past six years 她可是在那家咖啡馆吃苦耐劳干了六年 He's closing down, love. He had no choice 咖啡馆倒闭了他
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 04 I'm just saying, put on a smile and head back to the job center 我只想告诉 面带微笑回到求职中心 Don't worry about the holiday 别担心度假的事 I'll pay 钱我来付 So the last two weeks, we've tried the chicken processing factory
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 05 I know it's not how you like to dress 我知道你不喜欢这么打扮 Is it how anyone likes to dress? 谁会喜欢穿成这样啊 It served me very well 我当年这样打扮效果就很好 In 1983! 那都是1983年了 Styles change love, but smar
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 06 Do you have any experience of caregiving? 你有过做护理的经验吗 Um, I've never done it but I'm sure I could learn 没有但我肯定能学会的 Do you have any experience with quadriplegia? 你对四肢瘫痪有了解吗 Er, no 没有 We ar
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 07 Will was injured in a road accident two years ago 威尔两年前在一场车祸中受了伤 Oh, I'm sorry 对不起 When I'm nervous, I just say stupid stuff 我只要一紧张就会说很多蠢话 I'm just popping out 我出去一下 Oh, another in
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 08 I must stress that Will should not be left alone for longer than 15 minutes 我要强调一下 威尔不能超过15分钟无人看护 And uh 还有 You might want to wear something a little less revealing 你最好不要穿这么暴露的衣服 Oh, y
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 09 He has good days and bad days 他的情绪时好时坏 Mrs. Traynor, I won't let you down 特里纳夫人我不会让你失望的 Good 很好 I have someone to meet you 我想给你介绍一个人 Yeah, he's decent, Mrs T 他准备好了特里纳夫人
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 10 I'm Lou! 我是路 Yeah. You already said that 你已经说过了 Shall I make us all a cup of tea? 不如我给大家泡杯茶吧 Wrench! Where's my wrench? 扳手我的扳手呢 Mum did you turn down the gas on my veg? 妈妈你把我煮菜的火关小
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 11 I have to handle drugs? 我得监督他吃药吗 Bloodpressure meds to raise it in the morning when he gets up 早上他起床时给他吃血压药提高血压 Antispasm tablets 缓解痉挛的药片 Four times a day to control muscular spasms 一天四
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 12 So I thought we could go out this afternoon 我想今天下午我们可以出去逛逛 Where do you have in mind? 你想去哪里 Well, I was told that you had a car that was adapted for wheelchair use 我听说你有一辆经过改装方便轮椅上下
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 13 How was he? 他今天怎么样 He done his Stephen Hawking impression yet or just stuck with My Left Foot? 他又摆出那副史蒂芬霍金的样子了吗 还是学《无悔人生》了 Ah, he's fine! 他挺好的 Okay. Well, you can take lunch now 好
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 14 Good morning 早上好 Every time I speak he looks at me like I'm stupid 我只要一说话他看我就像看傻子似的 To be fair, you are pretty stupid 老实说你确实挺傻的 Yeah, but he doesn't know that yet 是 但他还不知道啊 Maybe
  • 《遇见你之前》精讲 15 Louisa, some visitors are on their way 路易莎 有客人要来 Friends of Will's. It's unexpected 威尔的朋友们突然来访 You might need to 你最好 Oh, I'll make some tea or coffee 我会泡些茶和咖啡 And I'll make myself scarce 然后就