Scene 128 乐活
❶“乐活”是一个缩略词,表示健康和可持续的生活方式。LOHAS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability.
❷ 我把自己称作“乐活族”。I call myself a LOHAS.
对话 A: What do you think about life? 你怎么看待生活?
B: I call myself a LOHAS. 我把自己称作“乐活族”。
❸ 对“乐活族”来说,生活可以归纳为“做好事,看起来很健康,感觉也不错”。For LOHAS, life boils down to“do good, look good, and feel good”.
❹ 想过舒适的生活是人的本性。It's human nature to want a comfortable life.
对话 A: Who doesn't want a comfortable life? 谁不想过舒适的生活?
B: It's human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活是人的本性。
❺ 我对未来有信心。I'm confident about my future.
对话 A: I'm confident about my future. 我对未来有信心。
B: Me, too. Let's try our best. 我也是,我们努力吧。
❻ 我相信努力会得到回报。I believe that efforts will be rewarded.
同类表达 I strongly believe my efforts could lead to somewhere. 我深信我的努力可以得到回报。
❼ 生态旅游最近形成了一股风潮。Recently strong interest has developed in ecotourism.
❽ 吸烟有害身体健康。Smoking is harmful to your health.
对话 A: Don't get me started on how important to quit smoking. 别让我再说戒烟的重要性。
B: I know that you gonna say“Smoking is harmful to your health”. 我知道你会说“吸烟有害身体健康”。
❾ 我乘坐公共交通工具没问题。Using public transportation is fine to me.
同类表达 I feel taking public transportation is very convenient. 我觉得乘坐公共交通工具很方便。
对话 A: How about taking subway? 坐地铁怎么样?
B: Using public transportation is fine to me. 我乘坐公共交通工具没问题。
❿ 我相信明天会更好。I believe that tomorrow will be better.
对话 A: Being optimistic is very important. 保持乐观非常重要。
B: I believe that tomorrow will be better. 我相信明天会更好。