愉悦口语:第257期 飞吻英文怎么说
讲解文本: blow/throw a kiss 飞吻 He blew her a kiss and left. 他给了她一个飞吻然后离开了。 She waved her handkerchief and threw him a kiss. 她挥动手帕, 给他一个飞吻。 疯狂练习吧!
愉悦口语:第258期 不是闹着玩英文怎么说
讲解文本: no joke 不是闹着玩的,不容易的事,并非儿戏 It was no joke carrying those heavy bags. 搬那些重袋子可不是件轻松的事。 It's no joke catching a cold when you are recovering from an injury. 你正在养伤,受
愉悦口语:第259期 崇拜还能这样说
讲解文本: put someone on a pedestal 崇敬,崇拜,把某人放在神坛上 She married a man who put her on a pedestal. 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。 If you put people on a pedestal, they will fall. 你若是过度美化别
愉悦口语:第260期 无缘无故英文怎么说
讲解文本: for no reason 无缘无故,没有理由的,平白无故 They started to laugh for no reason at all. 他们无缘无故就开始大笑。 He yelled at me for no reason. 他无缘无故冲我大吼大叫。 疯狂练习吧!
愉悦口语:第261期 说空话英文怎么说
讲解文本: hollow 空洞的,无内容的,无意义的 His words sound hollow. 他说的话听起来都是空话。 I am so sick of your hollow promises. 我受够了你虚伪空洞的承诺。 疯狂练习吧!
愉悦口语:第262期 多管闲事英文怎么说
讲解文本: have a finger in every pie 好管闲事,事事参与 She likes to have a finger in every pie. 她特别爱管闲事。 My boss has a finger in every pie. 我的老板是一个事必躬亲的人。 疯狂练习吧!
愉悦口语:第263期 不光彩英文怎么说
讲解文本: shady 可疑的,不光彩的,肮脏的(交易等) What he's doing is a bit shady. 他的行为有些可疑呀。 He was involved in shady business deals 他参与了一些见不得人的商业交易。 疯狂练习吧!
愉悦口语:第264期 合不来英文怎么说
讲解文本: see eye to eye 意见一致,有相同看法 I dont see eye to eye with the new manager. 我和新来的经理有些合不来。 My parents see eye to eye on my marriage with Kate. 我父母在我和凯特的婚姻问题上是意见一
愉悦口语:第265期 没兴致英文怎么说
讲解文本: feel up to 觉得能胜任、有能力做,觉得身体或心情上够得上 I hope you don't mind but I just don't feel up to the party tonight. 今晚我实在没有兴致去party,希望你别介意。 He doesn't feel up to the j
愉悦口语:第266期 笨手笨脚英文怎么说
讲解文本: clumsy 笨手笨脚,笨拙的 How clumsy of me to break the cup! 我打碎了这个杯子,我是有多笨! He is so clumsy that he can't even tie his shoes. 他笨手笨脚的,连系鞋带都不会。 疯狂练习吧!
愉悦口语:第267期 千篇一律英文怎么说
讲解文本: in a rut 墨守成规,千篇一律,老一套 I don't like being in a rut, I like to keep moving on 我不喜欢一成不变,我喜欢不断进取。 We do the same things every weekend, do you think we're in a rut? 每个周末我
愉悦口语:第268期 露骨英文怎么说
讲解文本: close to home 触到痛处,说得太露骨 His words were a little too close to home. 他说的话有些太露骨了。 I don't want to watch this movie, it is too close to home. 我不想看这个电影,它触及了我的痛处。
愉悦口语:第269期 撸起袖子加油干英文怎么说
讲解文本: roll up our sleeves 撸起袖子 roll up 卷起来 sleeve 袖子 Let's roll up our sleeves and work hard. 让我们撸起袖子加油干! I always like to roll up my sleeves, it looks cool. 我一般喜欢把衣服袖子卷起来,因
愉悦口语:第270期 土豪英文怎么说
讲解文本: deep pockets 财富,财力雄厚的人(或公司) She married a man with deep pockets. 她嫁了个土豪。 These investments are made by companies with deep pockets. 这些项目的投资商非常有钱。 疯狂练习吧!
愉悦口语:第271期 抓狂英文怎么说
讲解文本: pull one's hair out (焦虑得)抓狂 I am pulling my hair out for the exam. 考试让我抓狂。 My parents would pull their hair out, if I don't get home on time. 如果我不按时回家,我爸妈会非常担心的。 疯狂练