Are You an Attractive Woman/Man?
If you want to know|whether you are an attractive woman, please read these qualities|which men admire most|as follow.
Intelligence. “Thepopularity of the ‘dumb blonde’|is no more. I prefer to know|and be with girls|who are real people, people|who can think.”
Honesty. “A girl who is dishonest, one|who can‘t be trusted, is to be avoided|like the plague.”
A good figure. “Men look at|women with a good figure. Its probably the first thing|that catches my attention about a woman. It’s too bad|how some girls let themselves go|until they aren’t even noticed.”
Good morals. “I am simply not interested in a girl|who doesn’t know right from wrong. Fellows talk about promiscuous girls, but they aren’t interested in them|as people — and they seldom marry one.”
Respect for self. “If a girl doesn’t think much of herself, I don’t think much of her either.”
Sense of humor. “A girl|who can’take a joke|when it is on her|is loved by everyone.”
Socially at ease. “It makes a fellow proud|to be with a girl|who is at ease — not tense — in any situation.”
An even temper. “How would you like to go with a girl|who exploded in anger|at the least little thing? I like a girl|with a dependable disposition1.”
If you want to know|whether you are an attractive man, please read qualities|women most admire in men:
Honest. “I like a man|who is honest|in what he says|and what he does. You must be able to trust him. If you can’t, a close relationship|just isn’t worth the pain.”
Respect for others. “The man|who has respect for others|is usually the man|who has respect for himself. I think|this is a good tip-off|to his overall character.”
Interest in and concern for others. “Selfish men|I can do without. The person|who is really interested in|and concerned for others|is a real human being.”
Good morals. “While standards of morality|have undergone a change|in recent years, it is still important to a girl|that a fellow have good morals.”
Sense of humor. “Being serious all the time|is a bore. I prefer to be with people|who can see the funny side of life.”
温和的性情。“你愿意和一个为鸡毛蒜皮的小事而大动肝火的女孩一起出去吗? 我喜欢性格稳重的女孩。”

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n.性情,性格;意向,倾向;排列,部署 | |
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