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相关教程: 愉悦口语


  • 愉悦口语:第676期 open还能这样用 be open to 乐意接受,愿意考虑,对开放 We are open to a discussion with them. 我们很愿意和他们一起讨论。 This place should be open to everyone. 这个地方应该对每个人都开放。
  • 愉悦口语:第677期 巅峰时期英文怎么说 heyday 全盛时期,巅峰时期,年轻力壮之时 This company was really big in its heyday. 这家公司在全盛时期真的很大。 He is too weak to beat me in my heyday. 全盛时期的我,他根本不可能击败。
  • 愉悦口语:第678期 没带脑子英文怎么说 out to lunch 疯狂的,神志不清的,离谱的 This guy is really out to lunch. 这个人脑子真是有点问题! Are they out to lunch or what? 他们是脑子进水了还是怎样?
  • 愉悦口语:第679期 碰运气英文怎么说 roll the dice 掷色子,碰运气,孤注一掷试一试 I'm gonna roll the dice on this. 这件事我就碰碰运气试一下吧。 Sometimes you just roll the dice and you let it go. 有时候你只需要孤注一掷试一下,然后顺其自然。
  • 愉悦口语:第680期 无名小卒英文怎么说 nobody 无名小卒,毫无影响力的小人物 A man like me has nothing to fear from a nobody like you. 像我这样的人,一点都不害怕像你这种小人物。 Don't worry. Mike is a nobody in the company. 别担心,麦克在公司里根本
  • 愉悦口语:第681期 你去哪呀还能这样说 where are you off to 你上哪儿去,你要去哪儿 -Where are you off to? 你去哪呢。 -The park. 去公园。 -The gym。 去健身房。 -I have a date. 我有个约会。
  • 愉悦口语:第682期 虚弱英文怎么说 clammy 病态的,虚弱的 You look pale and clammy. Are you ok? 你看起来苍白又虚弱,你还好吗? When I got there, I suddenly felt so clammy and dizzy. 当我到那里的时候,我突然感到很虚弱,头很晕
  • 愉悦口语:第683期 彻底英文怎么说 in a big way 大规模地,彻底地,充分地 Things will change in a big way. 情况会发生彻底改变。 Now the city is being developed in a big way. 这座城市正在大规模的发展中。
  • 愉悦口语:第684期 白日做梦还能这样说 in your dreams 做梦去吧,不可能,我不信 A: I caught a very big fish. This big. 我抓到一条鱼,这么大。 B: In your dreams! There's no way you caught a fish that big. 做梦吧,你不可能抓到那么大的鱼。
  • 愉悦口语:第685期 高端英文怎么说 high-end 高端的,高档的(尤指电子产品) My brother is very into high-end equipments. 我哥哥对各种高档设备特别喜欢。 I can't afford this high-end apartment. It's too expensive for me. 这种高档公寓我可买不起,对
  • 愉悦口语:第686期 偷偷摸摸英文怎么说 sneak around 偷偷摸摸,鬼鬼祟祟 When I want to smoke, I have to sneak around because my boyfriend doesnt like it. 我想抽烟的时候必须偷偷摸摸的,因为我男朋友不喜欢。 He is sneaking around behind your back. 他在你背后
  • 愉悦口语:第687期 注定英文怎么说 be bound to 注定,必然,一定要,不得不 We knew that it was bound to happen. 我们早就知道这注定会发生。 If so, our company will be bound to cut spending. 这样的话,我们公司将必然削减开支。
  • 愉悦口语:第688期 珍惜时间还能这样说 seize the day 抓住今天,把握现在 Seize the day. Work hard. 把握今天,努力工作! Life is short. Seize the day, seize the hour. 生命很短暂,把握今天,把握此刻。
  • 愉悦口语:第689期 毫无保留英文怎么说 unreservedly 毫无保留的,完全的 Mike told me the whole thing unreservedly. 麦克把整件事毫无保留的告诉了我。 She has devoted herself unreservedly to the great cause. 她毫无保留地献身于这伟大的事业。
  • 愉悦口语:第690期 诀窍英文怎么说 know-how 诀窍,专有技术,实际知识,专门技能 They taught us all their technical know-how. 他们把技术诀窍都传给了我们。 I'm looking for some gardening know-how. 我正在搜索园艺的相关知识。