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  • 与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第22期:石油 Oil 石油 Oil is a very useful resource for humans. 石油对人类而言是非常有用的资源。 It is use to run vehicles, heat houses and make roads. 它被用来带动汽车、供暖和铺路。 And it is even use to make clothes and medicine
  • 与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第23期:飓风卡特里娜 Hurricane Katrina 飓风卡特里娜 What is the name you hate the most? 你最深恶痛绝哪个名字? If you asked people in Louisiana this quesion. They will say Katrina. 如果你问路易斯安那州人这个问题,他们会说卡特里娜。
  • 与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第24期:堤 Levee 堤 A levee is a system to control water levels. 堤是一种控制水位的系统。 When it rains a lot, floods can happen. 降雨很多时,就可能会发生洪水。 People build walls along rivers or coasts to prevent floods. 人们在河边
  • 与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第25期:图画文字 Pictograph 图画文字 What is a pictograph? 什么是图画文字? A pictograph is a picture that means a word. 图画文字是代表文字的图形。 Where and when do people use pictographs? 人们会在什么时间,什么地点使用图画文
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  • 与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第27期:莫奈 Monet 莫奈 Are you familiar with Monet? 你熟悉莫奈吗? Monet was a very famous artist and a lot of people know about him. 莫奈是位闻名遐迩的艺术家。 There are some interesting facts about him. 有一些关于他的趣闻。 Let'
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  • 与美国小学生一起学英文第7册 第32期:足球 Soccer 足球 Soccer is one of the most popular sports games in the world. 足球是世界上最受欢迎的一项体育运动。 In order to play soccer, there must be two teams. 踢足球要有两支队伍才行。 Each team consists of 12 players.
  • 与美国小学生一起学英文第8册 第1期:牡蛎 Oysters 牡蛎 Oysters live in salty water, so they are usually found in the sea. 牡蛎生活在咸水中,所以它们通常在海里。 Some oysters hate dirt or dust. 一些牡蛎讨厌尘土。 When a bit of sand goes into an oyster shell, 一粒