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  • 【一起听英语】航天行动

    今天讨论的话题主要是与航天有关的.... Dan: Hello, I'm Dan. Rob: And I'm Rob. Dan: And welcome to 6 Minute English! Today we're talking about NASA's final shuttle flight. Rob: NASA the American space agency is closing its shuttle servic...

  • 【一起听英语】电子书

    电子书由于其方便携带、随时查看的优点而越来越受到大家的欢迎,你喜欢看电子书吗? Dan: Hello, I'm Dan, and Alice has joined me for today's 6 Minute English. Hello, Alice! Alice: Hi Dan. Dan: Today we're talking abo...

  • 【一起听英语】抱怨

    抱怨是种坏情绪。解决不了问题,还会影响别人的情绪,我们应该如何应对抱怨呢? Dan: Hello, I'm Dan. Alice: And I'm Alice. Dan: And this is 6 Minute English! Hmm, I'll just have some coffee. Ugh, this coffee is disgust...

  • 【一起听英语】影院的座位

    影院的座位体验越来越高端了,让人看电影有身临其境的感觉..... Dan: Hello, I'm Dan. Alice: And I'm Alice. Dan: And this is 6 Minute English! Today we're talking about going to the theatre. Alice, are you a big fan of the theat...

  • 【一起听英语】装病

    你是否会为了逃避上班而装病,这在英语里有专门的一个词组来形容这种现象..... 6 Minute English bbclearningenglish.com 2011 Page 1 of 6 Dan: Hello, I'm Dan Alice: And I'm Alice. Dan: And this is 6 Minute English! And toda...

  • 【一起听英语】迷信的说法

    生活中有很多迷信的说法。你相信这些说法吗? Rob: Hello, I'm Rob. Alice: And I'm Alice. Rob: And this is 6 Minute English from the BBC. Today we're talking about superstitions. Superstition is the belief that certain events can bri...

  • 【一起听英语】万维网

    你对万维网了解多少? Dan: Hello, I'm Dan Alice: And I'm Alice. Dan: And this is 6 Minute English from the BBC. Today it's all about computers on 6 Minute English, because we're wishing a happy birthday to the World Wide Web! Alice: That's r...

  • 【一起听英语】购物的哲学

    为什么我们本来去超市打算只买一样东西的,最后回来的时候却发现多买了好多东西呢? Dan: Hello, I'm Dan. Alice: And I'm Alice. Dan: And this is 6 Minute English! Today we're talking about shopping. Alice have you eve...

  • 【一起听英语】购物方式

    人们购物方式也千差万别,有的人喜欢买东西的时候看好就拿走就可以了,而有的人,则是货比三家,最终定夺,你喜欢哪种呢? Dan: Hello, I'm Dan. Rob: And I'm Rob. Dan: And this is 6 Minute English from...

  • 【一起听英语】游泳

    游泳是一项生存技能也是一个锻炼身体的好方式..... Rob: Hello, I'm Rob Callum: And I'm Callum. Rob: And this is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. Today we're talking about swimming. Now, Callum, how old were you when you s...

  • 【一起听英语】军人与老师

    你听说过军人退役后当老师的吗?专家认为军人更适合当老师,也更会成为好的老师,真是这样吗? Rob: Hello, I'm Rob Cath: And I'm Cath. Rob: And this is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. Today we're talk...

  • 【一起听英语】兴奋剂

    兴奋剂的使用在大型赛事里是被完全禁止的,可以为什么还是会有人铤而走险呢? Rob: Hello, I'm Rob Cath: And I'm Cath. Rob: And this is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. Today we're talking about doping in spor...

  • 【一起听英语】巧妙的发明

    你知道哪些巧妙的发明? 6 Minute English bbclearningenglish.com 2011 Page 1 of 6 Rob: Hello, I'm Rob Cath: And I'm Cath. Rob: And this is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. Today we're talking about an ingenious invention. Cath: So...

  • 【一起听英语】便携式塑料袋

    塑料袋的使用大大方便了我们的生活,但与此同时也给我们的环境造成了很大的负担.....应该如何正确得使用呢? Rob: Hello, I'm Rob Cath: And I'm Cath. Rob: And this is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English....

  • 【一起听英语】工作上的压力

    每个人生活中都有压力,工作中的、生活中的,工作上的压力你们是如何排遣的呢? Rob: Hello, I'm Rob Neil: And I'm Neil. Rob: And this is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. Today we're talking about stress. Nei...
