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  • 有声英文阅读-预测地震

    Predicting Earthquakes Can earthquakes be predicted? Scientists are working on programs to predict where and when an earthquake will occur. They hope to develop an early warning system that can be use...

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    Leisure and Leadership Observations and research findings indicate that people in advanced industrial societies are increasingly concerned with opportunities for leisure and what they can do in their...

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    The Time Message You may have been exposed to this idea before, but this time try to hear. There is a message that is trying to reach you, and it is important that it get through loud and clear. The m...

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    Aging in European Countries We have to realise how old, how very old, we are. Nations are classified as "aged" when they have 7 per cent or more of their people aged 65 or above, and by about 1970 eve...

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